
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [pəˈtenʃ(ə)l]play美 [pəˈtenʃ(ə)l]play

  • adj. 潜在的,可能的
  • n. (事物的)潜力,可能性;(人的)潜能,潜力;电势,电位,电压

复数 potentials

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


potential /pəˈtɛnʃəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 You use potential to say that someone or something is capable of developing into the particular kind of person or thing mentioned. 潜在的

    The company has identified 60 potential customers.



    We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.


  • 2.
    副词 潜在地

    Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 If you say that someone or something has potential, you mean that they have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future. 潜力; 潜质

    The boy has great potential.



    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 If you say that someone or something has potential for doing a particular thing, you mean that it is possible they may do it. If there is the potential for something, it may happen. 潜在性

    John seemed as horrified as I about his potential for violence.



    The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event.






facility faculty potential 【导航词义:才能】

facility n. [正式] 天赋,才能

〔辨析〕 指与生俱来的学习或做某事的能力。

例1: He has an amazing facility for mental arithmetic.


例2: She plays the violin with surprising facility.


faculty n. [正式] 才能,技能

〔辨析〕 指擅长做某事的才能。

例1: She has a great faculty for adapting new environments.


例2: He had the faculty of dealing with tough problems.


potential n. 潜力,潜能

〔辨析〕 指虽已具备但尚未发挥出来的能力。

例1: She has the potential to become an interpreter.


例2: He is a young singer with great potential.


possible adj. 可能的

〔辨析〕 指有可能做到或实现的。

例1: It is possible to finish the job before it gets dark.


例2: Science and technology make it possible for scientists to explore the universe.


potential adj. 潜在的,可能的

〔辨析〕 指在未来极有可能发展成为某一种人或事物的,只作定语。

例1: You'd better first identify the potential source of conflict.


例2: Opponents wanted to know the potential benefits of the reform.


probable adj. 很可能的,大概的

〔辨析〕 指很有可能存在、发生或属实的。

例1: The probable cause of the disease was water pollution.


例2: It seems probable that he decided to resign after he had received that offer.



1. potential market 潜在市场

2. resting potential 生理 静息电位 ; 休止电位 ; 息电位 ; 静电位

3. potential flow 势流位流 ; 位势流

4. high potential 高电势;潜能

5. potential energy 势能

6. evoked potential [生理学](大脑皮质的)激发性电位

7. full potential 全电位;全电势

8. water potential 水势;水潜能;静水压;水位

9. growth potential 增长潜力;生长势

10. chemical potential 化学势,化学位

11. market potential [经]市场潜力;市场潜在需求量

12. potential demand 潜在需要

13. potential impact 潜在影响

14. development potential 发展潜力;发展前景

15. potential value 潜在价值;位势值;平衡值

16. potential customer 潜在的顾客

17. scalar potential 标量势 ; 纯量势 ; 标量位 ; 标位

18. potential field 势场;位场

19. sedimentation potential 沉降电势 ; 沉积电位 ; 沉积电势 ; 物化 沉降电位

20. action potential 动作电位;动诅位

21. electric potential 电位;电势

22. potential difference n. 势差,位差

23. potential function 势函数;位函数

24. membrane potential 生理 膜电位 ; 跨膜电位 ; 生理 膜电势 ; 薄膜电位

25. potential distribution 电位分布


1. This new invention has an enormous sales potential.


2. The school strives to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential...


3. Script editors are all juiced up over the humorous potential.


4. A person can only develop his potentials to the fullest and demonstrate creativity without unnecessary intervention.


5. We seem to be considering chemical bonding solely in terms of potential energy.


6. What are the maximum potential energy and the total energy?

最大势能和总能量是 多少 ?《辞典例句》

7. While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large.


8. The zero of potential energy is arbitrary.


9. The house has a lot of potential.


10. Objective To study the relation between the visual evoked potential ( VEP ) and subjective vision.

目的旨在探讨受检者视觉诱发 电位 的检查结果与其主观视力的相互关系.《期刊摘选》

11. To investigate the improvement of experiment on cerebral cortex evoked potential in rat.


12. Some financial analysts review potential acquisitions and sales.


13. It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential.


14. He has the potential to be a great player.


15. The potential of this work applied to healthcare is very great, but it could also lead to further concentration of power in the tech giant.

将人工智能应用于医疗保健服务领域的潜力是巨大的,但这也可能导致权利进一步集中与科技巨头。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. Davies is still raw but his potential shows.


17. Those kind of compounds probably have greater potential in terms of prevention, Lee said.


18. You could do yourself a grave disservice by revealing all to a potential rival.


19. It is necessary to buck out any selfpotential existing across the potential electrodes.


20. Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone


21. I take it to heart and use it as a screen for potential investments.


22. He has the potential to become a world-class musician.


23. Networking is an important key to unlocking your own potential.


24. The US new streaming potential technology and its application in water treatment plant were introduced.


25. First identify the problem and then logically outline its various potential solutions.


26. Then compared the sedimentation time, particle size and zeta potential with the before modified one.

然后比较表面改性前后的沉降时间, 粒度大小和ξ电位,并确定表面活性剂的用量.《期刊摘选》

27. AIM : To investigate three variations of brain evoked potentials ( BEP ) in army men with post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ).

目的: 探讨军人创伤后应激障碍 ( post-traumaticstressdisorder,PTSD ) 患者3种脑诱发电位 ( brainevokedpotential,BEP ) 的变异.《期刊摘选》

28. According to the principle of minimum potential energy, the generalstiffiness and load matrixes are set up.


29. the potential for change


30. If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.


31. True, not all U.S. students can match the performance of their foreign counterparts, but the American institutions do offer students from rich and poor families alike the chance to realize their full potential.

诚然,不是所有的美国学生都能比得上外国学生。但是美国学校确实会为富裕和贫穷的家庭提供实现他们潜能的同等机会。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

32. Good results combined with mediocre training usually indicate untapped potential.


33. This would allow us to maximize its potential without losing our sense of place.


34. The scope and potential for Chinese tourism is enormous.


35. Their potential is unrealized.


36. In heat transfer by conduction an convection, the potential difference is the temperature difference.

在热传递上由传导对流, 电位差是温度区别.《期刊摘选》

37. The point of the competition is to encourage all people to unlock their hidden potential.


38. If you're a busy person, looking to meet several potential mates at the same event, speed dating could be for you.


39. The potential evolution of today’s technology, and is social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it’s perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage.

现如今潜在的技术进步,以及它所带来的社会影响,复杂地难以形容,或许最好的办法是把我们所能想象到的诸多可能性留给科幻小说家和未来学家们去探索。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

40. The researchers explained that the study demonstrated when we are in a 29 novel environment the brain partly remains alert so that humans can defend themselves against any 30 potential danger.

研究人员解释说,该研究说明,当我们处于一个(29) 新环境时,部分大脑会保持警觉以使人们可以防御(30) 潜在的危险。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

41. The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.


42. We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.


43. This restaurant is a potential gold mine.


44. Start from your capability and aim at your full potential.


45. Potential energy is convertible to kinetic energy.


46. The recent discovery of the giant Zohr gas field off the Egyptian coast will eventually have impact on pricing in the Mediterranean region and Europe, and there is significant development potential in many other places, notably Argentina.

埃及海岸新发现的Zohr 大型气田最终将会影响地中海区域乃至欧洲的定价,而且在其他许多地区,尤其是阿根廷,也有极大的开发潜力。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

47. In many example of mechanical motion, there is an interchange between kinetic and potential energies.

在很多机械运动的实例中, 有一种是动能和势能之间的相互转化.《期刊摘选》

48. Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources and have great potential for development.


49. The potential static It curve also identify the above conclusion.


50. As important supplement of the Social Health Insurance, Commercial Health Insurance is of great market potential.


51. All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential .


52. He measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram.


53. In the 21 st century, the sports industry most has one of development potential industrial.

在21世纪, 体育产业是最具发展潜力的产业之一.《期刊摘选》

54. The company talked with many potential investors


55. If you wait till later in life, you run the risk of realizing your potential late.

如果等到年纪大了之后才去旅行,到时意识到自己的潜能就太晚了, 这太冒险了.《期刊摘选》

56. By the new method, the intermolecular potential ( SW, LJ, Kihara ) parameters of HFC 125 was determined.

利用新方法拟合得到了HFC125的方阱 、 LJ ( 6, 12)及Kihara势能函数的势能参数.《期刊摘选》

57. The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate


58. She has great potential as an artist.


59. Riders who experience these problems with some regularity seldom achieve their potential in the sport.


60. We can therefore say that the system has internal potential energy.


61. The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales.


62. The seed is the potential flower and fruit.


63. Think of every food scrap, crumb or spot as a potential reservoir of germs.

想想看,一丁点的食物废料 、 碎屑及污物都可能是潜在的细菌携带者.《期刊摘选》

64. As education improved, humanity's productivity  potential increased as well.

随着教育的改革,人类在生产效率方面的潜能也有所提高。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

65. Aha! Now that's something that have potential.

啊! 现在这好像是很有可能的.《期刊摘选》

66. This exercise will stimulate your creativity, increase your energy and unlock your potential.

这个练习将激发你的创造力, 增加你的能量,释放你的潜能.《期刊摘选》

67. The potential energy is energy the system possesses by virtue of its configuration.


68. a potentially dangerous situation


69. The earth can be thought a series of layers of equal potential energy within earth field.


70. Her boss took her under his wing after fully realizing her potential.


71. In potentiodynamic study , linear relationship between E _ b and cubic root of potential scanning rate is found.

用动电位扫描法测定孔蚀击穿电位时, 发现击穿电位与扫描速度的立方根呈线性关系.《期刊摘选》

72. There is a potential disaster implication if personal hygiene and environmental sanitation are deficient.


73. The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers.


74. Results The RPF of SHR was 88.9 %, but none of SDsa had spontaneous potential.

结果 SHR其自发放电频率为889%, 8例SDsa无一例引出自发电位.《期刊摘选》

75. An instrument, such as a galvanometer, for measuring potential differences in volts.

'伏特计'.''一种以伏特为单位测量电位差的仪表, 如电压表.《期刊摘选》

76. While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large


77. Nonetheless , the length of the potential core does not change with the pulse.

然而, 势能流区的长度并不会随著脉动流场而改变.《期刊摘选》

78. Many West Germans are anxious about the potential cost of unification.


79. Objective To investigate the clinical application of brain evoked potentials ( BEP ) in patients with psychomotor epilepsy.

目的研究脑诱发 电位 在精神运动性癫痫病人的应用.《期刊摘选》

80. This makes the polarization of the polar differences in a potential to gradually balance.


81. Law enforcement officials had definitively identified Blanco as a potential suspect.


82. The potential for conflict is great


83. potential customers


84. He emerged as the potential saviour of the club.


85. The new drug is a potential lifesaver.


86. The oscillatory potentials can be used as one of the functional evaluation of high myopia.


87. The manager did not find her latent ( potential ) abilities.


88. The city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors.


89. Animated GIF's were the future, and Flash showed some serious potential.

生动的GIF图片是未来的方向, Flash显示出巨大潜力.《期刊摘选》

90. Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone.


91. The available potential energy has been computed by reference to a statically stable reference state.


92. And this progress previews China's great 5 potential.


93. Team management calls for new skills if personnel potential is to be fully realized.

如果想完全发挥出人员的潜力的话,团队管理需要新技能。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

94. Education can develop one's potential abilities.


95. The company is being actively considered as a potential partner.


96. The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event.


97. Fancy bartender, on China's terms, but in recent years, new industries have great potential for development.

花式调酒, 对我国来讲, 只是近几年的新兴行业,有很大的发展潜力.《期刊摘选》

98. There is extraordinary potential for increased cooperation between Americans and Russians.


99. It is hard to overestimate the potential gains from this process.


100. The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad...


101. Twelve potential vaccines are currently being tested on human volunteers.


102. She had few friends, and was generally not functioning up to her potential.


103. Education and training is the key that will unlock our nation's potential.


104. It's unlikely that you have the resources to act on all the actual and potential causes.


105. Nongda 108 has big ear and high yield potential, but more sensitive to environment.

晚熟品种农大108易于形成大果穗,具有较高的产量潜力, 但对环境条件反应敏感.《期刊摘选》

106. Overall, Asian is still the most dynamic and potential area for economic growth.

总体上, 亚洲依然是当今世界最具经济活力和发展潜力的地区.《期刊摘选》

107. If you want to reach your potential and live successfully, you have to change.

如果你要充分发挥自己的潜能,享受成功的生活, 你就必须改变自己.《期刊摘选》

108. Sonography can confirm clinically suspected pancreatitis and identify potential complications.


109. Yet its potential is largely vitiated by Brown's carelessness and inexperience.


110. 'The potential for disaster is enormous,' he says.


111. Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.


112. In the stock market, Wang Zhan strong positive potential mining opportunities.

在股票市场上, 王战强积极挖掘潜在的各种机会.《期刊摘选》

113. The new Script Emulator analyzes the behavior of scripts, to assess their potential harmfulness.

新的脚本仿真分析脚本的行为, 以评估其潜在的危害性.《期刊摘选》

114. They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs.


115. What should team members do to fully realize their potential?.

为了发挥最大潜力,团队成员该如何做?。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

116. There is potential for selective breeding for better yields.


117. So we believe growth potential in this region tr to be tremendous once the economy recovers.


118. Many jobs are boring, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential, says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.

戈尔市爱尔兰国立大学讲师的丹纳赫说:“许多工作都是无聊、不体面、有损健康且浪费人类潜能的。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

119. If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives.

如果 一个团队的管理者表现出了这样的品质,那么团队作为一个整体就更能意识 到自己的潜力,从而实现自己的目标。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

120. In this paper, the interactional potential energy of graviton is simply discussed in tree level approximation.

在本文中, 只简单的讨论了在树图近似下引力子的相互作用势能.《期刊摘选》

121. Establishing yourself, leaving a mark, fulfilling potential blahblah , blah.

打下自己的根基, 留下一个印记, 展示出惊人的潜能, 等等.《期刊摘选》

122. But the internet is a network that magnifies the power and potential of all others.


123. Secret information , especially about an actual or potential enemy.


124. The Coulomb repulsion results in the potential maximum of doubly and triply diatomic ions.


125. Observed values of potential are adjusted by extrapolation to fit this assumption.


126. Tying ads to online searches from mobile phones is another potential goldmine.


127. If only conservation forces act, the kinetic energy plus the potential energy remains constant.

如果只受保守力的作用, 则动能加势能是一个恒量.《辞典例句》

128. Institutional changes are also necessary to maximize the potential of this new physical and human investment.


129. a potential source of conflict


130. There is Class II evidence that somatosensory evoked potentials have prognostic value in patients with CSM.


131. See even those with different interests and expertise as potential allies rather than as adversaries.


132. Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting

icebergs form Antarctica, which is estimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet.有些科学家正在研究从南极洲获取冰山的潜力,据估计,这些冰山的淡水储量是地球上最丰富的。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

133. However, the homogenization mechanism and practical factors that influence the equilibrium potential remains obscure.


134. The two major forms of energy are generally classified as potential energy or kinetic energy.


135. The function of supersensitization was explained by measurement of ESR signal and polarographic half wave potential.


136. First we need to identify actual and potential problems.


137. A first common electrode to be fixed at predetermined potential is formed on the vibration plate.


138. Approximate potential method is applied to overcome the difficulty caused by nonlinearity.


139. There is also the potential to develop telecommuting and other more flexible working practices.


140. How to evaluate the potential of geologic sequestration?


141. Develop , motivate, lead and train a team of technicians to perform to their full potential.

发挥 、 激励技术员的潜能, 领导和培养出一批技术人员队伍来做好工作.《期刊摘选》

142. This book describes numerous potential measuring devices, how they operate and their advantages and disadvantages.

这本书描述许多潜在的测量装置, 他们怎样操作和他们的利弊.《期刊摘选》

143. Many people don't use their computers to their full potential.


144. The company mailed out the catalog to all potential customers.


145. Once more people are wired, the potential to change the mainstream media will be huge.


146. The potential of hydroelectricity of one region varies from that of another.


147. The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event


148. John seemed as horrified as I about his potential for violence...


149. The boy has great potential


150. Use an automated tool ( IBP 9.0 ? Axandra ) to find potential link partners.


151. During the course upstroke, the membrane potential attains zero, and an electrical gradient no longer exists.

在升支发展过程中, 膜电位一达到零, 电位梯度即不再存在.《期刊摘选》

152. So low potential reduction devices, from low to high potential jump start the distribution.

如此低的潜力减少设备, 从低到高增长潜力的分布开始.《期刊摘选》

153. For the moment, a potential crisis appears to have been averted.


154. We are committed to employing talented people and supporting them to achieve their highest potential.


155. In nicer development topological features, we feel a kind of potential pressure.

在较好的发展形势之中, 我们感受到一种潜在的压力.《期刊摘选》

156. Qingyan key species, such as pills, Shu Yan brain, and so on a larger market potential.

重点品种如清咽滴丸 、 舒脑欣等市场潜力较大.《期刊摘选》

157. The boy has great potential...


158. Professor Shankar then reviews basic terminology in relation to work, kinetic energy and potential energy.

教授山卡接着审查基本术语有关工作, 动能和势能.《期刊摘选》

159. Much of the literature of resistance grows out of the State's potential for evil.


160. I mean, for them, men are either dates , potential dates or date substitutes.

我是说, 对他们来说, 男人是潜在的约会对象或者约会的替代品.《电影对白》

161. Analyses based on location potential energy prides a way to solve the problem.


162. The higher IQ, brighter are, no doubt, students learn the brighter you are potential larger.

智商越高, 人就越聪明, 毫无疑问, 越聪明的学生,学习的潜能也就越大.《期刊摘选》

163. We't waste our potential, as it's the biggest waste of life.

我们不能浪费自己的潜能, 因为浪费潜能是对生命的最大浪费.《期刊摘选》

164. All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential.


165. Potential customers are softened up with free gifts before the sales talk.


166. Any therapy that inhibits the growth of metastasis in secondary sites has potential clinical utility.


167. The boy has great potential.


168. The variation of interchain potential in copolymer vinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene during chain rotation was calculated.


169. There exist many sources of energy both potential and kinetic.


170. To investigate the distribution properties of multifocal pattern visual evoked potential across visual field.


171. I think probably that the laser has not realised the potential that was expected of it in that domain.


172. The dispersion mechanism is analysed by testing Zeta potential and the viscosity of the suspensions.


173. ...potential party members...


174. It is the distance between atoms corresponding to zero potential energy.


175. Panda master in an accident to see pao's potential, decided to tap out of this.

在一次意外中小熊猫师傅看到阿宝的潜能, 决定把这种潜能发掘出来.《期刊摘选》

176. The seeds demonstrate the concept of sustainability the diversity of nature and the potential of life.


177. It will keep better development opportunity and potential to continue its development in the future.


178. The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad


179. A potential is measured across the other two electrodes after the current is shut off.


180. Some doctors see a potential conflict in trying to be both

providers of patient care and financial overseers.一些医生认为,试图同时提供医疗救护与监管花费问题,这种做法存在潜在的冲突。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

181. a potential prime minister


182. To evaluate the instant effect of naloxone for brain infarction with somatosensory evoked potentials ( SEP ).

目的:应用躯体感觉诱发电位 ( SEP ) 的脑功能评价法观察纳洛酮对脑梗死即刻效应.《期刊摘选》

183. Transient receptor potential ( TRP ) ion channels are widely distributed in different kinds of cells.

瞬时受体电位 ( TRP ) 通道是一类广泛存在于各种细胞的通道蛋白.《期刊摘选》

184. When a factor is constant, a potential variable is reduced to a constant.

当一个因素保持相对不变, 一个潜在的变量就被保持了恒常.《期刊摘选》

185. Only when libraries are happy, can their potentials are exerted.

馆员只有心情舒畅, 自身潜能才能充分发挥.《期刊摘选》

186. We try to help all students realize their full potential.


187. Correct choice of potential to channel and liquid particles plays an important role in simulation results.


188. Even Africa and the Middle East, home to economies that are heavily dependent on fossil fuel exports, have enormous potential to develop renewables.

就算是在非洲和中东这样聚集了重度依赖化石燃料出口的经济体的地区,也有着极大潜力发展可再生能源。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

189. Electric potential is the potential energy of electrons at a certain point.


190. The company has identified 60 potential customers.


191. Identify all potential causes which could theoretically explain why the problem occurred.


192. The posture of the situation contrast advantage of an area is situation potential energy.


193. The report is of potential usefulness to the government.


194. I ?could see there was a lot of talent there and some great potential, particularly in ?their product development.

我看到那里有很多人才及巨大的潜力,特别是在产品研发方面。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

195. When the competitive environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that potential, they could in turn afford more education.

当竞争的环境逼迫我们的祖先发挥出这种潜能时,他们反过来也会受得起更多得教育。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

196. But this gloomy discovery also carries huge potential significance for AIDS research in humans.


197. The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy.


198. The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event...


199. We think women can reach their full potential in modern economy.


200. Energy, which is the ability to work, exists in two forms: potential energy and kinetic energy.

能量是做功的能力, 它存在两种形式: 势能和动能.《期刊摘选》

201. We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as well.

我们应该处理的问题, 同时我们应该利用其潜力以及.《期刊摘选》

202. Directs the development of high potential management staff in consultation with General Manager and Department Heads.


203. Now that those risks have subsided, so have potential returns.

现在,既然这些风险已经消退了, 潜在的回报也随之减少.《期刊摘选》

204. Potential energy that is not so obvious as energy exists in many things.


205. My father was very keen that I should fulfill my potential


206. Wettability is the potential of a surface to interact with liquids with specified characteristics.


207. The crustal deformation reveals that the seismogenic body has accumulated higher stain potential energy under compression.


208. What could have been considered the beginning of a descent is now a potential turning point—the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of.

中年本来会被视为开始走下坡路的时期,现在成了一个潜在的转折点——人们已经做好十足的准备、可以充分利用的转折点。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

209. We send all potential clients an infopack.


210. They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere.


211. Helen: We need to show potential advertisers that our magazine has a large circulation.

海伦: 我们需要让潜在的广告客户知道我们杂志的发行量非常大.《期刊摘选》


1. Speaking for the body, she speaks for the potential unity of body and soul.

为身体辩护,她是在为,身体灵魂结合的可能性辩护。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. O'HARA: Dan Blumenthal says the new report also defines a broader potential nuclear threat to the United States.

NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

3. When we increase the potential between the 2 electrodes that we have in the tube -- we actually split the h 2 into the individual hydrogen atoms, and not only do that, but also excite the atoms.

当我们增大两个电极之间电压,我们有-我们可以把氢气2,分解成单个的氢原子,不仅这样,还能激发原子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. Flavor aside, scientists have recognized it as a complex blend of chemical compounds with potential health effects, both good and bad.

VOA : standard.2010.06.30

5. In other words, what we'll do is uncover potential that we have inside, that we have inside of us all along.

也就是说,我们要挖掘自身潜能,这种潜能一直存在。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

6. You might be winded doing it the second way, but when you get to the top and you are at the 60th story your gravitational potential is independent of how you got there.

对于走路你可能很抓狂,但你一旦到了顶层,你就是在第60层,你的重力势能,与你如何到达那里无关。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. He was certainly a potential medallist.


8. I loved the compassion. I think our society is so focused on being quick these days that we don't really take the time to show that compassion that she showed to him in the movie, and really take the time to really build and lift someone else up when you see potential."

VOA : special.2010.03.01

9. The International Energy Agency has predicted a potential seven million barrel per day gap between supply and demand by 2015.

VOA : standard.2009.10.20

10. He might figure you had growth potential buried in there and take you home.

FORBES: Legacy Shareholders

11. The first time I was courted by a potential acquirer was 18 months after we launched.

FORBES: Why Building a Company To Flip Is Recipe For Failure

12. And crucially, these drugs do not seem to have the same potential to become addictive, the way narcotics do.

VOA : standard.2010.05.04

13. "Since 2004 we have been working closely with international agencies to gather intelligence to overcome any potential terrorism act."

VOA : standard.2010.06.02

14. He correctly identifies projects like the City of David as sites with massive tourist potential.


15. Collectively, these actions can help unlock our economy's potential and create opportunity for all Americans.

CNN: How to jump-start U.S. economy

16. That is the change that can unlock Africa's potential. And that is a responsibility that can only be met by Africans,".

VOA : standard.2009.07.11

17. The U.S. needs an honest-to-God 12-step program to recover its long-term 3.5% annual growth potential.

FORBES: America's 12-Step Program

18. Priceline.com CEO Jeff Boyd blamed on-going fiscal problems worldwide for keeping potential travelers stuck at home.

FORBES: Priceline.com: Investors Check Out After Disappointing Profit Forecast, Europe Woes

19. There is growth potential in certain African markets.


20. "What we're seeing here is not the succession. What we're seeing here is the first public indications of the beginning of the process of potential succession.

VOA : special.2010.10.02

21. "If we started seeing less fit employees or those with chronic illnesses or aging employees discriminated against in the workplace because they're not thought of as as vigorous, that's the potential danger I would say."

VOA : special.2011.02.28

22. In an earlier address to business leaders in Pretoria, Mrs Clinton says that there is great untapped potential on the continent.

VOA : standard.2009.08.08

23. It is only by participating in this divine life that mortal, fragile human beings fulfil their potential.

NPR: Karen Armstrong: Myths and the Modern World

24. Some merger investors make bets on potential acquisition targets before any deal is announced.

FORBES: M&A for the Little Guy

25. Peter was the first child of his father's second wife and thus a potential threat to the ambition of the relatives of the first wife.

彼得是他父亲与其第二任妻子的长子,因此对第一任妻子的亲戚们而言,彼得是他们的一个潜在威胁欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. It was a few months before East Timor's referendum for independence, and Indonesian forces were intent on intimidating potential pro-independence voters.

VOA : standard.2009.09.07

27. She's making a strong a claim as is possible to make for her potential for rhetorical power.

她提出一个强有力的要求,因为这可能有助于她掌握话语权的潜力。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Meanwhile a 162-page list of potential victims was submitted to the bankruptcy court last week.

FORBES: A $15 Million Question For Ruth Madoff

29. What must this experiment have the potential to do, to be a valid scientific experiment?

实验必须有做什么的能力,才能被称为一个有效的科学实验呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. It's a potential hazard.


31. Seeing growth potential in medical tourism, many major American health care insurance providers have started pilot programs that offer overseas coverage.

VOA : standard.2010.04.08

32. Very clear about who again the ideal statesman or reader potential statesman the reader of this book would be.

清楚地描绘出,理想的政治家或读者,本书潜在政治家读者的特质。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Given the difficulty, most cartographers have guidelines for determining how to deal with potential complications.

BBC: The politics of making maps

34. The agricultural sector has untapped potential - less than half of arable land is cultivated.

FORBES: Gambia

35. We said, "Okay, what's the real potential of this business, and how are we going to draw that out?"

我们说,好,我们公司的,真正潜力是什么,我们又该如何充分发挥我们的潜力“戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

36. Everyone, according to the logic ofAreopagitica everyone has the potential to assume the inner authority of conscience and self-discipline.

按照《论出版自由》的逻辑,每个人都有,用内在良心的统治和自律的潜力。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. We have current plans to expand other practice areas organically and through potential acquisitions.

FORBES: Women-Owned Small Businesses Court Optimism, New Hires

38. This year's forthcoming Paddington Bear, set in London, is one potential tourist draw.

BBC: Does an Oscar really win tourism?

39. These include uncertainty around the impact of future funding costs and potential credit deterioration, said Ball.

FORBES: Turnaround Terracciano Boosts Sallie Mae

40. The exhibition, put on every two years in the United Arab Emirates, attracts regional buyers who have immediate and potential problems.

VOA : standard.2009.11.15

41. Situation of Literacy, Literacy Plans and the Potential role of NCHD, Provinces Punjab, Sindh and NWFP.

UNESCO: LIFE-Literacy Initiative for Empowerment

42. She's got star potential.


43. Potential buyers seem to be sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what happens next.

NPR: Marketplace Report: Housing Market Cooling Down

44. Internet whizz-kids met with potential investors at a bar in Cardiff Bay in the inaugural First Tuesday meeting.

BBC: Whizz-kids weave web dreams

45. Both units are already being marketed to potential buyers, including some private equity firms.

FORBES: Otellini To Cash Some Of Intel's Chips?

46. In addition, 20bn euros will be set aside in the German budget to cover potential losses from loans.

BBC: Germany's financial rescue package

47. Wambugu concedes that GM crops are experimental but insists the potential good far outweighs the risks.

FORBES: Millions Served

48. That is, you minimize potential energy and you see things falling under the force of gravity and so forthgoing to potential energy minima in conformance with this result.

换句话说,你使得势能最小化,然后发现我们关注的东西,在重力或者其他力的作用下下落,直到势能最小的地方,这和我们刚才的结果是一致的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

49. That ecosystem inertia is also working against the potential success of the Windows Phone platform.

FORBES: Why Windows 8 Is Such A Crucial Step For Microsoft

50. Another potential benefit of recycling CO2 will be the reduction of large scale geosequestration.

CNN: Turning carbon dioxide into fuel

51. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), one of the senators the TV ad says is a potential yes vote.

NPR: Public Option's Proponents Seek To Resurrect It

52. In clinical trials these substances have killed germs and showed potential in preventing cancer and fighting heart disease.

FORBES: Next Step For Garlic Lovers? Connoisseurship

53. one way in which unpredictability at least has the potential of making things worse is this.

不可预见性,使事情更糟糕的一种情况是。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. They tend to have a larger reach, and so attract a larger number of potential buyers.

BBC: Selling your own house: Could it save you a fortune?

55. And the company is in discussions with 15 potential consulting clients, with 6 clients pending.

FORBES: Survivor

56. "What the youth of America and their observing elders saw at Bethel was the potential power of a generation that in countless disturbing ways has rejected the traditional values and goals of the U.S.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

57. Now, if that potential changed and it stayed changed forever, then the cell would never go back to its resting state.

如果电势变化并且不再恢复到原始电势,细胞就永远不会回到静息状态生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. "There's a yield potential of maybe four thousand kilos, ten times what the average is in West Africa."

VOA : special.2010.10.19

59. You could not sell a security without giving a prospectus to the potential buyers and the prospectus would be something approved by the SEC.

没有招股说明书就不可以,出售证券给潜在买家,而且招股书需要通过证交会审核金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. They are outbidding other potential buyers.


61. The feedback may include the accumulation of knowledge about your drugs potential side effects.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

62. What we think of as a career isn't simply the benign product of the gradual development of a certain potential.

我们认为的事业不是简简单单的,某种可能性逐渐发展的良性产物。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. The day focused on graphene and nanotechnology research, and their potential for commercial application.

UNESCO: Prizes and Patronage

64. Louis metro area with programs that bring out the creative potential in children and adults through the arts.

CNN: Alvin Ailey principal dancers retire to give back

65. - But there's one potential gotcha here -- and this is where you have to be kind -- of piecing together the little clues along the way -- what have I done that's interesting here that had I not, I would have had a mathematical error?

但是这里有一个可能性-,这就是你需要把,一些线索拼凑在一起-,我这里所做的是很有趣的,如果我不这样做,我可能已经犯了个数学错误?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课





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