上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试 英语试题(含部分答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



2023 学年第二学期期末测试
(120 分钟 140 分)
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the f our possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. Today. B. Three days ago. C. Two days ago. D. Yesterday.
2. A、Her husband. B. A waiter. C. An airport staff. D. A taxi driver.
3. A. He will not attend the meeting. B. He didn't get the message.
C. He will call the woman back. D. He didn't understand the message.
4. A. Discuss the need to arrive on time with Jack.
B. Praise Jack for his attendance.
C. Give back more time to complete his share of work.
D. Ask Jack to reschedule the meeting.
5. A. Look for Tom with the man. B. Call Tom in a few minutes.
C. Look for Tom's phone number. D. Go to the class with the man.
6. A. Prepare healthier meals. B. Save money by eating at home.
C. Buy a smaller TV. D. Spend less on buying things.
7. A. Tony's disappointment won't last long. B. Tony's birthday party is boring anyway.
C. He will go to the party with the woman. D. He will ask Tony to postpone the party.
8. A. She’d also like to watch the show.
B. The man shouldn't waste his time watching TV.
C. The show doesn't start till later that day.
D. The man had better wait for her for 30 minutes.
9. A. Ask Sandy to say sorry. B. Apologize to Sandy.
C. Make clear why Sandy is mad. D. Sandy probably is not really angry with the man.
10. A. He can't attend the soccer match. B. He is surprised the woman likes soccer.
C. He doesn't enjoy playing soccer. D. He’d like to play soccer more often.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two one longer conversation and two short passages, and you will be asked several questions on the conversation and each of the passages. The conversation and the passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following conversation.
11. A. It's kind of boring. B. It's too stressful for him.
C. It's exhausting. D. It's the right job for him.
12. A. He wants to make more money. B. He prefers a more stressful lifestyle.
C. He enjoys working in a bank. D. He hopes to prove his working ability.
13. A. She likes the job which helps people look good.
B. She enjoys talking to other people about fashion.
C. She hopes for a discount for the clothes she wants to buy.
D. She knows how to talk people into buying more things.
14. A. She was good at getting people to buy things.
B. She liked to be with a lot of people
C. She enjoyed talking to strangers.
D. She was easy to be persuaded.
Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.
15. A. Cooking lessons are mainly designed for girl students.
B. Cooking courses will be compulsory for overweight students.
C. Cooking lessons are regarded as important as art lessons.
D. Cooking education used to be common in English schools.
16. A. They can't find the right teachers for the new lessons.
B. They have doubts on what kind of cooking to teach.
C. They don't have enough school hour for cooking lessons.
D. They have no kitchens for hands-on cooking lessons.
17. A. To avoid a new crisis after another 30 years.
B. To discover their potential of living on themselves.
C. To learn a life skill which is of great fun.
D. To gain more knowledge than previous generations
Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
18. A. How we can fight against gender inequality today.
B. There are dramatic differences between two genders.
C. Why women are underrespresented in science and technology.
D. A new study finds that females tend to have better jobs than men.
19. A. Many women who are good at Maths don't choose STEM careers.
B. More female students achieve higher scores in the SAT than male ones.
C. Females show strengths in both Maths and language skills.
D. Fewer women work in science, technology, engineering or medicine.
20. A. Females are just not that interested in these fields.
B. Women tend to choose jobs for which they get more support.
C. Females are not very likely to be Maths geniuses.
D. Women don't have as much talent in these fields as men.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Leonardo da Vinci or the Chinese
It has long been considered that Leonardo da Vinci was actually the first person to ever draft a landscape on August 5th, 1473. This unprecedented act of describing mountains and trees on their own was revolutionary and surely helped Leonardo’s already genius status, but is this really the truth Long before one of the greatest minds of humanity was born, the Chinese artists have been painting landscapes, (21) (describe) rivers and rocks, mountains and trees, for centuries. Leonardo’s1473 drawing actually looks a lot like a painting Winter Evening Landscape by Li Gongnian, (22) (paint) in 1120, over350 years before da Vinci's famous sketch.
The western world tends to center (23) in terms of inventions, the practice that continues on even to the 215t century. Just (24) (look ) back on your years in school and try to remember one thing you learned about the Far East, whether its history or art, and I be t that you will have to think long and hard(25) you remember anything. This, of course, is nothing new of scandal(丑闻), as all cultures tend to think (26) their own as the most important one, but when it comes to unfairly crediting a western artist for something the Chinese have been doing for centuries, the Western-centrism becomes a bit of a problem,(27) brings us to Chinese landscape painting. The artists from the Middle Kingdom have been painting with such sensitivity and poetry while Europe was in the midst of fighting the cruel crusades(十字军东征) and completely forgetting the flourishing creativity of the ancient Greece. China has been in its golden age that Europe would not see until the ages of Leonardo and Van Gogh, who (28) (inspire) interestingly, heavily by the Chinese art. It is still a mystery (29) da Vinci's sketch looks almost exactly like the Gongnian piece, which draws the curious minds(30) (wonder)if Leonardo had somehow managed to see the painting for himself, maybe through the artifacts brought from the Silk Road.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once.Note that there one word more than you need.
A. avoid B. diligent C. flexible D. guidance E. imagination F. independent
G. initiative H. prospects I. pursue J. ruin K. unrealistic
Why don't you get a proper job
Today's 14-and 15-year-olds are ambitious. They are optimistic about their 31 , but their career ideas are rather vague. A job for life is not in their vocabulary; neither is a dead-end but se cure job that is boring but pay s the bills. Almost half the boys surveyed expected that their hobbies would lead them into the right sort of job, while most girls seemed determined to 32 traditionally female careers such as nursing.
In the past, this might have counted as bad news. But the world has changed. The global economy is not kind to yesterday's 33 and dependable worker. The future belongs to quick-thinking people who are resourceful, ambitious and can take the 34 . This means that a 14-year-old who sees her working future as a kind of adventure, to be made up as she goes along, is not necessarily being 35 .
However, she has to have the training and 36 to help her develop the right skills for today's market;not the rigid(死板的) preparation for a workplace that disappeared 20 years ago. So what is to be done Agood first step would be to change the way in which schools prepare young people for adult life. The education system is becoming less 37 and more obsessed (无法摆脱) with traditional skills at just the time that the employment market is going in the opposite direction.
Accurate, up-to-date information on new jobs and qualifications can help guidance counsellors to help their students. Young people need solid information on the sort of training they need to= 38 the career of their dreams. Also, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way.
What, then, can we as parents do to help them The best thing is to forget all the advice that our parents gave us, and step into our teenager's shoes. Once we've don c that, it's easier to see how important it is that they learn how to be 39 and resourceful. Give them the courage to follow their dreams—however odd they might sound right now. In a world that offers economic security to almost no one, 40 is a terrible thing to waste.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C, and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Throughout history, many lives have been lost at the hands of severe weather. Meteorologists(气象学家)and scientists al ike are always investigating new ways to increase the warning time for storms, with the hope of reducing the 41 of lives. In the past few decades, local weather radar advancements have been made,which allow for better accuracy in 42 the paths of storms.
Meteorologists and scientists have been able to successfully track severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes by using an advanced tracking system called NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar). NEXRAD is a tracking network 43 158 Doppler weather radars. And during a storm this high-resolution computerized 44 takes readings on the amount of precipitation(降水) in the air. the movements in the clouds, and the wind speeds.
These 45 are bounced back to a local weather computer, and a colorful image appears on the screen,giving meteorologists a clear picture of what kind of weather is on the horizon. This final image is what you see when the meteorologist breaks in with severe weather reports and warnings. 46 , on your television screen you will see a computer animated image of the approaching storm.
If the storm is severe enough, then the National Weather Service (NWS) will 47 se vere weather reports of severe thunderstorm warnings for your area. 48 , the storm captured on the radar will have produced strong readable winds, detectable lightning, and some hail (冰雹). Paying attention to the weather map is 49 when severe weather is around.
On the television screen you will see several colors on the precipitation map, 50 from blue (the lightest) to black(the heaviest). If the colors for your 51 area are yellow, take caution. If the colors range between orange and red, take cover immediately, as damaging winds and dangerous lightning have been reported.
When local weather radar in Atlanta, Georgia reported high winds, circular wind patterns and large hail earlier this year, the National Weather Service issued a tornado 52 . Meteorologists in the area used the collected data to predict what path the storm would take, 53 which areas needed to be warned.
Thanks to this technology, most residents received the severe weather reports early enough to seek 54 before the storm hit. Paying attention to your 55 weather source during severe weather plays a vital role in your safety.
41. A. loss B. increase C. protection D. value
42. A. changing B. controlling C. predicting D. guiding
43. A. faced with B. exposed to C. involved in D. made up of
44. A. structure B. system C. mode D. style
45. A. figures B. data C. readings D. statistics
46. A. Most likely B. Most evidently C. Most interestingly D. Most importantly
47. A. decide B. estimate C. handle D. issue
48. A. By the way B. In that case C. To some extent D. On the contrary
49. A. vital B. reasonable C. normal D. available
50. A. expanding B. spreading C. ranging D. extending
51. A. proper B. specific C. typical D. regular
52. A. process 13. threat C. warning D. sign
53. A. indicating B. recognizing C. covering D. recommending
54. A. rescue B. residence C. support D. shelter
55. A. local B. international C. nationwide D. neighborhood
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fit s best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Zoe Chambers was a successful PR (Public Relations) consultant and life was going well——she had a great job, a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London. Then one evening in June last year, she received a text message telling her she was out of work. The first two weeks were the most difficult to live through."she said. "After everything I'd done for the company, they dismissed me by text! I was so angry and I just didn't feel like looking for another job. I hated everything about the city and my life."
Then, Zoe received an invitation from an old school friend, Kathy, to come and stay. Kathy and her husband, Huw, had just bought a farm in north-west Wales. Zoe jumped at the chance to spend a weekend away from London, and now, ten months later, she is still on the farm.
"The moment I arrived at Kathy's farm, I loved it and I knew I wanted to stay." said Zoe. "Everything about my past life suddenly seemed meaningless."
Zoe has been working on the farm since October of last year and says she has no regrets. "It's a hard life,physically very tiring."she says."In London I was stressed and often mentally exhausted. But this is a good,healthy tiredness. Here, all I need to put me in a good mood is a hot bath and one of Kathy's wonderful dinners."
Zoe says she has never felt bored on the farm. Every day brings a new experience. Kathy has been teaching her how to ride a horse and she has learnt to drive a tractor. Since Christmas, she has been helping with the labing — watching a lamb being born is unbelievable, she says, "It's one of the most moving experiences I've ever had. I could never go back to city life now."
56. When working as a PR consultant in London, Zoe thought she lived a life.
A. satisfying B. tough C. meaningless D. boring
57. The most important reason why Zoe went to visit Kathy's farm is that .
A. Zoe lost her job as a PR consultant B. Kathy persuaded her to do so
C. Zoe got tired of the city life D. Zoe loved Wales more than London
58. How docs Zoe feel about the country life according to the passage
A. Tiresome and troublesome. B. Romantic and peaceful
C. Mentally exhausting but healthy D. Physically tiring but rewarding.
59. Which of the following is closest to the main idea of the passage
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. Where there is a will, there is a way.
C. A misfortune may turn out a blessing. D. Kill two birds with one stone.
How to get your tax refund
At the store
Get a Global Blue Tax Free Form. If you do not have a SHOP TAX FREE Card, see“How to fill in your Tax Free Forms".
Make sure your Tax Free Form is filled in before arriving at the point of departure.
Remember no refund without:
Completed Receipts Customs
Form attached validation (验证)
At the point of departure
For non-EU residents only
Goods carried in checked-in luggage:
1. Check your luggage in at the check-in counter;tell the check-in clerk you need it back forCustoms purposes.
2. Take the labelled luggage to Customs, show the goods, and have your Tax Free Forms stamped.
3. Cash in your stamped Form at the appropriate refund service provider.
Goods carried in hand luggage:
1. Go to Customs after passport control, show the goods, and have your Tax Free Forms stamped. Please note:Customs clearance of goods in hand luggage can only take place at the last EU airport before you finally leave the EU.
2. Cash in your stamped Form at the appropriate bank count er or post it to the appropriate refund service provider.
Allow time for the re fund process. Go to Customs before or after check-in, see Refund Office list. Present your completed Tax Free Forms, receipts, passport, and purchased items to get a stamp.
Go to a Refund Office displaying the Global Blue logo(标识). Receive your refund paid to your credit card within five days or in cash.
In a rush Mail your stamped and completed Tax Free Forms and receipts back to us in the envelope provided and get your refund paid to your credit card within three weeks.
* EU: European Union
60. Whom is the above information intended for
A. EU residents who want to get their tax refunded.
B. Non-EU residents who are going to travel in EU.
C. EU residents who have Global Blue Tax Free Forms.
D. Non-EU residents who are leaving EU after purchases.
61. To get your tax refund, you need to after having your luggage checked in if you've put your purchased goods in your check-in luggage.
A. show your purchased goods to the check-in clerk
B. cash in your stamped Form at the check-in counter
C. take back your luggage to the Customs to get a stamp
D. go to the Customs to fill in a form without the luggage
62. What can be learned from the passage
A. It's a must to attach the receipts to the form to get your tax refund.
B. It's unnecessary to show your passport to the Customs for a stamp.
C. You can get your refund in cash after posting your form if in a hurry.
D. You can get your refund by credit card at once at the appropriate counter.
Here is one of the world's largest indoor ski-slopes. It covers an area of 22,500m , about the same size as three football fields, and the temperature is a constant -1°C to -2°C. However, the strangest thing about this place is that it's in the middle of the desert! It's called Ski Dubai and the outside temperatures can rise to more than 40℃!
It sounds crazy, but it just shows how serious people are about having fun. We spend huge sums on sports facilities. We pay our sports stars ridiculous amounts of money. And we spend hour after hour playing games! I wonder if all the sports-lovers and game-players in the world aren’t a little crazy. I know I am. Iwas once driving past a football field where some kids were playing. I turned to watch and crashed my car. Iknow it's stupid but I can do nothing about it. As someone said,“Football isn't a matter of life and death. It's much more important than that!”
Of course, it isn't that important really. No game is. But the problem is that games are addictive(使人上瘾的). From the tennis court to the golf course, you'll find participants and spectators who can't live without the drug of their choice. It could be a good thing. After all, despite being addictive, it's true that sports and games help us to relax. Maybe if it wasn't for sport, our societies would be more violent. Perhaps sport is a substitute for war It's hard to think of a quieter, more peaceful game than chess, and what's the objective Capturing your opponent's king. And surely, it's better to have wars in athletics stadiums rather than on battlefields.
What's more, playing is natural. Kittens chase balls of wool and puppies pretend to fight. Games help us perfect our skills and prepare us for the serious contest of survival.
But do all games help us relax and stay away from violence What about computer games A recent article in New Scientist suggests that playing violent video games(and most of them are extremely violent)makes people more aggressive and more likely to commit violent crimes.
Are these games a rehearsal for life or a substitute for life Do we play instead of facing up to our real problems I don't know. But what I do know is that I need a break. Something to help me relax. Skiing would be nice. I wonder how much it costs to get to Dubai
63. According to the author, the most surprising thing about Ski Dubai is its .
A. slopes B. size C. location D. facilities
64. The expression“the drug of their choice”in the 3rd paragraph refers to .
A. the game they are k een on B. the medicine they take
C. the activity good for health D. the sport in place of war
65. Which of the following statements does the author most probably agree with
A. Sports stars should be paid more to play well.
B. Sports are more important than life and death.
C. Chess is too peaceful to be considered a sport.
D. Games can make one relaxed as well as violent.
66. What does the author mainly talk about in the passage
A. The relationship between games and crimes.
B. Human natural craze for having fun with games.
C. Serious concerns about time that is spent on games.
D. Real problems facing game players in everyday life.
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. On a professional level, there is no way one doctor can be an expert in everything. B. It was not until he turned to the Internet that he managed to identify his condition. C. This conditioned was the very one that made him unable to speak. D. Appearance provides only ten percent of the information needed to make a diagnosis. E. Do not underestimate the value of talking to people—doctors and telephone helplines will help you put what you read into context. F. To sum up, if your doctor refuses to talk to you, the Internet will help you find a better solution.
Google is my doctor
When illustrator Scott Adams lost his voice, his doctors were confused. 67 It turned out thatScott was suffering from spasmodic dysphonia. With the help of Google alerts and advice from his doctors,Scott got in touch with an expert in the US and had special surgery on his throat to cure his problem. He is now a firm believer of using the Internet for self-diagnosis.
A dams is one of an increasing number of people who have started using the Internet to get health advice.The advantages of this are numerous, starting of course with the obvious convenience of getting a diagnosis from the comfort of your own home. 68 The Internet provides a vast number of specialized experts, and Googling can help you tap in to that.
Diagnosing minor medical problems from information on the Internet can also have an impact on society’s medical costs. You can compare insect bites with Internet pictures, ask what type they are and whether they are dangerous without wasting your busy doctor's precious time.
However, it must be said that diagnosis is tricky, and comparing your rash (疹子) with an online photograph may lead you down the wrong path. 69 Doctors also take into account your medical history, state of mind, etc. No computerized symptoms checklist can equal a complete professional assessment.
In conclusion, the Internet is a good starting point in diagnosing your health problems, but you should always consult your doctor before acting on anything you find there. 70
IV. Summary Writing
Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
If you suffer shyness, you are not alone, for shyness is a universal phenomenon. It is not surprising that social scientists are exploring its environmental causes.
The first environmental cause of shyness may be a child's home and family life Today's children are growing up in smaller and smaller families, with fewer and fewer relatives living nearby. Growing up in homes in which both parents work full time, children may not have the socializing experience of frequent visits by neighbors and friends. Because of their lack of social skills, they may begin to feel shy when they start school.
A second environmental cause of shyness in an individual may be one’s culture. In a large study conducted in Japan,57 percent of participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Lynne Henderson andPhilip Zimbardo say,“One explanation is that in Japan, an individual’s performance success is credited externally to parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, and others, while failure is entirely blamed on the person.”Therefore, Japanese learn not to take risks in public and rely instead on group-shared decisions.
Technology may also pay a role. In the United States, the number of young people who report being shy has rise n from 40 percent to 50 percent in recent years. Due to our huge advances in technology, watching television, playing video games, and surfing the Web have replaced recreational activities that involve social interaction for many young people. Adults, too, are becoming more isolated as a result of technology. Face-to-face interaction with bank clerks, gas station attendants, and shop assistants are no longer necessary because people can use machines to do their banking, fill their gas tanks, and order goods. In short, they become shy.
It appears that most people have experienced shyness at some time in their lives. Therefore, if you are shy, you have lots of company.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 你不必在乎他人对你的评论。(care)
75.对一些学生而言,可以自由支配自己的业余时间远比拥有足够的零花钱更有意义,难道不是吗 (than)
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below inChinese.
假设你是明启中学高二学生李明,是“The English World”这份英语杂志的忠实读者。最近,这份杂志正在考虑取消纸质版,只在电子阅读器上提供电子版供读者阅读,并就这一计划征求读者意见。写一封邮件给该杂志“读者来信”专栏,内容须包括:
1. CDAAC 6. B A B B D 11. A BCD 15. D DC 18. C AB
21. describing 22. painted 23. itself 24. look 25. before
26. of 27. which 28. was inspired 29. that/why 30. to wonder
56. AADC 60. DCA 63. CADB 67. BADE


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