go a step further翻译_go a step further短语搭配_go a step further权威例句

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go a step further

网络 更进一步

英 [ɡəʊ ə step ˈfɜːðə(r)]play 美 [ɡoʊ ə step ˈfɜːrðər]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. The best of these programs will go a step further and make their services available to available to other apps.


2. These have many similarities to the document model approaches, but they go a step further by mapping XML documents into actual application data structures.


3. The previous step tells you only that all migration tasks are completed, but the result of each task is not clear, so you must go a step further.


4. School sport system ought to help community sport system to recognize go a step further sport character, method of exercises, and how to fully utilize sport facilities and judging who is sport man.


5. Now it must go a step further and engage in consensus building internationally.


6. Now a Japanese phone maker is making the case we go a step further, literally squeezing and pinching them to do our bidding.


7. Bringing the trophy to Old Trafford three times on the trot was a big achievement, but now we want to go a step further.


8. For startups, I would go a step further and say that momentum is everything.


9. To go a step further and validate the content of XML documents, a language called Schematron is used.


10. Other work aims to go a step further: to change flows from patterns that impede progress to patterns that will help.


11. Adding that if consumers want to" go a step further in the direction of new flavours", the smoked chocolate can be served with ricotta or goat's cheese.


12. But the existing theoretical model still needed to go a step further to integrate organization factors, the work characteristics, the individual factors and the cognition adjustment variables, constructed the more reasonable job burnout theoretical model.


13. It had a shock and awe effect. You want to go a step further than what is absolutely needed.


14. Moral education practice has proved, if we use all of the modes put forward above, we can achieve good results in moral education, and go a step further to promoter university students socialization progress.


15. Go a step further by posting a picture of yourself.


16. In the process, oriental and horizontal analysis of the dependence on knowledge route is given to go a step further in the analysis of influence of the structure, relation, and activity features of social network on knowledge resources.


17. But you'll want to go a step further and tell them how excited you are to be meeting them.


18. This can be a chain reaction, with the volunteer team then feeling more empowered to go a step further with its own charity efforts.


19. Now they want to go a step further in the process adoption, so they plan to adapt some parts of the RUP content to their specific needs.


20. Some nations go a step further, and also provide financial aid to protect jobs or maintain a national presence in key industries.


21. Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum says autonomous cars will go a step further and make the highways safer.


22. Go a step further by Posting a picture of yourself.


23. And you can actually go a step further and get face-to-face interaction with celebrities.


24. Go a step further, should you watch the original works in Liu Changsong Studio located in Beiyi street, Shangchangdong road, Zhangdian district, Shandong province, China.


25. On a storm night, it was so dark that we could hardly go a step further we were forced to pull back.

在一个暴风雨的夜晚,天是那么黑,我们几乎一步也不能前进,我们被迫退了回采。《provided by jukuu》

26. This paper is continuous Literary piece of reference [ 6], It expanded go a step further the classical set theory.


27. The fourth chapter is to construct system again . Improving and perfecting this system is to go a step further from composing with theoretical system .


28. We should go a step further to integrate science and technology with economic development.


29. The smaller Your Party, which draws support from urban businessmen, wants to go a step further.


30. The previous step tells you only that all migration tasks are completed, but the result of each task is not clear, so you must go a step further.


31. To accomplish my goal of intercepting the classloading process we need to go a step further, by defining and using our own classloader for the application classes.


32. However Van Persie is ready to go a step further to try to help the healing process.


33. I think we need to go a step further and make a formal complaint.

我认为我们要再进一步,要提出正式申诉。《provided by jukuu》

34. Now they want to go a step further in the process adoption, so they plan to adapt some parts of the RUP content to their specific needs.


35. Adding that if consumers want to "go a step further in the direction of new flavours", the smoked chocolate can be served with ricotta or goat's cheese.


36. For startups, I would go a step further and say that momentum is everything.


37. The measures now adopted go a step further than those of 1975.


38. The new requirements go a step further than a planned ban, announced by the central government last week, on pricey and controversial shark's fin soup.


39. These have many similarities to the document model approaches, but they go a step further by mapping XML documents into actual application data structures.


40. You can even go a step further and customize your settings to block specific individuals from viewing certain sections of your profile, such as photos of you and your friends.


41. Should that experiment be successful, why not go a step further, and crossover with the Fast and the Furious franchise?


42. This will enable China to go a step further in grain production.


43. And you can actually go a step further and get face-to-face interaction with celebrities.


44. To go a step further, an investor should be primarily concerned with downside risk, as volatility that only exists on the upside would be a very welcome phenomenon.


45. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the expected result, the consumer can go a step further.


46. To go a step further, the thesis demonstrates through an international business model that cultural forces affect all functions of international business, production, finance, marketing and personnel just as the other forces do.


47. The important thing now is to go a step further in popularizing and applying them by proceeding from reality and linking them closely with the present situation and our tasks.


48. As such, it does not ( yet) encourage a user to go a step further and learn how to adapt the code Flash Fill uses in order to perform different tasks.

这样的话,它(仍)没有鼓励用户更进一步,学会如何改写Flash Fill的代码来执行不同的任务。

49. In this article, you'll see how you can go a step further and break free of the need for client certificates in both plain WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation exchanges.


50. It was time to go a step further and see whether the principle can also be applied to creativity.


51. This will enable China to go a step further in grain production.


52. The aim this year is to see if we can go a step further.


53. To launch site, you need to go a step further.

网站开始创建以后, 就需要考虑下一步应该做什么.《互联网》

54. Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will go a step further and make the highways safer.


55. To accomplish my goal of intercepting the classloading process we need to go a step further, by defining and using our own classloader for the application classes.

为了实现拦截类加载过程的目标,我们需要采取进一步的动作,对应用程序类定义和使用我们自己的 classloader。


1. And if you want to go one step further, get a bottle of disinfectant from the front desk.

CNN: Gym etiquette: Consider others when working out

2. The tea-party scrutiny appeared to go a step further, though, with some applications flagged for specific types of political content, such as "issues that include government spending, government debt, and taxes, " according to emails obtained by the inspector general.

WSJ: IRS Has History of Extra Scrutiny of Groups

3. Additionally, by knowing the profitability associated with different types of care, ACOs could go a step further: they could securitize.

FORBES: Securitizing Your Health With ACOs

4. But some Tories go a step further, and privately predict that the Lib Dems will themselves become less libertarian in office.

ECONOMIST: An emerging divide in the coalition, and how it may be healed

5. But Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, the tsar charged by Parliament with ensuring the act is enforced, has said he wants doctors to go a step further and publish individual data.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Uncovering the secrets of the NHS

6. Mr. Gould says that offering free services can work to entice new customers, but that owners should go a step further, handing out coupons or promotions to encourage customers to come back.

WSJ: On a Tight Budget? How to Land a Client

7. Go one step further and reserve a tee time or a spot in a photography class, instead.

FORBES: The Best Holiday Gifts For Your Boss

8. But reading his analogy compelled Ruhi Shamim, a social media strategist and a millennial to go a step further and analyze the social value of having a job.

FORBES: Would Young Americans Go THIS Far To Get a Job?

9. But two states, Mississippi and Oregon, decided to go a step further and mandate that products with pseudoephedrine be sold by prescription only.

FORBES: Don't Fight Crime with More Health Care Mandates

10. The proposed new California law would go a step further by also requiring Internet companies to disclose what information they have shared with third parties.

WSJ: Online-Data Bill Sets Up Privacy Fight

11. But can we go a step further and use data to judge which really are the most innovative companies in America (or the world)?

FORBES: Which Are The Five Most Innovative Tech Companies in America?

12. The industry now has the capability, in both data and infrastructure, to handle finer, census-type data, letting advertisers go a step further and accurately, repeatedly, and consistently predict sales if different advertising is placed.

FORBES: Advertising Means Nothing If You Don't Have Predictability

13. Just as radio added a voice to the printed page and television used pictures to enhance stories told on radio, video games go a step further and allow people to participate in the story.

FORBES: Choice Bits

14. Officers go a step further, swearing that they accept this obligation without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Message from a Marine: Dont Break the Military

15. Some employees go a step further and pursue a romantic relationship with the boss.

FORBES: Who's Finding Love At Work?

16. Congress might even go a step further and mandate data collection so that Treasury or other agencies could study their effectiveness.

FORBES: Three Strikes and You're Out for Tax Extenders

17. "In every round we've managed to surpass expectations and each time you go a step further you become more and more hungry to go all the way, " explained Smalling.

BBC: From the Cottage to the Continent

18. With this project we heard there was some local concern about a negative effect on tourism, so we decided to go one step further than usual and create a tourist attraction to leave as our legacy.

BBC: Northumberlandia: The naked lady of Cramlington

19. Go a step further and use old newspapers instead of paper towels for a streak-free, guilt-free, cost-free shine.

FORBES: Household Items You're Paying Too Much For

20. So why don't we go ahead and take this just a step further?

我们为什么去继续更深入的研究了解呢?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. After some initial exchanges with our contact at Northwestern Mutual, we decided to go a step further.

FORBES: What Happens When You Build An App With An Advertiser Looking Over Your Shoulder

22. Let's go a step further and propose that this meal also can conveniently be eaten while playing cards.

NPR: The Art Of Sandwich-Making

23. Perhaps the two could go a step further in the last days of the campaign and argue which is the most passionate about cars irrespective of economic policy.

FORBES: Who's The Bigger Car Guy: Obama, Romney Or...LBJ?

24. There are some who will go one step further and offer to pay for a better coach than the one who qualified the team!

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Words of warning

25. Mr. Samson will go a step further.

WSJ: Complex Napoleon Rivalry Heads for Its Waterloo

26. Industry analysts expect Capellas eventually to go one step further and launch a new brand and payment network that competes head-to-head with Visa and MasterCard.

FORBES: Hard Charger

27. We go a big step further.

FORBES: IRS Should Fix Net Investment Tax Proposed Regulations

28. Navin Geria, vice president of research and development for the Spa Dermaceutical Products Group, a New Jersey-based consumer product development company that specializes in custom development of anti-aging skincare and products for dermatologists and spa chains, says that a new range of anti-aging technology called cosmeceuticals (cosmetics that companies says possess drug-like affects) will go a step further.

FORBES: Best Botox Alternatives

29. With proper safeguards, why not go a step further and allow the living to receive financial considerations for donating their organs?

FORBES: Open-Heart Surgery--90% off

30. He did go a step further and practically blamed the fans for the cancellation, something you do not do in the Science Fiction world.

FORBES: Dude And 50K Friends: Serious About Saving Stargate Universe


















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