
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [sens]play美 [sens]play

  • n. 感觉官能(即视、听、嗅、味、触五觉);(对某物的)感觉;道理,合理性;见识,良好的判断;理智,理性;理解力,判断力;意义,含义;(数,物理)指向,方向
  • v. 感觉到,觉察到;(机器)检测出
  • adj. (遗传)有意义的
  • 【名】 (Sense) (美)森斯(人名)

复数 senses 第三人称单数 senses 现在分词 sensing 过去式 sensed 过去分词 sensed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


sense /sɛns/ CET4 TEM4 [ sensing sensed senses ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 Your senses are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. 感觉功能

    She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you sense something, you become aware of it or you realize it, although it is not very obvious. 觉察到; 意识到

    She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story.



    He looks about him, sensing danger.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 If you have a sense that something is the case, you think that it is the case, although you may not have firm, clear evidence for this belief. 感觉

    Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 If you have a sense of guilt or relief, for example, you feel guilty or relieved. 感觉

    When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt.


  • 5.
    单数型名词 If you have a sense of something such as duty or justice, you are aware of it and believe it is important. 意识; 观念

    My sense of justice was offended.



    We must keep a sense of proportion about all this.


  • 6.
    单数型名词 Someone who has a sense of timing or style has a natural ability with regard to timing or style. You can also say that someone has a bad sense of timing or style. 理解力; 天赋

    He has an impeccable sense of timing.



    Her dress sense is appalling.


  • 7.
    →see also   sense of humor
  • 8.
    不可数名词 Sense is the ability to make good judgments and to behave sensibly. 理智; 判断力

    ...when he was younger and had a bit more sense.



    When that doesn't work they sometimes have the sense to seek help.


  • 9.
    →see also   common sense
  • 10.
    单数型名词 If you say that there is no sense or little sense in doing something, you mean that it is not a sensible thing to do because nothing useful would be gained by doing it. 意义

    There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen.


  • 11.
    可数名词 A sense of a word or expression is one of its possible meanings. 意义; 含义

    ...a noun which has two senses.


  • 12.
    习语 Sense is used in several expressions to indicate how true your statement is. For example, if you say that something is true in a sense, you mean that it is partly true, or true in one way. If you say that something is true in a general sense, you mean that it is true in a general way. 在某种意义上; 在一般意义上

    In a sense, both were right.



    Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.


  • 13.
    习语 If something makes sense, you can understand it. 有意义; 言之有理

    He was sitting there saying, "Yes, the figures make sense."


  • 14.
    习语 When you make sense of something, you succeed in understanding it. 理解

    Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful.


  • 15.
    习语 If a course of action makes sense, it seems sensible. 看来明智

    It makes sense to look after yourself.



    The project should be re-appraised to see whether it made sound economic sense.


  • 16.
    习语 If you say that someone has come to their senses or has been brought to their senses, you mean that they have stopped being foolish and are being sensible again. 恢复理智

    Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.


  • 17.
    习语 If you say that someone talks sense, you mean that what they say is sensible. 说得有理

    When he speaks, he talks sense.


  • 18.
    习语 If you have a sense that something is true or get a sense that something is true, you think that it is true. 意识到

    Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public?


  • 19.
    see sense →see   see





meaning connotation definition sense 【导航词义:意思,含义】

meaning n. 意思,含义

〔辨析〕 普通用词,泛指语言、手势、符号等表达的意思。

例1: Do you know the meaning of this painting?


例2: The meaning of her words was clear.


connotation n. 隐含意义

〔辨析〕 指单词除基本意思之外所暗含的意义。

例1: This word has a negative connotation in English.


例2: The word 'expert' has connotations of skill and great knowledge.


definition n. 定义,释义

〔辨析〕 尤指词典里列出的某个词、短语等的确切含义。

例1: Many of the definitions in this dictionary are archaic or obsolete.


例2: What is your definition of success?


sense n. 意义,意思

〔辨析〕 指单词、短语、句子等的意思。

例1: The word 'sensible' has several different senses.


例2: Can you understand the sense of the entire poem?



1. in the sense 就…意义而言

2. sense of beauty n. 美感;审美感

3. sense of direction 方向感

4. common sense 常识

5. Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 ; 理性与感性 ; 理智与感情

6. make sense of 搞清…的意思

7. narrow sense 狭义

8. sense of smell 嗅觉

9. sense of humor 幽默感,幽默

10. sense organ 感觉器官

11. good sense n. 判断力强

12. sense of duty n. 责任感;责任心

13. Stop Making Sense 别假正经 ; 别刻意 ; 唱片名

14. in a broad sense 广义上讲

15. make sense 有意义;讲得通;言之有理

16. no sense 不必;没道理

17. sixth sense 第六感,直觉

18. in a sense 在某种意义上

19. in the sense of 从…意义上说

20. Perfect Sense 完美感觉 ; 末日情缘 ; 感官失乐园 ; 完美感

21. sense of …的感觉

22. horse sense 常识 ; 普通常识 ; 马的竞争

23. sense strand 生化 有义链 ; 有意义链 ; 正义链 ; 感觉链

24. sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心

25. sense of belonging 归宿感,归属感


1. Dogs have a keen sense of smell.


2. As the Thai economy weakened, financial markets sensed this policy couldn't last.

当泰国经济疲软下来后, 资本市场就意识到这一政策不会长久了.《期刊摘选》

3. Have a Zhong Nashan only, doesn't the society sense awkwardness and danger?

只有一个钟南山, 社会难道不感到尴尬和危险?《期刊摘选》

4. At times, her fashion sense has seemed inappropriate to some fellow citizens.


5. She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.


6. Fragmented financial regulation makes no sense in a monetary union and is potentially lethal.


7. No one in his senses can believe that we a limitless period of time before us.


8. When that doesn't work they sometimes have the sense to seek help...


9. In a sense it doesn't matter any more.


10. The shock numbed her senses.


11. In a sense, both were right...


12. The asme lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses.


13. The experience of calamity is necessary to a just sense of better fortune.


14. “About the time my daughter was five years old, I started having a sense that ‘this isn't right.’”

“大约在我女儿五岁的时候,我开始感觉到‘这样的活法不对’。”《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

15. Ecological thought is a thinking mode, which contains advanced sense, modern connotation and humanistic meaning.

生态思维是一种富含先进意识 、 现代内涵及人文色彩的思维模式.《期刊摘选》

16. A status signal which is generated whenever a hole is sensed in the disk.


17. The paper describes how to enhance the coal quality by intensifying the site control andquality sense.


18. May her death bring these people to their senses.


19. Staying connected and current keeps your brain working and increases your sense of purpose.


20. Please excuse my sensibility , because sense has taken away too much of ourselves from us.

请允许我的多情, 因为太多的理性已让我们失去了自我.《期刊摘选》

21. Many immigrants suffer from a sense of alienation.


22. In the development the circular economy in narrow sense will face great pressure of cost rising.


23. Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful...


24. Citizenship is about the sense of nationhood.


25. He retained a childlike sense of wonder.


26. Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other...


27. If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.

如果说英语有什么理性规律的话, 一个灾难就是一只长着毛的单引号.《期刊摘选》

28. Her sense of triumph was short-lived.


29. Every animal has ideas, since it has senses.

一切动物, 既然都有感官,所以也都有观念.《期刊摘选》

30. The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people.


31. Athletes need a good sense of balance.


32. In these senses, arts and aesthetic education are put into the whole process of education.

在此观念下, 艺术、美育教育被纳入到整个教育的全过程.《期刊摘选》

33. Developing a sense of equity between the sexes is an essential feature of a sensible morality.


34. Hagen was surprised by this good sense.


35. One should be guided by his sense of what is right and just.


36. She will give a sense of the absurd feeling!


37. I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses (= what I could see, hear, etc.) .


38. The Greeks, however, combined a unique sense of mankind's high place in the natural order.

然而, 希腊人在自然法则中将人摆在至高地位的独特意识有机地结合了起来.《期刊摘选》

39. It is rude to banter a man out of his senses.


40. Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self.


41. There is a strong sense of community in this town.


42. She has no sense of time.


43. Children tend to havemore sense than their adults do.


44. No one in their right senses would pay that much for a painting.


45. Have you no sense of decency ?


46. Nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness, unless you cultivate happiness consciously.

没有什么会给你对满足和幸福的深刻见解, 除非你有意识地培养幸福.《期刊摘选》

47. Being full of sense of innovation, professional dedication and good at social adaptation.


48. Sensing danger, they started to run.


49. A strong product development ability and good sense of service.


50. A sense of helplessness took hold of Winston.


51. I am using the word 'education' in the narrower sense.


52. It was vague , intangible , appealing only to some strange, nameless sixth sense.

这桩事是虚无缥缈 、 不可捉摸的, 只有通过什么不可思议, 难以名状的第六感觉才会领会.《辞典例句》

53. Keeping to a low-fat diet makes very good sense.


54. The Brotherhood cannot be wiped out because it is not an organization in the ordinary sense.


55. This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make sense of past experiences.


56. When she died I was filled with a sense of loss.


57. We must keep a sense of proportion about all this...


58. We get most of our knowledge through the five senses.


59. Her dress sense is appalling.


60. They had no sense of great ethnic tension being a part of life in Lhasa.


61. This prodigal mood does not extinguish her growing sense of the need for economy.


62. a strong sense of purpose/identity/duty, etc.


63. I get a sense that people are feeling better about themselves.


64. Can you make sense of what I said?

你能领会我说的意思 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

65. This means we are accessing images in our minds to make sense of the words.


66. The consumers sensed that something was wrong , and the Cimarron bombed in the market place.


67. And money's our first priority It doesn't make sense to me.


68. She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story...


69. My sense of justice was offended...


70. Today , universities stand of social criticism diversifying and the critical sense is weakening.

历史上, 大学社会批判曾经历了道德主义、理性主义和人本主义三大立场的顺序发展.《期刊摘选》

71. These verbs can also indicate somebody's physical ability to perceive with the senses.


72. He wore his shabbiest clothes to the party: he has no sense of occasion!


73. She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees.


74. Commodity exchanges the communication that promoted culture value sense.


75. Thus we should approach our common task with a sense of balance.


76. Fortunately, common sense prevailed.


77. We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.


78. An animal has senses but no reason.


79. As they talked, Croft and Stanley were sensing a similarity between themselves.

克洛夫特和史坦利俩说着说着, 双方感到有点同病相怜.《辞典例句》

80. If blind people can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected by color unconsciously.

如果盲人可以感觉到不同的颜色, 或许我们也可以受到无意识色彩的影响.《期刊摘选》

81. His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.


82. Good team work spirit; have good sense of order fulfillment.

有良好的团队合作精神, 具有定单计划结单之观念.《期刊摘选》

83. Attention to detail, accuracy, and sense of urgency.

表达详细 、 准确, 有危机意识.《期刊摘选》

84. Celia sensed the sadness behind Andrew's remark.


85. A major whose aesthetic sense exceeded his judgement decided to have the canisters painted white.


86. Be guided by your sense of what is right and just.


87. Shenzhen culture reflects Shenzhen people � � s mode of living and sense of values.


88. From this bo came to understand a teacher's sense of responsibility and obligation.


89. Lisa sensed that he did not believe her.


90. That should make sense if you look at the diagram.


91. I understand the impulse to restore sense of order to a culture that's constantly in flux.


92. It will not always make sense to your logical mind.


93. Wolf totem is a novel about wolves intrepidity, initiation, strong sense of kindred and group spirit.

《狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏 、 积极进取 、 强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说.《期刊摘选》

94. Smell is a very basic sense but humans have lost much of the facility to use it properly.


95. My sense of justice was offended.


96. In one's own sense of self, ambition is one pole and ideal is another.

在一个人的自我意识中, 抱负是一回事,理想是另一回事.《期刊摘选》

97. A sense of fatigue hunger.


98. If this table is used for layout, make sure it makes sense when linearized.

如果此表用于布局, 请确保在进行线性化时的合理性.《期刊摘选》

99. Does this behaviour make sense?

这种行为有没有合理性 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

100. No one in his right senses would believe such a fantastic story.


101. ...a keen sense of smell.


102. But Ann knew that there would be no sense of discovery if she intervened.


103. Nonetheless, their actions are imbued with a sense of comprehension, conscientization, and objectivity.

然而, 他们的行动充满理解 、 启蒙 、 和客观性的感觉.《期刊摘选》

104. The Chinese sense of superiority is rooted in biological, as well as cultural, attitudes and beliefs.

中国人的优越感源自生物的 、 文化的因素, 以及观念和信仰.《期刊摘选》

105. Collins had hesitated, sensing storm warnings.

柯林斯犹豫了一下, 预感到要有一番激烈的争吵了.《辞典例句》

106. Faith must trample under foot all reason , sense, and understanding.

信仰必将一切动机 、 理性和谅解踏于足下.《期刊摘选》

107. I sensed a touch of irony in his remarks.


108. He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.


109. The most successful environmental strategy will marry the green message to our own sense of identity.

最为成功的环保措施会将环保意识和我们的自我认同感紧密相连。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

110. Sensing uniformity of luminance distribution on organic layers.


111. It makes sense to look after yourself...


112. The sense of culture focuses on the spirit production of language, literature, art and ideology.

狭义的文化专指语言 、 文学 、 艺术及一切意识形态在内的精神产品.《期刊摘选》

113. The moral sense of the books becomes confused in the film.


114. Can you make sense of this word?

这个词你能理解 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

115. He sensed the awkwardness of his proposal.


116. Lulled into a false sense of security, we eagerly awaited their return.


117. Some protagonists may come to their senses and seek a compromise.


118. As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of achievement.

当我们爬完最后几米时, 我们感到一种成功感.《期刊摘选》

119. Yet somehow, through the Force, he sensed something was amiss.

但不知何故, 他通过原力感觉到异样.《期刊摘选》

120. His acute sense of reason puts him a level above everyone else.


121. Thus, we might presume that China's bigness andbears a relationship with the Chinese aesthetic sense.


122. The project should be reappraised to see whether it made sound economic sense...


123. What you said doesn't make any sense, so I can't make sense of it.

你说的话毫无意义, 所以,我无法理解.《期刊摘选》

124. Conversely, you can love doing have no gift more energy than it makes sense to invest.

如果有人想要休息的话,他就要理解精力消耗行为所带来的成本,并且不管所处什么样的工作环境, 都要对此负责.《期刊摘选》

125. The government tried to reestablish the national sense of common interests and purpose.


126. There's a lot of sense in what Mary says.


127. In one sense, the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter...


128. Jack senses that something is wrong with Nina, and she confesses that Teri about their affair.

杰克感到尼娜有些不对劲,尼娜坦陈, 泰瑞知道了他们之间的暧昧关系.《期刊摘选》

129. Strong sense of confidentiality and loyalty.


130. A word or an expression _ r that is not meant to be interpreted in literal sense.


131. In no sense can the issue be said to be resolved.


132. High sense of secret keeping. Absolutely obey the job arrangement from the Company.

严格的保密意识, 绝对服从公司的安排.《期刊摘选》

133. Our sense of Singapore is much stronger.


134. You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered.


135. Having a diminished or defective sense of hearing, but not deaf.


136. Design is a category that combines sense and sensibility, art and technology.

设计本身是理性与感性, 艺术与技术高度结合的门类.《期刊摘选》

137. He was a true friend, in every sense of the word.


138. People's sense of turf has been threatened.


139. Roy: I sense a reservation.

洛伊: 我感到你有保留.《期刊摘选》

140. A sense of compassion and empathy for others is to be treasured.


141. When he speaks, he talks sense.


142. I sensed that I had made a serious mistake.


143. For the first time in her life Jennifer was overwhelmed with a sense of desperation.


144. To make sense, these figures should not be looked at in isolation.


145. But irrational reproaches were easier to bear than the sense of being instructed.


146. Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of nitrogen.


147. When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt...


148. ...when he was younger and had a bit more sense...


149. Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense.


150. In effect, the approach would create a “walled garden” in cyberspace, with safe“neighbor hoods” and bright “streetlights” to establish a sense of a trusted community. 

实际上,该途径相当于在网络空间中 创建带有安全“街区”和明亮“路灯”的“围墙花园”,来建立一种可信社区的感觉。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

151. The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modern market place and the expectations of employees.

团队潮流从一种观念中应运而生,这种观念认为传统的组织方式对于现代市场和雇员期望来说都过于僵化。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

152. She has lost all sense of direction in her life.


153. Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of helium.


154. They needed to appeal to his sense of justice.


155. Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them...


156. This sentence doesn't make sense.


157. In a sense, both were right.


158. Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo.


159. A sense of fatality gripped her.


160. Peace, woman ,'said the gentleman, your boy in possession of all his senses.

“ 住口,婆子, ” 绅士说道; “ 你的儿子各种官能全有. ”《期刊摘选》

161. Memory is the sense of sight, hearing , feeling and taste.

回忆是视觉 、 觉 、 觉和味觉的官能.《期刊摘选》

162. He sounded cruel, yet we could sense he was desperately wanting us to know something.

他听起来很无情, 然而我们能感到他确实急于想让我们明白一些事情.《期刊摘选》

163. In Oceania at the present day , Science , in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist.

目前在大洋国, 旧观念的科学几乎已不再存在.《英汉文学》

164. My time sense is very strong, and respects each person very much.

翻译成英语:我的时间观念很强, 并且很尊重每一个人.《期刊摘选》

165. Dogs have a very good sense of smell.


166. He looks about him, sensing danger...


167. They choose purpose over happiness—having a clear sense of purpose even reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

他们选择追求目标,而不是安逸生活——有明确的目标意识甚至能降低患上阿尔茨海默病的风险。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

168. So it makes a lot of sense to reach out.


169. Fleshly sense had been capable of grasping the whole.


170. When the teacher heard that all his students had passed their examination well, he felt a sense of fulfil ( l ) ment.

当老师听说他的学生个个都顺利通过了考试的时候, 他感到心满意足.《现代英汉综合大词典》

171. But I sense a deeper malaise: many companies seem to have forgotten what business is about.

但我感到一种更深层的病症: 许多公司似乎已经忘掉商业是怎么回事了.《期刊摘选》

172. Herzog's sharp senses detected the difference.


173. One kind is the understanding of sense, point to information content itself only namely.

一种是狭义的理解, 即仅指信息内容本身.《期刊摘选》

174. He is conscious of a sense of guilt.


175. Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other


176. One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour.


177. He had a clownish sense of humour.


178. There is a pervading sense of menace.


179. People tend to make sense of relationship by kinship.


180. A sense of uneasiness grew on the little girl as she came before the silent stranger.


181. They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses.


182. I can't stand people with no sense of humour.


183. So , I think sense of public and private originates giving alms during primitive society.


184. I sense a reservation.


185. Good sense asserted itself.


186. In fact, these commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those without communication, which makes absolute sense, since human beings thrive off of social connections.

事实上,报道称与那些没有进行交流的通勒者相比,这些积极交谈的通勒者感觉更愉快,这绝对合乎情理,因为社会关系是人类赖以发展的基础。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

187. It is the technology and art combined , the combination of Sense and Sensibility.


188. She felt a deep sense of shame.


189. Elegant environment to the general sense of your home.


190. This word should not be taken in its literal sense.


191. He has a sense of grandeur about him.


192. There have, of course, been setbacks on the road to sense.

诚然, 通往理性认识的道路上也有挫折.《期刊摘选》

193. Everyone in Liaoning should change conventional thought and strengthen their sense of urgency, responsibility and mission.

全省上下必须解放思想、更新观念,增强紧迫感 、 责任感和使命感.《期刊摘选》

194. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty.


195. He regains his senses in the underground prison.


196. He had a puckish sense of humour.


197. She talks a lot of sense.


198. We now have the key concepts needed to make sense of atomic structure.


199. It was vague, intangible, appeling only to some strange, nameless sixth sense.

这桩事是虚无漂缈 、 不可捉摸的,只有通过什么不可思议, 难以名状的第六感觉才会领会.《辞典例句》

200. the sense organs (= eyes, ears, nose, etc.)


201. I've lost my sense of taste.


202. He lost all sense of reason.


203. He needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure.


204. You are arguing outside of my faculties of sense and rhetoric.


205. One has to understand the reproduction of the ruling ideology in this sense.


206. There is no sense of urgency on either side.


207. Her beauty make a strong appeal to the sense of the other sex.


208. You'll have a sense of warmth ( coldness ) while I'm twisting the needle.


209. That beauty, according to our sense of it, is not universal.

依据我们对美的观念, 那种美并不是普遍的.《辞典例句》

210. He has a good sense of the absurd.


211. You sense he feels like a prophet without honour in his own country.


212. Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.

从身体上能够看见光环, 或从心理上感觉到它, 或者二者都可以.《期刊摘选》

213. It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture.


214. She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.


215. In a certain sense, these developing features can be summed up to changeover of contextual concept.


216. The Animal: Platypus The Power : Electrolocation How It Works : Count your senses.

排名第六的动物: 鸭嘴兽能力: 电磁定位原理: 先试试你的感官能力.《期刊摘选》

217. Dogs have an acute sense of smell.


218. The mysteries of faith are hidden from sense and reason.


219. Either way, the solitude was comforting, and I sensed myself floating away.

无论如何, 这种孤寂令人惬意.我感到自己飘然若飞.《期刊摘选》

220. Can you make sense out of what this book says?

你能理解这本书的内容 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

221. A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.


222. It all makes sense now.


223. Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your implicit knowledge of English grammar. 41______

显然,你会试图从意义上去理解,识别每个单词的含义,并利用你掌握的显性英语语法知识弄懂词与词之间的关系。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

224. He felt inferior, and sensing this, others exploited him.

他感到自卑, 别人觉察到这一点, 就剥削他.《期刊摘选》

225. The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses.


226. There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen...


227. the five senses


228. Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of argon.


229. I could sense it was a taste of life.


230. Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public?


231. Look at those two words: thought and no movement of the senses.

看那两个词: 思想和感觉的无动作.《期刊摘选》

232. For goodness' sake, just use your common sense!


233. I don't want people coming to see me out of a sense of obligation.


234. I tried to make sense of it, but I couldn't.

我努力想理解它的意思, 但是我理解不了.《期刊摘选》

235. He has an impeccable sense of timing...


236. Her beauty measured up to his present sense of the artistic.


237. Then she remembered that they had no mind in any real sense of that word.


238. Miguel Maeda, 42, who has a master's degree and works in public health,was the first in his family to go to college, which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability his parents and grandparents never did.

米格尔•梅达,42岁,拥有硕士学位,在公共卫生行业工作。他是家里第一个上大学的人,这给他带来了一种收入稳定的安全感,而他的父母和祖父母从未体验过这种感觉。《17年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

239. Into which that sense the ingenious layout, also understand the landscape of harmony.

步入其中,即感布局的巧妙, 又能领会景致的和谐.《期刊摘选》

240. Of course I was scared, yet I had this strong sense of “I have to do this.”

当然,我也很不安,但是我强烈地感觉到“我必须要做这件事”。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

241. He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him.

他又坐直了身子, 猛里感到全然无助.《期刊摘选》

242. In this sense, Adia was applying local notions to international affairs, the person added.

该人补充称,从这一角度来看, 阿布扎比投资局是将国内观念应用到了国际事务中.《期刊摘选》

243. The sense of community is lost.


244. There's little sense in trying to outspend a competitor with a much larger service factory.


245. The sense that something about to come down has you rethinking whatever the plan is.


246. This is a place an amorphous landscape with a new experience of various senses of distances.


247. The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.


248. A sense of desolation overwhelmed me.


249. It makes sense politically as well as economically.


250. If they DO have sense, all future applications will exchange their data in XML.

如果他们非常具有理性思维的话, 未来所有的应用软件都将以XML形式进行数据交换了.《期刊摘选》

251. He has an impeccable sense of timing.


252. Ratchet: I sense the deceptions aremobilize.

救护车: 我感觉到霸天虎已经开始行动了.《期刊摘选》

253. Quality originates in the persistent sense to keep improving and the strict scientific divided management.


254. I felt a strange sense of elation.


255. Vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.


256. He was sitting there saying, 'Yes, the figures make sense.'


257. But this makes no sense and greatly underestimates the business and political savvy of the Chinese.


258. We all have the five senses.


259. It takes a certain sense and some understanding to enjoy black humor.


260. Jane has a wicked sense of humour.


261. I had the sense that he was worried about something.


262. The activities help children to develop a sense of their own worth.


263. A severe offense to one's sense of propriety or decency; an outrage.

冒犯:对某人的正当或得体的观念的严重违犯; 冒犯.《期刊摘选》

264. It engineer possibly monkey befloatinge he sensed trap danger of trap position.


265. As for art, concept is all for a profound sense, not profundity itself.

——对艺术而言, 观念止于深刻的感觉, 而不是深刻本身的言说.《期刊摘选》

266. Later, she also consulted with Fischl's team to ensure that their analyses made sense clinically.

随后, 她于Fischl小组进行了讨论以确保他们分析的临床合理性.《期刊摘选》

267. You abhor conflict, and have highly developed sense of objectivity and conflict resolution.

你讨厌独处,不喜欢矛盾冲突, 并且具有很强的公正观念和解决矛盾冲突的能力.《期刊摘选》

268. My sixth sense told me to stay here and wait.


269. ...a noun which has two senses...


270. Our rustling , quickly - moving, clear - voiced heroine as agreeable to his sense as the sound of flowing water.

我们这位经常走来走去, 行动敏捷, 嗓音清脆的女主人公,正象流水的淙淙声一样,使他感到欣慰.《期刊摘选》

271. I was afraid of this hatred, vicious sense of suffocating weight.

我害怕这种被仇恨 、 恶毒压得透不过气来的感觉.《期刊摘选》

272. The sense of his own inferiority was heavy upon him.


273. Define Mozi's sense of the just in the context of the given situation.


274. And there is often as much sentiment as sense.


275. The sense of déjà vu was overwhelming.



1. All of Helen Keller's knowledge reached her mind through her sense of touch and smell, and of course her feelings.

VOA : special.2009.11.15

2. So in one sense, it's kind of like: how do you have a common language for improvement and progress inside the company?

所以在某种意义上:,就像是,如何在公司发展过程中拥有一种共同的语言?戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

3. The sense of abandonment by those in power has not changed after the revolution, Mr Hussein said.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

4. In a sense, they get the benefit of active management without most of the downsides.

FORBES: Active v. Passive Management: How to Get the Best of Both Worlds

5. Mathematically, it made sense.


6. Nevertheless, the various pieces don't make sense together, and yet they still add up.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

7. So clearly this is something that across the board is just something that makes sense to people.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes

8. Stability control systems that sense impending rollovers and automatically brake individual wheels should become more common on SUVs.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

9. In this sense, India, China, Dubai and Mexico may be not imitators as much as harbingers.

FORBES: It's A Mall World After All

10. And when you can write that down, for me, there is just tremendous sense of creativity and of purpose and meaning.

当你能把它写出来的时候,对我个人来说,会感到这种来自巨大的创造性,目的性,意义性的满足感。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

11. You will hear the whole record in due time and I am sure it will all make sense.

NPR: Arcade Fire: Art-Rock Fueled by Eclecticism and Pain

12. The tour of the farmhouse provides a sense of how the Frosts lived with no electricity or running water.

VOA : special.2010.09.17

13. So, that's present in all of these moments, but--equally present-- I want to get back to this sense of blankness.

所以它在这些时候都被呈现了出来,而且是同等地呈现了出来-,让我们回头看看,这种空无一物的感觉。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. He hadn't a whit of sense.


15. But visitors to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in West Texas can still get a sense of their historic importance.

VOA : special.2010.04.26

16. Mister Watson says the universe shown in the series sparks the imagination by creating a sense of wonder.

VOA : special.2009.06.05

17. Gallery Director Joe Earle says much of the exhibit suggests a sense of human powerlessness and future disaster.

VOA : special.2011.04.08

18. I said it before this is a commen sense and I want to illustrate the common sense nature of this in a few ways.

我之前说过,这是个普遍观点,现在我要从几个方面,来说明这个普遍观点心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. There should be some sense by the end of the year,he says, whether or not serious progress is being made.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

20. And I think that Nancy's great sense of, you know,fighting for justice and helping others was a great inspiration."

VOA : special.2009.08.24

21. Neither barbarian invasions nor the long centuries had disturbed the sense of sanctuary in the old monastery.

BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China

22. The army's sense of vulnerability has been heightened by a deepening rift with America over Iraq.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and its army

23. The Brown Palace does take precautions to keep a sense of decorum during livestock appearances.

BBC: A bull in Denvers Brown Palace

24. Now I spoke last time about the familiar sense of hesitation, that apology with which Milton had opened the elegy.

我要最后一次说明一下弥尔顿写在挽歌开头的,那句道歉,那种熟悉的犹疑感。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. We also, therefore, have no sense that God is imminent in nature or tied to natural substances or phenomena.

我们也不知道自然中神灵将要诞生,或者是与某些自然物质及自然现象有关。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. But no, your money is not safe in the sense that it's insured by the government.

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

27. Got me to stay and in the sense you could say after that point I never really looked back.

他竭力劝说我留下来,此后我也并没有后悔过。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

28. But,in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

29. But the man did not move. He heard that unearthly cry upon his failing sense, again and nearer than before.

VOA : special.2011.02.26

30. That's something that we see again and again and it's remarkable how little common sense is often applied.

这些技能是我们司空见惯的,当时很奇怪人们一般却没有注意到它们。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

31. He had only to look into her eyes to feel that, to sense her growing dislike of him.

VOA : special.2009.06.27

32. So what they are saying just does not, and cannot, make any sense at all.

FORBES: Why I think Saudi Oil Production is now at Capacity

33. (talking) But after doing his own research, he learned that building with straw bales makes a lot of sense.

VOA : special.2009.10.05

34. 'And by isolation, I mean the sense of isolation, while having all the culture of the city, too.

BBC: Escape from New York

35. This makes more sense than prohibition because it avoids creation of a black market.

CNN: Commentary: Legalize drugs to stop violence

36. The disease especially affects the ability to see, the sense of touch and the use of the arms and legs.

VOA : special.2009.01.06

37. So in a sense, there is hope for WGS, but just not so soon.

FORBES: Gene Test For Pfizer Cancer Drug To Cost $1,500 Per Patient

38. Co-writer and director Zack Godshall says the filmmaker's sense of urgency led them to work fast.

NPR: 'Low and Behold': A Post-Disaster New Orleans

39. But, can you see that as you get really close together the negative electronic cloud surrounding the two ions start to sense one another.

然后当你真的让它们,离得很近时,这两个离子周围的负电子云能感应到对方。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. So, it's important to get a little bit of a sense of what all these different kinds of lights do.

对所有这些不同种类的光波,有个大致的了解是非常重要的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. "I have a sense of distrust of Obama, " Jarvis says, citing the controversial statements of the Rev.

NPR: Poll: Rural Voters Not Reliably Republican in 2008

42. When Mary died Anne did not share her brother's sense of bereavement.


43. So the sense that one actually is pretty adept in knowing is one that tends to predominate in the university.

因此在大学中,认为自己了解很多,这种心态颇为流行。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

44. This false sense of security manifests itself in dangerous ways when it comes to running a business.

FORBES: The Pitfalls Of Perception

45. So when does it make sense for a company to use a service like Ning?

FORBES: Ning: Getting Real Results From Your Social Media

46. It can coordinate related efforts, and it can provide a sense of mutual support and community.

FORBES: The Secret to More Effective Philanthropy: Funding the Unknown

47. And this new breed of hotelier is passionate about Tunisian identity and crafting an authentic sense of place.

BBC: Tunisias vanguard hotels

48. President GEORGE W. BUSH: We need to make our forests healthy by using some common sense.

NPR: Study: Salvage Logging Boosts Forest-Fire Threat

49. But there was no sense of surrender about the manner in which he played here.

BBC: Vaughan back where he belongs

50. It can also sense light. The antenna sends information to the brain of the butterfly, controlling its behavior.

VOA : special.2010.04.27

51. It is autonomous in the sense that it is a pure, uncluttered and uninfluenced declaration of fact or falsehood.

科学是自主的,因为,科学就是单纯的,不受外界影响的,关于真伪的论断。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. The syntax is OK in the sense of, it is an operand, an operator, an operand, so syntactically it's OK.

这里的语法应该是好的,有个运算对象,一个运算符,另外一个运算对象,因此语法上是没错的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. Along with her good career sense, Dowd started off with a healthy sense of adventure.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The Washington DC lawyer

54. He's got no sense of humour.


55. To get a sense of how medicine might be profitably disrupted, look at MedCath, a Charlotte, N.

FORBES: The Man Who WouldSave Health Care

56. That sounds funny, but in a sense, that is--we have to define the sense in which it's irrelevant.

听起来很有意思,但从某种意义上讲,我们必须说清楚不相关性的含义金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. In this sense, "The Fisherman" is not, after all, a poem that's very different from "The Song of the Wandering Aengus."

从这个角度看,渔夫一诗,和流浪者安古斯之歌,区别并不是很大“现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Almost nine out of 10 said they had found a deeper sense of meaning or purpose in life.

NPR: Mental Issues Surge, Suicide Rates Flat Post-Katrina

59. She had to tell her mother! And Cazeau! As she thought of him, a whole new sense of life swept over her.

VOA : special.2009.06.27

60. Such optical-electronic-optical conversions are expensive, which is why optical transmission has made economic sense only for long-haul carriers.

FORBES: Hooked on Photonics

61. Nonetheless, he owned her, and this bothered her more than anything this sense of control he enjoyed.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Killer Weekend'

62. Without a sense of scale, every slope was magnified and stream rivulets resembled gorges.

BBC: The quietest place in the US

63. Another catalog we look forward to enjoying for the first time all over again is The Sixth Sense.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

64. That means that this temperature right here is the absolute lowest temperature you can go to that physically makes any sense.

是物理上不可能的状态,也就是说这一点,对应的温度是物理上。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. He was, in a sense, an academic manqué.

















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陌上花乐府,东坡记吴越王妃事也。临安道中感而和之,和其词而反其意,以有寄焉 其二原文、翻译和赏析

陌上花乐府,东坡记吴越王妃事也。临安道中感而和之,和其词而反其意,以有寄焉 其二原文、翻译和赏析

