be alike in翻译_be alike in短语搭配_be alike in权威例句

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. be alike in spirit 神态或神情相似

2. be alike in character 性格相同


1. So, all cases should be treated alike when in the same situation, which is the essential scale of judging the judicial fairness.


2. To the alarm of environmentalists and park managers alike, interest in the great outdoors seems to be tailing off among young Americans.


3. Now, men and women alike can be seen in nail salons getting their nails cleaned, trimmed, polished, and even painted.


4. The two missing data mechanisms are assumed to be alike in functional form and a distinction of an unknown scalar parameter is allowed between the two missing data mechanisms.


5. I am the One who fits-in to be normal. Same. Alike. A shadow Aquarius issue because I hide my Brilliance (going dim) because of the fear of being seen.


6. As a result, those students were found to be rounghly alike in introversion and extroversion, stability of mood, stubbornness and secrecy.


7. In the euro crisis, creditors and debtors alike wondered whether they would be better off without the other.


8. Herbivores and carnivores alike want to unblock the expansion of the electricity grid, which will be needed to ship power from wind farms in the North Sea to consumers in southern Germany.


9. And because the copy would often be born in a different family, cloned twins would be less alike in personality than natural identical twins.


10. To be frank, my father and I do not look alike but we are extremely similar in our personality.


11. They look alike but seemed opposite in personality. One was clearly aloof but the other appeared to be an altruistic individual.


12. Peace and happiness within and without is absolute bliss, and to be with souls exactly alike in this respect is heavenly.


13. The more alike competing retailers are and the closer they are geographically, the greater will be the differences in servicing requirements.


14. The fact is that not all teams are alike, and perhaps they should not be led in the same way.


15. Russian and Chinese addresses to communicant can be alike or different in the same social circumstance.


16. I think in various places in that book in particular, I say that, of course there will be subdivisions and that it isn't if everything will be alike.


17. They suggest that all good dates may be alike but that each bad one is bad in its own way.


18. The pressure to participate in a handful of activities all the time and to "keep up" can be physically and emotionally exhausting for parents and kids alike.


19. And in Japan there is a widespread belief that all children are born with the same innate abilities-and should therefore be treated alike.


20. During this evolution in computing, it is critical for software houses to be able to adapt to the changing environment to continue to fulfill the needs of businesses and consumers alike.


21. For old and new media alike this may be a cultural shift in how we use and understand media, a glasnost that comes with everyone's ability to self-publish.


22. Iraq will still be a dangerous place in 2011, for Iraqis and outsiders alike.


23. They're really trying to explore the idea that the clones may be genetically identical but not alike in any other way.


24. As Humphrey Neill put it in The Art of Contrary Thinking, "When everyone thinks alike, everyone is likely to be wrong."


25. The difficulty degrees of the two tests are designed to be alike. In the experiment, the independent variable was the sentence pattern imitation, with the scores of the subjects on the pretest and the posttest as the dependent variables.


26. Peace and happiness within and without is absolute bliss, and to be with souls exactly alike in this respect is heavenly.


27. Science can never prove humans alike in dignity, or equally deserving under the law; that is a truth that cannot be discovered.


28. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more-not less.


29. Young and old alike can be seen in parks enjoying this healthy outdoor recreation.


30. In her view, there ought to be one criterion of morals for men and women alike, with both sexes cultivating the same virtues.



1. As a result, she suggests that large programs such as operating systems should be made in such a way that no two copies are exactly alike.

ECONOMIST: A thousand ills require a thousand cures

2. He's been the main topic of conversation on several Boston sports-talk radio stations, as fans and the media alike try to figure out whether he'll be able to contribute in the club's Super Bowl appearance against the Giants this coming Sunday.

WSJ: An NFL Season Hinges on Rob Gronkowski's Ankle

3. If so, there could be serious implications for strategic stability as the confidence of friends and foes alike in the robustness of our deterrent declines markedly.


4. All of us - Republicans, Democrats, independents and others alike - can only hope that the same will be said of our new Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama, as well.


5. It seems the better analysis here is that the elevation of the vote has made us less American for telling natives and immigrants alike that things they want can be had at the ballot box over actual hard work in the productive private sector.

FORBES: The Good And Bad Of Linda Chavez's Stance On Immigration

6. This beta product offers an exciting peek into one vision of what might be in store for marketers and consumers alike.

FORBES: Google Glasses And Other Prescriptions for Consumer Engagement

7. It should be obvious to business leaders and political leaders alike that developed countries in the West are no longer the only game in town.

FORBES: How CEO Risk Taking Has Moved Around the World

8. These are games that longtime players and newcomers alike will love to play, and everyone will be experiencing them in new ways, thanks to the integrated second-screen experiences enabled by the Wii U GamePad controller.

ENGADGET: Nintendo's Wii U Miiverse getting user communities, mobile access

9. In Washington, Democrats and Republicans alike recognize that government spending needs to be cut.

FORBES: What Does Wisconsin's Gubernatorial Mean?

10. There will be, as the bank points out, a learning process for borrowers and financiers alike in this emerging relationship.

ECONOMIST: Asia.view

11. The Constitution required that all corporations, for-profit and nonprofit alike, be allowed to spend as much as they wanted, anytime they wanted, in support of the candidates of their choosing.

NEWYORKER: Money Unlimited

12. However, all innovative companies tend to be alike in certain ways, Ms. Estrin says.

WSJ: Better Ideas Through Failure

13. "Parents, adults in the Scouting community and teens alike tend to agree that youth should not be denied the benefits of Scouting, " Perry wrote.

CNN: Boy Scouts to vote on lifting its ban on gay youths

14. In neighborhoods rich and poor alike, it's going to be a long summer--with no sign of recovery on the horizon.

FORBES: Real Estate

15. We want many models to be in place, and new startups and larger organizations alike to keep pushing innovative and competitive ideas.

FORBES: The Best Business Results Come from Combining Facebook Graph Search and Internal Social Search Systems

16. His lawyers wanted to prove that typewriters could be made exactly alike, in order to frame someone.

ECONOMIST: Martin Tytell

17. Even the arguments about more contemporary and relevant issues, like Iraq or the War on Terror, feel tired and played-out: everyone, pro and anti-Hitchens alike, seems to be reading from the exact same script that they had back in 2003.

FORBES: The 'Unhitched' Controversy And Christopher Hitchens' Fondness for Leon Trotsky

18. Chuck, I believe in the end this is going to be something that Democrats and Republicans alike are going to see the strong benefit of ensuring that, again, we don't mark the second anniversary of our financial collapse by having in place the same rules that led to that collapse.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

19. That aligns with a value shift that kicked in largely after 2008, when political corruption and corporate excess had reached a zenith, it became clearer that some financial and career goals would be less attainable, and people and companies alike reevaluated what they believe in and stand for.

FORBES: Forget Supermoms--It's All About The Smart Moms: Survey

20. Education should be a means to empower children and adults alike to become active participants in the transformation of their societies.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

21. The structures of proteins with similar functions in distantly related species are so closely alike that they could not be the determinants of their different developments.

ECONOMIST: Genetic science

22. As we read the slew of commentaries associated with the SCOTUS ACA decision, perhaps this sense of humility would be useful to keep in mind, for commentators and consumers alike.

FORBES: Experts Were Wrong About SCOTUS ACA Decision; Why Are We Looking To Them To Forecast Consequences?

23. But they did make clear that foreign and American detainees alike must be given the chance to challenge their detention in some kind of forum.

ECONOMIST: Terror suspects freed from legal limbo | The

24. Both Burmans and non-Burmans alike would be vastly richer if they were to collaborate in developing this potential.

FORBES: Myanmar: No Ethnics; No Nation

25. If a large part of that is debt, to be serviced in good and bad years alike, the margin of safety is slim.


26. All "favourable" Utopias seem to be alike in postulating perfection while being unable to suggest happiness.

NPR: Excerpt: 'All Art Is Propaganda'

27. Those attributes and more are sure to be needed to lift the spirits of his players and supporters alike in the coming weeks.

BBC: Moores provides upbeat approach

28. But it is more than it used to be and, in some countries senders and recipients of foreign spouses alike the growth in cross-border marriages is having a significant social impact.

ECONOMIST: International marriage

29. How the new approach holds up after Stone leaves when his tour ends in the coming months will be a test of how successful he has been in changing the psychology of guards and detainees alike.

CNN: Behind the Scenes: Walking amid 2,000 al Qaeda suspects

30. There is little doubt that similar rookie-scale contracts in the NFL will be viewed favorably by owners and veterans alike.

FORBES: NFL and NBA Labor Negotiations: Imitation Will Yield Savings


















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