positive image是什么意思_positive image短语搭配_positive image权威例句

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positive image

网络 积极形象;正像;阳图;正象

英 [ˈpɒzətɪv ˈɪmɪdʒ]play 美 [ˈpɑːzətɪv ˈɪmɪdʒ]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


  • 正象(缩微复制品白底黑字的正片)

    just as


1. positive image reporduction 正像重现

2. direct-positive image 正象

3. positive image reproduction 正像重现

4. positive image of themselves 极的意象

5. positive after-image 正后象 ; 后象

6. positive image and negative image 阳像与阴像

7. Positive image forming composition 发明名称

8. create a positive image 学会如何控制紧张感

9. positive image densities 正片浓度


1. Religion has a positive image in China and what religious people have done has been recognized and widely respected, according to the consensus.


2. I think Peng's energetic and positive image was perfect for the role.


3. Ordinary Chinese have a high opinion of lawyers, mainly thanks to the positive image of lawyers projected in foreign movies.


4. "I'm sure that people still have a positive image of clowns," Kenlon said.


5. Still, we had plenty to do to pull the party together and project a more positive image.


6. A major purpose of advertising is to construct a positive image about a company's name and products.


7. However, the relation between positive image and contact could be affected by the history events between the two regions.


8. More importantly, for various reasons, a huge influence in the international Chinese film does not actually build a positive image of China.


9. This will change the tone of your voice and project a positive image to the listener.


10. This image is characterized by the model: the characters play a positive image of the side.

这种形像的造型特点是: 戏剧中的人物形像都是正面和侧面的.《互联网》

11. At the same time, this theme television program propagandizes our country culture outside, portrays the positive image of our country.


12. The sketch character is treats carves the mold the positive image, has the happy quality and the consummation personality.


13. At all times, promote a positive image of the hotel in all forms of contact.


14. The next chapter will take a detailed look at how these signals combine to present a positive image.


15. Smoking has gained a more positive image through film in some areas.


16. The dispersion modes, which are interference, are only propagated in waveguides, which produce Talbot effects of positive image, inverted image and multi-imaging in MMI devices.


17. In such a case, Chinese oil companies to shape a positive image and spreading enterprise is particularly important.


18. Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to create a positive image of the product they are promoting.


19. However, the relation between positive image and contact could be affected by the history events between the two regions.


20. The positive image enterprise rises all is starts from the region market to be same, the market has the problem also often is starts from the region market.


21. Now see that dissociated positive image again.

现在看见那个抽离的积极图像。《provided by jukuu》

22. Autopositive: A class of photographic materials that will yield a positive image from a positive original without an intermediate negative stage.


23. As the power from idol is so effective, so the idol should keep the positive image to the public.


24. From the beginning Johnson used his magazines to project a positive image of.


25. We should more consciously project a better and more positive image of ourselves.


26. Magzines and newspapers should be used to exhibits the workers'positive image.


27. As a public welfare workers, I will self-start and establish a positive image for the prevention of AIDS advocacy work to make their own efforts.


28. This positive image – and the encouragement we derive from positive comments – boosts our self-esteem.


29. It is a marketing tool and can help portray a positive image for your company or website.


30. Build a positive image of your organization and an image of yourself as knowledgeable, intelligent, and capable.


31. The characters are unique, and against the background of each other, a positive image more highlighted, the negative image lively too.


32. Also, she has a very positive image around the world.

同时, 她在全世界有非常正面的形象.《互联网》

33. The idols have the responsibility to keep the positive image, so that their power can be used in the proper way.


34. If a country has a great, positive image, like Germany has or Sweden or Switzerland,


35. Do not shrink the positive image after you've swished it.


36. They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.


37. The research has partially approved the theory that contacting could help the form of positive image.


38. Brand name translation plays a significant role in cultivating international market, competing with other same products and, building a positive image and brand loyalty.


39. A colour film or paper which produces a positive image directly from a positive original.


40. They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.


41. And how the proposed country of China through the film positive image of the construction of ideas and thoughts.


42. The U.S. government also needed the cultural cold war to establish its positive image in consideration of the bias from the Europeans.


43. Colour reversal: a colour film or paper which produces a positive image directly from a positive original.


44. The research has partially approved the theory that contacting could help the form of positive image.


45. Also, she has a very positive image around the world.


46. By rediscovering his love for Alice , and focusing on that positive image, he sustains his will to survive.

他心中又燃起对艾莉丝的爱, 一心守着这种美好的思念,彼得毫不松懈要活下来的意志.《互联网》

47. A company spokesman said the ads are aimed at creating a positive image for general reasons but aren't particularly in response to antitrust issues.


48. If the paper is placed in a photographic developer, a positive image of the original object will appear on the paper.


49. As public relations jobs go, selling a positive image of Sierra Leone has to be among the most challenging.


50. China's positive image in the world should be damaged!


51. Build a positive image of your organization and an image of yourself as knowledgeable, intelligent, and capable.


52. By reversal process a positive image film is obtained and by bleaching it become the final encoded film.


53. The explanation for the generally positive image of the US in Asia is less geopolitical than sociological and cultural.


54. It is a marketing tool and can help portray a positive image for your company or website.


55. Build positive image of the police officer college, create qualified regular university


56. Between China and other countries to help create a more positive image of the country in the international community.



1. Using the 3D Viewing Monitor, users can also highlight positive and negative parallax within each image.

ENGADGET: Panasonic PT-AE8000U projector touts brighter, smoother 3D for king-of-the-hill home theaters

2. As well as the impact Djokovic has had on the court, Jeremic also hailed the positive impact he has had on Serbia's image around the world.

CNN: 'National hero' Djokovic given Serbia's highest honor

3. The lives lost cannot be retrieved, but there's still a chance to keep a positive image.


4. Despite years of doping whispers and suspicions, Armstrong managed to maintain a surprisingly positive public image through vehement denials, his feel-good comeback from cancer and his charitable work with Livestrong.

FORBES: America's Most Disliked Athletes

5. In Romania the Dacia name has a positive image and the car is not seen as cheap.

ECONOMIST: Success on four wheels

6. Many studies show that the mere positive image of specific groups of people can combat our hidden bias.

FORBES: Help for Working Mothers : First Let's Kill All the Biases

7. Eileen Maxwell, a spokeswoman for the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, said Depp has a tall order to fill if he wants to turn Tonto into a more positive image.

NPR: Will Disney's New Tonto Be Any Better?

8. We also try to preserve a positive self-image and we go to great lengths to get others to perceive us positively as well.

FORBES: First Rule of Management: No Whining

9. But for Garrett, access to dolls can only achieve so much in terms of promoting a positive self image.

CNN: Talking dolls challenge racial stereotypes

10. Still, active participants in the online world aren't actually doing anything new by attempting to create and maintain a positive public image.

CNN: Does virtual travel cramp your style?

11. Trust in the EU has inevitably dipped as a result of the crisis, but 69% still say they have a positive or neutral image of the EU according to December's Eurobarometer survey.

WSJ: A Protest Vote Is Still Only a Protest Vote

12. "Robert's determination is an example to us all and we are proud to associate Citroen Racing's image with such a resolutely positive individual, " he added.


13. But the gap has narrowed, partly because the positive image of Americans has declined considerably since 2002.

ECONOMIST: How others see Americans

14. The report provides plenty of empirical support for Mr Blair's belief that Britain lacks a positive brand image.

ECONOMIST: Will New Labour succeed in reinventing Britishness?

15. Patti Wood, a body-language expert in Atlanta, says politicians, business executives and people preparing for job interviews or who are dating come to her to learn how to smile most effectively and project a positive image.

WSJ: Stress-Busting Smiles

16. Especially if they offer a quality product or exude a positive image or brand.

FORBES: Lesson From Steelers, Packers In Building An Avid Fan Base

17. The award - body image and the relationship to well-being - will cover topics such as body image in the media, self-esteem, diet and exercise and aims to help young people aged 11 to 14 build a more positive body image.

BBC: Boys suffer poor body image, say teachers

18. And that image is not as positive as the one that those who attend Seeds of Peace get.

FORBES: Can Start-Ups Move Forward Israeli/Palestinian Peace?

19. But by lending your name and image to PepsiCo, you are associating those positive attributes with a product that is quite literally sickening Americans.

FORBES: White House Removes Petition Demanding Pepsi Spokesperson Beyonce Ousted From Inauguration Lineup

20. Also on Monday, Stormont will host talks, live performances and an exhibition aimed at highlighting a "positive image" of Africa and Africans.

BBC: Peace wall in Belfast

21. In his first term, a smiling Mr Zapatero rode the crest of the economic wave, with a feel-good image of optimism and positive thinking.


22. The initiative is aimed at harnessing the positive image given of Africa by the exploits of its footballers during the recent World Cup.

BBC: Senegal

23. But this positive image has been dented ever since the inspector-general of police was found to have severely beaten up a blindfolded and handcuffed prisoner.

CNN: Trials of Malaysia's Finest

24. The FFT added in a statement released to Press Association that it "would be very sad for Richard Gasquet himself, for tennis in general, for French tennis in particular, whose image would be dented" if the positive test was officially confirmed.

CNN: Gasquet suspended by Tennis Federation

25. You know the goals of public relations: to maintain or enhance reputation, promote goodwill and foster a positive image.

FORBES: How to Socially Network... Really

26. Wahaha is well-liked by Chinese consumers as they have established a positive brand image for themselves over the long term.

FORBES: Zong Qinghou Is Back As China's Richest Man: What's Next For Wahaha?

27. Business reputations have currency and as such, firms must project a positive image.

FORBES: Connect

28. Such initiatives, she says, are aimed at building a positive image in areas where Beijing is economically and politically active.

CNN: Chinese media make inroads into Africa

29. "Celebrities partner up with charity organizations because their influential voice in pop culture can make a difference, but also because it is positive for their public image, " says Kyle Hulcher, a New York-based publicist with the Entertainment Fusion Group.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. The iPod has done wonders for Apple, providing not only profits but a positive brand image to a swathe of new young consumers.

ECONOMIST: Taking care of its core | The













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