standing ground翻译_standing ground短语搭配_standing ground权威例句

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standing ground

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  • n. 立足地;基本原则

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1. above-ground standing biomass 地上现存生物量

2. Standing My Ground 站在我立场

3. Standing Her Ground 站在自己立场

4. Above ground standing crop 地上现存量

5. Limbs standing on the ground 四肢撑地式

6. standing g ground 立足地

7. Standing above - ground biomass 地上现存生物量

8. standing on motherland's ground 脚踏着祖国的大地

9. standing above-ground biomass 地上现存生物量


1. It means youre standing your ground and walking your own path.


2. And when necessary, we do this by standing our ground.


3. I admire you standing your ground.


4. Study on the Healthy Operation for Standing Column Well Ground Heat Exchange System


5. He has impressed Mr Dimon, who abhors yes men, by standing his ground when they disagree.


6. Under normal conditions - standing around on the ground, say - the Numbers are just a blur.


7. And so do you, it's just that sometimes you're standing too high off the ground to notice.


8. The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.


9. In Egypt, despite bloody clashes with security forces that have left dozens dead, Muslim Brotherhood supporters are standing their ground.


10. We are standing our ground. How long does a cup of coffee take?


11. Surprisingly, when you're standing on the ground, air pressure changes measurably within just a few feet.


12. CHANDLER: Yes, we're standing out ground... apparently.


13. Then the Lord said to him,'Take off your sandals; the place where you are standing is holy ground.


14. Human beings need to make far more decisions like this: to leave fossil fuels in the ground, and to leave rainforests standing.


15. But full-grown elephants are so heavy they often prefer not to bend their knees to lie down on the ground and so they sleep standing up.


16. Sure, it can be done, but it is much easier to juggle when one is standing on solid ground.


17. Before going into any battles at all they used to take a wooden stick and plant it in the ground, standing up, and pretend it was the enemy they had to fight.


18. Don't come any nearer, take off your shoes for you are standing on holy ground. That was the Lord!


19. However, he got through with the disquieted creature, deposited her, and returned. Tess could see over the hedge the distant three in a group, standing as he had placed them on the next rising ground.


20. It's a great way of maintaining a competitive spirit, standing your ground and, most importantly, having some fun along the way.


21. A viewer standing on ground and looking at the complex can barely define a vertical constant and reconstruct a system of perspective deformations.


22. The chimney is to some extent an independent structure, standing on the ground, and rising through the house to the heavens;


23. I don't build a house but rest on the ground or stay standing when I'm tired.


24. Many spirits concerning standing on ground, development at appropriate time, reformation and initiation, bold conviction and respect for science should be adhered to keep pace with the times from theory to practice.


25. For that on blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods.


26. Those gulls where you came from are standing on the ground, squawking and fighting among themselves.


27. Thee layout means that visitors can pose in the rooms for photos with their feet on the ground, but it appears in pictures like they are actually standing on the ceiling.


28. The layout means that visitors can pose in the rooms for photos with their feet on the ground, but it appears in pictures like they are actually standing on the ceiling.


29. I admire you standing your ground.


30. I appreciate you standing your ground on this one, Frank.


31. They are still standing the ground, they say they are not going to go back to work, despite the fact that lonmin Plantinum mine has acctually extended that ultimatum that they want to the miners to be back today or faced being fired.


32. Chor her, a skinny man wearing torn camouflage, is the only one to remain standing. He salutes before joining the others on the muddy ground.

一个衣着破旧叫Chor Her的瘦弱男子是唯一站着的,敬礼之后也加入其他人的行列,跪在泥泞的地上。

33. Rotational grazing enhanced the community standing crops above ground and the tendency of root moving upward was less than that in continuous area.


34. Immediately the commander of Israel's armies fell on his face to the earth and worshipped the Commander of the LORD's armies! "What does my Lord have to say to his servant ?" Joshua humbly asked. Joshua was then told to take off his shoes for he was standing on holy ground.


35. In the last few weeks, Member States reached landmark agreements on issues that strengthen our collective defences and break new ground in tackling long-standing problems.


36. Smoke from grills perfumes the narrow aisles and so many women briskly pat stone-ground tortillas into shape that it sounds like a standing ovation.


37. The new King rebuked the devil's presentation and defeated him by standing on the ground of man to worship and serve God only.


38. She would have refused him politely had they been standing together on the ground, but, looking down at his upturned face, she felt that any excuse would be trivial.


39. Imagine that the horse has disappeared, and you are standing on the ground, and maintain that same posture in the saddle.


40. For instance, the Spring Attack feat allows you to make an attack from the wall against a foe standing on the ground who is within the area you threaten;


41. Ingenuity to explore the peak Ingenuity, standing on high ground vision, help you develop brand horizon, so that your brand fresh and new, commercial world become clear.


42. A MINE, it is said, is a hole in the ground with a liar standing beside it.


43. And one, from Texas, put a hand on my thinning shoulder, and appeared to study the ground where we were standing.


44. The thief attempting to purloin a steel cable from a lift shaft - and unbolted it while standing in the lift which then plummeted to the ground, killing him.


45. MINE, it is said, is a hole in the ground with a liar standing beside it.


46. We're standing on common ground and can relate easily ( albeit physically) on the court.


47. Objective:To develop a detecting and analyzing system of dynamic and static ground reaction forces when walking or standing.


48. The concept of service strategy is discussed in the article and planning of concrete implementation pro jet is carried out so that enterprises may have a failsafe standing ground and continually expand their market share in the sales competition in the construction machinery industry.


49. And when necessary, we do this by standing our ground.


50. " You know good and well why he got eaten up by the the fattening hogs," clem said, standing his ground.

“他为什么会被那些肥猪吃掉,你知道得一清二楚,”克莱姆寸步不让。《provided by jukuu》

51. No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth. It'll give us a foothold in that market.


52. As they dragged along the ground they fell asleep standing, stopped, woke up, moved another step and slept again.


53. Schumpeter also said that all established businesses are “standing on ground that is crumbling beneath their feet”.


54. Do not come any closer," god said." take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.

上帝说:“不要近前来。当把你脚上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站之地是圣地”;《provided by jukuu》

55. Grenn was standing his ground as Jon had taught him, giving Albett more than he cared for, but Pyp was hard-pressed.


56. Those gulls where you came from are standing on the ground, squawking and fighting among themselves.



1. Prolonged eye contact during a debate or disagreement can signal you're standing your ground.

WSJ: The Decline of Eye Contact

2. Rodriguez's reference to standing his ground is similar to the claim made by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who is citing Florida's Stand Your Ground law in his defense in the fatal February shooting of an unarmed teenager, Trayvon Martin.

MSN: Texas man gets 40 years in Stand Your Ground case

3. I'm standing on my own ground.

NPR: Queen Latifah on 'Trav'lin' Light'

4. At 02:00 GMT on Monday it is alleged he was involved in an altercation outside the Terrace Bar, when he was repeatedly punched while standing and on the ground.

BBC: Jason McGovern death: Five people from Omagh in court

5. The European Commission is standing its ground.

BBC: EU's aviation charge is a drop for China's airlines

6. For better or worse, Rockefeller is standing his principles, and ground.

FORBES: A Wounded Coal Industry Seeks To Unseat A Rockefeller Who Turned On Them

7. And if you find yourself afraid to engage with an answer, or you find yourself struggling to back up your conclusions and opinions with reason, or you find the mere suggestion that your position ought to be explainable offensive, I would strongly suggest you re-examine your position: if you cannot plainly, clearly explain why you hold the beliefs you do, they are, in all likelihood, standing on shaky ground.

FORBES: Arizona Death Panel Claims Another Victim

8. But the company believed it was standing on firm factual ground and refused to be bullied.

FORBES: Forestry Labeling War Turns Ugly As Greenpeace Bungles Logging Industry Attack

9. Mr. Obama is now standing his ground.

WSJ: 'Voter Suppression,' Debunked

10. One neighbor testified that Rodriguez, who had a concealed handgun license, bragged about his guns and told her a person could avoid prosecution in a shooting by telling authorities you were in fear of your life and were standing your ground and defending yourself.

MSN: Texas man gets 40 years in Stand Your Ground case

11. She would have refused him politely had they been standing together on the ground, but, looking down at his upturned face, she felt that any excuse would be trivial.


12. Under fire from hedge funds, office and industrial commerical property owner CommonWealth REIT is standing its ground.

FORBES: Hedge Funds Up Offer For CommonWealth REIT, With A Catch

13. For all of us French men and women, and particularly for the people of Normandy, when the President of the United States is standing on this ground, it is particularly significant, because, sadly, there are many young Americans who gave their lives for us, who rest on Normandy soil.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Sarkozy at G8 Summit

14. Bradley was also trying to turn the rhetorical tables on Gore, who has accused him of not standing his ground and fighting the Republican majority when he left the Senate in 1996.

CNN: Bradley assails Gore over health policy

15. You always want to be standing on firm ground.

FORBES: How The Most Successful People Know It's Time To Quit

16. He has impressed Mr Dimon, who abhors yes men, by standing his ground when they disagree.

ECONOMIST: American bank bosses

17. But standing her ground is not all Mrs.

FORBES: Hillary Clinton Emotes On Capitol Hill

18. But, the shattered glass of the Constitution lies at your feet, undercutting the once solid ground it provided for standing against the abuse of power by the powerful.

FORBES: Broken Windows, Libya And The Constitution

19. On the one hand, Democrats seem to be standing their ground.

NPR: Can Bush, Congress Find Middle Ground on Iraq?

20. On this occasion, she was standing on the wedding ground amid thousands of awed guests, watching the grandest entrance she had ever been asked to pull off.

FORBES: The Woman Behind India's Celebrity Weddings

21. Moyes was also dismissed, albeit harshly for his part in the incident in which he appeared only to be standing his ground.

BBC: Manchester City 0-2 Everton

22. But as outsize, underfunded teacher pension and medical benefits wreak havoc on school budgets, unions in Wisconsin and elsewhere are standing on increasingly shaky ground.

WSJ: Peterson, Howell and West: Teachers Unions Have a Popularity Problem

23. The location every "Pride and Prejudice" fan wants to visit is, of course, Pemberley -- "a large, handsome, stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills, " as Austen describes it.


24. Like a cartoon character who notices that he's no longer standing on solid ground and suddenly begins to fall, I reached over to save, but was too late.

ENGADGET: Entelligence: Stains on the sleeve of my operating system

25. But Mr Padilha warned state authorities not to let down their guard as the rainy season could exacerbate the situation, with standing water providing an ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes carrying the disease.

BBC: Brazil dengue cases almost triple as new strain spreads

26. Maybe they both end up benefiting from standing their ground against a fierce opponent.

CNN: Hannity-Ellison dust-up shows our broken politics

27. The ECB made a lot of noise in the last few weeks about standing its ground and it has now moved.

BBC: ECB rate cut criticism

28. There are big stakes in Washington standing its ground, because it is increasingly clear that the slow growth of the U.S. economy is traceable to a yawning trade deficit in manufactured goods.

FORBES: Can Airbus Survive Without Subsidies?

29. The oddity is that the row comes at a time when French films, many of them more accessible than the art-house product that English-speakers tend to imagine are the French studios' only output, are standing their ground against the perceived invasion from Hollywood.

ECONOMIST: French culture

30. Car makers are probably standing on safer ground than biotechnology firms.

ECONOMIST: The science of selling





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