
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [prəˈsiːdʒə(r)]play美 [prəˈsiːdʒər]play

  • n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式

复数 procedures

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


procedure /prəˈsiːdʒə/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 A procedure is a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way. 程序

    A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.



    Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.




  • adj.

    process 经过特殊加工(或处理)的

    procedural 程序上的

  • n.

    process 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移

    proceeding 进行;程序;诉讼;事项

    processor [计] 处理器;处理程序;加工者

  • v.

    proceeding 开始;继续做;行进(proceed的ing形式)

  • vi.

    process 列队前进

  • vt.

    process 处理;加工



1. test procedure 试验程序;检验法;检查法

2. Civil Procedure Law 法 民事诉讼法 ; 民事诉讼法学 ; 民事程序法

3. Procedure Control 过程控制 ; 工序技术检查 ; 程控制 ; 历程节制

4. administrative procedure 管理程序,行政程序

5. procedure control 过程控制;工序技术检查

6. production procedure 生产程序

7. civil procedure law 民事诉讼法

8. rules of procedure 议事规则;程序规则

9. criminal procedure 刑事诉讼程序

10. civil procedure 民事诉讼;民事诉讼法;民事诉讼程序

11. construction procedure 施工程序,施工步骤

12. legal procedure 法律程序,法定程序

13. remote procedure call 远程过程调用 ; 服务 ; 远端程序呼叫 ; 远程调用

14. stored procedure 存储过程;预存程序

15. standard procedure 标准程序;标准流程

16. operation procedure n. 操作规程;作业流程

17. standard operating procedure 标准作业程序 ; 标准流程 ; 标准操作规程 ; 标准操作程序

18. control procedure 控制程序

19. general procedure 一般程序;通用过程,通用程序

20. medical procedure 医疗程序

21. manufacture procedure 制程 ; 工厂生产流程

22. operating procedure 操作程序,作业程序

23. Ross procedure Ross手术

24. welding procedure 焊接工艺;焊接程序

25. design procedure 设计程序;计算方法

26. working procedure 运行程序;办理手续

27. calculation procedure 计算方法;计算程序;计算方案




follow a procedure 按照程序

perform a procedure 执行程序

use a procedure 运用程序


simple procedure 简单程序

standard (operating) procedure 标准(操作)程序

surgical procedure 手术程序


1. The procedure described above for obtaining the gain defies simple analytical approaches.


2. As to criminal procedure, exclusion of evidence probably leads to termination of criminal proceeding itself.

从刑事诉讼程序的角度看, 证据的排除可能导致刑事诉讼程序自身的终止.《期刊摘选》

3. Also when learning about elasticity, keep in mind the following three step procedure.

还了解弹性时, 请记住以下三个步骤的程序.《期刊摘选》

4. Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you.


5. Many applications produce BAK files as part of their autosave procedure.


6. Cancellation of registration of change for the examination and approval procedures.


7. Dental treatments and procedures that require bone healing should be completed before initiating intravenous bisphosphonate therapy.


8. This procedure ensures correct placement of the catheter.


9. Christina dimly recalled the procedure.


10. The main advantages of the proposed method are simple design procedure and computational efficiency.


11. In the sense of nation, search is a historical output of the development of procedure.


12. Communication procedures will include the use of overhead projectors, translators, and demonstration techniques.

交流的过程将包括投影设备 、 翻译以及示范等技巧来进行.《期刊摘选》

13. The optimizing method and procedure of road header longitudinal cutting heads are introduced in this paper.


14. The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure.


15. Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.


16. Revising the procedure was an entirely profitless exercise.


17. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.


18. What procedures and guarantees were provided against intimidation?


19. The next procedure is to daub a layer of mortar on the wall.


20. Doug stood still while I ran through the handover procedure.


21. The government is to make major changes to the procedure for carrying out security vetting.


22. You call a nonshared procedure using a variable pointing to a specific instance of the class.


23. As a special treatment modality, radionuclide therapy is characterized by radioactivity throughout the treatment procedure.

放射性核素治疗是一种特殊的治疗技术, 其整个治疗过程都具有放射性.《期刊摘选》

24. He minuted the procedure of the meeting.


25. For you continued to live, please advance to the front reception office procedures continued to live.

阁下如需续住, 请预先到前台接待处办理续住手续.《期刊摘选》

26. B: You may proceed to the departure section, and go through the immigration procedures.

乙: 您现在你可以到出境处, 办理出境手续.《期刊摘选》

27. The measurement of screw propeller is an important procedure in its manufacture.


28. Be familiar with hull structure, inspection procedure and rules.

熟悉船体结构, 检测程序和验收规范.《期刊摘选》

29. So the concept, the contentious procedure and the punishment principle of unit crime should be improved.

应进一步对单位犯罪的概念 、 诉讼程序、处罚原则进行完善.《期刊摘选》

30. The name of each parameter serves as a local variable in the procedure.


31. This paper discussed the problems and scheme solving in esterification procedure of expansion of device.


32. Guide and supervise the logistics staff to comply with company procedures while they are working.


33. A repetition of an experiment or a procedure.


34. The conventional plastic forming method has too many procedures and high energy consumptions.


35. In order to assemble a garment following sample room procedure, an understanding of fabric is necessary.

为了按照样品室的步骤缝制衣服, 有必要先了解面料.《期刊摘选》

36. Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures.


37. How is the procedure performed?


38. Details of time and procedure should be prescribed in the most exact and unequivocal language.


39. Each welding procedure is accomplished by a single chip microcomputer with the purpose of precise welding.


40. Technology improvement of crude hydrazine hydrate refining procedure was introduced.


41. This procedure for the MSP 430 MCU and real - time clock interface HT 1381 procedures, use of C language.

本程序为MSP430单片机和 实时 时钟HT1381的接口程序, 采用C语言编写.《期刊摘选》

42. It is not a mechanical procedure.


43. Such procedures require reversing the creels at first and second drawing.


44. emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures

紧急状况 / 安全事务 / 纪律问题的处理程序《牛津词典》

45. Meanwhile, the procedure of return and return checkup is implemented by computer return management module.


46. Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure.


47. On the registration day , student should get their invoices before going through the registration procedure.


48. The procedure and method of TBM quickly driving across fracture zone are presented in this paper.


49. The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.


50. He diverged from established procedure.


51. There are many arguments for and against the interview as a selection procedure.


52. The White House said there would be no change in procedure.


53. I doubt whether your procedure would be considered regular by authorities.


54. This paper focus on the proper and complete dimensioning of the tolerance of procedure dimension.


55. The convention describes procedures for combating international traffic for the purpose of prostitution.


56. maintenance procedures


57. The arbitration procedure shall be concluded when the Agreement is completed.


58. The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.


59. This is a new and relatively untried procedure.


60. In any case, it is standard procedure to attach the claim tickets to your ticket jacket.

但无论如何, 行李提领单贴附在机票表面是标准的过程.《期刊摘选》

61. The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.


62. He is rigid about points of procedure.


63. Probate: Use probate law and procedures.

遗嘱: 使用遗嘱的法律和程序.《期刊摘选》

64. The proving procedures of mathematical propositions construct the system deduced progressively from known conditions.


65. Temporary supporting is a requisite working procedure for bolting work in full mechanized roadway excavation face.


66. For more details a stored procedure can accomplish for you, see your database documentation.

有关存储过程可完成工作的更详细信息, 请参见数据库文档.《期刊摘选》

67. The solution is to use Java stored procedures.


68. The officers insisted that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.


69. This is not standard procedure, but this is why I love my doctor.


70. The same smokehouse procedures used for curing pork work well for beef.


71. The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.


72. In this dissertation the criminal procedure disputes and its court adjudication mechanism will bed.


73. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure


74. There are 13 working procedures in total.


75. You also have to invoke the stored procedure once.


76. The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures.


77. They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures.


78. I am going to handle the procedures for the landing visa today.


79. This operating procedure guarantees a continuous output of both first wort and weak wort.


80. Clamp machine of billet material is used at the working procedure of stock heat up stove.


81. British Parliamentary procedure is perplexing at the best of times.


82. Apply first, and then have an interview. This is the common recruiting procedure in many companies.

先行报名, 后行面试. 这是公司招聘的一般步骤.《期刊摘选》

83. Generally speaking, if there is no procedure justice, there is no substantive justice.

在一般情况之下, 如果没有程序正义, 就很难实现实体正义.《期刊摘选》

84. He struck me on the head.


85. The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.


86. It has passed through an interesting procedure of evolution.


87. His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.


88. Administrative public proceedings a nutshell, is the administrative court applied a special public interest litigation procedures.


89. It can complete the working procedure of heating and rolling of the insulating glass.


90. Assignment of a registered trade mark application procedure handled by the assignee.


91. Nickel electroforming is an important procedure of holographic anti counterfeiting.


92. Sometimes cumbersome procedures at customs offices create delays.


93. According to his suggestion, the procedure has been much simplified.

按照他的建议, 手续已经大大简化.《期刊摘选》

94. Should avoid set the temperature falls short of the minimum value for the cue for procedure.


95. The second procedure is state the manner and method for constructing the embankment.


96. Firstl, theory and procedure of the frequency domain polar format algorithm are described.


97. Atomizing solidification is the key procedure in atomized powder making and spraying deposition.


98. The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.


99. You can't declare functions and procedures.


100. Embedded System code, procedures beginners, and we can hope that more exchanges.

嵌入式系统ucosii2.52源代码, 程序初学者, 希望和大家能多交流.-ucosii2.《期刊摘选》

101. In the of penal lawsuit procedure, initial investigation is a problem that can easily arouse quarrel.

在刑事诉讼程序中, 初查是最容易引起争议的一个问题.《期刊摘选》

102. The procedures above describe the balance sheet approach to estimating and recording credit losses.


103. The principle of mediation shall apply to the procedures of arbitration and lawsuit.


104. Academic departments vary in their procedures for assigning academic advisers to graduate students.

院系给研究生分配学术导师的程序各不相同。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

105. Numerous procedures, fine polishing give It'soft touch and beautiful reflection, emitting primitive and modern atmosphere.

经过重重工序 、 精致打磨,赋予其柔软的触感、华美的反射, 散发出无与伦比的原始而现代的气息.《期刊摘选》

106. Remove first check module from module adaptor, and repeat above procedure with second check module.

从模块适配器上拆卸第一止回阀模块, 对于第二止回阀模块重复上列步骤.《期刊摘选》

107. The procedure has lost its magic for him.


108. To the bolt connection of segments, the cost is expensive, and the construction procedure is complex.

同时,管片间的螺栓联接费用高 、 工序复杂, 而且对管片接头部位的制作要求高.《期刊摘选》

109. The company shall carry out the following procedures to establish and implement the QMS.


110. This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.


111. This asks each each working procedure, link wants workshop section to be operated subtly.

这就要求工段每一道工序 、 每一个环节都要精细操作.《期刊摘选》

112. The second chapter introduces design of experiment, preparation of concrete specimens, test system and operating procedure.

第二章介绍了试验的设计 、 试件的制备 、 试验装置及操作过程.《期刊摘选》

113. Carried out a copy of the bmp picture can refer to the procedure!


114. Measure and Publish Quality: Every case, every procedure, has an outcome.

测量和发布品质: 每一份案例, 每一项步骤都有一个结果.《期刊摘选》

115. He is familiar with export procedure.


116. Complete hiring & termination procedure as per government policy & hotel related procedure.

根据政府 和 酒店的要求,完成员工录用 和 辞退手续.《期刊摘选》

117. It is reponsible for Remote Procedure Call services on the local machine.


118. The article relates the main procedures of making the thin wall, multi hole , carbide hollow cylinder.


119. The paper proposes the guidelines, principles, objectives and procedures for the ecological forestry building.

文章提出了生态林业建设的指导思想 、 建设原则 、 建设目标、步骤.《期刊摘选》

120. He suggested a new procedure to the committee.


121. The automated clean up system and novel HPLC column have simplified the procedure of clean up.


122. The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law.


123. I'll run back over the procedure once again.


124. Adhere to all company policies and procedures.


125. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.


126. It's important to follow the regular procedure.


127. At this stage the evidence linking diagnostic radiation procedures and prostate cancer is still weak.


128. The supplier handles transportation procedures. Transportation means: Seaway. Reached port: ordered by the buyer.

由供方负责办理运输手续. 运输方式: 海运. 到达港口: 由需方约定.《期刊摘选》

129. The practical design procedure for partition of storage volume in CNG reservoir is put forward.


130. Chapter 2 introduces the method and procedure of design and realization data warehouse.


131. Please write and tell me what is the procedure for applying for a visa.


132. This method could reduce the procedure and lower the production expense.


133. The Taylor decision also declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered states to use the same procedures for selecting male and female jurors.

同时,该项裁决还宣布选举中的性别歧视违反宪法,并且命令各州在选举男女陪审员时使用同样的程序。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

134. But as recently as in 1986, jury selection procedures conflicted with these democratic ideals. 

但是近至1968年,陪审团遴选程序仍然是和这些民主理想相冲突的。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

135. Procedures realize the cyclical nature of a single frequency tone.


136. You'll be awake during the entire procedure. anesthesiologist is on vacation.

在整个手术过程中你一直会保持清醒, 麻醉师休假去了.《期刊摘选》

137. The basic elements of procedure are as followsthe organization form the starting, determining and remedy mechanism.

村民自治议事的载体组织形式、议事程序启动机制 、 表决机制及救济机制是村民议事程序的基本要素.《期刊摘选》

138. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa...


139. Bank of identity must I take to the counter to the depositary bank for cancellation procedures.


140. Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.


141. In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil.


142. Much has been mentioned about the advantages this new procedure possesses.


143. There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.


144. Social Security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.


145. The procedure for moving items in Solution Explorer straightforward.


146. The procedure is standard.


147. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.


148. The effect of the rule occurs in the civil procedure.


149. This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung.


150. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure...


151. Simulation result shows machining time is fewest about accomplished all the working procedure using the method.


152. (formal)procedural rules


153. The principles, analytical procedures and calculation of the method were introduced.

介绍了该方法的原理 、 分析步骤及计算方法.《期刊摘选》

154. To set and update inspection working procedure and relative control sheet.


155. to perform a routine surgical procedure


156. If you losing your member card, please notice the club in time and transact procedure again.

若您遗失所属会员卡, 请务必及时通知俱乐部并办理补办手续.《期刊摘选》

157. Final decision to approve renewal of registration, renewal procedures for handling the transfer and Trademark Office.

终局决定核准续展注册的, 移送商标局办理续展手续.《期刊摘选》

158. What does the speaker say about the procedures for assigning academic advisers?.

关于学术导师的分配程序,叙述者说了什么?。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

159. In the civil procedure a confession is a formal admission.


160. The airline guaranteed that proper adoption procedures would be followed.


161. Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.


162. And put forward feasible to explore the intrinsic value method and procedure.


163. The drying of wood particle is an important procedure in the production of particle board.


164. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.


165. Meets the requirements of the next working procedure ( to the specification, with reliability & safety ).

让下道工序满意 ( 符合规格要求, 可靠 且 安全 ).《期刊摘选》

166. Member must complete the enrolment procedure before attending a class.


167. The procedure is quite straightforward.


168. THE PURPOSE OF THE CENTER: simple procedure, good service, fast action, low charge.

服务宗旨: 手续从简, 服务从优,办事从快, 收费从低.《期刊摘选》

169. We can also see the result set of the store procedure by selecting from the nickname.


170. The results show clearly that this procedure is correct.


171. The trial monitor program is in the country civil proceedings disputes many procedures.


172. Then, the methods and procedures of developing reservoir management scenario with relevant mathematical models are provided.

其次, 论文提供了油藏管理情景构建的方法和步骤,并提供了相关的数学模型.《期刊摘选》

173. Would you like to illustration of those procedures?


174. Does the company have a formal grievance procedure?


175. Most of you gentlemen are aware of procedures which have been agreed on.


176. The lack of constitutional principles of criminal procedural law will affect the reform of criminal procedure.


177. The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.


178. Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.


179. Procedure alone is very difficult to solve all the problems of debt liquidation.


180. The litigation action is one of the basic factors in the construction of procedure.


181. You'll need time to familiarize yourself with our procedures.


182. Though no great technical feat, the procedure opens a range of unsettling possibilities.


183. Every procedure, steps to the accounting system as the prerequisite the foundation.

每一个程序 、 步骤都得以会计制度为前提、为基础.《期刊摘选》

184. The next day I repeated the procedure.


185. Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened.


186. That decision raised questions about the secretary of state's powers and the fairness of his procedure.


187. There are three kinds of influencing factors determining the replacement procedure and the replacement is periodical.

有三类影响因素决定B2C对 传统模式的替代过程,替代是有阶段性的.《期刊摘选》

188. Any person who has completed the application procedure will be issued with a library card.


189. However, each procedure has its own peculiarity different from the traditional powder metallurgy method.


190. Products: Administrative procedures for certification. Administrative procedures certification.

经营范围: 办理行政事务证明的手续.《期刊摘选》

191. Analysing grinding fever on grinding working procedure is to produce main crack cause.


192. Foreign students who obtain enrollment certification should finish the registering procedures within the deadline.


193. Please shout me the procedure to opening a savings account.


194. A rule firing cache was not properly initialized in the extended stored procedure.


195. This procedure assumes that the graphic files for the themes already exist.


196. Social security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.


197. In many aspects, there is the most modernized civil procedure system among Latin America in Brazil.

在许多方面, 巴西有拉丁美洲最现代化的民事诉讼程序体系.《期刊摘选》

198. They also have logging and altering mechanisms, as well as simple installation and setup procedures.


199. The physical control procedure of the quantum system with interaction is described in detail.


200. You need to become fully conversant with the company's procedures.


201. Andy Laine, a State Department spokesman, says the program now has more workers and new procedures.

国务院发言人AndyLaine称, 现在这一项目具有更多的工作人员和新程序.《期刊摘选》

202. What we recommend is that someone comes down with the software to go through the procedure.


203. The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system.


204. Please follow the proper procedures for dealing with complaints.


205. They followed the usual procedure.


206. This manual covers service procedures to vehicles that are equipped with a Supplemental Inflatable Restraint ( SIR ).

本手册涵盖了针对配有辅助 充气式 气囊保护装置的汽车的服务步骤.《期刊摘选》

207. It analyses the production , development of effective information and their converging procedure.


208. What procedure should I follow?


209. The next procedure is to insert the battery.


210. OK? Open agency what to procedure require additionally?

可以 吗 ?另外开办事处需什么手续?《期刊摘选》

211. To test for a leaky # 2 shutoff, use the following procedure.

要检测泄漏的2 号 关闭阀, 请采用下列程序.《期刊摘选》

212. to follow normal/standard/accepted procedure

遵循正常的 / 标准的 / 惯用的步骤《牛津词典》

213. But don't bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they're there to stay.

但不必费力戒除旧习惯;这些惯有程序一旦植入脑海,便会根深蒂固。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

214. court/legal/parliamentary procedure

法庭 / 司法 / 议会程序《牛津词典》

215. We need two copies of your group visa for entry procedures.


216. The procedure can be divided into two parts.


217. With flexible Assembly Lines, workmanship and woking procedure will be completed in different positions.

柔性流水装配线, 工艺、工序分岗位独立完成.《期刊摘选》

218. The procedure for solving the Eqs is called back substitution.


219. This first working procedure that deciding what books to read, then cannot be muddled.

在选什么书读这第一道工序上, 就不能犯胡涂.《期刊摘选》


1. Is it some kind of procedure standard operating procedure that you follow?

是不是有一定的程序,标准的执行程序呢,然后你就按照那个程序?国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. So far there are no published studies directly comparing the new procedure to the traditional one.

WSJ: New Surgical Option for Heartburn

3. So if we do the procedure of iteratively deleting dominated strategies, going back again, looking what's dominated, all that's left is 5 and 6.

如果我们按照这个程序,迭代剔除劣势,不断回头看看那些策略是劣势的,最终将只剩下立场5和6博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Borawski pleaded with her not to -- she had heard horror stories about the procedure's aftereffects.

CNN: 'I couldn't walk': Woman loses 276 pounds

5. A less invasive procedure known as a virtual colonscopy is done with a CT scan that passes x-rays through a patient's abdomen.

VOA : standard.2010.04.07

6. And why would they take him out of the country instead of following a procedure inside the country?,".

VOA : standard.2009.07.03

7. There must surely be someone I could inform, a procedure to follow for complaints.


8. Dr.Penny Asbell,a doctor who performs the procedure, says people should be aware that not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery.

VOA : standard.2010.03.03

9. He also points out that the procedure is too expensive to be available to many couples.

BBC: 'Legalise IVF sex selection'

10. But a new surgical procedure eliminates the surgeon's big incision and possibly reduces side effects.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

11. The error relates to the scope of estoppel in a procedure called post-grant review (PGR).

FORBES: In Its Rush to Fix Patent Reform, Congress Didn't Fix Its Biggest Error

12. Israeli officials say the procedure to allow his release on medical grounds had begun.

BBC: Hebron clashes follow Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh funeral

13. The guest of honor, Dr. Elan Singer, pulled me to the side to discuss the procedure.

FORBES: Going Under The Needle

14. The complex surgery, a 22-hour procedure, took place in December at the Cleveland Clinic.

CNN: The story

15. Although sedated, he was fully awake and even talked to operating room staff during the procedure.

BBC: Heart bypass - with local anaesthetic

16. Christina dimly recalled the procedure.


17. The government argues the licensing procedure will assist quality control and boost domestic production.

BBC: Ukraine's youngest HIV campaigner

18. The report found that 79 percent of New York women who died in childbirth had undergone the procedure.

VOA : standard.2010.06.23

19. We have a step-by-step procedure we follow." (VOICE) Gertie Walls started teaching Singapore Math to her students a couple of years ago.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

20. The procedure takes just seven minutes. The patient passes a wand over his chest, collecting data on heart pressure.

VOA : standard.2010.06.04

21. Early in September 2003 I had the redo: the whole iron halo procedure all over again.

CNN: 'I had brain surgery while I was awake'

22. "Tomorrow morning the IEC and ECC will meet together to establish a procedure to implement the decision,".

VOA : standard.2009.09.12

23. Still, "this procedure has greatly contributed to control the age of gymnasts, " said a FIG spokesman.

WSJ: Menu

24. an abortional procedure


25. Naturally,the very day she undergoes the in-vitro fertilization procedure, she meets the "right guy."

VOA : standard.2010.04.30

26. Mr Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure.


27. Despite being a relatively new procedure with not much history, it sounded like a perfect solution.

CNN: 'Robots helped treat my prostate cancer'

28. If you were to follow the procedure, which the Greeks did not, of primogenitor,that is, of giving the whole plot to the eldest son, but what happens to the others?

你们也许会采用传统做法,但是古希腊人不会,他们会将耕地全部分给长子,但是其他人怎么过活呢古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.


30. Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?

这两个点是同一个点么?,我已经写了一小块代码,可以提供这个功能,但是你知道的我可以做的,最简单的事情就是说好,嗯?,等等,我为什么不直接去看看,这两个东西相等不相等呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. Chapter 16 describes the procedure to be followed on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.

6章节介绍了在犹太人的赎罪日,应该遵循的程序。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. If you take newborn babies-- It's very hard to do research with newborn babies actually because of the consent procedure and everything, so most of this work is done in France, where they have no laws at all.

如果你去找些新生儿,由于知情同意书以及其他的问题,研究新生儿实际上是非常困难的,因此大部分的研究都是在法国进行的,因为法国并没有任何与此有关的法规心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. An FBI team was dispatched from Washington to review the shooting, standard procedure in such cases.

NPR: Man Shot By FBI Had Ties To Boston Bombing Suspect

34. The news raised eyebrows and questions about whether he was too old for the procedure.

FORBES: Connect

35. The U.S.military considers Lasik so safe, the procedure is often performed on troops about to be deployed.

VOA : standard.2010.03.03

36. "My credibility with myself has been very severely dented by this procedure, " he added.

BBC: GMC told of op x-ray mistake

37. this is a normal procedure,". "The law does not set out a time limit for remand.

VOA : standard.2009.05.25

38. It has stirred memories of the 1990s, when contract killings were standard procedure for settling commercial disputes.

NPR: Killing of Top Banker Rocks Official Moscow

39. On September 3rd, he issued a decree speeding up the procedure for confiscating drug traffickers' assets.

ECONOMIST: A big new effort to repress the cocaine industry

40. They fixed that procedure and after that the cases went down even more.

该厂家修正了生产漏洞之后,疾病的发生率下降的更多了生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. While Ron had been preparing for the procedure, the office staff had informed Mrs.

FORBES: Health Insurer Drops Cancer Suffering Vet- Two Cents Short On Premium Payment

42. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes.


43. The former president had a procedure called an angioplasty.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

44. "No arrests have been made without procedure, all of them were made officially, " he said.

BBC: Sri Lanka arrests: Jaffna police detain 'terror' suspects

45. It doesn't have to put federal bureaucrats in charge of what procedure is covered and what medication is not."

VOA : standard.2009.09.05

46. The decision was taken to return to Exeter using the "alternate landing gear extension" procedure.

BBC: Flybe plane passengers 'saw wheel fall off'

47. Moody's followed its usual procedure of informing Slovenia's government before publicly announcing the downgrade.

WSJ: Slovenia Bond Sale Postponed

48. This is a simile that Stanley Fish brilliantly describes ; as central to a certain temporal procedure common in Milton's verse; Fish is interested in the temporal process of reading in general.

这被斯坦利费什独具匠心地形容为,弥尔顿诗中极为常见的时间步骤的核心;,费什对总体上这首诗的时间顺序非常感兴趣。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Can you share photos or diagrams to help me understand the procedure and the expected results?

CNN: Cosmetic surgery: What to know beforehand

50. We begin by doing a neural surgical procedure, to implant a silicon based electrode array that you are seeing on the right.

一开始,我们做一个神经手术,植入一个电极排列芯片,正如大家在右边说看到的。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

51. No traces of desires and memories and intentions and beliefs to eventually be recovered if only we have the right surgery,or procedure,or psychotherapy, or what have you.It's gone.

没有一丝的欲望,记忆,意愿和信念能被追回,无论什么样的手术,程序或者精神疗法,都无可挽回。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. But Vaughan had another option for Caletti--a new, less invasive procedure called balloon sinuplasty.

FORBES: Balloon Therapy

53. Can the desired effect be accomplished in one procedure, or do you anticipate multiple procedures?

CNN: Cosmetic surgery: What to know beforehand

54. But we'll go over that, particularly some exceptions, when we're filling in electron configurations, and how we would go about doing that for positive ions, which follow a little bit of a different procedure.

但是我们将会重温它们,特别是一个特例,当我们填充一个电子构型,而且我们会如何着手,处理阳离子,它遵从一些别的不同的过程。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. This return to normalcy occurred just four months after the surgical procedure, with newly grown cartilage fully covering the joint surface.

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

56. Yet the PIN procedure, says the IRS, counts as a signature for all purposes.

FORBES: Don't Robo-Sign Tax Returns

57. Why does agreement to a certain procedure, even a fair procedure, justify whatever result flows from the operation of that procedure?

为什么只要经过了特定程序,公平的程序,不管任何结果都可以视为正当呢?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. you've got to get rid of the ritual impurity, so there'll have to be some ritual procedure that purges the impurity.

要摆脱不纯洁的仪式,将会有一些手段来净化不纯洁。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Now, we can do the same procedure for the pressure change.

下面我们对压强变化,做相同的事,我们所要做的是。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. But if there were a lottery and they'd all agreed to the procedure, you think that would be okay?

但如果他们抽签了,他们也都同意这一程序,那你认为就没问题,是吧?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Most couples agree to fertilize far more eggs than can be implanted safely in one procedure.

FORBES: IVF And The Legacy Of Its Inventors

62. do the procedure on them and grow you a new heart for a transplant.

将其进行培养成能够适合你自己的移植心脏。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于干细胞的研究

63. Doctors considered the procedure a success, and Kennedy underwent follow-up radiation treatments and chemotherapy.

CNN: Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dies after cancer battle

64. The procedure is generally done with intravenous sedation initially during actual placement of the implant.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

65. Lead surgeon Dr.Antonio Alcaraz instructs fellow surgeons and students watching the procedure through closed-circuit television.

VOA : standard.2010.05.30



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