to depend on是什么意思_to depend on短语搭配_to depend on权威例句

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to depend on

网络 取决于;依赖;依靠

英 [tu dɪˈpend ɒn]play 美 [tu dɪˈpend ɑːn]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Needs To Depend On 需要只靠

2. to depend onto rely on 凭恃

3. to depend on oneself 恃己

4. to depend on others 傍人篱壁

5. to rely on depend on 依怙

6. key to depend on persons 关键在人


1. I have no one but you to depend on.


2. The information issuing in the traditional media need to depend on the profession technique.


3. But the development of theory has to depend on a profound theory study.


4. A complicating factor is that merit aid has become so popular with middle-income families, who don't qualify for need-based aid, that many have come to depend on it.


5. My dear son, you have taught me to depend on you just as you once depended on me.


6. The formation and development of electronic games have to depend on game software.


7. They have to depend on trucks to go in and out of there.

必须依靠卡车进行进出运输。《provided by jukuu》

8. I don't like to depend on my parents too much.


9. Enhancement of quality and efficiency will have to depend on the development of husbandry standardization.


10. Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.


11. The market had come to depend on Netflix.


12. It is usually easier to follow rules of social behaviour than to depend on one's own taste.


13. They'll not study hard any more, with rich parents to depend on.


14. Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.


15. You know, you are supposed to depend on yourself.


16. Before it was invented, sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction.


17. Everything that we have come to depend on is brought to us.


18. So I think we still need to depend on ourselves to obtain greater open space.


19. I know I have to depend on these foods.


20. The only person you will ever, ever be able to depend on


21. Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.


22. We have to depend on what we may call the organizational side of society.


23. To depend on scientific and technological innovation to build the new system of grain transformation;


24. He has no friend to depend on.

他没有可依靠的朋友。《provided by jukuu》

25. I learned to depend on the good friends I had.


26. Yet it is far from enough to depend on the power of market and government only.


27. I shall have to depend on you to do it.

我只有靠你来做这件事了。《provided by jukuu》

28. Survival seems to depend on something more than just having the right treatment.


29. He tries to depend on himself at the moment.


30. Now, though, he had to depend on them to help him. Could he trust them?


31. Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care, while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members.


32. Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.


33. Therefore from carry out the technique foundation of the circulating economy, have to depend on technique innovation.


34. He predicted that the only way out for China was to depend on American flour.


35. During this period, the solar equipment was in total darkness. For four hours, the spacecraft had to depend on battery power to protect its systems from freezing.


36. If you start doing this at an early age, you will not have to depend on your parents too much.


37. I have to depend on you!

我就靠你了!《中考真题- 2015 哈尔滨 阅读A》

38. They have to depend on others to get out of trouble and find happiness.


39. He could not work and so he had to depend on his family.


40. But we didn't want to depend on luck.


41. If you had all power, Then how would you learn to depend on me?


42. He didn't have to depend on films alone.

他不必仅仅依靠电影。《provided by jukuu》

43. Without anybody to depend on, he had to wear thin clothes in winter and walk to school without shoes in summer.


44. The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature.


45. They are taught to depend on themselves from an early age.


46. "Remember not to depend on the Internet too much." the teacher said.


47. By the mid 20th century, radio and TV had become so popular that people no longer had to depend on newspapers for news.


48. But I know I have to depend on these foods.


49. I learned to depend on the good friends I had.


50. Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.


51. So I think that, if people understand how much we're starting to depend on the Internet,


52. Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or daycare, while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members.


53. Others have come to depend on public money.


54. Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care, while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members.

多数富有家庭会让孩子们上学前班或日托班,但低收入家庭更可能依赖家人照顾孩子。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

55. People have come to depend on the car as their only means of transport.

人们开始把汽车当作自己唯一的交通工具。《provided by jukuu》

56. With the development of funds, investors turn to depend on the third party rating agencies.


57. Mr. Wang advised students not to depend on the apps too much when doing homework.


58. You two have to depend on yourselves in the future.



1. "(Assad) had to depend on militias such as Hezbollah to defend his regime, " al-Mikdad said.

NPR: Hezbollah-Backed Lebanese Shiites Fight In Syria

2. On Monday, Wilkerson learned she no longer needs to depend on the kindness of friends for shelter.

NPR: Honeysuckle Lane Residents Long for New Orleans

3. And so a lot of it's going to depend on their willingness to make some pretty drastic changes.

WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

4. Now at first glance...and in fact, I think, at second glance it's going to turn out to be true-- you might think that the answer to this question would depend on two basic issues.

乍看之下...实际上,只有深入考虑才能得出真相,在回答这个问题前,需要先弄清楚两点死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. So payoffs for these firms are going to depend on profits, the payoffs.

每家公司的收益跟利润有关博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Experts say the new methods also increase crop production up to five times more than crops that depend on rainfall only.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

7. They are home to millions of species of sea life that depend on coral reefs for their survival.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

8. So the success of his second term is likely to depend on more modest initiatives.

ECONOMIST: Brazil: Lula opts for a quiet life | The

9. How likely are all the inputs, are they all equally likely, or are they going to depend on other things? And that may depend on the user, so you can't kind of get at that.

他们大致相同么?,他们依赖于其他事情么?,输入也跟用户有关,因此你没法完全得出结果来。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. The effect seems to depend on processing each face in light of the others.

FORBES: Optical Illusion of the Day: Celebrities Become Monsters Right Before Your Eyes

11. But with future jobs said to depend on innovation and new, creative industries, the bureaucrats want more variety again.


12. The body grows to depend on nicotine.

VOA : special.2010.03.09

13. As Spain builds, town halls increasingly come to depend on income from licences, land sales and property taxes.

ECONOMIST: The bad side-effects of a housing boom

14. I've leaned to depend on my technique instead of trying to outmuscle the water.

WSJ: Jon Jones: A Formidable UFC Champ in a Forbidden City

15. Therefore they need to depend on subordinates who are closer to the action to supplement their knowledge.

FORBES: Beware the Danger of Deference

16. They can always depend on him to support them anytime they need him too.

需要他的时候,他们总是能够得到他的支持。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I don't care实战

17. And again, our energy is going to be the same where we again only depend on the n value.

同样的能量,和以前一样,因为它,只决定于n的值。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. They depend on birds,bees or insects to spread their pollen to another orchid flower.

VOA : special.2010.04.06

19. Or I could have a non-adiabatic, I could take the same temperature change, by taking a flame, or a heat source and heating up my substance. So, clearly q is going to depend on the path.

也能改变温度,绝热指的是没有热传递,在非绝热条件下,也同样可以升温,比如用火或者热源加热,这样,q也应当与路径有关。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. The other main difference that we're really going to get to today is that in multi-electron atoms, orbital energies depend not just on the shell, which is what we saw before, not just on the value of n, but also on the angular momentum quantum l number. So they also depend on the sub-shell or l.

我们今天要讨论的,另一个很重要的区别就是,在多电子原子中,轨道能力不仅仅依赖于,我们以前看到的外层,不仅仅依赖于n的值,而是与角动量量子数也有关系,所以它们也依赖于亚外层或者。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. I didn't have anything in there that says, if you change one of these values, other values depend on it, and I want to make that change to it.

这样就对了,因为我在代码里面,没有任何的东西说,如果我改变了其中的一个值。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. To use some philosophical jargon, the nature of identity seems like it should depend only on intrinsic facts about me or perhaps relational facts about the relations between my stages.

用哲学术语来说,身份的本质似乎应该只取决于关于我的内在事实,或是关于我在两个时期关系的事实。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The answer would appear to depend on who actually benefits most from these developments.


24. The speed of the economy will continue to depend on broadband and wireless spectrum.

FORBES: Instagram Applications vs. Gramophone Regulations

25. He says changes to the ice cover also affect Arctic wildlife and people who depend on the local environment.

VOA : special.2009.05.05

26. Promotion is starting to depend on performance the beginnings of a career civil service.

ECONOMIST: Government in Mexico

27. Wait staff at restaurants in many countries have certainly grown to depend on tips to supplement their wages.

FORBES: Tips and Bribes: Not the Same Thing

28. It's really going to depend on what your body says. Listen to what your body,

要看你身体的反应。听从你的身体。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 激情生活

29. And so he concluded, "I knew that I was a substance, the whole essence or nature of which is to think, and that for its existence, there is no need of any place nor does it depend on any material thing.

因此,他总结到,"我知道我是个实体,是思考主体的本质或本性,而这种思考主体的存在,无需任何空间,也不依赖于任何有形实体心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Obviously the algorithm is likely to depend on the size of the input, so this is not a great idea.

很明显这个算法是与我的,输入的大小相关的,因此这不是个好方法。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. Localities have learnt not to depend on the central government for food, and this time appear better prepared.

ECONOMIST: Asia.view: Devil's bargain | The

32. He would have to depend on the support of Congress to remain in office.

VOA : special.2010.01.28

33. "Very often the woman would not have the autonomy of making her decision, so she has to depend on husband and family and parents and in-laws, and everyone's involved in the decision for the abortion."

VOA : standard.2010.06.24

34. How can whether or not I am the same guy as the guy who was lecturing to you on Tuesday depend on what's happening in Pennsylvania or Australia or Mars?

我跟星期二给你们讲课的人,是否为同一人这个问题,怎么能取决于在宾州或澳州或火星发生的事情?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. This trait makes honeybees essential to modern agriculture, which has itself evolved to depend on their services.


36. Security cannot for long be allowed to depend on physically disconnecting and powering off our computers.

CNN: OPINION: The push is on to deploy high-speed, always-on residential Internet access

37. India's approach to the next round of negotiations is bound to depend on who emerges on top in Pakistan.

ECONOMIST: A chance for peace in Kashmir? | The

38. It doesn't depend on our going to the archive, finding out what the author said in his letters about it, finding out what he told his friends, or what he told the newspapers. It doesn't involve any of that.

而不是我们是否要把它保存起来,在作者的字里行间琢磨里面的意思,或者发现作者对他的朋友是怎么说的,对报纸是怎么说的,这些都没有。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Professor Taylor says his team used this method to discover that butterflies depend on information about the Earth's magnetic fields.

VOA : special.2010.04.27

40. The winter sports Americans like to take part in often depend on where they live.

VOA : special.2010.01.29

41. So how will we live without the gadgets that we have come to depend on?

FORBES: What Will Apple Do When Indium Runs Out in 2017?

42. Hmm. Well, wait a minute. If I want to sort a list, I'll take one element, I've got to look at probably a lot of the other elements in the list in order to decide where it goes. And that suggests it's going to depend on how long the list is.

我会取一个元素,然后去查看列表,来决定要把那个元素放到哪里,这就意味着它依赖于列表的长度,对,这没什么说服力,但是事实上。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. Without a car,Morant has had to depend on friends and neighbors to take her grocery shopping in other parts of the city.

VOA : standard.2010.07.28

44. It's going to depend on how much the psychological advantage of the "unlimited rentals" flag is worth.

ENGADGET: Netflix announces new $11.99 plan

45. CUF, we would not have to depend on half-naked visitors for a living.


46. It seems plausible to think that whether or not a person can survive or continue to exist after the death of his or her body should depend on how he's built, what he's made of, what his or her parts are.

这似乎可以理解成,一个人的肉体死亡后,能否幸存或继续存在,是取决于他的构造,他的组成部分,他或她各部分的构件死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. His entire sense of the job came to depend on being a war President.

NEWYORKER: Coming Apart

48. So Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln had to depend on legislative support to get to Washington.

VOA : special.2009.06.11

49. Majda Zarouk used to depend on the salary that her husband, an electrician, brought from his job in Israel.

VOA : standard.2010.06.16

50. It would also depend on the building materials used since some materials are less resistant to heat than others.

VOA : special.2010.03.02

51. But if officials came to depend on him, they also learnt that he could be devious, ruthless and manipulative.

ECONOMIST: Prince Bandar bin Sultan was an envoy like no other

52. As well as the big projects, many voluntary community groups have also come to depend on EU funding.

BBC: MEP says UK government putting Peace IV money at risk

53. Women in urban areas have equal employment opportunities and no longer need to depend on their parents.

BBC: Abandoned baby boy reverses trend

54. Mr McCain invokes his military service in Vietnam, when he learnt to depend on something greater than himself.

ECONOMIST: America's particularities will survive George Bush

55. Yet,every day,Americans depend on their transportation system to keep them, and the largest economy in the world, on the move.

VOA : special.2010.01.11

56. Now everything seems to depend on Governor King, who looks set against any repeal.

ECONOMIST: Fingerprinting teachers

57. Farmers quickly came to depend on workers from the south, and lobbied the government to let more in.

ECONOMIST: America's population

58. It has to depend on unforgiving market forces - witness the 50% slump in property values.


59. Mr Karzai's own clout will continue to depend on the presence of international troops.

ECONOMIST: Small change | The

60. That is especially worrying when the finances of many households have come to depend on two full incomes.

ECONOMIST: World economy: The jobs crisis | The





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