strengthen cooperation是什么意思_strengthen cooperation短语搭配_strengthen cooperation权威例句

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strengthen cooperation

网络 加强合作

英 [ˈstreŋθn kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]play 美 [ˈstreŋθn koʊˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Countries should strengthen cooperation 各国更应该加强合作

2. strengthen cooperation and get 加强协作

3. strengthen cooperation continuously 加深合作

4. strengthen dialogue and cooperation 加强对话和合作

5. Strengthen international police cooperation 加强国内外警务合作

6. Strengthen international cooperation 加强国际间合作 ; 加强国际间的相互合作

7. Strengthen bilateral cooperation 加强双边合作

8. strengthen mutual cooperation 增强相互合作


1. Economic and trade cooperation is a priority area for both sides to strengthen cooperation.


2. Strengthen Cooperation to Establish the International Logistics Green Channels


3. Currently, what suits the fundamental interests of each country is to enhance consultations, strengthen cooperation and keep international trade circulating smoothly.


4. Strengthen cooperation and innovation, provide science& technology support for modern agriculture


5. He stressed that the Chinese side will further strengthen cooperation with Austria in international affairs.


6. The two sides also pledge to strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, education, culture, sports and tourism.


7. He said the two sides should strengthen cooperation in various areas in accordance with the principles and spirit of the treaty.


8. Regulators and other relevant authorities as a matter of priority should strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention, management, and resolution.


9. Fourth, we should further strengthen cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation, and post-disaster reconstruction.


10. To strengthen cooperation and exchange in fishing, we need seek for more partners, develop new cooperation fields and explore new cooperation methods.


11. What should the two countries do to further enhance their bilateral relationship at present and in the next ten years and in what areas should they strengthen cooperation?


12. We would like to work with Germany, to strengthen cooperation on the basis of many years of joint efforts. Thank you.


13. The three governments have agreed to strengthen cooperation on disaster management and explore the possibility of establishing cooperation mechanisms on information sharing and emergency relief.


14. At present, it's in the fundamental interests of every country to increase consultation, strengthen cooperation and remove all obstacles for international trade.


15. The seventh one is to strengthen cooperation and resource share among these colleges and departments.


16. In addition, if possible, we should try our best to strengthen cooperation with the retailers, and to achieve win-win.


17. Second, Hu urged both sides to strengthen cooperation in international affairs.


18. He says the two sides should strengthen cooperation in such fields as industrial capacity, trade, agriculture and infrastructure, and continuously improve connectivity.


19. Both sides can also strengthen cooperation in the areas of tourism, sand storm prevention and space technology.


20. Secondly, companies should strengthen cooperation and exchanges, seek common improvement and prosperity.


21. Police of the two countries are willing to strengthen cooperation to find out the truth at the earliest date.


22. In the face of this global challenge, the international community should enhance policy coordination, strengthen cooperation and make a common response.


23. They suggested the two sides strengthen cooperation over issues of the economy and public health.


24. All these are the important channels and mechanisms for us to increase exchanges and strengthen cooperation among Asian countries and regions.


25. Set up Professional Development Schools; To Strengthen Cooperation between Institutions of Higher learning and Large and Medium-Sized Enterprises


26. So long as the international community join hands and strengthen cooperation, we are certain to create a more peaceful and secure world for all.


27. Fourth, we should further strengthen cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation, and post-disaster reconstruction.


28. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in the areas of bilateral trade, education and personnel training.


29. Strengthen cooperation with universities and colleges in Beijing to develop versatile senior sports managers with the knowledge of sports, business operation and managerial expertise.

加强与高等院校合作,培养懂体育、懂经营、懂管理的复合型高级体育管理人才。《provided by jukuu》

30. We would like to strengthen cooperation in this respect, in areas in which Japan has an edge over China, say, the exchange of technical personnel.


31. Fifth, strengthen cooperation and mutual support in international affairs.


32. It is the one of valid ways that international organization and with others countries strengthen cooperation.


33. So the problems how to improve the traditional ordering patterns and strengthen cooperation between enterprises in supply chain members are worthy of further research.


34. We hope the two sides could strengthen cooperation to find out the truth.


35. Welcome to the I Ching's loving colleagues across the country, strengthen cooperation and mutual learning, in the New Year, to achieve greater results.


36. We welcome the good wishes of relevant countries to strengthen cooperation with the SCO so as to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.


37. The economic dialogue has seen a large number of delegates from Japan. Experts say this means Japan is eager to strengthen cooperation with China to boost its economy.


38. Member states should strengthen cooperation with Russia and other international organizations.


39. Ethiopia is willing to strengthen cooperation with China within the framework of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and promote bilateral cooperation.


40. Announcements included a series of measures to strengthen cooperation on clean energy.


41. Central and local radio and television agencies shall bring into play their respective advantages, and strengthen cooperation in terms of program, technology and capital etc.


42. Uruguay would like to strengthen cooperation with China in multilateral fields.


43. It has aroused universal concern among ASEM members, which have reached quite a few common grounds on how to strengthen cooperation and head off the financial crisis.


44. Luohe fully support the enterprises to go to strengthen cooperation with Qingdao.


45. Regulators and other relevant authorities as a matter of priority should strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention, management, and resolution.


46. Under the new situation, both sides should strengthen cooperation at all levels to handle challenges and achieve common goals.


47. We have also agreed on the need to strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism, to bring those responsible for terror crimes to justice.


48. In the new situation, both sides need to strengthen cooperation so that bilateral relations will display a new vitality.


49. China is willing to strengthen cooperation with companies all over world which have advanced technologies.


50. He said that this Session would surely promote and strengthen cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.


51. Answer: such as your company intends to change strategy, strengthen cooperation with foreign manufacturers of OEM, its own brand of part through overseas distributors.


52. Both sides stand ready to strengthen cooperation on supporting development and security in Africa.


53. Strengthen cooperation, improve the system, and actively create a good atmosphere of campus physical activity;


54. Malaysia appreciates China's consistent efforts to strengthen cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), he said.


55. Chinese insurance companies should learn form them to strengthen cooperation, to tap the developing potential and to build up orderly insurance market.


56. All departments concerned should give full play to their functional roles, strengthen cooperation and carry out successful joint administration over foreign economic and technological exhibitions.


57. Improve the tax policy system, increase funds for vocational education, and strengthen cooperation between enterprises and research institutions.


58. The two sides express satisfaction with their cooperation in human resources development in recent years, and are willing to strengthen cooperation in this field.


59. Strengthen Cooperation Between Coal and Power Industries to Guarantee Energy Supply



1. We are in contact with governments around the globe, to strengthen our cooperation, and underscore that every nation has a responsibility to help us protect our people.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Carrying on the Work of Our Fallen Heroes

2. While in Washington, each leader is participating in numerous meetings and events to strengthen bilateral cooperation on a range of shared priorities.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

3. We agreed to strengthen international cooperation through the G20 so that the fiscal situation does not endanger the recovery of our real economies.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Press Availability

4. The company continues to strengthen its cooperation with operators like France Telecom and MTN Group.

ENGADGET: ZTE announces 2011 financials: turnover up, profits down, political scandals tricky

5. Going forward, we will continue to strengthen our cooperation with the Yemeni government to disrupt plotting by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and to destroy this al Qaeda affiliate.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obamas Statement on Security Alert

6. And of course we also talked about regional issues -- issues in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and other issues, including Iran, and how we can strengthen international cooperation to bring about a resolution to these issues.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference

7. To identify and promote best practices in the above fields and strengthen international cooperation among various stakeholders.

UNESCO: Communication and Information

8. President Bill Clinton says the U.S. has reached a new agreement with law enforcement authorities in Europe to strengthen cooperation in an effort to stop the spread of prostitution rings involving women from former Soviet bloc nations.

CNN: AllPolitics - Fighting Prostitution

9. After their meeting in Cairo, Peres said he and Arafat had agreed to maintain regular contact and strengthen cooperation on security and civilian levels.

CNN: Suicide bomber kills 2 Israeli soldiers

10. We also underscored the importance of cooperation in the area of counterterrorism, where terrorism is an enemy for all nations and we must and we desire to strengthen cooperation in the context of law enforcement.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House

11. The UN World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005- ongoing), currently in its first phase, seeks to promote a common understanding of the basic principles and methodologies of human rights education, to provide a concrete framework for action and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from the international level down to the grass roots level.

UNESCO: Associated Schools Annual Conference 2008

12. It concluded with the commitment from the 25 participants from 14 countries in the region to take concrete actions at legal and operational levels to improve their capacity to fight illicit trafficking in cultural property and to strengthen international cooperation.


13. We will also strengthen our cooperation in energy and food securities.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

14. President Obama and I have decided to strengthen our cooperation in the area of counterterrorism.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference

15. We also decided to strengthen cooperation to tackle nuclear terrorism and we welcome U.S. participation in the Global Center of Nuclear Energy Partnership, which will be set up in India.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House

16. The meeting is meant for the world's anti-drug agencies to share information and strengthen cooperation.


17. We've been doing this for some time and we've been working with the Americans to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation in Yemen.

BBC: Take your politics too seriously

18. During this meeting, policy-makers, researchers, and civil society actors shared their experiences and mutual practices in order to, notably, develop proposals to strengthen regional cooperation and promote the contribution of regional social science research institutes in the development of public development policies.

UNESCO: Education

19. We must understand such diversity if we are to strengthen cooperation among States, tackle common challenges together and learn to live together in modern, often heterogeneous, societies.

UNESCO: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

20. "During her visit, President Park is expected to strengthen cooperation with the U.S. on North Korea issues, including the standoff over its nuclear programs, while securing Washington's understanding of and support for her trust-based diplomacy and other key policies, " said Yoon Chang-jung, a spokesman for Seoul's presidential office.

WSJ: South Korea's Park Travels to U.S. to Bolster Alliance

21. The discussions will be framed by some of the guiding principles and objectives of the 2005 UNESCO Convention, which strives to create an enabling environment in which the diversity of cultural expressions may be affirmed and renewed for the benefit of all societies, and to strengthen international cooperation.

UNESCO: Writing, publishing, translating: building cultural diversity in Southeast Europe. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 31 March-1 April 2011 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

22. Now, taken together, these two initiatives make our alliance stronger, they strengthen our cooperation in our region.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obamas News Conference with Prime Minister Gillard of Australia | The White House

23. To strengthen cooperation in science and technology that fuels growth, we are going to be pursuing joint research in areas like energy and biodiversity conversation.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House

24. Second, Kerry should take this opportunity to strengthen cooperation over issues that can provide mutual benefits in the areas of national security and the economy, such as counternarcotics, counterterrorism, as well as sustaining oil trade: the United States currently imports just under 1 million barrels a day from Venezuela.

CNN: Ahmadinejad's hug and the future of Chavez's alliance

25. On Friday, the White House unveiled its National Strategy for the Arctic Region, promising to advance its security interests, protect the Arctic environment and strengthen international cooperation in a "changing" Arctic.

WSJ: Arctic Body Weighs China's Bid to Observe

26. South and North Korea are to strengthen cooperation for national interest in the international stage and the benefits of Korean residents abroad.

CNN: Korea accord's eight points

27. "We want to cooperate with other countries including the U.S. to strengthen cooperation and communication, " Wei was quoted as saying Wednesday on the administration's Web site.

NPR: Big Bird, Elmo Hit in Latest 'Made in China' Recall

28. We have talked about how we will continue to strengthen our defense cooperation, and there are a wide range of areas where we are working together.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Saakashvili of Georgia | The White House







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