loan balance翻译_loan balance短语搭配_loan balance权威例句

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loan balance

网络 贷款余额;借款余额

英 [ləʊn ˈbæləns]play 美 [loʊn ˈbæləns]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. balance of stock loan 证券贷款余额

2. balance sheet loan 金融 资产负债表贷款

3. Highest loan balance 最高贷款余额

4. statistics on loan balance 贷款余额统计

5. Maximum Balance of Loan 贷款最高余额

6. undisbursed loan balance 未拨付的贷款余额

7. Loan balance adjusted for inflation 贷款余额通

8. off balance sheet loan 表外贷款

9. ideposit-loan interest balance 存贷离差


1. In July of 2005, the China Banking Regulatory Commission published the statistic data that in our country, the commercial banks' non-performing loan balance had achieved 1013.4 billions and the amount is so serious that the safety of financial system has been influenced greatly.


2. From the loan calculator auto you can see the payment, principal, interest and loan balance.


3. Select the balance from the Loan table.


4. We do not pay interest on any credit balance on the account for the revolving loan.


5. Loan balance change statement of the ABC shipbuilding factory project?

abc船厂项目贷款余额变动表?《provided by jukuu》

6. Prime loans have less than half the originally securitised loan balance outstanding, after prepayments and losses, and the lowest amount of nonperforming loans.


7. But in todays market, in which many home values have dropped far below the loan balance, lenders wouldnt attract investors if they set the minimum at that level.


8. Total assets, deposits, loan balance in the Hebei Province in the11 city commercial banks are listed first.


9. But foreclosure istime-consuming and expensive, taking 18 months on average and costing anestimated 20-25% of the loan balance.


10. Banks in the early choice of payment model, it is necessary to consider the interests of both the individual loan contracts loan balance of the loan as a whole must take into account the common interests of both sides to maintain.


11. Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary herein, we may at any time demand immediate payment of the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan.


12. On the other hand, the Rural Credit Cooperatives have redundant loan balance worrying about where to lend.


13. Bisque clause: clause in loan agreement that entitles a Borrower to postpone payments of interest and principal for limited periods of time in Balance of payments difficulties.


14. At present, the agricultural loan only accounts for about 7.4% of all loan balance, and the township enterprise only accounts for about 6% of all loan balance.


15. Lenders tend to be paid a fee of between an eighth and ahalf of a percentage point of the loan balance, so $500 would eat up the firstyear's fees on a $100,000 loan.


16. The Improvement of Government-Aided Loan Based on the Balance between Risk and Profit


17. Moreover, the company said its review of the matter has revealed no evidence of any factual misstatements about details such as loan balance, its delinquency or the validity of the note and mortgage.


18. If you or we end the revolving loan, you must immediately pay the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan.


19. At present, the agricultural loan only accounts for about 7.4% of all loan balance, and the township enterprise only accounts for about 6% of all loan balance.


20. The foreign banks had a loan balance of us$ 27.3 billion and a deposit balance of us$ 4.81 billion, accounting for23.7 percent of the aggregate foreign exchange lending and5.5 percent of the total foreign exchange deposits in china.

贷款余额为273亿美元,占全部外汇贷款的23.7%,存款余额为48.1亿美元,占全部外汇存款的5.5%。《provided by jukuu》

21. In this paper, the elasticity of loan balance for real GDP during 1976 to 2001 in China is estimated to be 0.4749 with point estimation and [ 0.4635, 0.4863] with interval estimation.


22. The EU has a loan facility to help members outside the euro with balance-of-payments problems.


23. The otherwas external debt: either a bank loan or a credit-card balance.


24. Hanging in the balance are the basic features of a mortgage loan: the interest rate and repayment period.


25. This study results show that the deposit loan balance, interest rate, inflation rate, stock index returns, consumption growth, the same sentiment and affect bank deposit-loan ratio of interest income, non-interest income and total income of the seven factors.


26. He made a cash down payment to reduce the size of his loan, and then financed the balance over six years, though he said he may try to pay it off earlier than that.


27. The personal banking operation means the commercial banks offer these services to individual clients that was constituted by deposit, providing a loan, payment and balance.


28. Moreover, the company said its review of the matter has revealed no evidence of any factual misstatements about details such as loan balance, its delinquency or the validity of the note and mortgage.


29. This worksheet shows you how unpaid accrued interest can affect the outstanding balance of your loan.


30. Pricing is just one consideration; other features like flexible repayment terms could balance the scale or even translate into greater loan savings.


31. Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the Banks' balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.


32. The scale and structure of loan hold the balance for a commercial bank running.


33. Currently, FHA mortgage insurance requires an upfront payment of 1.75% of the loan amount plus an annual premium equal to 1.35% of the loan's balance.


34. It will deplete its cash balance by repaying last week's loan.


35. As a creditor banks, which issued the equivalent of a mortgage loan balances held by a number of risk-free bonds for the face value of the long and the exercise price for the loan balance of the value of the put options on housing consisting of short portfolio.


36. The total assets, savings deposits and loan balance of foreign banks in Shanghai account for more than half of the total of foreign banks in China.


37. According to the statistics of China constraction bureau, up to the end of 2007, the cumulative collection total of Chinese accumulation funds excesses 1600 billion, and the personal loan balance excesses 960 billon.


38. A loan which is repaid by a series of small, periodic payments until a given date, when either the balance comes due in a single, large payment or the amount of the payments rises significantly.


39. The scale and structure of loan hold the balance for a commercial bank running.


40. The fifth chapter is empirical research. The real estate non-performing loan balance is a measure of real estate finance risk index. Then it analysis the relationship between this index and two macro economic variables ( real estate market price and long-term interest rates).


41. You do not want a home loan that calculates interest on an average monthly balance.


42. They subtract this loan balance from the sale price and you get cash to buy another house.


43. Some “new” loans also represent a shift to the formal banking sector from off-balance sheet vehicles and from the informal loan market which flourished when credit quotas were in place.


44. By the end of 2002, bank's loan balance of residential mortgage already exceeded 820 billion Yuan in China. And it still increases fast at the speed of 40-50% per year.


45. Thus, the core of system is to balance each other among the utility of pledge, the guarantee of loan and the transaction security.


46. The other was external debt: either a bank loan or a credit-card balance.


47. Moreover, when stock prices fall, borrowers can usually get their loan-to-value ratios back into balance by selling some of the shares.


48. Although the balance of individual loan of China's commercial bank doesn't account for large amount in the total credit loan, its growth rate is very rapid.


49. If the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan exceeds the credit limit, we may charge an overlimit fee as set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement.


50. Upon the calculation of the aforesaid maximum loan balance, the contingent debt caused by the external guarantee of the issuer and controlled subsidiaries thereof shall be included.

在计算上述最高借款余额时,应包括发行人及其控股子公司对外担保等产生的或有负债。《provided by jukuu》

51. Afterwards, the author construct a decision optimization model for individual credit loan portfolio on constrain of VaR to solve the problem of measuring the credit risk of individual credit loan portfolio and the balance of profit and risk.



1. Borrowers could pick how much to pay each month, including amounts so small they inflated the loan balance and practically insured the mortgage would blow up.

FORBES: Confidential Witnesses Can't Save $100 Billion Wachovia Lawsuit

2. You can get a negative amortization loan, where your balance goes up.

NPR: Mortgage Crisis Spreads To Conventional Loans

3. If the customer defaults, the pawn broker keeps the item and sells it to satisfy the loan balance.

FORBES: Could Online Pawns Fund Your Business?

4. Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the banks' balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.

ECONOMIST: Signs of economic cheer

5. Writing a loan down, on the other hand, means that it stays on the bank's balance sheet at a reduced but perhaps still inflated value, and the collateral backing the loan is not sold.

ECONOMIST: Will Tokyo finally clean house?

6. It was due to confusion about loan values on bank balance sheets.

FORBES: Thoughts On The 35% Stock Rally

7. Allowing loan securitizations, derivatives, and swaps to be taken off bank balance sheets was an important element in this, as were the procyclical rules on capital and loan loss reserves.


8. Mass Mutual advised that interest accrues on the loans and, if not paid when due, is added to the loan balance.

FORBES: Unfair Tax Court Decisions On Life Insurance Are Tip Of Unclaimed Property Iceberg

9. It's a similar dynamic to what is happening with Wall Street banks that committed to fund leveraged buyouts, only to have trouble selling those loans in the syndicated loan market--they have to hold them on balance sheet until the credit markets come back to life.

FORBES: The Fed Primes The Pump

10. That is because cars depreciate faster than the loan balance, resulting in the collateral value of the car being less than the outstanding balance.

FORBES: Examples of ABS

11. With the former, a borrower only pays the interest on the loan not the principal balance during the introductory period.

NPR: Mass. Homeowners Rally Against Foreclosures

12. Just 20% of its loan portfolio is in residential mortgages, with the balance split between commercial (44%) and consumer (36%) loans.

FORBES: Safe Deposit

13. As we show in the film, some of them actually are repaying what they borrowed, but because of the interest accumulated, cannot in fact pay off their loan balance.

FORBES: Meet The Filmmakers Who Are Fighting The Student Loan System

14. But Mr. Osborne may wonder why Mr. King is saying this now, as RBS nears the end of a five-year restructuring that has seen it cut its balance sheet almost in half and reduce its loan to deposit ratio to a healthy 100%.

WSJ: No End in Sight for Osborne's Turbulence

15. The maximum loan by law is 50% of the vested account balance, and must be repaid within five years through payroll deductions.

FORBES: Use These 8 Loans To Pay For College

16. You borrow against your equity, and the loan balance grows over time.

FORBES: Mortgage Professor Helps Seniors Shop For Reverse Mortgages

17. The monthly payments include not only the interest due on the loan, but also little bits of the capital balance.

BBC: Mortgages explained for first-time buyers

18. Some banks woke up early to the risks and are reducing their off-balance-sheet loan commitments as fast as they can.

FORBES: Timebombs in the Vault

19. Sri Lanka approached the IMF regarding a loan in March, when its balance of payments fell into deficit for the first time in four years.

BBC: IMF grants Sri Lanka $2.6bn loan

20. Moreover, Chinese banking institutions in recent years have been generating substantial fee income by creating off-balance-sheet loan products that may leave them on the hook, either formally or informally, for losses.

FORBES: IMF Warns China's Banks

21. Using their KnowEquity When calculator, you can plug in your initial loan amount, the term and interest rate, first payment date, home value, and expected rate of price appreciation, and extra monthly payments to predict when your equity will finally equal your loan balance.

FORBES: Underwater Mortgage Calculators: When and How Will You Get Back to Even?

22. FirstBuy has a similar aim for first-time buyers, but instead of paying rent, owners take out an equity loan to finance the balance.

BBC: House prices: Is it cheaper to buy than rent?

23. Or the Federal Reserve could add to the alphabet soup of lifelines created in the last year to handle the credit crisis, including a variety of auction and loan programs to help banks deal with troubled balance sheets.

FORBES: Magazine Article

24. Counselors unanimously reported that the concept of a home loan with a rising balance and falling equity is the most difficult concept to teach.

FORBES: CFPB: Don't Get Stung By A Reverse Mortgage

25. The accepted practice in bank accounting is to set up significant loan-loss reserves only when the commitment is availed of and the arrangement becomes an on-balance-sheet loan.

FORBES: Timebombs in the Vault

26. Clients who turned over their shares couldn't reclaim them during the course of their loans (many of which were for three years), but they didn't have to ante up interest--it was simply added to the loan balance.

FORBES: Offshore Mystery

27. The banks arranging the Chrysler and Alliance loan packages have decided to hold them on balance sheet and wait until the fall to see if investors are willing to jump back into the loan market.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. Foreclosure is expensive, typically eating up 20-25% of the loan balance, says Joseph Mason of Drexel University.

ECONOMIST: Mortgage restructuring

29. When you roll in the insurance fee into the loan balance you have a loan to value ratio that starts at over 98%.

FORBES: Meet The New Subprime: It Will Cost Us Billions

30. With the loan balance rising, and the job market in the dumps, Donna is becoming increasingly fretful.

FORBES: Parents' Tough Choices For Repaying Student Loans
























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