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英 [ˈkæbɪdʒ]play美 [ˈkæbɪdʒ]play

  • n. 卷心菜,洋白菜;(作蔬菜食用的)卷心菜叶子,洋白菜叶子;<英,非正式>(冒犯)(因受伤或疾病而)身心残损的人;<英,非正式>生活极乏味的人

复数 cabbages 第三人称单数 cabbages 现在分词 cabbaging 过去式 cabbaged 过去分词 cabbaged

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 A cabbage is a round vegetable with white, green, or purple leaves that is usually eaten cooked. 卷心菜
  • 2.
    动词 to steal; pilfer 偷; 偷窃


1. pickled cabbage 大白菜泡菜;醋渍甘蓝菜

2. braised cabbage rolls 焖洋白菜卷 ; 家常焖洋白菜卷 ; 焖洋菘菜卷 ; 家常焖洋菘菜卷

3. cabbage mustard 芥蓝 ; 结球芥菜

4. flowering cabbage 菜心 ; 椰菜花 ; 羽衣甘蓝

5. cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 ; 白菜汤 ; 卷心菜汤 ; 捷克斯洛伐克卷心菜汤

6. red cabbage 红叶卷心菜;红球甘蓝

7. Chinese cabbage 白菜 ; 小白菜 ; 大白菜 ; 青菜

8. chinese cabbage 大白菜(等于celery cabbage)

9. Jadeite Cabbage 翠玉白菜

10. White Cabbage 包心菜 ; 白球甘蓝 ; 椰菜 ; 卷心菜

11. cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶 ; 菜粉蝶 ; 白粉蝶 ; 菜青虫

12. Red cabbage 紫甘蓝 ; 紫色包心菜 ; 红球甘蓝 ; 红叶卷心菜


1. White cabbage is really a lite light green.

所谓的白 卷心菜 其实是淡绿色的.《期刊摘选》

2. So he bought ten gritty, underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves.


3. It'll make the cabbage plants grow.


4. When the water boils add the meat and the cabbage.


5. Chop the cabbage up small.


6. There are many different kinds of kimchi--some made with cabbage, others made with cucumber or radish.


7. I have decided to take some cabbage in vinegar.


8. Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips, kel kale and colorscollards.

包菜与芥菜, 萝卜, 甘蓝,相联系.《期刊摘选》

9. Do you grow cabbage yourself?


10. "It's corned beef and cabbage," said Malone. "Yuck," said Maureen.


11. It means Souer sour cabbage in German salt.


12. Red cabbage pigment is a kind of anthocyanidin which widely exist in plants.


13. My cabbages didn't grow well this year.


14. Sauerkraut is cabbage fermented in its own juice.


15. Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cole slaw and other salads.

生卷心菜, 切成薄片, 可以用来做甘蓝沙拉或其他的沙拉.《期刊摘选》

16. The cabbage is overcooked.


17. We sat down to dinner, a very English noe& roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, and cabbage grown in their own garden.


18. The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables--eggplants, cucumbers, cabbages, tomatoes.


19. It is normal for them to buy half of a Chinese cabbage, two potatoes and 0.25 kilograms of beef at a time.

他们经常一次买一半白菜、两个土豆和半斤牛肉。《中考真题- 2018 云南 阅读A》

20. Study on the Application of Optimized Formula Test in Increasing Production of Chinese Cabbage


21. Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach, are seen as "hot", while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as "cold".


22. Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are all part of the cruciferous vegetable family.


23. Study on the Effect of Heat Shock Treatment on Cabbage Seedling


24. The effects of acylation on stability of red cabbage pigment were studied.


25. A cousin of cabbage and broccoli, kohlrabi is a turnip-like root vegetable that is either light green or purple and white striped.


26. He grows cabbages on his farm.


27. The Irishman opened his lunch box and said, "Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch I'm going to jump off this building."


28. Best buys this week are carrots and cabbages.


29. White cabbage is really alike a light green, Cabbages are also.


30. Cabbages Cabbage is related to masteredmustard, turn upsturnips, kill kale and colorscollards.

卷心菜和芥菜、萝卜 、 甘蓝类蔬菜是同一种类的.《期刊摘选》

31. Included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.


32. Does Tom like cabbage?


33. Not a cabbage girl, cabbage leaf.


34. And the sight of them out 'walking' the cabbages in a bid pets as a way to start up conversations with each other.


35. We grow a variety of crops, including cabbages, wheat and barley.


36. This paper deals with the relationship between the yield and rosette leaf weight of Chinese cabbage.


37. The cabbage slid from the kitchen shelf.


38. Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.


39. Purple cabbage goes into the pot.


40. Next day the Irishman opens his lunch b box, sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death.


41. Effect of Balanced Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Chinese Cabbage


42. Fish, roast duck, spareribs soup, shrimps and cabbage.

鱼, 烤鸭, 排骨汤, 虾和卷心菜.《期刊摘选》

43. Analysis on Weather Conditions of Chinese Cabbage Growth in 2008


44. Broccoli can also be called green cauliflower. It is belong to Cruciferae, cabbage category.

西兰花又名绿菜花、青菜花, 属十字花科苔,属甘蓝种.《期刊摘选》

45. I hate eating cabbage.


46. Jane: Did you also get ground pork, cabbage, garlic and pepper for the filling?

珍妮: 你也买了碎猪肉.甘蓝菜.大蒜和辣椒做馅用 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

47. Do you want white cabbage or Chinese cabbage?

你要卷心菜还是大白菜?《无师自通 校园英语会话》

48. A group of youths were recently photographed walking cabbages at a music festival named the Midi Music Festival in the Chinese capital Beijing.


49. They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots& cabbage


50. Would you like cabbage or spinach?


51. Broth: mainly boiled vegetables, such as: cabbage soup, gourd soup, winter melon soup, and so on.

清汤: 以瓜菜为主煮成的, 如: 白菜汤 、 丝瓜汤 、 冬瓜汤等.《期刊摘选》

52. Two of their favorites are cabbage soup and beef soup.


53. Let's hope the neighbours like cabbage.


54. The hot cabbage is called super world diet food.


55. Dad pulled out a pressure cooker and filled it up with cabbages, eggplants, potatoes, corns, onions and carrots.

爸爸拿出一个高压锅,里面装满了卷心菜、茄子、土豆、玉米、洋葱和胡萝卜。《高考真题- 2015 四川 阅读B》

56. white/red cabbage

白色的 / 红色的洋白菜《牛津词典》

57. Cabbage soup and beet soup are the most popular two soups.


58. When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.

你把卷心菜煮开后, 用滤锅把水滤掉.《简明英汉词典》

59. There are many different kinds of kimchi—some made with cabbage, others made with cucumber or radish.


60. Russia Cabbage soup and beef soup are Russian children's favourites.


61. Study on High Temperature Injury and Identification Method of Heat Tolerance in Cabbage


62. There are vegetables under the arched shed , mainly persimmon and Chinese cabbage.

拱棚下面罩着的是蔬菜, 主要有柿子和油菜.《期刊摘选》

63. The fences fell down and his cows ate his cabbages.


64. Its type experienced cabbage model, leaf mustard leaf mustard with 3 kinds of wild cabbage types.

其类型经历了白菜型 、 芥菜型和甘蓝型三种类型.《期刊摘选》

65. Some physiological and biochemical changes were investigated after the artificial aging of Chinese cabbage seeds.


66. I've always hated cabbage.


67. Also sells seeds, we planted a large number of cabbage, and cabbage.

还销售种子, 我们这栽种有大量的甘蓝和白菜.《期刊摘选》

68. Early fertile spore cabbage is a vegetable of leaflet coccus form.


69. Application of Gray System Theory to Integrated Evaluation on New Combinations of Chinese cabbage


70. We can also pickle red cabbage.


71. Vegetables easily effected affected by ethylene include asparagus, brocoli broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers.

很容易受到乙烯影响的蔬菜包括芦笋, 椰菜, 甘蓝,黄瓜.《期刊摘选》

72. The degradation and residue of bifenthrin in cabbage and soil under tropical climate were studied.


73. Cabbage patch dolls were hot last season.


74. Did you also get ground pork, cabbage, garlic and pepper for the filling?

你也买了碎猪肉, 甘蓝菜, 大蒜和辣椒做馅用 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

75. A crop of tomatoes enriches the soil and makes It'suitable for growing cabbage.


76. Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise.


77. Cabbage is related to mustard, turnip turnips, care kale and colletscollards.

卷心菜与芥菜 、 大头菜 、 甘蓝、羽衣甘蓝同属.《期刊摘选》

78. Do you want white, red or Chinese cabbage seeds?

你要白甘蓝 、 红甘蓝心菜还是大白菜种子?《期刊摘选》

79. Cut the cabbage into fine long shreds.


80. Some goods, like English newspapers, keep the same price for years, but Chinese flowering cabbage can double and then halve in price in months.


81. two cabbages


82. I'm just going to prick out some young cabbage plants.


83. We shall have frost tonight, don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat.


84. Q: Why did the cabbage win the race?

问: 为什么洋白菜赢得了比赛?《期刊摘选》

85. They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots & cabbage.


86. He knows every cabbage stump in the gardens, let alone the people.


87. The deep color of the Purple Majesty variety comes from the same compounds found in blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, red cabbage, and aubergines.


88. Object : To establish technics for separating and purifying pigment of purple cabbage.

目的: 建立紫甘蓝色素的提取纯化工业化工艺.《期刊摘选》

89. Sounds good . In that case, let's get some pork, some cabbage, and a bag of potatoes.

可以. 这样的话, 我们要买一些猪肉, 洋白菜和一袋土豆.《期刊摘选》

90. The dyeing properties of natural dyestuffs extracted from green tea, purple perilla, wild cabbage are studied.

以稀土为媒染剂,研究了绿茶 、 紫苏 、 甘蓝等天然染料对棉织物的染色工艺.《期刊摘选》

91. It is a member of the cabbage family.


92. Lui Ja Chen, 17, and one of the cabbage walking youths, said:" I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage, go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself.


93. 'It's corned beef and cabbage,' said Malone. 'Yuk,' said Maureen.


94. Do you like cabbage?


95. They have never worried about the soaring price of cabbage but when they fail to cash deposit money they are more anxious than housewives.


96. Kidney bean and garland chrysanthemum were the most preferred, and cabbage and tomato were the least.

菜豆和茼蒿是南美斑潜蝇最喜欢产卵和取食的寄主, 而甘蓝和番茄是其选择性最差的寄主.《期刊摘选》

97. We mustn't let the cabbages be damaged by frost.



1. And Chinese cabbage is popular not just in China.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

2. More widespread butterflies also suffered - common blue numbers fell by 60% and cabbage whites fell by half, said the charity.

BBC: Butterflies suffered in cold and wet 2012, says charity

3. Cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

4. Other members include cabbage, collards,Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.

VOA : special.2010.03.09

5. There's rice, coconut, cabbage soup diets, so you could use that kind of theme.

比如米,椰子,卷心菜汤减肥法,你也可以写这个主题关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. The salmon comes with a fragrant oyster cream, and the miniature cabbage leaves accompanying it resemble oyster shells.

NEWYORKER: Gwynnett St

7. Toss the meat with the salad and serve it with the cabbage, cucumber slices and extra dressing, for dipping.

WSJ: Johnny Monis's Northern Thai Grilled Pork Salad | Slow Food Fast

8. Experts say cabbage does not need full sun and grows easily if you water it regularly and protect against insects and disease.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

9. It is commonly used, for example,in kimchee, a spicy Korean food made with fermented cabbage.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

10. She made this one-dish meal of stir fried pork belly, shallots, mushrooms, garlic and shredded cabbage cooked with rice.

FORBES: This Time The Tiger's In The Kitchen: Q&A With Cheryl Tan

11. Meanwhile, Korean culture is best known for kimchee (pickled cabbage) and its annoying northern neighbor.

FORBES: Why Korea Needs To Become A Brand

12. It means "sour cabbage" in German.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

13. "Old school perceptions that its all potatoes and cabbage are being revised, but there are still suspicions, " he says.


14. Cabbage leaves can be steamed or cooked in a small amount of boiling water until they soften.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

15. Haywards dates back to 1868 and also makes pickled onions red cabbage and gherkins.

BBC: Premier Foods sells Sarson's and Haywards for ?41m

16. What is more, Zynga depends on two other firms, Amazon and Facebook, like the cabbage crop depends on the rain.

ECONOMIST: Technology IPOs: Betting the farm | The

17. They want to keep the cabbage but feed it to the goat as well.


18. Wood-aged stout goes nicely with the fish and chips, corned beef and cabbage, crab chowder and other bites served here.

BBC: Americas craft beer explosion

19. Chef Charlie Sims cooked fried chicken, lasagna and the region's traditional New Year's dishes of black-eyed peas and cabbage.

NPR: Danza Quartet Welcomes 2009, Bayou Style

20. Sauerkraut is cabbage fermented in its own juice.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

21. She crashed one time in a field of cabbage plants.

VOA : special.2010.05.26

22. knuckle of veal with cabbage


23. So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.

VOA : special.2009.04.21

24. Specialities like duck stuffed with apple and pork with pickled cabbage are substantial and big on flavour.

BBC: A taste of Krakow

25. A cabbage like Taylor, who doesn't seem to know a full-back from a winger, wouldn't have a chance.


26. It can also be found in pork products, liver and in vegetables like cabbage, kale and spinach.

VOA : special.2009.04.21

27. Cut a segment out of the cabbage head and chop it.


28. And the South Korean government recently released emergency stores of cabbage, pork, mackerel, radish and other staples.

FORBES: Copper, Food And The Strength Of The Global Economy

29. His strong arms holding me down and the smell of rotting cabbage in my nostrils.

FORBES: Blogger Exposes Sexual Abuse in Orthodox Jewish Community

30. There's a kimchi-making workshop, and who wouldn't be better boyfriend material for knowing how to pickle cabbage?

WSJ: Big Ideas, Big Appetite

31. There were slivers of chives and Napa cabbage in the soup, along with some dried shrimp and three poached eggs.

NEWYORKER: The House Behind a Weeping Cherry

32. She made her way through the acre of stone counters piled with carrots and potatoes, tubs of sour cabbage.

NEWYORKER: The Repatriates

33. Peranakan-style black fatty pork... meat-stuffed cabbage... beef curry... fried yellow noodles... pork and rice sausages...

BBC: Singapores marathon food tour (bring an empty stomach)

34. Uncooked cabbage,cut thinly, is used in cole slaw and other salads.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

35. In addition to cooking latkes in goose fat, German Jews stuffed a Hanukkah goose with apples, red cabbage and chestnuts.

NPR: How to Cook Your Goose

36. Savoy Cabbage, which first opened in 1998, remains a great place for inventive contemporary cooking.

BBC: Mini guide to eating in Cape Town

37. On March seventeenth, many Irish Americans will eat a traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

38. Cabbage smells terrible if you cook it too long.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

39. Cabbage can be picked any time after the heads have formed.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

40. The University of Illinois Extension says cabbage is easily transplanted from bare-root plants or cell packs.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

41. Think about growing cabbage if you live where the weather is cool and the soil is moist and fertile.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

42. I really dislike cabbage.


43. Legend has him eating peasant food--cabbage soup, cabbage soup, porridge, meat with pickled cucumbers, ham and cheese, and kvass, which is a drink that I've actually tasted from fermented black bread.

据传他爱吃农家食物,诸如卷心菜汤,稀粥,腌黄瓜拌肉,芝士火腿和克瓦斯,这种酒由发酵的黑面包做成,我曾经尝过欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. "What do you say, except, 'I hope he gets some Guinness and corned beef and cabbage, '" he told KNXV.


45. Back to the yellow-papered bedroom, the smell of cooked cabbage, the daily ride to work on the crowded street cars.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

46. Meanwhile, Korea, the country exporting these esteemed brands is best known for kimchee (pickled cabbage) and its annoying northern neighbor.

FORBES: Why Korea Needs To Become A Brand

47. When the sound-effects man sank a knife into a cabbage the listener saw an axe crunching into the victim's head.

ECONOMIST: Lucille Fletcher

48. Accompany with boiled potatoes and shredded cabbage cooked in a modicum of water.

BBC: The toast sandwich and other hyper-cheap meals

49. So, the Fed then looks in its warehouse and it finds it owns tons of cabbage.

FORBES: The Federal Reserve Is A Joke That You Must Take Seriously

50. For all the talk about eating cabbage and eating with ordinary people, even then Hermitage cost a lot of money.

尽管他花了大笔金钱在"隐士山"葡萄酒上,但是他爱吃卷心菜以及与普通民众一同进餐欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. You can eat dishes such as white sausage and stuffed cabbage on the upper floor.

BBC: Budget and blowout guide to Budapest

52. When just cooked through, stir them into the cabbage and cook the pasta.

WSJ: Amaryll Schwertner's Egg Noodles With Braised Cabbage, Bacon and Potatoes | Slow Food Fast

53. This is then topped with cabbage and an egg, just like you would find in any donburi eatery in Japan.

BBC: Different Disneylands around the world

54. The leaves that form a head of cabbage can be purple,red or green.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

55. Some have described it as smelling like rotten eggs while have others have detected notes of stale cabbage.

BBC: How 'Le Pong' engulfed Kent and Sussex

56. Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.


57. Cabbage is related to mustard,turnips, kale and collards.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

58. The drippings, along with a pinch of sugar, will caramelize the cabbage as it transforms into something slick and smoky.

WSJ: Amaryll Schwertner's Egg Noodles With Braised Cabbage, Bacon and Potatoes | Slow Food Fast

59. They belong to the cabbage or cole family.

VOA : special.2010.03.09





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