
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈhɒt dɒɡ]play美 [ˈhɑːt dɔːɡ]play

  • v. (在冲浪、滑雪、滑板中)表演特技
  • n. (hot dog)热狗

第三人称单数 hot-dogs 现在分词 hot-dogging 过去式 hot-dogged 过去分词 hot-dogged

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


hot dog

  • 1.
    可数名词 A hot dog is a long bun with a hot sausage inside it. You can also use hot dog to refer to the sausage inside the bun. 热狗
  • 2.
    可数名词 a person who performs showy acrobatic manoeuvres when skiing or surfing (滑雪或冲浪)技巧娴熟的运动员
  • 3.
    动词 to perform a series of manoeuvres in skiing, surfing, etc, esp in a showy manner (滑雪或冲浪等中)表演特技



1. Pastry Hot Dog 热狗吐司

2. Hot Dog Bush 游戏 ; 布希卖热狗 ; 布什卖热狗小游戏

3. feat MC HOT DOG 信者得爱 ; 嘻哈甜心

4. a hot dog 热狗 ; 一个热狗 ; 快餐食品热狗 ; 快餐食物热狗

5. American Hot Dog 美式热狗

6. hot dog bun 热狗面包

7. MC HOT DOG 代表作 ; 差不多先生 ; 表演者 ; 哈狗帮

8. Hot Dog King 热狗王 ; 好多客 ; 好多客浦建路店

9. hot dog 食品 热狗 ; 红肠面包 ; 小红肠 ; 哈狗帮


1. She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin.


2. And last, Ohio invented chewing gum and the hot dog.

最后, 俄亥俄州发明口香糖和热狗.《互联网》

3. He paused at a hot-dog stand for a snack.


4. I want a hot dog, please.


5. Which was actually a hot-dog stand at first.

起初实际上推出的是热狗。《provided by jukuu》

6. But the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger by the early 1950 s.

但热狗在五十年代初期就被汉堡代替了.《超越目标英语 第4册》

7. Yes I know the hot dog girl who lives across the lane.


8. Would you like hot-dog?


9. Eating a hot dog every day can increase your risk of colorectal cancer by 21 percent.


10. And I have two dozen hot dog buns.

我还买了两打热狗面包.《超越目标英语 第3册》

11. I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them.


12. In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.


13. She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.


14. He's a real hot dog.


15. The hot dog is yummy!


16. Mr. Hot-dog fingers who can't press "Print"


17. Do you want some ketchup on your hot dog?

你的热狗要加些蕃茄酱 吗 ?《互联网》

18. Reminds me of the time we tried to eat that guy in the hot-dog costume.

使我想起我们要吃那个穿热狗服的家伙的时候。《provided by jukuu》

19. The very first hot dog — the "dachshund" sausage in a roll — was sold by Germans in New York.


20. Could you give me a hot dog and a milkshake?


21. But life is not a hot dog eating contest.


22. The phone rings: Ty asking how to defrost a hot dog bun.


23. How often do you indulge in a hot dog?


24. We got the munchies, so we decided we'd go to Hot Dog Heaven.

我们饿了, 所以我们决定去热狗的天堂.《电影对白》

25. Lining one block of Main Street were the attractions - two hot dog stands.

沿着大街某个街区走去,有许多 “ 诱人的玩意儿 ” -- 有两个小摊在叫卖热狗.《辞典例句》

26. He's a real hot dog.


27. The largest event, the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals [ 2] in southern California, sponsored by a chain of hot-dog restaurants, attracts tens of thousands of visitors.

由一家热狗饭店的连锁店赞助的南加利福利亚州最大的赛事Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals[2],吸引了成百上千的游客。

28. They do not want to be hot-dog.


29. At a ballgame, you have a hot dog.


30. Emerging from the subway to see an upturned hot-dog cart on the corner of Franklin Street.


31. I will have a hot dog and a milkshake, please.


32. The hot-dog guy told me where you lived.

卖热狗的小伙告诉我你在那住。《provided by jukuu》

33. His readers were warned in good time to beware of the dot-com craze and the housing bubble, learning about the economy through parables about a baby-sitting circle, a gold rush or a hot-dog manufacturer.


34. Creative types mill around I Dream of Weenie, a hot-dog stand fashioned out of an old Volkswagen bus.

“我梦见了维尼”(I Dream of Weenie)是一家由旧大众巴士改建而成的热狗店,奇趣十足。

35. For breakfast, she used to have a hot dog in a sandwich but now USES processed cheese instead.


36. Your hot dog got cold so I fed it to the birds.


37. Hot-dog, are you sure you can find the shoe?

热狗,你真的找得到阿嬷的鞋吗?《provided by jukuu》

38. They were off to the cinema to see the latest movie, complete with a hot dog, popcorn, a big drink and a huge bag of M&M's, her favorite sweets.


39. It is widely believed how Hot Dog had its name.


40. Is hot dog really two words, since it might also be written as hot-dog or even hotdog?

既然Hot dog(热狗)可以被写成hot-dog甚至hotdog,它真的算两个单词吗?

41. Hot dog? Only seventy - five cents.

要热狗 吗 只要七十五分钱.《辞典例句》

42. Ty asks how to defrost a hot dog bun.


43. There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country.


44. In fact, hot dog consumption may be as bad for you as smoking.


45. If the effort that went in research on the female bosom had gone into our space program, we would now be running hot-dog stands on the moon.


46. He dropped his hot dog on the pavement and someone's dog ate it, mustard and all.


47. They had a hot dog roast last Sunday.


48. He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.


49. Should we have testing at Nathan's hot dog places?


50. Would you care for a hot dog or hamburger?


51. They have a Cappuccino button or a hot dog button, and when someone orders a hot dog they hit the button and up comes an itemized total.


52. A fun fact: In1916, a hot-dog eating contest started on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York City, as a way to test how patriotic new immigrants were!


53. He has to climb up the card before I hot-dog him.

我采访他之前,他必须得上榜。《provided by jukuu》

54. Honey, I own every hot-dog stand in rockaway.

甜心,洛克威的所有热狗摊都是我的。《provided by jukuu》

55. During one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the restaurant to have a hot dog.


56. He wanted to draw a picture of it, but he wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund", so he simply wrote "Hot Dog".

他想给它画一张图,但是他不知道如何拼写 “dachshund”,所以他就简单地写了 “Hot Dog”。

57. 1871 Charles Feltman, a German, started the first Coney Island hot dog stand.


58. Carnival Food Equipment – Popcorn Machine, Hot-dog Machine, Toast Oven, etc.;



1. Many attended well-known attractions, like the Nathan's Famous July 4 International Hot Dog-Eating Contest.

WSJ: NYC's Coney Island hopes for rebound after Sandy

2. Wimbledon, a MacArthur "Genius" grant, "Project Runway, " "The Price is Right, " the Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest, the Booker Prize or a Grammy for best spoken-word album.

WSJ: What Tim Tebow Can't Do

3. Beverage makers, restaurateurs, minority advocates and other critics told a judge the upcoming 16-ounce limit was a finger-wagging incursion on consumer choice, rife with inconsistencies that would cost a hot dog vendor business while still allowing New Yorkers to buy belly-buster sodas at the chain convenience store next to him.

WSJ: Beverage industry, NYC lawyers duel over drinks

4. The scaremongers like to talk about 3 million jobs lost, all things considered, which means not just the factory and white-collar workers of the auto company but the parts suppliers, dealers, repair garages and hot dog stands outside the factories.

FORBES: Alternate Universe: No Bailout For GM

5. Competitive eating has gone extreme in recent years, with globe-trotting contestants often taking top honors in events like Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4 at Coney Island in New York and Philadelphia's Wing Bowl in February.

WSJ: Extreme Cheeseheads Choke It Down

6. You know those extreme sport hot-dog skiers?

NPR: First Listen: Jeff Beck, 'Emotion And Commotion'

7. When you're stumbling home, grab a cheap late-night "poelser" (hot dog) or falafel, just as the locals do.

CNN: Copenhagen: A local's view

8. We also have something at the company called the Roll Off, where every month or so we get these hot dog rollers that you see at 7-11 and we make hundreds and hundreds of hot dogs for the company.

FORBES: Building Marketing And Engineering Relationships With Hot Dogs: Insights From's Jay Kenny

9. The same type of accusations are flying around about these Jets, minus the mid-game snacks (though the Sanchez did memorably chomp a hot dog on the bench a couple of seasons ago).

WSJ: Jason Gay: The Jets Are the Red Sox Without the Beer

10. "These dusty, cataclysmically forming galaxies are so rare Wise had to scan the entire sky to find them, " said Peter Eisenhardt of JPL, lead author of the paper describing Wise's first hot-Dog find.

BBC: Supermassive black holes and hot galaxies in giant haul

11. This takes on many forms, like the unique Chicago-style hot dog in the Windy City or the uniquely Philly roast pork, provolone, and escarole sandwiches served in the City of Brotherly Love.

FORBES: Opening Day 2012: Take Me Out To The Ball Park - For Delicious Dinner?

12. Ordinarily, debate and voting on an amendment might take two legislative days, but under the rules of the reconciliation bill the senators were to dispatch the amendments one after another, as in a hot-dog-eating contest, with a minute of debate for each side.

NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

13. He claims an early personal lesson in how red tape is a proportionately bigger burden for the small guy: in college Mr Lindsey faced reams of red tape when trying to set up a summertime hot-dog stall.


14. For now, though, the ruling it means the ax won't fall Tuesday on supersized sodas, sweetened teas and other high-sugar beverages in restaurants, hot dog carts, arenas and even coffee shops.

NPR: Mayor Vows To Press On After NYC Soda Rule Nixed

15. Placing a cup of water on each side, he dunked the bun with his left hand and crammed it in his mouth, while with his right hand he dunked the hot-dog and brought it midway up his chest.

ECONOMIST: It takes guts to eat 50? of Nathan's famous hot dogs

16. In Coney Island, New York, Edward Krachie wolfed down 22 hot dogs, buns included, to win the annual Nathan's Famous Hot-Dog Eating Contest.

CNN: Americans celebrate 220 years of freedom

17. In the example above, 255 calories is equivalent to a half cup of Haagen-Daz vanilla ice cream or a hot dog.

CNN: Site Seer: Get fit on the Net

18. In 1998 U.S. Postal was a rag tag bunch whose best cyclist, Armstrong, was a cancer survivor and impatient hot dog who had yet to win a multi-stage race of any kind.

FORBES: Politics Is Hollywood For Ugly People

19. At every Brewers home game, five sausages standing over 7 feet tall--bratwurst, Polish, Italian, hot dog and chorizo--entertain fans by racing each other down the warning track and around home plate.

FORBES: Sports

20. "It used to be at an airport you could get anything you wanted--as long as it's a hot dog or a piece of cold pizza, " jokes Greg Principato, president of the North American Region of the Airports Council International.

FORBES: Fuel Costs Could Trim Summer Air Travel. A Bit.

21. The new Chrome spots take a subtle approach to advertising the browser, with the three ads focusing on very three very different topics: the online Johnny Cash Project, a hot-dog joint in Texas called Frank Restaurant, and the Angry Birds video game.

FORBES: With Ads, Google Increases Lead, as Yahoo Continues to Recover from Firing

22. New York City (CNN) -- The two reigning champs of a hot dog eating contest joined their challengers for a weigh-in as they hope to devour their way into the record books Wednesday in New York City.

CNN: Hot dog eating champs all set for July Fourth contest

23. "They worry we might put a merry-go-round or a hot dog stand in their front yard, " he said, rolling his eyes.

WSJ: Dunes vs. property rights in storm-battered NJ

24. Just look at the inspirations for the all-American hamburger and hot dog in the German cities of Hamburg and Frankfurt.

CNN: America's 11 new sandwich heroes

25. While associations are known to form based on sight, smell, and other senses -- you may remember last year's baseball game through the taste of a hot dog today, for example -- their computer model shows that the young brain cells also link through time.

CNN: How memories form, fade, and persist over time

26. He ate a hot dog and drank a soda and he sucked the salted peanuts and the wooden spoon from his chocolate-malt ice cream.


27. Jack Daniels licensed its name for use on a mustard, which is no big hit and may be poisoning the name of a high-class liquor with images of hot-dog stands.

FORBES: Ballpoint Perfume

28. Then, with both hands, he broke the hot-dog in half and, with one section in each hand, used the sausage as a plunger to force down the bun as he chewed.

ECONOMIST: It takes guts to eat 50? of Nathan's famous hot dogs

29. At 6-foot-6 and just 180 pounds, Sale is baseball's answer to Takeru Kobayashi, the 128-pound hot-dog eating champion.

WSJ: Chris Sale: Baseball's Greatest Metabolism


















2024好就业的专业排名前十名 什么专业前景好且挣得多

2024好就业的专业排名前十名 什么专业前景好且挣得多









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湖南三一工业职业技术学院简介 湖南三一工业职业技术学院师资及专业





