
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈprɒdʌkt]play美 [ˈprɑːdʌkt]play

  • n. 产品,制品;(自然、化学或工业过程的)生成物;(特定行动、影响或事件的)结局;(受某种环境或经历影响而形成的)产物;积,乘积;总称(商业性)音乐制品

复数 products

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


product /ˈprɒdʌkt/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A product is something that is produced and sold in large quantities, often as a result of a manufacturing process. 产品

    Try to get the best product at the lowest price.


  • 2.
    可数名词 If you say that someone or something is a product of a situation or process, you mean that the situation or process has had a significant effect in making them what they are. 产物

    We are all products of our time.


  • 3.
    可数名词 a substance formed in a chemical reaction (化学反应)生成物



  • adj.

    productive 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  • adv.

    productively 有结果地;有成果地

  • n.

    production 成果;产品;生产;作品

    productivity 生产力;生产率;生产能力

    productiveness 赢利性;生产率,生产能力;多产性



product goods merchandise produce 【导航词义:产品,商品】

product n. 产品,制品

〔辨析〕 指种植的物产或工厂里大批量制造的产品,通常用于出售。

例1: Various kinds of agricultural products are sold in that supermarket.


例2: Where are the finished products assembled?


goods n. 商品

〔辨析〕 只用复数形式,泛指用于出售的货品。

例1: The next step is to tap the large market for consumer goods.


例2: Leather goods are very popular in that country.


merchandise n. [正式] 商品,货品

〔辨析〕 不可数名词,指供买卖的货物。

例1: A range of official Snoopy merchandise is on sale in the visitors' centre.


例2: Did they inspect the merchandise after its arrival?


produce n. 农产品

〔辨析〕 不可数名词,指生产出来用于出售的农产品。

例1: dairy produce


例2: Fresh local produce is usually cheap and delicious.



1. electronic product 电子产品;电子设备制造业

2. gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值

3. finished product 制成品

4. aquatic product 水产品

5. product range 产品范围;产品系列;产品类别

6. product rule 数 乘积法则 ; 积法则 ; 多积治 ; 积的求导法则

7. gross domestic product 国内生产总值

8. product mix 产品结构;产品搭配组合

9. product quality 产品质量

10. Gross National Product 财政 国民生产总值 ; 国民生产毛额 ; 本地居民生产总值 ; 国平易近出产总值

11. product development 产品开发;产品发展

12. domestic product 国内产品;本地生产

13. quality product 优质产品

14. product information 产品信息

15. Product Manager 经管 产品经理 ; 生产部经理 ; 生产经理 ; 商品经理

16. Product Name 产品名称 ; 产品别名 ; 宝贝名称 ; 产品称号

17. product cost 产品成本

18. dairy product 乳制品 ; 乳产品 ; 乳类产品

19. product design 产品设计

20. cartesian product 笛卡儿积 ; 笛卡尔积 ; 笛卡儿乘积 ; 笛卡尔乘积

21. gross domestic product (gdp) 国内生产总值

22. Animal Product 动物产品 ; 畜产品 ; 动物产物 ; 动物性产品

23. quality of product 产品质量

24. product line 生产线;产品线;产品系列

25. product performance 产品性能

26. final product 最终产品;最后产物

27. dot product 数量积 ; 数 点积 ; 点乘积 ; 标量积

28. national product 国民产值;社会产品


1. The work done is the product of the force and the distance.


2. Do you a prototype of your new product?

有新产品的试作品 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

3. Complementation between viruses may occur, owing to the interaction between their gene products.


4. The product of 4 consecutive positive integers is 3024 the largest integer among the four.


5. The object of copyright in intellectual property right is the product and not the carrier.


6. John Chambers, chairman of Cisco Systems Inc., a worldwide leader in electronics products,says that “we compete against market transitions ( 过渡),not competitors.

电子产品巨头思科系统公司的总裁John Chambers 说:“我们是在和产品过渡竞争,而不是竞争者。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

7. Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.


8. The work products produced as a consequence of the testing strategy are identified.


9. The product is sold both at home and overseas.


10. So how do we fast calculation business card printing and membership card costs of making products?

那么我们如何才能快速计算制卡和会员卡制作品的纸张成本 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

11. According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health, many everyday products, including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids , could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children.

一份哈佛大学公共卫生学院的研究报告表明,许多像杀虫剂和清洁剂一样的日用产品会提高儿童大脑和行为障碍产生的风险。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

12. Results TMM is complement to SQA and is critical to ensure the high quality products.

结果 TMM是对SQA的 一个补充,并在保证软件质量方面起着重要作用.《期刊摘选》

13. Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits of products and services and attempts to persuade them to buy them

广 告 将 产 品 和服务的存在和优势告知消费者,并试图劝说他们购买。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

14. Digital products, such as software, films and music, can be sold in a purely virtual environment

诸如软件,电影,音乐之类的数码产品可以在纯粹虚拟的环境中出售。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

15. Theorem 2 The product of a bounded function and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal.


16. In other experiments, Lupyan and Swignley found that 31 uttering the name of a common product when on the hunt for it helped quicken someone’s pace, but talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down.

在其他实验中,Lupyan 和Swignley 发现,搜寻常见产品时 (31) 说出其名字有助于让人找得更快,但是对于罕见产品,念念叨叨并没有显现出好处,还会让你慢下来。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

17. JX Online World is the 6 th product in JX series.


18. The volume V is given in terms of the scalar triple product.


19. Plain packaging would be another step in the reclassification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics ( 麻醉剂 )

简易包装还将是把香烟从诱惑力极大的消费产品重新划归为麻醉剂类产品的又一步骤《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

20. There's also a Gallery of Honest Ads for showing your best finished products.


21. II outdoor business card printing and membership card making products becoming shorter and shorter lifespan.


22. For enterprises and service providers, the use of network processors ensures against premature product obsolescence.

对于企业和服务供应商而言, 采用网络处理器保证不会使未成熟产品被淘汰.《简明英汉词典》

23. Today's housing problems are the product of years of neglect.


24. the products of the reaction


25. Two kinds of vector measures in a product space are given in the theorem 2.


26. The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.


27. The trace of a product of two factors is independent of their order.


28. Another instance of interest in structural analysis is the equivalence of internal and external work products.


29. MC: Is your art a product?

你的作品是一种产品 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

30. Result: The qualified product was obtained with the total yield 35 %.

结果: 采用该策略可得到合格的产品,且合成纯化总产率达到35%.《期刊摘选》

31. The bank is the product of a 1971 merger of two Japanese banks.


32. “These extra features are deemed unnecessary by the majority of shoppers, which probably reflects how these types of products are typically more expensive than regular toilet paper, even when on special offer.”

“大部分购买者认为这些额外的特性没有必要,这也许反映了为什么这种类型的产品即使是在特价促销时也普遍比常规的卫生纸更加昂贵。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

33. Experiments showed that modified gypsums can improve the strength of fly ash autoclaved silicate products.


34. The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.


35. The result showed that the safety of pork sausage products were improved in a wide range.


36. Gardner describes the book as the product of a diseased and evil mind.


37. “I would raise prices and make it into more of a legacy product.” 

“我会提价,并使之成为一种更类似于文化遗产的产品”。【句子解析】本句是一个简单句,其主语是I,and连接并列的谓语would raise和(would ) make ;名词prices作would raise的宾语;代词it“作(would) make的宾语,介词短语into more of a legacy product作宾语it的补足语.注意本句是一个直接引语,作⑥句中said的宾语。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

38. In this way, the final product has some measure of depth and is not superficial.

这样, 最终作品就会有深度,而不仅仅流于表面.《期刊摘选》

39. The result A product that is easier to understand and more pleasurable to use.


40. His failure is a product of ignorance.


41. Product and Quotient Spaces of Fuzzy Topological Vector Spaces of Type ( QL )

(QL)型Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的乘积和商空间 ( 英文 )《期刊摘选》

42. The result of amino acid analysis of HAP product shows that it is a good additive.


43. The remanence, coercivity energy product decrease with deteriorated grain alignment.

计算结果表明,随着磁体晶粒易轴取向度的变差,磁体的剩磁 、 矫顽力均随之下降.《期刊摘选》

44. Our product enjoys popularity throughout the world.


45. It was a time of peak demand for the product.


46. Based on experimental results, the favorable technical condition was determined and quali ty products were prepared.

研究结果, 得到工艺条件并制取了纯度98%上的产品.《期刊摘选》

47. In multiplication, we use partial product to reduce hardware.

在乘法计算中采用部分乘积法, 节省硬件.《期刊摘选》

48. The product is at the design stage.


49. A product manager is responsible for product profitability.


50. The logical operation which makes use of the operator or logical product.


51. Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.


52. His new product is about to be published.


53. RESULTS Chemical structure of the product was confirmed by melting point and element analysis.


54. The advertisement told us very little about the product.


55. We are all products of our time...


56. (business 商)We need new product to sell (= a new range of products) .


57. Once opened, this product should be kept refrigerated.


58. The product was always the same, one hundred dollars, and he decided was better than seafaring.


59. A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely.


60. Personalization card printing and membership card making products of this binding requirements and traditional offset printing.


61. It will be seen that the term internal work product is ambiguous.

可以看出,术语 “ 内乘积功 ” 有两种解释.《辞典例句》

62. One in 10 buyers rank toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations, highlighting how overall the environment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality.

十分之一的买家会把用再生纸制成的卫生纸列入首选对象中,这突出表明总体上对于购买者来说,与产品质量相比,环保因素很少被纳入考虑。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

63. Any product that promises to protect your home deserves careful examination.

任何承诺可以保护你家的产品你都应该仔细检查。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

64. Are Systems and Product Audit results periodically reviewed by management?

系统和产品审查结果通过管理定期回顾复审 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

65. Once cooled, the plaster mold is carefully broken to reveal the limpid product.

降温之后, 取出的石膏模型必须进行细致小心地拆模,清洗后,晶莹剔透的作品就初现玲珑了.《期刊摘选》

66. When does a product become commercial product ? How do you deal with this type of relation?

你卖掉一幅作品后,是否会想念它? 总是知道它的去向 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

67. They export their products to markets throughout the world.


68. Interfaces describe a set of functionality, or a contract.

接口描述了一系列功能, 或者是约定.《期刊摘选》

69. Worse, the fancy products cooked up by banks often have unintended consequences.

更糟的是, 由银行推出的别出心裁的产品通常产生无意识的结果.《期刊摘选》

70. We cannot satisfy demand for the product.


71. “Creating positive habits is a huge part of improving our consumers' lives, and it's essential to making new products commercially viable.”

“生成积极习惯是改善消费者生活的重要部分,它也对使新产品具有商业可行性至关重要。” 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

72. The technological process of the test development and test results of products are introduced.


73. A new algorithm for Laplace transformation of function product shuffle product is studied in this paper.


74. Theorem 2 The product of bounded function and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal.


75. Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.


76. Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.


77. The product of 4 and 10 is 40.


78. DY : Yes , art works are products. Don't consider them lofty.

作品就是产品啊, 不要把作品想的太崇高了.《期刊摘选》

79. investment in product development


80. There are qualitative differences between the two products.


81. The quality of this product is up to standard.


82. We are not only selling our product but an amiable service.


83. Moreover, we prove the linear combination and product measure of probability measures with correlation are preserved.


84. The error within 2 % after adjustment achieved the request of the measurement of the product.


85. The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product.


86. Agree or disagree new product can be released to manufacturing according to result of pilot run.


87. Our product needs an image that people can relate to.


88. The authors, discuss the product Lie group's Lie algebra.


89. Thanks for showing us your products ─ we'll be in touch.


90. The product of 21 and 16 is 336.


91. dairy/meat/pharmaceutical, etc. products


92. This product has not been tested on animals.


93. Manufacturers of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission.

根据美国联邦贸易委员会提出的修改意见,那些声称生产环境友好型产品的制造商在向消费者宣传自己时将面临更严格的规定。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

94. By the end of term, Professor Watson had a finish product.

在学期末, 沃森教授已经有了一部完整的作品.《期刊摘选》

95. All our products are available by mail order.


96. It is the end product of exhaustive research and development.


97. The product has been marketed very professionally.


98. The dot product, being the product of three scalars, is a scalar.

点积是三个标量的乘积, 所以是个标量.《辞典例句》

99. Digital card printing and membership card making products for results cannot be offset printing.


100. I think it's Disney's product at first, but I'm wrong . It is Fox's product against Disney.

开始的时候还以为它是迪斯尼的作品呢, 原来是福克斯对付迪斯尼的作品.《期刊摘选》

101. Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit, such as how much of the product is recycled.

销售商必须在产品包装上具体解释其声明,并将声明限定在某个具体益处上,如说明该产品中有多少成分是被循环利用的。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

102. Their aim is to get a product that is as close to the model as possible.


103. Each product has a number for easy identification.


104. Baking volume, form, crumb structure and elasticity, and the taste of the baked product are evaluated.

焙烤后的体积 、 形式 、 屑状结构和弹性, 以及陪烤制品的风味都可以从试验结果中得到评估.《期刊摘选》

105. In every case, then the vector force equals the product of the mass and vector acceleration.

因此在所有情况下, 力矢量等于质量和加速度矢量的乘积.《辞典例句》

106. Such peasants may retain half the product of their year's toil.


107. Behaviors: Business card printing and membership card making products like rendering pinhole the same way.

本体: 制卡和会员卡制作品表现许多象针孔不同的圆孔.《期刊摘选》

108. South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.


109. This warranty is good for one year after the date of the purchase of the product.


110. Our beauty products are not tested on animals.


111. The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product.


112. The product is separated by distillation gasoline and gas oil.

这种作品是用蒸馏分离出气油和粗柴油. (表示方式、手腕、方式——无形)《期刊摘选》

113. The child is the product of a broken home.


114. The catalogue gives a full description of each product.


115. This mechanism has already passed the experiment of overall, and is applied in the military products.

结果表明该机构已通过了全方位的实验, 并被应用于军用产品中.《期刊摘选》

116. My bike is a home product.


117. Manufacturing companies on average rely on more than 35 contract suppliers around the world to create a single product.

制造型企业仅仅生产一件产品就平均需要依靠全球范围内超过 35家签约供货商。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

118. You can obtain the product from all good chemists.


119. There are certain products and services that are very suitable for selling online, and others that simply don’t work.

有一些特定的产品和服务特别适合在线销售,但其他的却不适合。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

120. This post is a collection of advertisements on a variety of products, services, and events.

文章收集了来自各种产品 、 服务以及赛事的广告作品.《期刊摘选》

121. The product has filled a gap in the market.


122. Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.


123. If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk.

如果上述情况发生,情绪激动地消费者会努力劝说其他人共同抵制某公司的产品,从而危及到企业的声誉。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

124. Results quality of product is stable and craft is reliable.


125. Marketing schedules, not product innovation, are driving the corporate train.

推动公司前进的是营销计划而不是产品创新。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

126. On the other side , Hairpin Formation is the product of DNA molecules in special hybridization way.


127. In recent years, pragmatic approaches have been in the explanation of translation procedure , process and product.

近些年来, 语用学渐用于对翻译过程和翻译作品的解释和研究之中.《期刊摘选》

128. In electronics, the product of an instanta neous voltage and the correspondent instantaneous current.

在电子学[技术]中, 瞬时电压及其相应的瞬时电流的乘积.《期刊摘选》

129. Generalwall calendar , trademark decoration , cards and membership cards to make products of this surface to glazing.


130. The product was developed in response to customer demand.


131. There will always be change—new jobs, new products, new services.

变化总是存在的,新工作、新产品和新服务都会出现。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

132. In this paper , an important inequality is obtained inequality, two theorems on infinite products are determined.

通过一个得到的不等式, 证明了一类无穷乘积的判别法则.《期刊摘选》

133. The product is the inner product of x and y.


134. The product has been a phenomenal success.


135. The reaction pathways leading to the formation of the final products were proposed in detail.


136. Good works are the natural product of a good faith.


137. Results Data of dose distribution in the product load in different radiation mode were obtained.


138. The inventor is trying to market his new product.


139. It is quality not price that sells our products.


140. This is a use of language c 2 32 multiply numbers, the product of 64.

这是一个用c语言 实现的2个32大数相乘, 乘积为64.《期刊摘选》

141. The geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war.


142. ” This finding supported ConAgra’s decision to position the product against other high quality frozen dinners, rather than as a diet or health food.

”这一发现支持了ConAgra 的 决 定, 即让这类产品与其他优质的冷冻餐食竞争,而不是作为一种特别饮食或健康食品。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

143. These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.


144. The bar codes on the products are read by lasers.


145. Impulse is the product of net force and time it is acting.


146. This product has been phenomenally successful.


147. When costs are cut product quality suffers.


148. Polish is the finish on the cards and membership cards to make products in surface coating.


149. He incorrectly used the product of velocity and weight to define momentum.


150. The product is not yet commercially available.


151. to launch a new product on to the market


152. The results show thatTaiwania flousiana wood can be used as fibre material in forest products industry.


153. Soccer is being brillantly promoted, like any other promising American product.

足球正在被光辉地促进着, 就像那些杰出美国人的作品一样.《期刊摘选》

154. The area of a rectangle is the product of the lengths of two adjacent sides.


155. The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.


156. The product is still at a developmental stage.


157. This product claims to firm your body in six weeks.


158. The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software field.


159. Demand for the product has reached saturation point.


160. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.


161. Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.

抽象艺术是无能的人的作品, 然后被无良的人卖给无知的人.《期刊摘选》

162. Factors are any numbers that form a product when multiplied together.


163. The logical operation which makes use of the AND operator or logical product.


164. We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.


165. We need new product to sell.


166. I ?could see there was a lot of talent there and some great potential, particularly in ?their product development.

我看到那里有很多人才及巨大的潜力,特别是在产品研发方面。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

167. Every product is exhaustively tested before being sold.


168. Coatings, is chemical products, wallpaper is the process works.

涂料 、 是化工产品, 壁纸是工艺作品.《期刊摘选》

169. The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving our product.


170. Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated.


171. The results show that the product has high viscosity and stability of frozen and melt.


172. We should prevent others cashing in before we've time to market the product.


173. The application result showed that all the property indexes may meet the needs of product process.


174. The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year.


175. The developing brain, the report says, is particularly 26 vulnerable to the toxic effects of certain chemicals these products may contain, and the damage they cause can be 27 permanent.

报告称:发育中的大脑对于这些产品中所含化学物质的毒性的抵抗力尤为(26) 弱,而这些物质造成的危害可能是 (27) 永久性的。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

176. They were the products of the formation of the united front of the two parties.


177. Try to get the best product at the lowest price...


178. Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products.

推销产品的市场营销人员掌控着付费和自有媒体。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

179. In this paper, minimum diameter orientations of strong products of two paths are given.


180. Poems are the product of a poet's imagination.


181. The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public.

“健康之选”产品线在被引荐给公众前,会经过消费者的谨慎测试。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

182. The products of a skilled and gifted humorist, are often funny and almost always readalbe.


183. Personality default card printing and membership card making product requirement higher and higher.


184. The makers are about to launch out a new product.



1. So the cost of the product will be higher for them, for you know, for any product that uses advertising

所以他们的产品价格就会更高,你知道,任何打广告的产品。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广告和价格的关系

2. We're designing a product to match consumer preference.


3. The product was such a hit that women wore them as accessories around concert grounds.

FORBES: Stunts for Blue Chips

4. When an opportunity is over, users can instantly give testimonials on the product or service offered.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

5. Amtrak's eVouchers are perhaps the worst product introduced by a major travel brand in recent memory.

ECONOMIST: Business travel

6. Self-alienation, in Barth's work, is the product of desire. Desire, love: that's the moment when you're supposed to be perfectly present.

巴斯作品中,自我疏离是欲望的产物,欲望,爱:,那是你应该在场的时刻。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Glycerine is a by-product of soap-making.


8. So this is an experiment of using an online distance product to enrich what was from a content standpoint that our students recapped.

因此,这个实验,用网上远程产品充实了,同学们反复阐述的,内容观点。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. If you use an alcohol-based product instead of soap and water, make sure it contains at least sixty percent alcohol.

VOA : special.2010.09.29

10. Sony's product is already on the market and Casio has released its new range.

BBC: Do we need watches to tell us more than the time?

11. God is a product of human labor, but then we turn around and we say God exists independently and has value objectively.

上帝是人类劳动的产物,但我们转过身却说上帝独立地存在,并且具有客观价值。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Miz Cheek says, since the nineteen nineties, the Securities and Exchange Commission has tried to get financial companies to give clearer product descriptions.

VOA : special.2010.04.30

13. Apple, like many companies in the PC industry, was seeking to create a product that filled this gap.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

14. That says that if you have independent probabilities, then the probability of two events is equal to the product of their probabilities.

意思是,几个相互独立的事件,其中两个事件同时发生的概率,等于他们分别发生的概率的乘积金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Critics are keen to discover if staffing changes at the California-based studio affected the product.

BBC: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 videogame sales begin

16. Now we might at first think that Satan's vaunting here is the product of nothing more elevated than hate and a desire for revenge, but Milton's doing something truly extraordinary.

我们首先会想到撒旦之所以在这里自吹自擂,不过是因为他的仇恨和复仇的欲望,不过弥尔顿在这里做了不同寻常的艺术处理。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. And we had investors who were coming to us who were already users of the product.

我们有慕名而来的投资者,他们已经是这个产品的用户了。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

18. The sovereign does not exist by nature but rather, Hobbes tells us again, the sovereignty is the product of art or science.

霍布斯又告诉我们说,国家不是生来就有的,而主权也只是科学和艺术的产物罢了。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. In nineteen twenty-eight the Levi Strauss company registered the word "Levi's" as a trademark for their product.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

20. In October,Greece said its budget deficit would reach almost thirteen percent of its gross domestic product last year.

VOA : special.2010.02.12

21. This portfolio appears to be the product of a grand strategy, but McCaw attributes it to mere happenstance.

FORBES: "We're On A Collision Course"

22. The gridded, cobblestoned town streets are the product of Inca city planning, dating back to the 1200s.

BBC: Walking in Inca footsteps in Peru's Sacred Valley

23. The company wants to expand its product lines for older children.


24. The company began attracting interest online after the celebrity Ashton Kutcher mentioned the product on his Twitter account.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

25. By contrast, Los Angeles-based Northrop says its product lines do not overlap with those of Newport News.

FORBES: Focus On The Forbes 500s

26. Because a product has the word 'fruit' in its name doesn't necessarily mean it actually has fruit in it.

因为即使产品名称中带"水果"二字,产品中也不一定含有水果关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. President Obama had this reaction to Thursday's report on the gross domestic product a wide measure of goods and services in the economy.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

28. Your teams will modify tools, product terms, pricing, and everything else (better packaging colors, anyone?).

FORBES: When Should A Startup Hit The Gas?

29. Here are seven companies (the last defunct) and partial descriptions of their product lines.

FORBES: Side Lines

30. The final product is supposed to produce a top that can not only move in circles, but write or scribble.

VOA : special.2010.12.28

31. And in all that time, the company has not brought a single product to market.

FORBES: A Child's Guide To ImClone

32. He emphasized first-time quality because, he says, correcting defects makes up 10% to 15% of product cost.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

33. Originally, it was terraced, with a flat top, and was the product of enormous labor.

NPR: With Climate Swing, a Culture Bloomed in Americas

34. Clearly, hunting for product-market fit is your highest order goal when you found a company.

FORBES: When Should A Startup Hit The Gas?

35. They go to the store and they see their product: 'Look at this - I made that'.

BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

36. Its product line consists of televisions, digital cameras, MP3 players, DVD players and videocassette recorders.

FORBES: Look out, Sony

37. Long delays are common at the SEC when filing for any new security product.

FORBES: ETFs Turn 20-Years Old in the U.S.

38. They learned about a traditional product ice cream and offered a fresh take with delightfully named, unique flavors.

FORBES: Step 2 for a Successful Startup: Identify, Utilize, and Develop your Talents or Skills

39. Some friends are at an eating place that only serves a processed meat product from the United States called SPAM.

VOA : special.2009.04.19

40. And in order to stand out, you really need to come up with a much better technology, a much better product, and much better user experiences.


41. DuPont noted though that crop protection product volumes fell slightly because of northern hemisphere sales pattern shifts.

FORBES: DuPont Shoots For The Sun

42. Sell the believer a product, and then immediately start thinking about how to sell him a faster model.

FORBES: Churn my camera

43. Comparing pledges to Unep with a country's gross national product, though, gives a very different picture.

BBC: UN environment champ in cash crisis

44. and then use the proceeds, use the profits that you make from selling the product to make the product better.

然后用得到的钱,用销售产品的收入和利润来改进产品。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广告和价格的关系

45. To address these needs, this product includes a fingerprint reader and smart card reader for effective two-factor authentication.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

46. Wright and her partners formed a company called Eco Incorporated and dubbed their signature product the Green Box.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

47. For example, you can add sand to prevent tiny breaks or lines from forming in the finished product.

VOA : special.2009.09.14

48. It's a product built for safety.


49. But he says any new product will have to be different enough that people will not be able to find it anywhere else.

VOA : special.2009.03.21

50. So we work to have all of our different product teams innovating around the things that we think are most important.

所以我们,有不同的产品团队,对我们最重视的产品进行创新。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

51. I didn't even need to know that heat capacity of the product, right. Because it's effect the thermal mass of the product is negligible compared to the thermal mass of the calorimeter.

我甚至不需要知道生成物的,热容是多少,因为生成物的,热质量的作用相比于,量热计的热质量是可以忽略的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. First have a product (not necessarily new) or service that people want to purchase.

FORBES: You don't need a better mousetrap, or three steps to start a successful business

53. A product like Windows is in a sense only as good as it's last release or two.

如“视窗“一样的产品不过是,和它之前推出的如出一辙而已。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

54. Fay oversaw the product go from prototype all the way through the first clinical trials.

FORBES: Michigan I-Corps Program In Ann Arbor Begins Today

55. Their own product literature makes only vague and unactionable statements about xanthones having antioxidant properties.

FORBES: The Thought Police

56. The product, called an online (or digital) locker, is aimed at the tech-savvy 14-to-24-year-old set.

FORBES: The Mobile Locker

57. Now think of another product in American history that doubled every decade for four decades, and then imagine that that product became the country's, without question, absolute largest export.

思考下在美国历史中有没有另一种产品曾,有如此辉煌的成就,那么这个产品将毫无疑问地,成为美国最大的出口产品美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. When farmers buy their inputs, the store worker uses a mobile phone camera to scan barcode symbols that match the product.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

59. Then she got an idea. If she could create a hair product that worked for her, she could start her own business.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

60. For centuries, people have been enjoying the rich flavor of chocolate, a product made from this plant.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

61. Ireland's bank bailout and government spending have expanded this year's deficit to more than thirty percent of gross domestic product.

VOA : special.2010.11.26

62. Hair was teased, combed, and loaded with product.


63. He shamed them with photos from 30 examples he found of "heinous" retail product displays.

FORBES: Rebirth of a salesman

64. Officials reported this week that the gross domestic product grew nine-tenths of one percent between April and June.

VOA : special.2009.08.21

65. And this is just a Newtonian expression of momentum, the product of the mass of the electron times its instant velocity.

这只是牛顿学上关于动量的表达,用电子质量,乘以瞬时速度。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课













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韩国留学的好处和弊端 普通家庭建议去吗



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