
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [flæɡ]play美 [flæɡ]play

  • n. 旗帜;国旗;信号旗,标志旗;菖蒲,鸢尾;铺路用的厚石板(多为矩形或正方形);(在街上慈善捐赠后获得的)小纸徽;(用作标志的)旗状装置(或符号、图画);出租车空车显示器;特征位;旗舰
  • v. 给……做标记;示意……停下来,挥手示停;(裁判向场内)丢旗判罚;疲乏,热情衰减;引起对……的注意

复数 flags 第三人称单数 flags 现在分词 flagging 过去式 flagged 过去分词 flagged

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


flag /flæɡ/ CET4 [ flagging flagged flags ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A flag is a piece of cloth which can be attached to a pole and which is used as a sign, signal, or symbol of something, especially of a particular country. 旗帜

    The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Journalists sometimes refer to the flag of a particular country or organization as a way of referring to the country or organization itself and its values or power. 国家或组织 (新闻用语)

    Every person who serves under the American flag will answer to his or her own superiors and to military law.


  • 3.
    名词 an indicator, that may be set or unset, used to indicate a condition or to stimulate a particular reaction in the execution of a computer program 指示器
  • 4.
    名词 the conspicuously marked tail of a deer 鹿尾显著标记
  • 5.
    名词 any of various plants that have long swordlike leaves, esp the iris Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag) 长有细长叶子的植物
  • 6.
    名词 flagstone的缩写 →short for   flagstone
  • 7.
    不及物动词 If you flag or if your spirits flag, you begin to lose enthusiasm or energy. (热情、精力等) 衰退

    His enthusiasm was in no way flagging.


  • 8.
    动词 to warn or signal (a vehicle) to stop 警示或指示(汽车)停下
  • 9.
    动词 to mark (a page in a book, card, etc) for attention by attaching a small tab or flag (在书页和卡片等)用标签做记号
  • 10.
    动词 to draw attention to (something) 引起注意(某物)



  • adj.

    flagging 下垂的;衰弱的

  • n.

    flagship 旗舰;(作定语)一流;佼佼者

    flagging 石板路;铺砌石板

  • v.

    flagging 悬旗于(flag的现在分词)



flag banner ensign standard 【导航词义:旗帜】

flag n. 旗帜

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指代表某一国家、组织等的旗帜;在体育运动中常指信号旗或标示位置的标志旗。

例1: the free kick near the corner flag


例2: The national flag is flying in the air.


例3: Do you know the history and meaning of the American flag?


banner n. 横幅;旗号

〔辨析〕 通常指用两根竿子撑起的横幅标语,也可指某种主张、信仰等。

例1: The workers held a banner reading 'We Want Bread' while on strike.


例2: They were so excited that they kept waving banners.


例3: She never felt the need to carry the banner of feminism.


ensign n. 舰旗

〔辨析〕 指挂在船上表示国籍的旗帜。

例1: the White Ensign


例2: Can you tell me about the ensign of the Russian Navy?


standard n. [旧] 仪式用旗帜

〔辨析〕 指在正式仪式上使用的旗帜,尤指军旗。

例1: Have you seen the royal standard of the United Kingdom?



1. Trailing Flag 结束标志 ; 结束标志

2. show the flag [ 口语]

3. flag bit 标记位 ; 旗标数元 ; 旗标位 ; 标志位

4. blue flag 蓝旗;蓝菖蒲;蓝鸢尾

5. wave the flag 激起爱国热情

6. Rising Flag 上升旗形 ; 升起旗帜

7. Corner flag 角旗 ; 角球旗 ; 足球场角旗

8. black flag 黑旗(表示囚犯已被处决);海盗旗;黑旗令(赛车可能有故障)

9. flag register 标志寄存器 ; 旗标暂存器

10. flag pole 旗杆

11. quarantine flag n. 黄色检疫旗(表示船上未发生疾病的旗帜)

12. with flags flying 得胜地,征服者似的,得意洋洋地

13. flag of convenience 方便旗(指商船为逃税而向别国注册并挂该国旗帜)

14. yellow flag 黄色旗;检疫旗;[植]黄菖蒲

15. national flag n. 国旗

16. false flag 伪旗行动 ; 用冒充身份吸收对象 ; 假旗行动

17. flag down 打信号使停下

18. flag state 船旗国;标记状态

19. white flag 白旗(表示投降);降旗

20. red flag n. 红旗;危险信号;[喻]惹人生气的事物

21. under the flag of 受…保护,站在…一边

22. hoist the flag 升旗表示占领新发现的土地

23. zero flag 零标志 ; 零旗标 ; 零标记 ; 零标志位

24. flag day n. 美国国旗纪念日(六月十四日)

25. flag of distress 求救旗号

26. Marker flag 标志红旗

27. flag of truce 白旗,休战旗

28. keep the flag flying ◎[口语]不屈服,坚持战斗;继续坚持自己的意见(或想法)


1. All the flags were at half mast (= in honour of a famous person who has died) .


2. The flag flies in the wind.


3. There was some carefully choreographed flag-waving as the President drove by.


4. This is my flag.


5. Eternity's white flag before.


6. The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations.


7. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the centre.


8. This is the escape of the flag byte.


9. It had been a long day and the children were beginning to flag.


10. The signal flag is fully in our sight from this position.


11. It's our national flag.


12. They flew the flag of the African National Congress.


13. Please hoist up a flag I require a tug .

请挂上一面 “ 我需要一艘拖轮 ” 的信号旗.《期刊摘选》

14. The Maple Leaf Flag is the Canadian flag.


15. He was working under the flag of the United Nations.


16. Flags waved above ( or over ) our heads.

旗帜在我们头顶上 飘扬.《期刊摘选》

17. Flags fluttered in the breeze.


18. He faced the flag.


19. A local flag maker , Mary Pickersgill , was chosen for the project.

地方的旗帜制作者 MaryPickersgill 被选中参加这个项目.《期刊摘选》

20. The flag was aflutter in the air.


21. I love China's Flag.


22. This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.


23. Let's all make efforts keep the shining Arnold flag always flying on the Chinese Fasteners market!


24. Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag...


25. The flags had been ripped in two.


26. Our flag sceptre all who meet obey.


27. A flag was flying on the new military HQ.


28. They flew the flag of the African National Congress


29. Bunting: a light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags.

旗布: 用来制作旗帜的轻的棉质或呢绒布料.《期刊摘选》

30. Flags were flying at half mast on all public buildings.


31. The climbers set up a flag on top of the mountain after the reached it.


32. The flag flies when the Queen is in residence.


33. A flag was hoisted on top of the building.


34. That plant with purple flowers is flag.


35. Flags were strung out along the route.


36. The report flagged up the dangers of under-age drinking.


37. However, zebra flag character cloth Feng Que thought not like this.

不过, 斑马旗帜人物布冯却不这样认为.《期刊摘选》

38. This is China's flag.


39. The abnormal bleeding is your body's own red flag of danger.


40. Marlette was already out of the door, flagging down a taxi.


41. The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion.


42. the flag of Italy


43. Her confidence had never flagged.


44. In this world now I am undying, I unfurl my flag my nation helpless.

“在这个世界我是永生的, 我高举自己的旗帜因为我的国家不能依靠”.《期刊摘选》

45. Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.


46. The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.


47. Today is Flag Day!


48. China's flag flies high.


49. The French government has criticized the burning of a U.S. flag outside the American embassy.


50. Tomorrow is Flag Day.


51. He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track


52. He has no flag.


53. As usual, the townsmen decorated the streets with flags and flowers to celebrate the Women's Day.

向往常一样, 市民们用旗帜和鲜花装点街道,庆祝妇女节.《期刊摘选》

54. The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag...


55. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center


56. Steve Crabb can fly the flag with distinction for Britain in Barcelona.


57. They planted a flag on the summit.


58. The route was strung with flags.


59. The flag was held the wrong way up by some spectators


60. Our national flag is really a flag of peace.


61. to swear allegiance to the flag


62. This was a great occasion, there were flags everywhere band was playing, and everybody excited.

这是一个盛大的场面, 旗帜到处飘扬,鼓乐齐鸣, 人人都很兴奋.《期刊摘选》

63. A group forced their way through police cordons and hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.


64. The flag waved in the breeze.


65. American flag is flying on top.


66. After walking for three hours we began to flag.


67. Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit.


68. Caption: A large green flag flows through the crowd.

描述: 人群传递着一面绿色的旗帜.绿色是穆萨维的竞选色.《期刊摘选》

69. When is Flag Day?


70. The flag streamed in the wind.


71. The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.


72. They had raised the white flag in surrender.


73. The hotel flies the European Union flag.


74. Flags were flown at half mast on the day of his funeral.


75. The streets were decked with flags.


76. On top of the gantry the American flag flew.


77. yellow flags


78. His enthusiasm was in no way flagging...


79. His flag is a gold cross on a black background.


80. Show the national flag.


81. Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt.


82. The hotel flies the European Union flag .


83. The troops rallied ( round their leader / the flag ).

部队重新集结 ( 在指挥官[旗帜]周围 ).《辞典例句》

84. By 4,000m he was beginning to flag.


85. Hundreds of flags billowed in the breeze.


86. The American flag was flying.


87. Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.


88. Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.


89. Flags were fluttering in the wind.


90. The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.


91. The black and white flag went down, and the race began.


92. flagging support/enthusiasm


93. Then they put a flag in the ground.


94. There is a picture of the sickle on the flag.


95. Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress.

看到地平线上出现一只船, 我们连忙升起遇险信号旗.《期刊摘选》

96. He planted the flag.


97. Many a bum show has been saved the flag.


98. I've flagged the paragraphs that we need to look at in more detail.


99. Firecrackers exploded, flags flew high, and cars honked wildly.

炮声阵阵, 旗帜飞扬, 就连汽车的喇叭都摁得朝天响.《期刊摘选》

100. The American flag was flying .


101. The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.


102. He was the U.S. flag bearer at the 1976 Montreal Games.


103. The flag disappeared.


104. the Italian flag



1. Behind her a thin man in a blue linen suit started to wave a Palestinian flag.

BBC: The Merchant of Venice: A protest within a play

2. Omar Adnan(ph), who sells car parts, says he will never give up the current Iraqi flag.

NPR: Flag Symbolizes Divisive Issue of Kurdish Autonomy

3. Hull has been awarded Purple Flag status for the quality of the city's nightlife.

BBC: Hull city centre gets Purple Flag award

4. Direct Line, which owns the Churchill and Green Flag brands, employs about 15, 000 staff in total.

BBC: Direct Line to cut 900 jobs to save costs

5. I was kicked out of school when I was in third grade for refusing to salute the flag.

我在三年级的时候,因为拒绝向国旗敬礼而被退学。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. The flag at South Kesteven District Council's offices in Grantham is flying at half-mast.

BBC: Margaret Thatcher tributes from home town of Grantham

7. Johnny Cash imagines the many historical events the American flag has seen and experienced since the founding of the United States.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

8. And,so,they proposed a deal, why don't you be king until you croak-- they didn't put it quite like that-- and then the Orleanists will take over with the red, white and blue flag?

于是他们提出一个交易,你死翘翘之前可以当国王--,这不是确切的原话--,然后奥尔良家族挂着红白蓝三色旗,接手政权1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Does Trell consider that exchange a "red flag" that AEG Live should have noticed, Panish asked.

CNN: Sweet controversy at Michael Jackson death trial

10. "The possession of a Blue Flag has become a matter of prestige for coastal resorts, "he said.

BBC: NI beaches 'quality' flagged

11. Within minutes he sent the picture of the six men raising the flag to the Associated Press headquarters in New York.

VOA : special.2010.05.31

12. When people today for example refer to flag burning as a desecration as desecrating the flag they are speaking ! the language of impiety right.

例如今日人们认为,焚烧旗帜即是亵渎神圣,如同亵渎旗帜,即是亵渎神明,是吧。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Us players are like those soldiers - we wear the national flag when we play.

BBC: SPORT | Football | World Football | Daei looks to 2006

14. A few days before she left, she gave a small American flag to her friend Jacqueline Cochran, another female pilot.

VOA : special.2010.05.26

15. Even companies that few would consider high-tech were eager to plant a flag in wearable computing.

WSJ: For Wearable Computers, Future Looks Blurry

16. Prince Philip, who is the regiment's colonel-in-chief, presented it with a new ceremonial flag.

BBC: Duke of Edinburgh on three-day visit to Canada

17. " Some wore buttons emblazoned with the American flag and the words, "I am a Sikh.

CNN: Indian-Americans rally for terrorism fight

18. Brown was furious that the crowd outside had refused to honor his white flag of truce earlier in the day.

VOA : special.2009.06.25

19. People in the United States seem quite familiar with Jamaican culture, especially with its flag.

美国人似乎很熟悉牙买加文化,尤其是牙买加的国旗。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自牙买加

20. Well, you can specify what's called a switch or a flag.

你们可以为它们指定开关或标志。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. Mrs Clinton even sponsored a bill to ban the burning of the American flag.

ECONOMIST: MoveOn.org insults the general

22. "You see, we got a little hole in that flag there, When Washington took it across the Delaware.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

23. The flag was displayed.


24. a group of flag-waving spectators


25. Union troops quickly moved into Richmond.Then they raised the United States flag over the once proud capital of the Confederacy.

VOA : special.2009.12.17

26. They then use the toilet to clean the flag.

然后他们就用马桶来弄干净国旗。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. The following rally allowed one to define a longer-term flag formation (lines a and c).

FORBES: Using Fibonacci to Trade Flag Patterns

28. The American flag was hoisted.


29. Karkhout said he was certain the warplanes were Syrian because they bore the image of the Syrian flag.

CNN: ISIS right outside Baghdad

30. The Arabs will not agree to this because the Arabs are devoted to the flag.

NPR: Flag Symbolizes Divisive Issue of Kurdish Autonomy

31. He added that the PSNI needed a clear role to deal with the flag issue.

BBC: Chief constable wants urgent review of flag code of conduct

32. They grew up as Americans and pledge allegiance to our flag, and yet they live every day with the threat of deportation.

VOA : special.2011.02.03

33. So that is a flag that tells the compiler that I want to use or link into my own program code that someone else wrote that lives somewhere else on the system whose moniker is CS50.

所以那是一个标记,用来告诉编译器我想使用,或连接我自己的程序代码到一个叫做CS50的系统中的程序,可能其他人在那个系统写了这些程序。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

34. But it's worth taking a moment to flag the fact that there are people, there are philosophers, who think we can generalize across all humans.

但是值得一提的是,有些人,有些哲学家,认为我们可以把所有人进行归类。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. After all,the Confederate secretary of war had declared that the Confederate flag would fly over the Capitol building before the first of May.

VOA : special.2009.08.20

36. I see a lot of products that have the colors of the Jamaican flag.

我看有很多产品上都印着牙买加国旗。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自牙买加

37. The flag hung limply from the mast.


38. There was Robert E. Lee, Beauregard and Bragg, And the south wind blew hard on That Ragged Old Flag."

VOA : special.2010.07.02

39. I said, "Your old flag pole is leaned a little bit, And that's a ragged old flag you got hanging on it".

VOA : special.2010.07.02

40. President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the Marine Corps to send home the men who had raised the flag.

VOA : special.2010.05.31

41. He rented a gallery in Pall Mall and hoisted a North Korean flag outside.

FORBES: Dictator Chic

42. But just so you've been teased with them, "-ggdb" is a flag that's going to enable what are going to be called "debugging symbols."

但是你们刚才被他们忽悠了,“-ggdb“是用来使能“调试标志“功能,的一个标记“计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. What explains the yellow caution flag both left- and right-wing populists want thrown over the economy?

FORBES: Populism, Age and the Nostalgia Trap

44. As it happened, though, Mr Obama tended not to wear the flag during the election campaign.

ECONOMIST: The Stars and Stripes may change the outcomes of elections

45. In December, Belfast City Council voted to fly the flag only on designated days.

BBC: Northern Ireland

46. I play flag football over on the courts. That's a lot of fun.

我还玩夺旗橄榄球。这非常好玩。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 因为体育而亲近

47. "Everything was looking great until that last yellow and the red flag, " Franchitti said.

BBC: Franchitti ends victory drought

48. You know, my great uncle had been lynched and they wrapped his body with the US flag hanging from a tree.

我的伯祖父是受私刑而死的,他的身体被包裹在美国国旗里,悬挂在树上。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

49. So now, if I click the green flag, the program seems broken or--I don't know.

因此,如果你现在点击蓝色符号,程序可能会中断。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

50. Left behind on the moon were the footprints of Armstrong and Aldrin, an American flag and scientific equipment.

VOA : special.2009.07.15

51. Even for these new, deliberately small sites, a paucity of deals is a red flag, however.

FORBES: Groupon Said To Spawn More Than 180 Clones In U.S. Already

52. "The idea of naming the flag after St Petroc is gratuitously offensive, " says Prof Payton.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | A flap in the cream tea county

53. As I said the other day if that Confederate flag would just go away, just vanish, just stick it in the basement of museums and no one would ever care about it anymore, maybe, maybe the South's burden would go away.

正如我前段时间说过的,除非南北战争的邦联旗能够消失,被放进博物馆的地下室,再也没有任何人去关注它,那南方历史的阴影可能就真的不复存在了美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer is best known for flag-waving blockbusters like Pearl Harbor and Top Gun.

BBC: Hollywood simplifies Guerin's story

55. So when I get back, I associate the flag with a very negative, that was the yonder side of American democracy.

之后,我就总会把国旗和负面的东西联系在一起,那也是美国民主的另一面。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

56. I said, "I think it is." He said, "I don't like to brag, but we're kinda proud of That Ragged Old Flag."

VOA : special.2010.07.02

57. If you would like to flag them as private, because you just don't want your classmates to see what you're asking, you can certainly do that.

如果你想要把它们标志为私有的,不想让你的同学们,看到你问的问题,你当然也可以这样做。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

58. "Your forces," he wrote, "fired this morning on a civilian ship flying the flag of my government.

VOA : special.2009.07.23

59. Kurt Busch struggled to stay close during the unexpected long stretches of green-flag racing.

NPR: Kenseth Passes Busch For 1st Darlington Victory

60. To the modern chauvinist, having a central bank ranks in importance up there with having a national flag.

FORBES: Dollarize Emerging Markets

61. The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.


62. On the flag issue, Barzani knew he would have complete support and he does.

NPR: Flag Symbolizes Divisive Issue of Kurdish Autonomy

63. Ms. NIA ZLATIF (Teacher, Iraq): (Through translator) It is a disgusting flag for the Kurdish people.

NPR: Flag Symbolizes Divisive Issue of Kurdish Autonomy

64. It's not only angry white male pundits who are waving the white victimhood flag.

NPR: The Nation: Race, Lies And Health Scares

65. It is the fifth time the National Trust has been awarded a flag for Portstewart Strand.

BBC: NI beaches 'quality' flagged













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