fully developed是什么意思_fully developed短语搭配_fully developed权威例句

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fully developed

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  • 完全发展:指某物或某人已经达到了其最完整、最成熟的状态或阶段。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. fully developed flow region 射流的基本段

2. fully developed fire 全燃火 ; 全盛期 ; 最盛期

3. fully developed mine 全部已开拓煤矿 ; 矿业 已开拓矿山

4. thermally fully developed 热定型流动的

5. fully developed sea 海洋 充分成长风浪

6. fully developed turbulence 完全发达湍流

7. fully-developed sea 全发海

8. not fully developed sea 海洋 未充分成长风浪

9. fully-developed 发育完全的


1. As a precaution, the marrow houses a standby force of fully developed white cells.

为了预防不测, 骨髓中还储存着已经完全成熟的白血球后备军.《辞典例句》

2. Study on characteristics and control of fully developed tobacco leaf desiccation in curing process


3. Numerical simulation of fully developed laminar flow of gas in rectangular microchannels


4. Many newborn babies have mild jaundice because their livers are not fully developed.


5. Some of the desired attributes have yet to be fully developed and demonstrated.


6. Only in this way will students' creative personality be fully developed in educational harmony.


7. A round character is fully developed;


8. The language was not fully developed in the early stages.


9. Meanwhile, we can enrich our minds quite a lot by reading regularly and it is also good for us to get fully developed and it can help improve our writing skill.


10. A round character is fully developed; a flat character isn't, character development is fairly limited.


11. In recent years, the lesson study at home and abroad has been fully developed.


12. Since all cognitive abilities were fully developed to their full fruition he was called Buddha.


13. An all-round developmental people should be fully developed both in physical and in psychological.


14. Energy losses of fully developed convective heat transfer inside tubes


15. Therefore, the super-resolution algorithm has been fully developed.


16. The non fully developed sea model, a new statistical model of the ocean surface, is described.

描述了一种新的海面统计模型 ——— 非稳态的未充分生成海谱.《互联网》

17. A baby born three weeks early with mature lungs may not be ready to eat because the brain's not fully developed.


18. With the progress of times, optical information processing as a new information processing approach has been fully developed.


19. Babies are often delivered before they have fully developed.


20. The concept of making government information public has been fully developed in 20th century.


21. With the social development and reform of education in China, our higher vocational education has been fully developed.


22. Only when agriculture is fully developed can industry have sufficient materials and markets.


23. Sincethe workshop wasn’t yet fully developed, the teacher, Johnny, asked for ourpatience.


24. Ability of students not able to be fully developed and enhanced.


25. At present, this methodology has fully developed its theoretical system and been recognized by the society.


26. Are the resources of your country fully developed?


27. Fully developed blood vessels are not sensitive to oxygen toxicity.


28. Nurturing Fully Developed College Students through Strengthening of Humanity Education


29. The theory of distributed object computing has been widely and fully developed because of its superiority.


30. Rural oil market has not been fully developed in the past.


31. The theory of gravity methods has been fully developed.


32. Near-Wall Structure in a Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow


33. They have very small limbs with only two fully developed toes on each.


34. Good papers will discuss ideas that may be controversial or not fully developed.


35. Many other sentences resemble fragments rather than fully developed lines of prose.


36. When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers.


37. The ultimate goal of education of foster fully developed man.


38. Fully developed skeletal structure consistent with an adult male.

骨骼发育完全,证实是成年男子。《provided by jukuu》

39. In their fully developed form, they can be overcome through meditation.


40. Once the flow application is fully developed, it is redeployed; first to system test, then to production.


41. Direct numerical simulation of a fully developed turbulent channel flow


42. The fabrication technology and sensing characteristics of common fiber grating are fully developed.


43. When it is fully developed, the results should be extraordinary.

海南岛好好发展起来, 是很了不起的.《互联网》

44. The oil Ministry is also planning a second round of bidding, slated to cover oil fields that have been explored but not fully developed.


45. Fully developed, mature, post industrial societies, such as those in Europe, are characterised by stable or declining populations which are increasing in age.


46. He was a fully developed John Bull of the outrageous type — with a huge beak of a nose, cunning eyes, and a yard-long chin.


47. Therefore, ancient Chinese science and religion is not fully developed.


48. The technique is still at the experimental stage. It hasn't been fully developed yet.

这项技术仍处于实验阶段, 尚未完全成熟.《辞典例句》

49. He may not be a fully developed guy.


50. When China is fully developed, that ability will be greatly enhanced.


51. Study of Mean Fully Developed Deceleration in Braking


52. But the technology needed to do that is not yet fully developed.


53. 2195 – Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.


54. Numerical Simulation of Fully Developed Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Spiral Finned Tube


55. Good papers will discuss ideas that may be controversial or not fully developed.


56. A fully developed one costs $16,000.


57. Your JSP is now fully developed with all the required functionality we require at this point.


58. ( biology) not fully developed in mature animals.


59. Adolescent girls are particularly susceptible because their pelvises are not fully developed.


60. At present, this methodology has fully developed its theoretical system and been recognized by the society.


61. It is best to delay harvesting until the corn is fully developed.


62. Thirdly, the fully developed safety discipline comprises the realistic basis.


63. The only major organ still not fully developed is his lungs.


64. Coccidiosis can be serious in kittens because their immune systems aren't fully developed yet.



1. The project has up to two years to submit fully developed plans.

BBC: Flintshire council plans Wepre Park garden restoration

2. My friends in analytics tell me that these tools are not fully developed.

FORBES: The Utilization Gap: Big Data's Biggest Challenge

3. When the science of eugenics has been more fully developed, there may be a hope on those lines of really bettering humanity.

NPR: A Hope For Bettering Humanity

4. At the very least, the brakes on effective U.S. action would surely be more severe under a fully developed, new "world order" than they are today.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Caveat Emptor: A Consumers Guide To The Post-Iraq World Order

5. But the fully developed songs, among them the terse "You Loser You Fool" (audio), have an unmistakable spark.

NPR: The Tokens: A One-Hit Wonder Goes Pop

6. Among other factors, he suggested taking age into account, with adolescents and young adults getting priority, because they have fully developed personalities and many years of life ahead.

ECONOMIST: Americans fear health reform because they fear the Reaper

7. The easements are valued by taking the present value of the land, as is, and contrasting that with an appraisal of the land if it were fully developed.

FORBES: Hedge Fund Giant Louis Bacon's Bold Mission To Save The American West

8. Secondary teacher leaders claim the new curriculum is not fully developed and it should be delayed for a year.

BBC: Row over plans for new curriculum in Scotland

9. The immediacy of social media platforms, coupled with vulnerable youngsters who are socially inexperienced and not fully developed emotionally, can create a combustible mix.

CNN: Is the Internet hurting children?

10. Henner knew about a growth hormone discovered at Genentech but not fully developed into a drug.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. Plenty of criminals get away with murder even in countries with fully developed legal systems.

ECONOMIST: A criminal court for the world

12. The facsimile sketchbooks are displayed in their entirety, making us privy to everything from preliminary notations to developing and sometimes fully developed ideas.

WSJ: Fine Lines | Frick Collection | Brooklyn Museum | by Karen Wilkin

13. Starting the study in 2010, engineers began examining populations that were fully developed, such as those in Europe.

CNN: World wastes half its food, study finds

14. But under the verbiage is a fully developed ontology of humour based on psychographics, not demographics.

ECONOMIST: Eddie Izzard

15. Secondary teacher leaders have claimed the new curriculum is not fully developed and have called on it to be delayed for a year.

BBC: 'No delay' for school curriculum

16. Zynga recently launched some new mobile games as well as a more fully developed gaming platform at its Zynga Unleashed event.

FORBES: Zynga CEO Mark Pincus: We Were Too Early To Mobile

17. We are preoccupied with the transitional aspect of our existence and confide to each other the ways we have not yet fully developed.

FORBES: Millenials Must Stop Advertising Their Insecurity And Incompetence

18. Preschool brains haven't yet fully developed the prefrontal system, and young kids' free-spirited thinking can be contagious.

WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation

19. Spector, a reconstructive surgeon, is focusing on children born without a fully developed external ear, a condition called microtia.

WSJ: Scientists use 3-D printing to help grow an ear

20. Even though the brain is not fully developed at birth, the baby has to come out while the head is still small enough to get through the cervix.

BBC: The miracle of being

21. While the aforementioned candidates seem to work from crib notes, Gingrich has fully developed positions and writing on both domestic and international issues.

FORBES: Newt: The Vanity Campaign That May Not Have Been in Vain

22. There are things here that may not hit the mainstream for a couple of years, because they're not fully developed.

CNN: 5 things we learned at SXSW 2013

23. The Stour Valley and Exmouth must submit a further, fully developed application to secure their full grants.

BBC: The Stour Valley

24. And we need a declared, understood, you know fully, fully developed national security strategy from the government.

BBC: Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones

25. Investment in coal appears to be primarily a short-term fix to address the state's energy demand, because other technologies are either not fully developed or not always reliable.

FORBES: TXU Has Competitors

26. Even with these new ways to access capital, though, the country still has a long way to go before its capital markets can be considered fully developed.

FORBES: New Sources of Capital in China

27. These are some of the most buzzed-about gadgets at the Consumer Electronics Show, but many of them aren't fully developed yet or primed for firsthand testing.

CNN: Mark Milian

28. They were chosen because they have a fully developed economic model with a demonstrated ability to estimate the effects of rate cuts in promoting jobs and economic growth.

FORBES: How A President Gingrich Would Balance The Budget

29. Humans are one of the few mammals whose babies are not fully developed at birth.

FORBES: How Raising A Business Is Like Raising A Child

30. He says once GEO was fully developed, commercial lunar investment and settlement would follow.

FORBES: Space Architecture And View Condos In Low Earth Orbit













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