
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [tiːm]play美 [tiːm]play

  • n. (游戏或体育运动的)队,小组;工作队,工作组;(套在一起拉车的)一组牲口(尤指马)
  • v. 协作,合作;使(颜色、布料、衣服)相配;(套在一起拉车的)一组牲口(尤指马)

复数 teams 第三人称单数 teams 现在分词 teaming 过去式 teamed 过去分词 teamed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


team /tiːm/

  • 1.
    集体可数名词 A team is a group of people who play a particular sport or game together against other similar groups of people. 运动队
    例: team.



    ...the swim team.


  • 2.
    集体可数名词 You can refer to any group of people who work together as a team. 团队; 组

    Each specialist has a team of doctors under him or her.




1. national team 国家队

2. Team Spirit 团队精神 ; 合作精神 ; 团队合作精神 ; 协作精神

3. visiting team 客队 ; 主队

4. design team 设计组

5. in the team 在队里

6. project team 项目工作组;攻关队伍

7. team member 队员;团队成员

8. research team 研究小组;科学研究组

9. construction team 施工队

10. team leader 组长;团队领导

11. Team Fortress 2 军团要塞 ; 团队要塞 ; 绝地要塞

12. team spirit n. 团队精神;合作精神

13. whole team 全队;完整团队

14. TEAM BUILDING 团队建设 ; 团队建立 ; 建立团队 ; 队伍建设

15. team work 配合,协力;工作小组;协同工作

16. on the team 在队里;是…队的成员

17. team management 团队管理;小组管理

18. football team 足球队

19. professional team 专业团队;职业队

20. production team 生产队;制作组;生产大队

21. Sports Team 体育队 ; 运动队 ; 体工队 ; 球队

22. team player 具有团队精神的人;良好的合作伙伴;善于团队合作的人

23. team sport 团队运动 ; 团体性运动 ; 排球类 ; 团队类的体育运动

24. home team 主队 ; 后攻队 ; 主队或后攻队 ; 三四主队或后攻队

25. management team 管理团队;经营团队

26. Double Team 包夹 ; 反击王 ; 双人包夹 ; 双人组

27. team building 团队建设

28. first team 一线队;首发阵容;第一阵容


1. It's true that he could do the job, but would he fit in with the rest of the team?


2. Furthermore, the issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization, or society that it supposes it serves.

此外,这个问题不仅仅是怎样让团队更有效率地合作,更是它如何与它要 服务的整个组织或社会结合在一起。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

3. I feel very proud to be a part of the team.


4. (North Amercian English)Whose team are you on?


5. If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives.

如果 一个团队的管理者表现出了这样的品质,那么团队作为一个整体就更能意识 到自己的潜力,从而实现自己的目标。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

6. Two players are out of the team because of injury.


7. The first test market results surprised even the ConAgra team.

第一波试销结果令 ConAgra 的团队也颇感惊讶。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

8. We teamed up together and began making cabin.


9. He hasn't been selected for the team.


10. Our team is licking its chops because we beat the champions last night.


11. He's the oldest player in the team.


12. The Japanese team accumulated four points with one win and two losses.


13. The team usually plays in a 4-4-2 formation.


14. I have confidence in our team.


15. The team has been weakened by injury.


16. Create subsites such as team sites & # 44 ; Meeting Workspace sites & # 44 ; and Document Workspace sites.

创建子网站,例如工作组网站 、 会议工作区网站和文档工作区网站.《期刊摘选》

17. However, organisations need to learn something bigger than how to manage teams better: they need to be in the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job.

但是,比起如何更好地管理团队,组织机构需要学习一些更重要的事:他们需要不断追问自己,团队合作是否是完成这项工作的最佳途径。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

18. I teamed up with him to do the work.


19. The team lost narrowly.


20. He had lost his place in the England team.


21. He will make his debut for the first team this week.


22. He was selected for the team.


23. Whose team are you in?


24. He was teamed with his brother in the doubles.


25. Team management calls for new skills if personnel potential is to be fully realized.

如果想完全发挥出人员的潜力的话,团队管理需要新技能。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

26. He's an ardent supporter of the local football team.


27. The least that can be concluded from this research is that companies need to think harder about managing teams.

这个研究至少表明公司需要进一步思考如何管理团队。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

28. It's tickets for the team that loses.


29. a team event (= one played by groups of people rather than individual players)


30. the sales team


31. A team of experts has/have been called in to investigate.


32. The German team scored a combined total of 652 points.


33. Team management provides for this coordination.

团队管理能够提供这种协调。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

34. The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time.


35. His outstanding ability earned him a place on the team.


36. What needs to be considered for effective team management?.

在有效的团队管理方面需要考虑些什么?。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

37. When teams consist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations, who have been conditioned to traditional organizational?culture, cooperation may not occur naturally, it may need to be created.

如果团队是由来自等级制组织的经验老到的雇员组成的,这些员 工会习惯于传统的企业文化,那么合作就不会自然地发生,而需要去创造。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

38. I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.


39. The final team selection will be made tomorrow.


40. Result oriented, team oriented , self motivated, communication skills, open minded.

工作认真,条理性强,具有团队合作精神, 良好的沟通能力, 思维活跃.《期刊摘选》

41. a football/baseball, etc. team


42. Red and white are the team colours.


43. What should team members do to fully realize their potential?.

为了发挥最大潜力,团队成员该如何做?。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

44. Can work independently and under pressure, good at team work.

可以独立工作,可以承受压力, 擅长团队合作.《期刊摘选》

45. The team failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup finals...


46. The team has had five straight wins.


47. He heaped praise on his team.


48. A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win.


49. a team leader/member

队长 / 员《牛津词典》

50. Team sports help to develop a child's social skills.


51. The team collaborative study is the basic organizational form and main activity manner.


52. Strong commitment, team player and leadership.

良好的职业态度, 团队合作精神及领导能力.《期刊摘选》

53. Excellent team skills and be able to meet tight deadlines.


54. Small, collaborative teams of developers are able to share tacit knowledge about development processes.


55. The team was five players short.


56. Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.


57. Loosely managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction—employees routinely complain that they can’t get their work done because they are forced to spend too much time in meetings or compelled to work in noisy offices.

管理松懈的团队是滋生混乱的温床——员工常常抱怨开会占用了太多时间,或者办公室环境嘈杂,使得他们没法完成工作。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

58. The team looks set for victory.


59. You need to be able to work as part of a team.


60. The team got a hiding in their last game.


61. Teams of international medical workers are in Angola.


62. Why do we need team work?


63. In a study of 120 teams of senior executives, he discovered that less than 10% of their supposed members agreed on who exactly was on the team.

有一项针对120 个高级主管团队的研究,研究发现,不到10% 的成员认可自己的团队伙伴。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

64. The team was not well balanced.


65. There's a real touch of class about this team.


66. The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, “I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic,producing something extraordinary… ④ But don’t count on it.”

哈佛大学已故的Richard Hackman 曾表示:“毫无疑问,团队有可能创造奇迹,催生出非凡的事物……④但是不能太依赖团队。”《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

67. Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.

二 、 进取: 主动探索、努力进取, 以合作的团队精神学习探究.《期刊摘选》

68. Good team player, good at project operation and interpersonal communication.

优秀的团队合作精神, 项目运作能力及沟通能力.《期刊摘选》

69. Pyramid considered to be a team building game, also , it's really popular during most fun time!

“叠罗汉”被美国人当作一种团队合作精神的游戏, 是共度美好时光最佳选择.《期刊摘选》

70. We lost to a stronger team.


71. You will be a key developer working on the CLR managed services team.


72. Teams work best if their members have a strong common culture.

团队成员共有某种浓厚文化时,团队才能达成最好的合作。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

73. The team hung on for victory.


74. The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.


75. The team will be back at full strength for the next match.


76. Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage.

劳动力所发生的剧烈变化使团队管理更加艰难。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

77. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring college.


78. Cooperate with team members to ensure tasks assigned by clients.


79. Our team was flattened this evening!


80. The whole team was on good form and deserved the win.


81. They need to keep teams small and focused: giving in to pressure to be more “inclusive” is a guarantee of dysfunction.

他们需要保持团队精简和专注:屈服于压力而变得更“包容”必然会导致功能紊乱。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

82. The team found that exerciser educed the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%, 33 preventing their ability to capture new visual information.

研究团队发现,锻炼使快速眼球运动的速度下降了大约8%,(33) 阻碍了眼睛捕捉新的视觉信息。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

83. The governors were joined by Mr Hunter and his management team.


84. Leads internal AQP teams in launching of new products.


85. Good communication skills and an excellent team player.


86. He skippered the team to victory.


87. Our team won by four runs.


88. Each specialist consultant has a team of doctors under him...


89. She steered the team to victory.


90. The team put on a good show in the competition.


91. Good personality , highly team work spirit, nice communication skills to different level.

有团队合作精神, 在不同层次都具有良好的沟通技巧.《期刊摘选》

92. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.


93. The team is/are not playing very well this season.


94. Our team was hammered 5-1.


95. Self motivated, positive attitude and able to work as part of a team.

自我激励, 态度积极,进行团队合作.《期刊摘选》

96. A good team member, honest, hardworking; willing to be overtime.

有较强的团队合作精神, 诚实正直, 能吃苦耐劳, 适应加班要求.《期刊摘选》

97. They just handed the game to the other team on a plate.


98. He heaped his team with praise.


99. The Cleveland Clinic, a hospital operator, has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas; consultants, nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality ( 专业)and rank.

克利夫兰诊所是一家医院运营商,已将其医疗人员重组成专注于特定治疗领域的团队;会诊医生、护士还有其他同事紧密合作,不再因专业和等级不同而被分隔开。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

100. He'll never make the team.


101. This necessitates orchestrating the evolution of the OCOG from individual al areas to integrated venue teams.


102. She has won a place in the Olympic team.


103. They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.


104. Third, team members remain committed to working together again.

第三, 团队成员乐于再次一起工作.《期刊摘选》

105. That team went out in the first round.


106. The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land.


107. The home team cruised to victory.


108. Assist certain business projects independently or as a team member as required.


109. Only four points separate the top three teams.


110. The team put up a good fight but were finally beaten.


111. The team seemed invincible.


112. Which team do you support?


113. The superior sent a work team to that factory to check its production safety.


114. Contribute to research, technology development following product life cycle procedure, to cooperate with related external team.

遵循产品寿命周期的程序下从事研究, 技术开发,并同相关团队合作.《期刊摘选》

115. The team took a terrible beating.


116. The team feels confident of winning.


117. The team is built around a core group of players.


118. After graduation, I was assigned into a team working for a World Bank loan project.

大学毕业, 我被委派参加了世界银行贷款项目工作组.《期刊摘选》

119. There are lots  and lots of CEOs in very different companies, but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.”

企业各不相同,CEO许许多多,但大部分都自认为是教练,企业是自己的团队,他们想赢。”《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

120. He lost his place in the first team.


121. He's the baby of the team.


122. Earlier this year, British explorer ?Hadow and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.

今年早些时候,英国探险家Pen Hadow 和他的团队艰苦跋涉三个月穿越冰冻的北冰洋,对冰层进行测量并且记录观察情况。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

123. We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters.


124. They need to rid their minds of sentimentalism ( 感情用事):the most successful teams have leaders who are able to set an overall direction and take immediate action.

他们需要摆脱感情用事:最成功的团队都会有这样的领导者,他们制定总体方向、快速采取行动。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

125. She'll be racing for the senior team next year.


126. The team of teachers activated the functions of IT in teaching by way of seminar activities.


127. He was dropped from the team amid speculation that he was seriously ill.


128. The team was soundly defeated.


129. The fashion for teams is also spreading from the usual corporate suspects (such as GE and IBM) to some more unusual ones.

团队的趋势也从普通公司(比如美国通用电气公司和国际商用机器公司)发展到了一些更为特别的机构。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

130. Working in teams, students present a communication topic of their choosing to the class.


131. I'm trying to get a team together for Saturday.


132. The team was left raging at the referee's decision.


133. Our team won the game three nil.


134. Together, the team may then produce something new, unique and superior to that of any one member.

团结 一致后团队才能创造出新的、特色的、比单个成员做得更好的作品。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

135. I also have a strong ability to adapt, hardworking spirit, also a high team spirit.

我的适应能力也很强, 有吃苦耐劳的精神, 也有很高的团队合作精神.《期刊摘选》

136. European schools adopted case studies, but encouraged team? based project assignments.

这些欧洲学校也采用情景式教学法, 但鼓励团队式的项目合作.《期刊摘选》

137. This gives the design team a sound basis for their work.


138. A group of individuals is not automatically a team.

一群人不会自然而然地成为一个团 队。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

139. Our team performed well in the match yesterday.


140. Casey, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.

这一领域的专 家 Casey 称团队内部的合作过程必须要组织好、促进好和管理好。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

141. Team work and good communication skills.


142. The whole school hopes that its football team will win the match.


143. See bulletins about information important to the team.


144. The Advisory Team working with the Working Group to draft the Life Skills Training Package.


145. The home team didn't score.


146. Jeff Bezos,Amazon’s boss, says that “If I see more than two pizzas for lunch, the team is too big.”

亚马逊公司的老板Jeff Bezos 说:“如果我看到一顿午饭超过两个比萨饼,那么这个团队就太庞大了。”《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

147. The team played crap yesterday.


148. The project team normally consists of project engineer, design engineer, schedule engineer, and various specialists.

项目工作组通常包括有项目工程师 、 设计工程师 、 计划工程师 、 以及各类专家.《口语例句》

149. To make all of that origami fold and unfold, a separate team built yet another Batmobile.

为了使蝙蝠车的顶棚能够打开和关闭,专门成立了一只工作组, 他们建造了令一辆蝙蝠车.《期刊摘选》

150. However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use “team” as a verb rather than a noun: they form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.

但是,哈佛大学的Amy Edmondson指出,机构越来越多地将“团队”视为一个动词而不是名词:他们为了特定的目的组建团队,之后又快速将团队解散。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

151. He trains the Olympic team.


152. The team's success was largely due to her efforts.


153. (British English)Whose team are you in?


154. We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.


155. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to lead by example as a team player and between departments.



1. The NL team is better largely because of one man: Astros centerfielder Richard Hidalgo Richard Hidalgo .

FORBES: All Star Values

2. The team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine published a report in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

3. He decided to play very defensively but his team followed his plans very well.

BBC: Liverpool celebrate victory over Juventus.

4. There are other advantages to allowing team members to work from out of the office.

FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year

5. Objection number one - and here I'll come down to - I wanna talk to team libertarian over here.

第一条反对,我先到下面去-,到这边来和自由主义队员对话。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. And you can join on to the Red Sox nation on top of that, and part of being a good Red Sox fan is knowing the statistics of your team.

除此之外你们可以,加入红袜队的国度,作为一个好的红袜队球迷,也是了解你们支持球队的,数据的一部分。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. A team of surgeons is working to harvest an organ at one site while another team of surgeons is working to prepare the recipient at another site, and the organ is flown there.

一组外科医生,将器官从供体取出的同时,另一组医生在另一个地方,为移植手术做准备,等待器官空运过去生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. You had a whole team of people trying to figure out how to do arctans.

一整个团队的人都为这个程序工作者,他们试着运行这个程序。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. The eighth grader from California climbed Everest with a team that included his father, his stepmother and three Sherpas.

VOA : special.2010.06.30

10. The chimps are among a group that Jane Goodall and her team have been studying since the nineteen sixties.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

11. "Our team are obviously greatly relieved and I think the travelling public are relieved, " he added.

BBC: West Coast Mainline deal failure criticised

12. At age thirty-eight he scored four goals as his team gave the best performance ever by a team from Africa.

VOA : special.2010.06.09

13. Local revenues divided by metro population with populations in two-team markets divided in half.

FORBES: Philadelphia 76ers

14. Because that for the first time, I kind of looked up and just like, wow, you know I have a team of engineers here and like a lot of smart people who can start building a lot of stuff in a different way that is currently being done.

因为我第一次经历这些,当我抬起头,看到一群聪明人在为我工作,他们正用独特的方式,创造新的事物,我顿时感到十分自豪。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

15. Back at Harvard Lieber and his team have more nanowire ideas than they have time to explore.

FORBES: Innovators

16. On the other hand, when I was at Swarthmore, we had a football team. They don't longer have one.

另一方面,我在斯沃斯莫尔时,我们有过一个橄榄球队,现在他们没了。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

17. He and a team of researchers there have built a house made out of straw bale and hemp material.

VOA : special.2009.10.05

18. Berman was part of the "World News Tonight" team recognized with a 2004 Edward R.

CNN: CNN Profiles - John Berman - Co-Anchor

19. George Burley is his own man and can pick the team whatever way he likes.

BBC: The bench of frustration

20. We call it the inference team.

我们叫做推理队。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

21. as the surgeon, you are the captain of the ship, but you are not there alone, so you need to have a team with you.

作为一名外科医生,你就像是一艘船上的船长,但并非孤身一人,你需要一个团队一起协作。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

22. Tony Woodcock has joined the team as coach.


23. In 2000, Team USA won with a group of players aging from 14 to 35.

BBC: Knuckle down at Englands World Marble Championships

24. Or "I want to talk to my roommates or my team about this idea."

或者“跟我室友队友讲讲“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

25. If you are experienced, if you have, say, better ways of managing engineering team, this is a very good space you can be in.


26. It s too much money for U.S. sports team owners to leave on the table.

FORBES: Kurt Badenhausen On Sports

27. Mr. BRYANT: Well, I think that another team will bring him in the park.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

28. No,it's the Japanese team.


29. Although the jump had the appearance of another Baumgartner stunt, his team stressed its high scientific relevance.

BBC: Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks sound barrier

30. Right now we are going to go for a game, for 10:30 game with his team against another team.

我们现在正要去看比赛呢,他的队和另一支队十点半有一场比赛。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在公园碰到的母子

31. Four years later, as head coach of the women's Olympic team, she led the players to a gold medal win.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

32. Liverpool just didn't really create anything and, to be fair, the better team won.

BBC: Liverpool say manager Rafa Benitez is not under threat

33. The left-hander, batting at number five, came to the crease with the team in trouble.

BBC: Eoin Morgan leads England to Twenty20 warm-up victory

34. In college basketball, a small school with a young coach nearly defeated a longtime powerhouse team for the national championship.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

35. It's the fact you're getting this extra benefit from working with someone else that makes it worth while working as a team to start with.

但是现实是在你和他人合作中,你会获得额外的收益,这样合作才有价值博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. The fortunes of New Orleans, like the Saints, its much beloved gridiron team, have risen again.

BBC: Travelling to New Orleans, now and in 1858

37. And reserve team midfielder Vincent Weijl has completed a transfer to Spanish side SD Eibar.

BBC: Liverpool complete Paul Konchesky signing from Fulham

38. They've just heard a report from a reconnaissance team that scoped out the land, and that they think that the chances of conquering the Promised Land are very, very slim.

他们刚从侦探小组,那里收到一份侦查地形的报告,他们认为征服应许之地的,希望,非常,非常的渺茫。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. He says his team changed existing life into new life because the synthetic cell can control and reproduce a living cell.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

40. So, because of this, Yale University Production Team from the Center of Media Initiatives is gonna be taping all the class in there up there.

因此,来自媒体创新中心的,耶鲁大学节目制作组,将会在教室后面全程录制本课程心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Otherwise, the day ends after the first goal or at 10 pm if neither team has scored.

BBC: Entire English town competes in Shrove football

42. Paul Moriarty has taken temporary control of team matters, supported by Robert Jones and Wayne Proctor.

BBC: Scarlets ponder Nigel Davies role

43. The team was led by Walter Reed, the Army doctor and scientist noted for his work on infectious diseases.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

44. His team is also attempting to produce new food oils and make synthetic parts of every known influenza virus.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

45. This online community is coordinated by a team of fewer than two dozen people.

FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year

46. Second, players need to worry less about getting team owners to fully open up their books.

FORBES: Mistaking Mistrust For Greed: How To Solve The NFL Dispute

47. Murphy, Sinclair's young team-mate, was fractionally behind him.


48. As the slightly larger, wealthier city, Seattle has historically harboured the more successful and better-supported football team.

BBC: Football fever hits the Pacific Northwest

49. Mr. BRYANT: At least your team has gone to the World Series five or six times.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

50. Perhaps the best example of using your hockey team to create wealth is the Los Angeles Kings.

FORBES: Ice Capades

51. The first team to remove 25 marbles wins the match and moves on to the next bracket.

BBC: Knuckle down at Englands World Marble Championships

52. "There are players in this team who are holding their hands up for England selection, " said Mallinder.

BBC: England Saxons 18-3 Scotland A

53. The team tweaked the game and its characters until they found themselves playing it nonstop.

FORBES: Audacious Birds

54. But they constantly show up and they say, "We've brought our team of people, and we want to learn."

经常会有这些公司找到我们说,我们带来了自己的团队,想向你们学习“戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

55. Now I will just try to finish and score points for the team in the manufacturers' championship.

BBC: Gonholm spits out the dust after his crash

56. In two thousand nine, a team of scientists spent two months researching blue holes on Bahamian islands including Andros and Abaco.

VOA : special.2010.11.10

57. The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.

VOA : special.2009.03.04

58. That year, the Boston Red Sox baseball team bought the right to make Babe Ruth a player for their team.

VOA : special.2011.03.27

59. He says his team's research is influenced by questions in evolutionary biology about why people and groups use costly punishment.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

60. While there is demand for more baseball, team owners siphon off supply to maximize profit.

FORBES: Play More Ball!

61. Both, allegedly, were bunged by the foreign team.


62. We're a scratch team that's been thrown together.


63. The better you are as an individual, the better we will be as a team.

FORBES: Study: More Money Makes Managers Meaner

64. It is not that it is a completely transformed side with no senior players in the team.

BBC: Tendulkar boost for Aussie Tests

65. and he played on that team I told you about in Finland, Jokerit, so I think that's why I like him.

他在我跟你说的祖卡列特也打过球,我猜我因为这个喜欢他。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢曲棍球





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