to defend翻译_to defend短语搭配_to defend权威例句

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to defend

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  • 保护;辩护;防卫

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1. I've got nothing to defend 我没有什么好辩白的 ; 我不什么好分辩的

2. duty to defend actions 防御诉讼的义务

3. Agreed to defend our 捍卫我们的约定

4. Struggling to defend 奋力地保卫 ; 奋力保卫

5. notice of intention to defend 拟抗辩通知书 ; 拟抗辩通知

6. impossible to defend effectively 防不胜防 ; 要防的事太多

7. right to defend oneself 申辩权

8. to defend one's country 卫国 ; 保卫祖国


1. He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.


2. The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.


3. Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics.


4. I'm going to defend my thesis tomorrow.


5. Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics


6. It's not high mountains and deep valleys that best serve to defend a country.


7. It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.


8. He intends to defend his seat in the next election.


9. How to defend ourselves from cyber bullying in the era of Internet has become a heated topic.


10. All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.


11. Troops have been sent to defend the borders.


12. The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.


13. He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations


14. He hired a top QC to defend him.


15. She had always been ready to defend not only the family but also the country.


16. Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism, an instinct for self preservation, that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence.


17. The army will do whatever it takes to defend the motherland against any invasion.


18. They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies


19. He was sent to defend the border three years ago.


20. The cat fought fiercely to defend its young.


21. He got the best advocate in town to defend him.


22. The individual develops behavioural means to defend himself from the enticements to establish relations with others.


23. It seemed a good place to defend ourselves against Silver and his men ,


24. While these are honorable schemes, it makes it harder for Burberry to defend these latest figures.


25. He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him.


26. At this time, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.


27. I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.


28. Men were detached to defend the pass.


29. They tried to defend themselves against the enemy with all their might.


30. The accused has the right to defend himself.


31. He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.


32. He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegation.


33. Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color.


34. He was always ready to defend the weak and helpless.


35. Although Jesus knew they were lying, He did not open His mouth to defend Himself.


36. During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.


37. It knows how to make money and how to defend those methods in court.


38. The first law of kung fu is to defend yourself.


39. The accused has the right to defend himself.


40. To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.


41. The first law of kung fu is to defend yourself.


42. The government's first duty is to defend the currency by stamping on inflation.


43. They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies.


44. We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.


45. The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures


46. I have sworn an oath to defend her.


47. We better start thinking of a way to defend ourselves.

我们最好开始想个办法保护自己。《provided by jukuu》

48. Those people who took up weapons to defend themselves are political prisoners.


49. He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.


50. The Great Wall was once used to defend against military aggression.


51. They find it hard to defend themselves.


52. Every man who could fight was now committed to defend the ridge


53. It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.


54. We should try to defend against the actions that harm the interests of the migrant workers.


55. Troops have been sent to defend the borders.


56. The dyke was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea.


57. In the decisions we have to make about Europe, we have to defend our position very robustly indeed.


58. Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of colour.


59. The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs.


60. Those people who took up weapons to defend themselves are political prisoners.


61. Just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that our immune system tries to defend us against.


62. The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs.


63. Most people with property to lose were resolved to defend it.


64. He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him.


65. This is the weapon that he used to defend himself withal.


66. The president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.


67. At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.


68. In the electronic world, all of us are on our own, and each of us has to defend ourselves.


69. All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.



1. They've got a lot of guys who can pound the puck, and it's tough to defend.

WSJ: The Rangers' Power Is Out

2. And he has given himself lots of room to decide which interests to defend.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

3. And so, he attempts to defend this position, justify it to his disciples who are worried that it may not be true.

所以,他试图捍卫他的观点,并试图说服,那些怀疑这一点的学生们死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Failing to defend truth has created a power that is absolute in its propaganda.

FORBES: Dr. Pepper Ad Stirs the Mother of Evolution Battles on Facebook

5. The timing of the action appears to be opportunistic, and we plan to defend ourselves vigorously.

FORBES: Trademark Wars: Digital Chocolate Sues Zynga Over 'Mafia Wars' Name

6. They fear the Bush administration could commit the US to defend Iraq no matter what.

NPR: Negotiating America's Future in Iraq

7. When he appeared before Congress, Gifford was unable to defend Hoover's position that relief was the responsibility of local governments and private giving.

VOA : special.2011.03.10

8. You are really out on a limb - if you're going to defend poetry--as Richards kept doing-- as "pseudo-statement," but of course pseudo-statement" is just another expression for what he calls here "fiction."

你会陷入孤立无援的境地,如果你像,Richards一样-,说诗歌是“伪陈述“,当然,这里“伪陈述“只是,“虚构“的另一种说法“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. At the same time, it needed a new foreign policy to defend its interests.

VOA : special.2010.07.08

10. British forces fought back by firing more than 33, 000 rounds to defend the compound.

BBC: Iraq 10 years on: The human cost

11. Mr Boles said open land would be built on in exchange for commitments to defend greenbelt spaces.

BBC: Open land can solve housing shortage, says minister

12. Is there anyone prepared to defend cost-benefit analysis here as accurate as desirable? Yes? Go ahead.

有没人来赞同成本效益分析的,认为它精确合宜吗,你说。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. If South Carolina attacked, or planned to attack, then he could move his men into the fort that would be easiest to defend.

VOA : special.2009.07.23

14. With its publication, Darwin gained important supporters like Thomas Huxley who were willing to defend his ideas.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

15. I was looking for a safe place to defend myself, or perhaps for a way out.

VOA : special.2010.07.10

16. For one thing, vastly more could be done to defend America within existing defense resources.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Christopher-Perry Join The Debate On Missile Defense: Will The House Defend Clintons Program Or Defend America?

17. So, the authority of the canon that he invokes to defend himself in fact suggests perhaps that he has some doubts? Yes.

因此,那些他用来维护他自己的大炮的权威,表明了他实际上是有怀疑的。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. When the Senate began debate on the Kansas-Nebraska bill, Stephen Douglas was the first to defend it.

VOA : special.2009.04.23

19. Faihan on Wednesday also urged the Shiite faithful to defend the Sayida Zeinab shrine in Syria.

NPR: Evening Bomb Blasts Kill 30 In Baghdad

20. So, just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that our immune system tries to defend us against.

所以 我只是简单介绍几类,免疫系统试图抵御的潜在外来侵略者生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. So it could be--From Hannibal's point of view he doesn't know which pass you're going to defend, but let's have a look at his payoffs.

站在汉尼拔的立场,他应该,不知道你会防守哪条路,但让我们看看他的收益博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. The central bank may have to raise interest rates to defend the weak rupiah.

CNN: So This is a Rally?

23. And if your body is biologically programmed to defend itself gainst famine or starvation which is what humans and animals have faced over all the centuries then you're going to seek out the energy dense food and that's why those foods taste inherently better.

在生物学角度,你的身体本身一直在,抵御饥荒和饥饿,是人和其他动物几世纪来一直面对的问题,所以你就主动寻找高能量的食品,这也是为什么这些食品比较好吃关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Because Modista had no money to defend the suit in court, the company later shut down.

FORBES: How Shut Down A Competitor--And Broke Up Its Funding Round

25. As the nation prepared for a presidential election year, the South renewed its promise to defend slavery or leave the Union.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

26. He begins in many ways by appearing to defend Plato's view about the rule of the best individual.

此为其正义,他一开始看似在捍卫,柏拉图的观点,即最优个体的统治。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Were Milton not to fight in some way to defend what he takes to be the true church, he would simply not be investing those talents that God had given him.

如果弥尔顿没有以某种方式,来维护他心中真正的教会,他就并没有在发挥上帝给予他的才能。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. His attempt to defend his 17-month tenure before the assembly last Thursday fell on deaf ears.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Indonesia: Taking It Right Down to the Wire

29. I moved away from him and prepared to defend myself as best I could.

VOA : special.2010.07.17

30. "We have to defend the principle of universality and universal access, " he told BBC News.

BBC: Cern re-creating first web page to revere early ideals

31. The second gift is a wholehearted commitment to Israel's security and its right to defend itself.

BBC: Obama tries to reassure Palestinians

32. The taxpayers was not even trying to defend the scheme that they had entered into.

FORBES: 5 Neglected Tax Developments of 2011

33. It could end up being more dangerous to someone shooting to defend than just ducking.

FORBES: Bill Clinton Sounds The Right Note In Warning Those Who Disrespect The American Gun Culture

34. The withdrawal has forced the IDF to defend the communities bordering Gaza from within those communities.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Ehud Olmerts Convergence Plan for the West Bank and U.S. Middle East Policy | Page: 6

35. And they had to defend a line almost sixty kilometers long, from Richmond to the city of Petersburg.

VOA : special.2009.12.17

36. The desire not to oppress others may be decent but at the same time the people have to be taught or educated how to defend their liberty.

不愿意压迫别人这挺不错,但与此同时仍需要教导人们,怎样去守卫他们的自由。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. However, some Russian army officers want to organize a volunteer force to defend the Serbs.

CNN: support sign

38. But city officials, including New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, continue to defend stop-and-frisk.

NPR: The Difficulties Of Proving Racial Profiling

39. The Americans who, during a long Cold War, helped to defend a free Germany.

WHITEHOUSE: Germany Official Visit Arrival Ceremony

40. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) said it was part of a campaign to defend education.

BBC: Unions hold school reform rallies in Newcastle

41. "And I am going to defend him with the greatest of my abilities, " he said.

WSJ: NYPD: Merchant held for ransom, tortured for month

42. He stopped moving forward and prepared to defend against what seemed to be a strong Confederate attack.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

43. The Seattle Sounders beat Santos Laguna 2-1 and have something to defend in the second leg.

FORBES: March 2012 Revisited - New MLS Season Kicks-Off; Canada & US Fall At Olympic Hurdle; Muamba Collapses

44. It focuses on a small colony of people struggling to defend themselves against the virals.

FORBES: Vampires, Literature And The Culture Of Viral Panic

45. And, so, they have to defend Paris.

因此他们必须保卫巴黎1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Well, I mean, just to defend Locke, he does say that there are some times in which you can't take another person's land.

要为洛克辩护的话,他的确说到了,几种情况下,你不能掠夺他人的土地。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. If the Indians protested, or tried to defend their land, they were destroyed with crushing force.

VOA : special.2010.04.01

48. On September 18th it was appointed by Lehman Brothers' unsecured creditors to defend their interests.

ECONOMIST: Management consulting

49. Keys has not had a chance to defend himself against the charges, or offer an explanation.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

50. They volunteered to join Tennessean Andrew Jackson to defend the city of New Orleans,Louisiana, against the British army in the War of Eighteen Twelve.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

51. Northern Europeans skied to hunt for food, then later to defend their countries.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

52. To me it is obvious that what Entine seems out to defend is indefensible.

FORBES: Science Collapse Disorder -- The Real Story Behind Neonics And Mass Bee Deaths

53. Now, who here wants to defend cost-benefit analysis from this apparent counter example?

现在,就这个明显的反例,有谁想为成本效益分析辩护?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. The army refused. It told the commander to defend the forts as best he could.

VOA : special.2009.07.23

55. Twice in six months, Adams had to defend his drug to a new management.

FORBES: Magazine Article

56. "Everything in the past, I'm not here to defend those things at all, " said Rogers said.

WSJ: Bills WR Rogers eager to put troubled past behind

57. And his basic rights were seen to be absolute, for nothing must interfere with the right of each individual to defend his life, liberty, and property.

人的基本权利被视作每个个体都绝对拥有的,任何事物都无法干涉的,自卫,自由,财产的权利古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Sherif told the kids--all of the kids-- that the water line to the camp was cut and they all had to defend the camp.

谢里夫告诉所有男孩-,营地的水管被截断了,他们要全部出动保护营地。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. That tied for the most post-ups Anthony has had to defend in a game all season.

WSJ: How Indy Solved Anthony

60. There at the well, again he acts to defend the defenseless.

在水井旁,他再一次保护无助者。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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