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  • n. 停止

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set back [ setting sets ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If something sets you back or sets back a project or plan, it causes a delay. 延误; 推迟

    It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.


  • 2.
    动词词组 If something sets you back a certain amount of money, it costs you that much money. 使花费

    A bottle of imported beer will set you back $7.


  • 3.
    →see also   setback



1. set back 推迟 ; 使花费 ; 阻碍

2. building set back 将楼宇建筑位置移后

3. a set back halfway 中途遭到挫折

4. set back building 由红线后退进去的房屋

5. A Set Back 第三章 ; 挫折

6. set back land 将地界后移

7. set-back axle 逆转轴 ; 汽车前轴靠后布置

8. slow set-back 缓慢逆转


1. Last week, Larry Page's dream of "organizing all the world's information" hit a set-back.

上周Larry Page “汇集全世界的信息”的梦想遭遇重大挫折。

2. They encouraged secret efforts to set back Iran’s research and production schedules.


3. A bottle of imported beer will set you back $7.


4. Thousands of aftershocks have set back efforts to clear roads to quake-hit areas.


5. Nevertheless, during Iraq War in 2003, European Union was greatly divided between those favoring the war and those opposing it, making a serious set-back for Common Foreign and Security Policy that European Union had been fostering for years.


6. Financial problems have set back our building programme.


7. It's the 10 knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a 11 set-back as a challenge.


8. The default color of white would not appear correctly when initialized and wouldn't show up until a state change had been triggered and then was set back to default.


9. To their surprise, they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall and set it off!


10. This ambition has been seriously set back by China's poisoned milk scandal.


11. The crisis set back the entire economy of the capitalist world.


12. Set thy mind at ease—thy back shall go unscathed—I will see to it.


13. Mussolini and his group set back the progress of Italy many years.


14. Unemployment is also a set back for some of our members.


15. Set her back on the stabboard!


16. A failure or set back does not mean that the goal will never be yours, nor is it evidence that you should quit.


17. WHO officials believe the food price crisis could set back progress in reducing poverty by seven years.


18. Despite the Xugong set-back, some industry executives think the medium-term prospects for private equity in China are still encouraging.


19. They can screw us up and set us back.


20. The drastic step of halting vehicle production in America is sure to set back that aim for a long while.


21. Engineering design for drop safety of set-back mechanisms


22. The conservation programme was suffered a set-back last year when the Wolong Reserve was devastated in the Sichuan earthquake.


23. Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate.


24. By shaking table testing of a 1/ 25 scaled model structure of a high-rise building with torsion, set-back and reentrant corner irregularities the earthquake response of the model structure was studied.


25. The result showed that the anxious emotion and interpersonal relation of the client has improved obviously, and his resilience to set-back has enhanced, psychological counseling outcome is good.


26. The house is set well back from the road.


27. Although senior corporate figures have stated that WA's mining boom was enduring a" temporary set-back", some academics believe that, for now, the good times are over.


28. A typical cable dome was analysed and the prestress value was computed with this method. Calculation of the Distribution of Effective Prestressing Force and the Set-back Amount of a Loop Prestressed Cable


29. It is important for the us to negotiate an agreement it can join, because another agreement that did not involve the United States would set back efforts to protect the climate.


30. Correspondingly, after the user changes the information, it must be extracted from the GUI components and set back in the domain model.


31. Japan's space ambitions have had a set-back after the failure of an engine in a test run


32. Chelsea midfielder Michael Ballack's pre-season preparations suffered a set-back as he picked up a toe injury this week.


33. As everybody saw in the first half against Tottenham, we had bounced back from the set-back against Barcelona and just got on with it.


34. I understand the frustration caused by the set-back to treasured hopes and plans.


35. He blames Brazilian bureaucracy for this set-back.


36. This latest defeat constitutes a major set-back for the government.

最近这次失败是政府受到的主要挫折。《provided by jukuu》

37. Objective To study the clinical value of set-back tongue flap for repair of the defects following resection of tongue-base cancer.


38. Yet even as we have maintained our military advantage, our competitiveness has been set back in recent years.


39. "Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.


40. The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.


41. The Feature of Earthquake Response of the Structures with Set-Back Towers


42. As a joke, John set back the clock a whole hour.

约翰恶作剧, 把钟拨慢了整整1个小时.《互联网》

43. Even a minor set-back will serve your best interests.


44. However, Hill told reporters he believes the set-back would be resolved before the next American president took office in January.


45. It looked as though his time in the treatment room was over until this latest set-back, which followed praise from England boss Fabio Capello for his performance against Arsenal.


46. The bad weather set back the building programme by several weeks.


47. This organization warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to reverse the rise in obesity among young people.


48. Set-back tongue flap with a neurovascular pedicle for repair of tongue base carcinoma


49. There is no certainty, moreover, about how far military strikes can set back the nuclear programme, if at all.


50. Schools are usually modern in design, set well back from the road and spacious inside.


51. But as transportation dollars dried up during the 80's and 90's, biking was set back.

但随着80年代与90年代交通事业经费的缩减, 自行车的规划也搁置了.《时文部分》

52. In this case, the new meeting service configuration is recorded in the component, and the view mode is set back to view.


53. Although senior corporate figures have stated that wa's mining boom was enduring a "temporary set-back", some academics believe that, for now, the good times are over.


54. But when we have played tough opponents, it is obvious that the team always reacts to the challenge, even if there is a set-back.


55. Hopes of an early end to the strike received/ suffered a severe set-back yesterday.


56. Completely recovered from an illness or set-back.

从病或挫折中完全恢复。《provided by jukuu》

57. Money, whether it's from the Bank or other donors, is expected to flow quite smoothly to the34,000 or so houses outside the buffer zone set-back from the sea.


58. It'set back the invaders far more than our forces had.


59. The clocks are set back and the forces of destruction are rampant down below.


60. We don't consider it possible set back the clock of history.


61. It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.


62. Set-back tongue flap for repairing of the defects following resection of tongue base cancer


63. The house is set back some distance from the main street.


64. But, it warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to reverse the rise in obesity among young people.


65. The troops were thoroughly demoralized by this set-back.

这一挫败使部队士气丧失殆尽。《provided by jukuu》

66. She seemed better until her set back.


67. Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure.


68. The house is set back some distance from the street.


69. The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.



1. If unique perspectives, philosophical differences, and dissenting opinions are viewed as an opportunity as opposed to a set-back, growth and development are certain to follow.

FORBES: 8 Tips For Leading Those Who Don't Want to Follow

2. The tribunal itself suffered a set-back last month, when hours of conversation over Skype between one of its presiding judges and a Brussels-based lawyer were revealed in the press.

BBC: Bangladesh's watershed war crimes moment

3. By not allowing these women to apply independently for a credit card, the proposed regulations represent a significant -and potentially dangerous set-back.

FORBES: Even Affluent Women May No Longer Be Eligible for Credit Cards

4. Friday's contest was the Rangers' sixth back-to-back set.

WSJ: Rangers score 5 early goals in 8-4 win over Sabres

5. - Come back. The last set of studies-- ? Have you talked about Schacter, Singer's "Emotions"?

回来,最后一项研究-,你们是否谈论过沙各特和辛格的“情绪现象“吗?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. The older you are, the harder it is to recover from a set-back.

FORBES: The Greatest Retirement Crisis In American History

7. As Russia continued to run rings around the Irish, the second goal came on 28 minutes as Alexander Anyukov's run and pull-back set up Dzagoev to score.

BBC: Republic of Ireland 2-3 Russia

8. But another set-back in Europe could blow the US further off course.

BBC: Is Obama doomed in 2012?

9. Despite the set-back and subsequent criticism for being an expensive casualty, Deng is confident of bouncing back in time for the start of the coming campaign.

CNN: The Luol Deng lowdown

10. However, the next set-back is not likely to be anywhere near as severe, and that hoard of corporate cash is one reason for that expectation.

FORBES: Corporate Cash Can Pick Up Where The Fed Leaves Off

11. It would be mighty odd, and a big set-back to the Liberal Democrat cause in the rest of Britain, if the Scottish party walked out of the first government they have been in for nearly half a century.


12. If you do that, you can move your set-top box back to where my Apple TV now sits.

WSJ: A Year Without Cable

13. Glasgow, shaken by an early set-back, went on the attack and, aided by poor Ponty tackling, opened their account with a well-taken try from centre Alan Bulloch.

BBC: Pontypridd stay on course

14. Bridge will miss a crucial phase of the season, with the left-back set to sit out the games against Fulham, Everton, Wigan, Burnley and Birmingham.

BBC: Manchester City suffer Wayne Bridge injury blow

15. Ultimately, sequester could be a trigger for a stock market set-back and would have an overall negative impact on U.S. economic growth, which will keep the U.S. Federal Reserve on its accommodative path.

FORBES: Technical Trading: Gold Breaks Out of Wedge, But Sequester Looms

16. Fan David Stockdale described the closure of BarrysWorld as "the biggest set-back this community has ever seen".

BBC: Game over for BarrysWorld

17. The charges against the accused carry the death penalty, but Western countries have made it clear that this sentence would be a severe set-back to relations.

BBC: Trial of Iranian Jews adjourned

18. Stand-off Danny Orr set up half-back partner Brad Davis and prop Dean Sampson also went over for the Tigers, but in the end Wigan were worthy winners of a superbly entertaining match.

BBC: Warriors back on course

19. To give a simple example: if two shrewd, competing ice-cream sellers share a long beach, they will set up stalls back-to-back in the middle and stay put, explains Stephen Black, a modeller in the firm's London headquarters.

ECONOMIST: Modelling behaviour

20. Clinton's India visit, which began late Friday in Mumbai, has been filled with reminders of the Pakistani-based terrorist attacks on that city last November that killed 166 people and set back relations between the two South Asian powers.

VOA : standard.2009.07.20

21. And let there be no doubt: Unless dramatic course corrections are undertaken as a result of congressional hearings and debate on the foregoing (and related) points, such a landing is likely to be a crash-landing -- one that represents a serious set-back in the quest for a genuine and durable peace in the region.


22. Dr. Fox suggested an easy first step to get her into the weight-loss mind set: Cut back the number of Chick-O-Sticks by one box per week.

WSJ: Motivational Interviewing: Tool for Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss and Chronic Disease Management

23. Bale, one of the Premier League's standout performers this season, was starting for the first time since 22 January following a back injury and swiftly set about troubling Hammers right-back Lars Jacobsen.

BBC: Tottenham 0-0 West Ham

24. The results, announced on national television on Sunday, were a surprise set-back for the party, which caused widespread controversy when it joined government.

BBC: Election losses for Austria's far-right

25. Glasgow, having used all their replacements, suffered a further set-back when Forrester was carried off on a stretcher, followed by limping skipper Alastair Kellock, and the 13 men left were unable to prevent the Blues claiming a bonus point as Mustoe galloped over from 50 metres.

BBC: Cardiff Blues 38-6 Glasgow

26. The Warriors suffered one set-back, however, with centre Rob Higgitt picking up a knock after coming on as a replacement.

BBC: Worcester Warriors coach Richard Hill hails Tom Arscott

27. "It would have been a giant set-back for Montefiore" if the ruling were overturned, said chief executive Steven Safyer, a physician.

WSJ: Ruling Underscores Hospitals' Strategy

28. The string-back glove set will appreciate the torque-vectoring system built into the front axle.

WSJ: 2012 Focus Titanium Sedan: A Stab at a European Sport SedanFrom Ford | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

29. Patrick Cronin, an Asia expert at the Center for a New American Security and a senior State Department official during the George W. Bush administration, said Beijing is helping set up back-channel negotiations with North Korea to ease the tensions.

NPR: Despite Threats, Risks Temper Korea War Tensions

30. We set up--this is not a new idea, this goes back to China thousands of years ago, but it started to be widely done-- So you had a Civil Service exam that established your competence.

我们建立了,这不是什么新主意,可以追溯到几千年前的中国,但这次开始广泛地实施开来-,你得参加公务员考试来考核你的能力。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. They are 5-10 in the second game of back-to-backs this season, and have yet to go 2-0 in a set of back-to-backs.

NPR: Lakers Beat Hornets 104-96 To Stay In Hunt

32. Suffice to say, the days of stars showing up on-set then sitting back and collecting studio paychecks are long-gone.

FORBES: Bethenny Frankel, Gwyneth Paltrow And The Rise Of The Celebrity Entrepreneur

33. Having taken the first set to a tie-break, Soderling fought back from 4-2 down in the second set to level at 4-4 but Nadal -- who lost to Andy Murray in the final last year -- showed no signs of the inconsistency that plagued the latter half of his 2009 campaign as he clinched victory.

CNN: Nadal begins 2010 with Abu Dhabi title



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