stop work是什么意思_stop work短语搭配_stop work权威例句

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stop work

网络 停止工作;停工

英 [stɒp wɜːk]play 美 [stɑːp wɜːrk]play

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1. Stop Work Order 停止工作指示 ; 停工令 ; 停工命令

2. Geneva stop work 日内瓦式发条停止上条装置

3. Long non-stop work 长时间不停地工作

4. stop-work order 停工令

5. stop work shut down 停止工作或生产

6. stop work and production 停工停产

7. stop work request 停止要求

8. Stop Work For The Day 收工


1. If one day, suddenly the bridges have to stop work when it will adversely great affect to society, especially dangerous if one suddenly collapsed in the service process.


2. You can stop work at 3 to pick up the kids from schoolwithout asking your boss for permission.


3. The city has also demanded that factories in surrounding provinces stop work or cut production.


4. The work force stop work when the company can not pay their wages.


5. As in most current development environments, once you stop work for the day, it takes time to get back to where you were.


6. It is late enough for us to stop work.


7. It's important to get a good pension when you stop work.


8. Old practices linger. It is not uncommon for employees to recite the corporate mission in the morning, or stop work in the afternoon as the company song reverberates across the cubicles.


9. It is not uncommon for employees to recite the corporate mission in the morning, or stop work in the afternoon as the company song reverberates across the cubicles.


10. If you stop work for even a year, you soon get out of touch.

你即使是一年不工作,手也会变生的。《provided by jukuu》

11. The strike is the social phenomenon which various countries occur frequently, is the collective work conflict one kind of manifestation, is the most worker collective stop work organized behavior.


12. Eg: Why did she stop work?


13. The Aru flyover should not stop work anymore.


14. Stop work in order to press demands.


15. A highly efficient young acquaintance tells me that neither apps nor alarms on her phone are powerful enough to make her stop work at 6.30pm.


16. I want to stop work when I'm 60 and have a long and happy retirement.


17. Must strictly abide operate specification, should stop work immediately and identify the reason when have a unusual phenomenon in working. Start work again after clearing of fault.


18. Already frank and Pitty were begging her not to expose herself and them to embarrassment and she had promised them to stop work in june.

弗兰克和皮蒂早就央求她不要再露面,不要给她自己以及她们丢丑,而她也答应他们到六月不再工作了。《provided by jukuu》

19. Stop work when the whistle blows.


20. To take part in the new size test and start and stop work of production.


21. If being going to return material, whether making production line stop work or missing shipping date.

若进行退货是否会造成生产线的停工待料或误船期。《provided by jukuu》

22. It's important to get a good pension when you stop work.


23. Issue stop work order and resume work order for unit work, examine& approve and sign work acceptance and pricing table, project payment certificate and project statement;

签发单位工程停工令、复工令,审核并签署验工计价表、工程付款凭证和工程结算书。《provided by jukuu》

24. The builders stop work at sunset.


25. Too many meetings programmer has to stop work to go to yet - another-meeting, and.


26. He will stop work and will not begain until he thinks that everyone is asleep.


27. Upon receipt of such written notice, Seller shall stop work to the extent and on the date specified in the notice.


28. Clock-watcher is an employee who demonstrates lack of interest in a job by watching the time closely to be sure to stop work as soon as the workday or shift is over.


29. I must stop work for a minute and go and have a tinkle.


30. Every so often he would stop work and lood towards gate.

他不时会停下工作,朝大门望望。《provided by jukuu》

31. Now he has to stop work and study and goes back home to take care of his dad.


32. To endorse stop work order and resume work order for unit work, work payment certificate, work completion reporting sheet and project statement;

签认单位工程停工令、复工令、工程付款凭证、工程竣工报验单和工程结算书;《provided by jukuu》

33. When all the cattle were safely penned up, the farmer could stop work for the day.


34. He ordered the company to stop work until they had a better plan to guard against water pollution.


35. As in most current development environments, once you stop work for the day, it takes time to get back to where you were.


36. Too many simultaneous projects (programmer has to stop work on project a to switch to project B).


37. That also means that you should stop work at noon and go do something else.


38. Some other countries will also go ahead: Russia says it sees no reason to stop work on ten reactors that are in development.


39. Moreover, her mysterious body can also lighten the electric lamp, triggers the automobile alarm and lets the store the cash desk stop work and so on.


40. No wonder that 70% of Japanese women stop work when their first child arrives.


41. Now he has to stop work and study and goes back home to take care of his dad.


42. Unfortunately, the report may also make it harder for America and Europe to maintain, let alone sharpen, the sanctions the world has imposed in order to make Iran stop work at Natanz.


43. We did not stop work in the fields until three hours after the noon and stars came out.


44. Too many simultaneous projects ( programmer has to stop work on project A to switch to project B).


45. When all the cattle were safely penned up, the farmer could stop work for the day.


46. The hooter went for the workers to stop work.


47. When they stop work, they throw a woollen cloak over their working clothes.


48. They have lowered their expectations of what their living standards will look like when they do stop work.


49. The most effective capital is our credibility, it hour non-stop work for us.


50. The US continues its pressure on North Korea to stop work on a nuclear weapons program.


51. Stop work when the whistle blows.


52. The trades unions are playing a waiting game-they won't say whether they will order their members to stop work until the government has declared its own plans.


53. It's late enough to stop work.


54. We have a morning and an afternoon tea break every day when we stop work for about ten minutes and have a drink.

我们每天上午和下午各有一次喝茶休息时间,让我们停工10分钟左右,喝一点饮料。《provided by jukuu》

55. Directly after he leave his office, everybody stop work.


56. Some other countries will also go ahead: Russia says it sees no reason to stop work on ten reactors that are in development.


57. The office staff stop work at 5: 30.


58. The work force stop work when the company can not pay their wages.


59. You should stop work and enjoy yourself for a season.


60. Should be prepared to prevent and stop work, the key should work.


61. On the contrary, Italian men stop work and begin living off the state at the average age of 60.7, among the youngest in Europe.


62. He ordered the company to stop work until they had a better plan to guard against water pollution.


63. You always stop work when my back is turned.


64. He urged them to take a rest. But none of them agreed to stop work.

他要他们休息一会儿, 但谁也不肯停止干活.《互联网》

65. But after about a week of non-stop work, we had built 13 little huts and a large centralized hut for a meeting area.



1. Great work! Keep it up! Don't stop working.

做得真棒!再接再厉哦!别停下前进的脚步。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I used to 课堂

2. Buildings Department records showed crane work at the site remained halted Wednesday, but TF Cornerstone said it believed the stop-work order and violation were being resolved.

WSJ: APNewsBreak: Operator cited in NYC crane collapse

3. The stop-work had been triggered by announcement of a plan to break up the state power board into three corporations.

CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Daily Briefing: Fight the Power

4. In the summer months, the terrible desert heat slowed the work but did not stop it.

VOA : special.2009.08.12

5. In order for the NHS to work stop them competing with the corporate institutions and put doctors on a commission basis, where they are able to get very high salaries proportional to the number of times a patient has to return to get a cure ie pay them for results and not numbers.

BBC: News | NHS at 50 | The NHS at 50: What you think

6. You try to stop but you can't, your brakes don't work.

你无法让电车停下来,因为刹车坏了。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Now they can stop that work.

FORBES: The Cloud Computing Market Grows Up

8. "He is an imam and I am a rabbi and we are both simply teachers humble before God,' "Hopefully,helping others to stop along the way, so that we can find out how strong we really are when we simply work together."

VOA : standard.2009.10.19

9. It is also not always necessary to stop work before starting to draw benefits from a pension.

BBC: Fergus Muirhead

10. But a majority don't think it is going to work in terms of being able to stop terrorists there from using Afghanistan as a terrorist base to do terrorists acts against the United States."

VOA : standard.2009.10.09

11. No wonder that 70% of Japanese women stop work when their first child arrives.

ECONOMIST: Most of the rich world is short of babies

12. True, there is pain: when Siderar, its largest steel producer, had to stop work for a week in July, it blamed foreign dumping.

ECONOMIST: The battle royal for Brazils real

13. Hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - of teachers, civil servants, health workers, students, banking staff, air traffic controllers, customs officials, weather forecasters, and others - will stop work for 24 hours for a variety of reasons: from pay to public sector reform.


14. Protesters against a new road planned in East Sussex have launched a campaign to try to stop work going ahead.

BBC: Tree protester

15. The fact that you have bought an annuity, or are taking an income from, your pension, doesn't mean that you have to stop work.

BBC: Fergus Muirhead

16. "One should work on this and stop sleeping." Russia has also suffered a serious brain drain since 1991, the report says.

VOA : standard.2010.02.03

17. In a country that sets official store by equality, nobody suggests ministerial spouses should stop work.

ECONOMIST: Politics in France

18. They are just encouraging each other and I stop doing before work in morning, the paper pencil kind of activity because I saw them going right to the computer, and I say,hey, they're learning more from than when they are just from the revision.

他们在相互鼓励,我现在不用在早上,做那些纸和铅笔的活动了,因为我看到他们径直走到电脑那,我想,他们能从那学到的,比从复习中学到的要多。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. After reviewing many investigations, discussing this with my colleagues, and examining the latest ACFE report, I decided that this article should profile the company thief and the companies that are most at risk, and then talk about one of the most effective means to stop people we work with from engaging in illegal activities in the workplace.

FORBES: How Do You Spot The Thief Inside Your Company?

20. Also, no matter when you stop work, consider delaying taking your Social Security benefits until you're 70 the "delayed retirement" credits you earn should make up for some of the benefits Uncle Sam will be taking away.

FORBES: 2020 Vision

21. Volpp says incentive programs to help people stop smoking seem to work better than those focused on losing weight.

VOA : standard.2010.07.16

22. Merfeld says the decision to stop work on the Colorado factory was made within the last two months.

FORBES: GE Halts Work On The U.S.'s Biggest Solar Factory To Return To The Lab

23. In July 2010, the FBI issued a stop-work order to contractor Lockheed Martin Corp.

WSJ: FBI Files Go Digital, After Delays and Cost Overruns

24. I will not stop fighting for an economy where hard work is rewarded,".

VOA : standard.2010.01.22

25. Last weekend she told the Times that after the controversy erupted, she ordered her research assistants to stop work on her current book project to reexamine The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. The Beijing Environmental Protection Ministry said Sunday that factories and construction sites had agreed to reduce or stop work entirely until the air cleared up.

FORBES: As Coal Imports Rise, Getting Harder To Breathe In China Cities

27. Americans are becoming so discouraged in the Obama economy that they simply stop looking for work.

CNN: Obama's slow growth economy isn't good enough

28. The criminologist Colin Wilson, who has corresponded with Brady for almost a decade, says that the decision by the Home Office to put a stop to this work and to turn down Brady's offer to donate a kidney with no reason given, devastated him.

BBC: Ian Brady: A fight to die

29. I can be a little more careful about keeping track of what goes on inside of that loop. If I don't have any more work to do, let me just stop.

我能更小心点来跟,踪循环里发生了什么,如果没什么可干的了,就停下来吧。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. With no set schedules dictating the order of jobs, one group building coffee tables had to stop work and wait as the other team, making bookshelves, used the router tables they needed.

FORBES: Green Wood

31. The GAO does not actually enforce stop-work orders, but whenever a rival company contests a bid, a procurement order tends to be put on hold.

FORBES: No Break For Beechcraft: U.S. Federal Court Sides With Brazil Defense Contractor

32. Experts say his work during the outbreak helped stop the Ebola virus from spreading out of control.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

33. But on Friday, the court denied a request for a temporary injunction, allowing the Air Force to override a procedural stop-work order from the Government Accountability Office.

FORBES: No Break For Beechcraft: U.S. Federal Court Sides With Brazil Defense Contractor

34. In the Czech Republic, the president said he laid out a strategy to work with Russia and other nations to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

VOA : standard.2009.04.11

35. And,it does not seem that hard work will stop them.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

36. "Stop orders work well overall, " says Joe Kinahan, chief derivatives strategist at TD Ameritrade.

WSJ: How the Knight Glitch Roiled Investors

37. Since the White House proposed to stop work altogether on the Orion spacecraft and associated Ares rockets earlier this year in favor of shifting funds to nurture commercial-space alternatives, many Republican House members have sought to save Orion.

WSJ: Lockheed Martin Sees Space Capsule Test Flight in 2013

38. Already, construction sites and factories in Beijing are preparing to stop work ahead of the Olympics.

NPR: Beijing Races to Clear Its Skies Before the Olympics

39. You need to stop making me work so hard.

你不要再让我这么拼命地工作了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : so that 实战

40. If, like most families, you are on a budget that stretches every dollar, you would tell the first caregiver to stop work (and stop earning money) at 40 hours of service.

CNN: Mandating overtime pay hurts caregivers and seniors

41. Just because you don't attend a particular meeting on a given day doesn't mean to say you stop work because the majority of work you do as a councillor continues.

BBC: Concern over councillor spending months in Philippines

42. Sometimes the leaps to get through the decades are unsubtle and you have to stop and quickly work out how old everyone is at each stage, but the weight of time on these people's backs is moving.

BBC: Trevor's tragic tale

43. On BP, we're told the administration asked BP to stop work on the temporary cap because some scientific questions needed to be answered.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

44. Stop work on a revised citizen test, save some consultancy fees, and instead set your TV to record Danny Boyle's opening ceremony on 27 July.

BBC: Psst - want to pass the new citizenship test?











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