
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɪnˈkrʌstɪd]play美 [ɪnˈkrʌstɪd]play

  • adj. 带有外壳的;硬壳覆盖的,结外壳的;覆有……外壳的
  • v. (encrust 的过去式和过去分词)包以外壳;使形成硬壳;包硬外壳于

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encrusted /ɪnˈkrʌstɪd/

  • 1.
    形容词 If an object is encrusted with something, its surface is covered with a layer of that thing. 覆有...外壳的

    ...a blue coat that was thickly encrusted with gold loops.





1. encrusted skin 肌肤甲错

2. encrusted piping 积垢的管道

3. Soot Encrusted Footwear 煤烟护足

4. encrusted tongue 厚苔舌

5. encrusted pyelitis 结痂性肾盂炎

6. gold-encrusted 镀金的

7. diamond-encrusted skull 镶嵌满钻石的骷髅

8. Pierced-encrusted watches 镂空镶钻腕表

9. Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade 单手剑


1. Then we crammed in, fighting over the window seats even though the panes were so encrusted with dirt it was hard to see out of them.


2. To become encrusted. the shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram.


3. He not only realised that nouveau-riche collectors would pay extraordinary sums for dead cows and jewel-encrusted skulls.


4. With a ferocious determination worthy of his subject, the author debunks many of the myths to have encrusted themselves around Stalin.


5. In April he stopped a public auction of his belongings including jewel encrusted concert tickets, stage-wear and music memorabilia.


6. The onions too, once sprouted have ground to a halt, encrusted in frost, perched on the frozen soil.


7. And the firm, synonymous with chunky gold jewellery encrusted with gemstones, expects its performance in 2009 to be even worse than last year.


8. Covered with caliche, a hard calcium-carbonate encrusted soil.


9. But bug-infested rooms and a month's worth of food-encrusted, unwashed dishes indicate more serious problems.


10. He realized that the whole issue of relativity theory was so encrusted with controversy that it would be better to try a different tack.


11. Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.


12. Faberg é , a defunct jewellery - maker known for its gem - encrusted eggs, relaunched in September.


13. “She had her dresses encrusted with quite spectacular jewels and women of the court followed suit, ” she notes.


14. The desert and the distant snow-encrusted mountains along the route were a reminder of the terrain along the old Silk Road.


15. Encrusted with verdigris, two statues of the "liver bird," the city's symbol, sit atop a riverside building.


16. Salt from the sea had encrusted on the dry sand.


17. The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.


18. The body of a dragon made of black gold and encrusted with diamonds.


19. The silver box was encrusted with jewels.


20. Dumbledore pointed his blackened fingers to the wall behind him, where a ruby-encrusted sword reposed within a glass case.


21. Fruit cooked in sugar syrup and encrusted with a sugar crystals.


22. There is a catch, though: a process called biofouling, in which foreign objects implanted in the body become encrusted with proteins and tissue.


23. Enough to buy it the world's first 24K gold jacket encrusted with Swarovski crystals and black diamonds?


24. The ground was encrusted with salt." The flood does not carry away the slat as before," Amin explained.


25. The inside of the kettle is encrusted with lime.


26. Terrified, he hands them a priceless Damien Hirst-style diamond-encrusted skull.


27. This season has my deepest thoughts. Let the wind carry a full of blessings, encrusted you sweet dreams. I wish you have a brilliant New Year!


28. Encrusted with verdigris, two statues of the "liver bird", the city's symbol, sit atop a riverside building.


29. Goodbye gold commodes, diamond-encrusted phones and sleek sports cars on show amid crowds of models and movies stars.


30. She looked around her, surveying the cobwebbed, dirt - encrusted lower floor of the house.

她环顾四周, 房子的底层蛛网遍布, 尘土厚积.《辞典例句》

31. As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt.


32. No American hero, with the possible exception of George I Cannot Tell a Lie Washington, has been more encrusted with myth than Abraham Lincoln.


33. The hammer is encrusted with calcium carbonate, which can happen quickly.

锤子被碳酸钙包覆, 是可能迅速发生的.《互联网》

34. Night, willful spread of the charm of its black wings pearl encrusted Ying Ying, distribute stunning extravagance.


35. "She had her dresses encrusted with quite spectacular jewels and women of the court followed suit," she notes.


36. Encrusted with verdigris, two statues of the" liver bird", the city's symbol, sit atop a riverside building.


37. Anne walked her cute pixie cut down the red carpet in a snow white Chanel gown encrusted in glittering crystals.


38. Boots thickly encrusted with mud


39. The Onions too, once sprouted have ground to a halt, encrusted in frost, perched on the frozen soil.


40. In April he stopped a public auction of his belongings "including jewel encrusted concert tickets, stage-wear and music memorabilia."


41. The long white train of Wittstock's Giorgio Armani duchess satin gown, encrusted with thousands of tiny crystals, spilled over the red carpet.


42. Due to its capillary effect, it is able to penetrate quickly between rusty and encrusted surfaces of contact.


43. Become encrusted with crystals due to evaporation.


44. The man who fed was weary, and Tess could see that the red nape of his neck was encrusted with dirt and husks.


45. Fake-jewel-encrusted glasses teetered on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head.


46. Crust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions.


47. We walk into his studio, a converted barn opposite the house, full of paintings and encrusted easels.


48. A glass cabinet holds a horse saddle encrusted in gems.


49. She arrived home with her knees encrusted with mud.

她回到家里,膝盖上粘满了泥块。《provided by jukuu》

50. a crown encrusted with diamonds


51. The queen wore a crown encrusted with diamonds.


52. They scraped off the barnacles that always encrusted on the ship's hull.


53. The former tenants had recently left, taking even the wall-to-wall carpeting with them, so we walked over slabs of epoxy-encrusted concrete.


54. She writes the Korean characters on a whiteboard, wearing magenta gloves encrusted with fake bling.


55. They had to leave it and wade across to the island to get back by bus, their legs encrusted with thick black mud.


56. The gold crown was encrusted with precious gems.


57. By measuring the decay of radioactive uranium and thorium present in the encrusted speleothems, the geologists dated the layers.


58. “She had her dresses encrusted with quite spectacular jewels and women of the court followed suit,” she notes.


59. Ali Baba and the 40 thieves knew what mattered in a cavern laden with jewel - encrusted treasure.


60. In the past, to remove foreign materials encrusted on ancient artworks restorers used reactive chemicals that are non-selective and toxic.


61. My body's in shambles encrusted with brambles that sharpen the air I breathe.


62. The encrusted salt shows a remarkably consistent but random pattern, a characteristic of fractals.


63. And the new Moroccan bead - and - jewel - encrusted styles will showcase your inner diva.



1. Medicare made insurance available to seniors, although through a system encrusted by disincentives to quality care.

FORBES: The Deal Dems And GOP Could Strike On Medicare And Health Reform

2. The art the women previewed was as impressive as Ms. Bhasin's diamond encrusted jewels.

WSJ: Christie's Spring Sale Sneak Peak

3. The diamond-encrusted tiara has some pedigree behind it as it was worn by The Queen on her wedding day in 1947.

FORBES: Connect

4. The waterproofing burns off during the shuttle's fiery re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, leaving the tile-encrusted spacecraft vulnerable to the elements after landing.

CNN: Technicians finish toasting shuttle tiles

5. Where it works is when the valve, through aging and artery disease, has become encrusted with a coat of calcium.

FORBES: New Heart Valves Prove We're Living In The Future

6. In summer, hikers follow a muddy footpath that parallels the creek, but winter skiers slide directly up the frozen snow-encrusted river in eerie silence.

BBC: Back-country skiing in Canadas Jasper National Park

7. "Love's Labour's Lost" is the most extravagantly artificial of Shakespeare's comedies, a pun-encrusted farrago of frenetic wordplay that lacks the emotional immediacy of his better-known plays.

WSJ: Star-Crossed Teens Clueless in Verona

8. He still has more watches than wrists, among them a gold Rolex, encrusted with diamonds.

ECONOMIST: Fire sale, Thai-style

9. He can show off his muscular claws and craggy barnacle encrusted shell to the world.

BBC: Giant lobster saved from the pot

10. The dessert, alone, four pommes beautifully encrusted in an almost metallic green finish, came to 148 euros.

FORBES: Grandiosity Is A No-No

11. They're putting elevators in their homes and showing off collections of jewel-encrusted watches in Indian luxury magazines.

NPR: In India, Dodging Taxes Is Part Of The Game

12. snow-encrusted mountain paths


13. Using Italian cooking techniques on American meat, this Colorado lamb rack is encrusted with crushed pistachios.

FORBES: Eat What You Want Day -- Suggestions For The Ultimate Food Indulgences In Sin City

14. a blue uniform coat that was thickly encrusted with gold loops


15. Asia's woes should ideally be a spur for much-needed internal reforms, particularly as encrusted political establishments are discredited.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

16. The diamond-encrusted disc symbolizes the natural abundance of the Bunder diamond deposit.

FORBES: Connect

17. By their very nature, declining businesses--particularly unionized ones--tend to protect their older members and encrusted bureaucracies more than they look to the future.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. On a frigid winter afternoon, Columbia senior Rowan Moore Gerety gestured at the ice-encrusted expanse, insisting that it is underutilized and useless to the public.

FORBES: Ivy League Thiefs: Fighting Over Land In The Post-Kelo Era

19. So is Paris Hilton, once a high-profile booster of the Sidekick--her phone that was famously hacked in 2005 was a rhinestone-encrusted Sidekick II.

FORBES: Celebs Make A Statement With Cellphones

20. Instead, the full-length, sequin-and-rhinestone-encrusted number will be the "crown jewel" of an e-commerce collectibles Web site the pair expect to launch next year.

FORBES: Starstruck speculators

21. The wrecks show up quite well because at that depth they are not encrusted with coral.

BBC: Hunting for Cuba's hidden treasure

22. Kerry Washington went for a coral dress with a heavily jewel-encrusted bodice from Miu Miu.

FORBES: The Red Carpet At 2013 Oscars

23. "If I can't get it, I don't worry about it, " she said, as she navigated ice-encrusted cul-de-sacs in a West Toledo neighborhood.

WSJ: Trash Overhaul Stalls in Toledo

24. a jewel-encrusted ring


25. On his vest, he wore an encrusted brooch in the shape of a tiger his party's electoral symbol.

WSJ: Pakistan's Next Leader Vows Better U.S. Ties

26. The result: a terrier-sized pendant spelling out the words "Crunk Ain't Dead, " the letters encrusted with 3, 576 tiny diamonds.


27. The authorities in Honduras have seized a gold-plated, jewel-encrusted AK-47 assault rifle, complete with two silver magazines.

BBC: Gold-plated AK-47 assault rifle

28. There are an impossibly huge number of assorted styles some practical, some rhinestone-encrusted, some simple leather and some faux leopard skin.

FORBES: How Tablets & Smartphones Are Changing Fashion...

29. Over time the economy will be weighed down by all these costs, like a barnacle-encrusted ship.

ECONOMIST: Voters are now facing a harsh truth

30. The 11 sq km (1100 hectares) area of seabed, includes kelp forests, rocky reef habitat and limestone ledges encrusted in marine life.

BBC: Lobster

31. The doodle, in biro, references the artist's famous diamond-encrusted skull and was given to a friend in Mexico.

BBC: Damien Hirst's skull sketch fails to sell at auction

32. Uniformed hotel staff greet guests arriving by Shinkansen train trackside for an escort up to the sumptuous, chandelier-encrusted perch.

BBC: Business trip: Tokyo

33. So he traded in his white toque and crisp apron for a pair of overalls and dirt-encrusted fingernails.

FORBES: A Chef's Journey From Table To Farm



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