
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈhæpən]play美 [ˈhæpən]play

  • v. 发生;使遭遇;碰巧
  • adv. <北英格兰>或许,大概

第三人称单数 happens 现在分词 happening 过去式 happened 过去分词 happened

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


happen /ˈhæpən/ CET4 TEM4 [ happening happened happens ]

  • 1.
    不及物动词 Something that happens occurs or is done without being planned. (偶然地) 发生

    We cannot say for sure what will happen.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 If something happens, it occurs as a result of a situation or course of action. (作为结果) 发生

    She wondered what would happen if her parents found her.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 When something, especially something unpleasant, happens to you, it takes place and affects you. (尤指不愉快的事) 发生 (在某人身上)

    If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you happen to do something, you do it by chance. If it happens that something is the case, it occurs by chance. 碰巧

    We happened to discover we had a friend in common.


  • 5.
    习语 You use as it happens in order to introduce a statement, especially one that is rather surprising. 碰巧 (尤用以引出令人意外的内容)

    He called Amy to see if she knew where his son was. As it happened, Amy did know.






happen occur take place 【导航词义:发生】

happen v. 发生

〔辨析〕 普通用词,多用于偶然事件。

例1: The accident happened at 5 o'clock.


例2: What happened then?


occur v. [正式] 发生

〔辨析〕 可用于偶然事件或计划之事,可与 happen 换用。

例1: The earthquake occurred/happened at dawn.


例2: A serious traffic accident occurred/happened yesterday.


take place phr. v. 发生,举行

〔辨析〕 主要用于事先计划好的事情。

例1: Great changes have taken place in China.


例2: The parade will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.



1. happen to 碰巧 ; 偶然 ; 强调事情的偶然发生

2. happen to meet 偶然遇见

3. Accidents Happen 不测风云 ; 意外死亡 ; 意外事件 ; 意外事故

4. happen to be 碰巧是;恰巧是

5. happen on 偶然遇到或发现

6. happen to coincide 不约而同;不谋而合

7. as it happens 碰巧;偶然发生

8. Make It Happen 舞梦成真 ; 美梦成真 ; 唯舞独尊

9. It Could Happen to You 倾城佳话 ; 爱在纽约 ; 片 ; 爱情可能发生在你身上

10. happen to do 碰巧做 ; 恰巧 ; 碰巧做某事 ; 碰巧

11. happen to sb 发生到某人身上 ; 发生在某人身上 ; 碰巧发生在某人身上 ; 某事发生在某人身上


1. It was just a one-off; it won't happen again.


2. What happened in Istanbul was a unique event, it never happened before and never will again.

伊斯坦布尔发生的事是个特例, 这种事以前没出现过,今后不会再发生了.《期刊摘选》

3. Unless something unexpected happens, I'll see you tomorrow.


4. Just plug it in and see what happens .


5. As it happens, I have left the book at home.


6. She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son's whereabouts. As it happened, Amy had.


7. As it happens, in the wider world, there are other ant nests.

碰巧, 从全球范围看, 还有其它蚁巢.《期刊摘选》

8. No one knows for sure what happened.


9. It'so happened that I couldn't attend the meeting.


10. Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free.


11. Tell me what happened in your own words.


12. The children gave a confused account of what had happened.


13. "So what do you think will happen?" he asked eagerly.

“那么你认为会发生什么事呢?” 他热切地问道。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

14. We didn't want this to happen.


15. I don’t think we know exactly what’s going to happen but it’s certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.

我觉得我们无法确切知道将来会发生什么,但是确实有可能在接下来的一两年中我们会经历非常缓慢的经济增长。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

16. These sort of things don't happen in real life.


17. I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail...


18. What will happen if she throws the spoon again?

如果她又把勺子扔掉,会发生什么事?《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

19. Whenever _ that happens, he has to _ take _ an interpreter _ with _ him.

每当出现这种情况时, 他必须带一名翻译同行.《期刊摘选》

20. You don't happen to know his name, do you?


21. Accidents like this happen all the time.


22. That doesn't happen very often.


23. Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen.


24. I've amazed myself in how often this has happened.


25. Yesterday afternoon I went to Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event.

昨天下午我去越秀共园, 碰巧我看见一件动人的事.《期刊摘选》

26. We cannot just sit by and watch this tragedy happen.


27. We watched to see what would happen next.


28. I happened to fall across her the next day in the park.


29. All these changes happened over a period of time.


30. At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened.


31. This must never happen again.


32. If that happens, after paying authors, there will be nothing left for the publishers.

如果出现这种情况, 那么在付费给作者之后, 出版商的利润就所剩无几了.《期刊摘选》

33. Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her) ?


34. What was happening with the ice bucket?

那个冰桶出现什么问题 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

35. Let's see what happens next week.


36. Of course, sometimes things happen at the last moment and I don’t have a chance.

当然有时事情发生在最后一刻,我没机会看。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

37. People stood round waiting for something to happen.


38. This contradicts stereotypical image of stoic men who are unaffected by what happens in their relationships.


39. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.


40. When did this supposed accident happen?


41. Others doubted whether that would happen.


42. In today’s world, it has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run. Perhaps we should not be so surprised.

在当今世界,高薪聘请的高管们不应该对他们运营的机构所发生的事情负责已经成为常态,也许我们也不应该如此惊讶。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

43. It happened that I was not there that day.


44. This can happen if you have chronic pancreatitis or a tumour in the pancreas.


45. It happened late last century ─ in 1895 to be exact.


46. Trust me, eye contact is where all the magic happens.

相信我,眼神交流是所有奇迹发生的地方。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. But China's neighbours should not wait for this to happen.


48. Then put the board near your face. What happens? Why?

然后把塑料析放在脸孔附近. 会出现什么现象? 为什么?《期刊摘选》

49. Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.

部分原因在于,这一现象总是发生在失业率很高的时期,还有一部分原因在于,那些专家和分析人士认为,如果宣称问题根深蒂固,很难解决,那么就会让人觉得他们很有深度。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

50. But have we addressed what actually happened in the financial crisis?

但是金融危机中出现的危机真的解决了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

51. Yet the opposite doesn't happen, praise for full houses for League Cup and FA Cup ties.

然而对立的声音终究没有出现, 对杯赛中的满场表示赞扬!《期刊摘选》

52. Don't keep us in suspense ─ what happened next?


53. You'll never guess what's happened!


54. The kind of shopping—where you hand over notes and count out change in return—now happens only in the most minor of our retail encounters, like buying a bar of chocolate or a pint of milk from a corner shop.

这种购物方式——你递过去钞票,再数数对方找给你的零钱——现在仅出现在极少数的零售买卖中,比如在街头的小店里买一条巧克力或一品脱牛奶时。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

55. As it happens, I have a spare set of keys in my office.


56. There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen.


57. That happens to be my mother you're talking about!


58. What's the worst thing that could happen?


59. We will never allow that to happen! No sir!


60. Teachers are not people who are great at and consumed by research and happen to appear in a classroom.

教师并不是擅长科研且把精力耗在科研上,然后碰巧出现在教室的人。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

61. When left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more jolts than the students who knew what would happen.

当被单独留在房间里时,那些不知道哪些笔会让他们触电的学生比那些知道会发生这种情况的学生按了更多的笔,并且遭受了更多的电击《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

62. I happened to see him yesterday.


63. This is the second time it's happened.


64. I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for.


65. There are two broad schools of thought about what happened next.


66. We happened to drop across an abandoned car full of money.


67. Nobody knows what will happen next.


68. Consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happened.

因此, 在陷入任何一种充满压力的情况之前, 只专注于你希望发生的事。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

69. What happened to the text pop ups?


70. The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.


71. She brought him up to date with what had happened.


72. What will happen next is anybody's guess.


73. You must on no condition tell them what happened.


74. I'll be there whatever happens .


75. This chest discomfort may only happen when you're active.


76. We cannot say for sure what will happen.


77. I don’t know what will happen to the next generation

不知道下一代人身上又将会发生什么。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

78. What will happen when the climate catastrophe occurs?.

气候灾害发生时,会发生什么?。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

79. It just so happened they'd been invited too.


80. He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened.


81. How on earth did that happen?


82. The same thing happened to me last week.


83. Just when this will happen is anyone's guess.


84. It'so happened / chanced that I'd met her a few years before.


85. An accident can happen anywhere.


86. When that happens, stating that patients have a right heart failure or total failure.

出现这些情况时, 说明病人已发生右心衰或全心衰.《期刊摘选》

87. But the fact line of action is feasible and desirable does not mean it will happen.


88. Inthe 1920s, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget proposed thatchildren ’ s cognitive (认知的) abilities unfold 33 naturally,like the blooming of a flower, almost independent of whatelse is 34 happening in their lives.

20 世纪 20 年代,瑞士心理学家 JeanPiaget 提出,儿童的认知能力是 ( 33 ) 自然而然地发展起来的,就像一朵花的绽放过程,而且几乎与他们人生中 ( 34 ) 发生的其他事无关。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

89. Among the annoying challenges facing the middle class is one that will probably go unmentioned in the next presidential campaign: What happens when the robots come for their jobs?

下届总统大选中可能会避而不谈的问题是中产阶级面临的令人烦恼不已的难题之一:如果机器人开始抢夺他们的工作,会发生什么?《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. The woman immediately behind the two cars happened to a learner.


91. He wondered idly what would happen.


92. It's frightening to think it could happen again.


93. She wondered what would happen if her parents found her...


94. Suppose you are in a room with someone you don't know and something within you says I want to talk with this person”—this is something the mostly happens with all of us.

假设你正和某个陌生人共处一室,你心里有个声音说“我想和这个人交谈”——这在我们所有人身上大概都会发生《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

95. “Maybe someexperience in their childhood meant that they became obsessed ( 着迷) with calendars and what happened to them,” says Patihis.

Patihis 说道:“或许是童年的一些经历使他们对日期和发生在自己身上的事变得如此着迷。”《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

96. We were very friendly with all local shopkeepers and we happened to mention to a local shopkeeper how much we had made that week.

我们曾经与当地所有店主都非常要好,然后碰巧和其中一个店主提到我们那周赚了多少钱。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

97. What will happen if it was the first attempt?


98. Similarly sharp contractions have happened all over Asia.


99. As it happens , Nikonov's band is a brave and venturesome one.


100. He should have guessed what would happen.


101. We happened to discover we had a friend in common...


102. You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you , now ?

你身上该不会碰巧带着一块奶酪 吧 ?《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

103. I happened in with him in the museum this morning.


104. Nothing will happen for a few years yet.


105. Results Success rate of operation reached 100 percents, no uterus perforation or other complications happened.

结果118例困难宫腔手术,成功率100%, 未出现子宫穿孔及其它并发症.《期刊摘选》

106. He happened on the book in an secondhand bookstore.


107. It happened that she was out when we called.


108. I give you my word that this won't happen again.


109. She gave us her version of what had happened that day.


110. Excuse me, do you happen to know how they started quarrelling?

对不起, 你碰巧知道他们是怎么开始争吵的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

111. ‘Sorry─I've spilt some wine. ’ ‘Never mind. These things happen. ’


112. The explosion happened beside a bus which was about to set off for an overnight journey from Nairobi to the Ugandan capital Kampala.

这起爆炸发生在一辆正准备出发的夜间长途车旁,这辆车是从内罗毕到乌干达首都坎帕拉的。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

113. I happened to notice that they were barefoot on this cold linoleum floor.


114. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me.


115. I hope nothing (= nothing unpleasant) has happened to them.


116. If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk.

如果上述情况发生,情绪激动地消费者会努力劝说其他人共同抵制某公司的产品,从而危及到企业的声誉。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

117. If it does happen, we tend to feel ignored, overlooked and unappreciated.

如果出现了这种情况, 我们会觉得自己被低估、被忽视了, 并且不受到赏识.《期刊摘选》

118. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening, and seize opportunities that come up.

他们往往很享受好事发生的片刻,而且能在机会出现时好好把握。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

119. Don't dispair as the nicest things will happen when least expected!


120. The accident happened through no fault of her own.


121. She happened to be out when we called.


122. It happened that he came to see me that evening.


123. This will happen as the last of children baby boom generation finish high school.


124. Did you happen to see her leave last Wednesday?


125. This did not happen among olunteers with lower testosterone leels.


126. He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.


127. She pressed the button but nothing happened.


128. For something curious has been happening in American universities, and Louis Men and, a professor of English at Harvard University, captured it skillfully.

因为美国的大学正在发生一些奇怪的事,而这被哈佛大学英语教授路易斯.梅南巧妙地捕捉到了。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. In this way, even if the worst should happen, the sky will not fall.

这样, 即使出现了大的风险, 天也不会塌下来.《期刊摘选》

130. A fairly typical case happened.


131. What happens if nobody comes to the party?


132. We met Jeanne only yesterday, as it happens.


133. She had only a vague notion of what might happen.


134. It'so happened that I was walking outside when he called me last night.


135. TITe happened to be a friend of mine in the park.


136. Do drop in if you happen to be passing!


137. Did it really happen or did I just dream it?


138. Either Entergy never really intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what would happen next.

要么安特吉公司从未想真正地兑现这些承诺,要么是它根本就没有预见到未来会发生什么事情。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

139. Imagine the outcry if a big loss happened in a speculative business like proprietary trading.


140. If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us...


141. I agree with you, as it happens.


142. It has not happened.

这并没有发生。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

143. There's no telling what will happen next.


144. Who can say what will happen next year?


145. In fact, situations like these happen time after time in our daily lives.

其实在我们生活中 、 工作中也常常出现这样的画面.《期刊摘选》

146. I don't know how this happened.


147. Today, I’d like to talk about what happens when celebrity role models get behind healthyhabits, but at the same time promote junk food.

今天,我想谈论的是当名人一边作为榜样支持健康习惯,一边又推广垃圾食品时会发生什么。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

148. Then it happened again and I checked the fuel filter and discovered that it was contaminated.


149. What's happened to your car?


150. The accident happened close to Martha's Vineyard.


151. We cannot say for sure what will happen...


152. I happened to meet her one day.


153. He happened to oversee the burglar leaving the premises.



1. We've had a quick chat in this office and reckon it's the first time we've seen it happen.

BBC: Six of the best from the Chief Whip

2. But the reality is there are many disincentives in place for this to happen.

FORBES: Ignoring Bad Incentives

3. But Mr Flood says he thinks the tipping point will happen "at the back end of this year".

BBC: Do we need watches to tell us more than the time?

4. If resident doctors work shorter hours, for example,mistakes could happen when one resident takes over a patient's care from another.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

5. And in fact, through a tie-up with Microsoft's Bing, that is exactly what is likely to happen.

BBC: Facebooks Graph targets Google

6. "It's very difficult to predict where and when these landslips are going to happen, " he said.

BBC: Dorset coast path collapse: 'Massive' cliff fall near Durdle Door - BBC News

7. If that's not going to happen, Dumas says Greece will suffer more from prolonging the agony.

BBC: Greece: the default calculus

8. Finally, none of this can happen unless we also lower the temperature in this town.

WHITEHOUSE: 2012 State Of The Union Address Enhanced Version

9. When did it happen?


10. Every place has its risks, and here they happen to fall from the sky.

CNN: One block, two tornadoes: Life in the crosshairs

11. I guess some days at Yale can be very busy. Do you think those busy days happen a lot?

我想有时候在耶鲁会很忙。你觉得经常很忙吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 主修古典文学

12. It is not yet known what will happen to HMV's branches and 4, 350 staff.

BBC: Blockbuster goes into administration

13. "It blew my mind to think this could happen to someone like me, " Grant said.

CNN: Herbs, vitamins that can hurt you

14. Virginians wanted Brown punished quickly to show what would happen to anyone who tried to lead a Negro rebellion.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

15. So, the take-home message is whether you have three photons or 3,000,000 photons that you're shooting at your metal, if you're not at that minimum frequency or that minimum energy that you need, nothing is going to happen.

所以,这里表明的信息是,无论是向金属发射3个光子,还是300万个光子,如果没有达到所需的最低频率,或者最小能量,什么事情都不会发生。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. What will happen if the other NATO allies fail to step to the plate?

NPR: U.S. Wants NATO to Step Up in Afghanistan

17. This (restaurant) was a big dream when it started off ... and she made it happen.

CNN: Troubled youth kicking it 'old skool' at San Fran bistro

18. An international convention was drawn up in 1948 to ensure that nothing like this could ever happen again.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

19. Still,many people argue that his talent should be recognized because ten national coaching victories do not happen by accident.

VOA : special.2009.07.10

20. This doesn't happen, but at the same time it's a world of illusion in which the reader lives all too comfortably. Right?

这些不会发生,但是同时这是一个幻境,读者太舒适地生活于其中,对吧?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. I had to argue for this to happen, cause I really feel that this class isn't about me.

我来解释一下我的理由 我觉得,这门课不应该仅仅由我来讲博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. That doesn't happen very often.


23. The point is that we both want to be in a place of revelation, where something that neither of us expected to happen will happen.

而艺术创作的意义是,我们都希望得到,启示,希望看到意想不到,的事情发生。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. `So what do you think will happen?' he asked eagerly.


25. This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen.


26. Then there came to be questions about whether the scenes, the stories in the book, actually did happen to him.

于是问题出现了,书里的那些情节和故事是否真正在他身上发生过。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. That's why your operating systems and your personal computers often crash for no apparent reason. Just because two things happen to, once in a while, occur at the same time.

这就是为什么你的电脑或者操作系统,经常会毫无预兆的崩溃了,这是因为两件事情正好同时发生了,通常还有人工输入。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. "It's a very incorrect assumption that people with disabilities are in their community sitting around passively waiting for something good to happen.

VOA : special.2011.06.29

29. Thomas is apparently considering leaving Rodney Parade next summer but Turner suggests it may happen sooner.

BBC: Turner upset at Thomas 'transfer'

30. Some people often worry about what they will do in a situation that might happen in the future.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

31. But for that to happen, it means that Democrats and Republicans have to work together.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: A Bipartisan Approach to Strengthening the Economy | The White House

32. Did it actually happen?


33. The scientist says this mission has been planned for many years, but he is not sure when it will happen.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

34. That is, most processes that we're concerned with, they'll happen with something held constant like pressure or temperature or maybe volume.

这句话是说我们所关注的大部分过程,发生的时候都是保持某个量为常数,比如压强,温度或者体积。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. Because of that experience, I will always remember that nice things still happen in a world that is driven by money.

VOA : special.2009.10.18

36. It helps that, as the uprisings have spread, French interests happen to align with their values.

ECONOMIST: France's foreign-policy woes

37. The governor of New Mexico was calling for a withdrawal to happen quickly and completely.

NPR: Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Stump in Iowa

38. In colder climates, parsley can go into the ground two to three weeks before the last winter freeze is likely to happen.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

39. But Kurt Volker, former American ambassador to NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is not so sure what will happen.

VOA : special.2010.07.24

40. You need that immediacy of feedback, and we're not convinced that that can happen across an Internet connection.

VOA : special.2011.04.21

41. In the film and in life, that can happen even just when people see each other.

NPR: 'Low and Behold': A Post-Disaster New Orleans

42. With a property so intrinsically tied to fallible humans it continues and will continue to happen.

FORBES: 3 Reasons Why Facebook Deals is not the 'Groupon Killer'

43. Elissa says she'd love to meet the right man, but it will happen when it happens.

BBC: China's 'leftover women', unmarried at 27

44. But the emotional equilibrium for women and work will likely happen woman by woman.

FORBES: What Will The World Be Like For Working Women In The Year 2020?

45. They are proof that the best thing that can happen to a man is to be born lucky.

VOA : special.2010.03.27

46. Just as you are making decisions about your life, where you need to go and what needs to happen next.

当你正在为自己的人生做决定的时候——你要去哪儿?接下来又会发生什么?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的书

47. And if it could happen in New York and it could happen in Michigan, I suppose it could happen in New York and Michigan.

如果它可以发生在纽约,也可以发生在密西根,那我猜它可以发生在纽约和密西根。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. This could happen if Japan's sovereign-debt rating falls another notch, which given the country's worsening finances could easily happen.

ECONOMIST: Japan's banks

49. I don't expect you to start with one of these and then predict what is going to happen.

我没有期望你们能以其中的一个开始,然后推断发生了什么。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. The Bank said the close-down was a one-off upgrade and will not need to happen again.

BBC: News | The Company File | Millennium bugs bank

51. She wore the huge jewel even though she had received warnings that it caused terrible things to happen.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

52. Multiple quarters of slowing growth always happen and have never been predictive, with any consistency, of recession.

FORBES: Deja Vu Stock Market

53. If you ever try to go beyond the boundaries of an array, as we'll soon see, bad things happen.

如果你试着超出了数组的界限,我们将看到,会发生坏事情。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. What would happen is there would be a panic; " people would say they're not paying on the notes.

这会导致恐慌的发生;,人们会说:“银行没有兑现纸币。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. If these things happen in the future, it would necessarily slow the growth of coaching salaries.

FORBES: College Football Coaching Salaries Grow Astronomically Due to Escalating Media Rights Deals

56. Still -- doesn't it seem like it's time for something to happen with the Apple TV?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

57. OK, clearly we'd be much better off if we had some systematic quantitative way to tell whether something would happen spontaneously.

好,如果我们有一些系统定量的方法来判断,一个过程是否会自发进行,那就会更好了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. The film is about all the bad things that happen to a common man for no apparent reason.

VOA : special.2010.03.01

59. If there is the political will to make it happen, it could happen before August 2nd.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

60. However,because Hank's songs told of real-life troubles with such great emotion, something unusual began to happen to his music.

VOA : special.2009.11.22

61. But it would often happen that there were not enough Corinthians who were ready to go with you on your expedition.

但是经常会没有足够的人,愿意与你一同踏上征程古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. What will happen if there is no agreement within the coalition on the EU?

BBC: David Cameron's carefully worded Europe speech

63. Add to that the occasional hurricane and it is a pile-up waiting to happen.

BBC: Wreck diving in Bermuda

64. For now they are, but he cautions that a 10% correction could happen at any time.

FORBES: Magazine Article

65. That can happen but that's abnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.

这可能发生的,但属于非正常的变化,而是改变诸如维持核苷酸序列的,主链的化学结构生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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