ask off是什么意思_ask off短语搭配_ask off权威例句

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ask off


英 [ɑːsk ɒf]play 美 [æsk ɔːf]play

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1. ask for a day off 请一天假

2. ask three days off 请三天假

3. ask off his costume 问过他衣服 ; 问掉他的戏服 ; 问过他的服装


1. Perhaps the best way to find out when prediction markets will finally take off is to ask your employees-using a prediction market.


2. Let's say it's Wednesday morning and the alarm just went off, what's the first question you ask yourself?


3. You have no right to ask me to turn off the radio.


4. "Doctor," he said sadly," I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to cut off my dog's tail."


5. Ask yourself why one design element is red or why another is off to the corner.


6. In particular circumstances, you have to ask your Manager ( fill in ASK FOR DAY OFF) and to get back this day on a Saturday in the coming two months.


7. As far as I know, she do not ask for a day off.


8. Plus, airlines can ask passengers to turn off their devices in certain situations.


9. I want to ask for a day off tomorrow.

我想明天休一天假。《provided by jukuu》

10. As far as I know, she didn't ask for a day off.


11. But King David was unafraid to ask, "Why, o Lord, do you stand far off?"


12. I think when you make that decision, it might be well if you ask yourself, 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?'


13. At my company, you only ask for time off if you are able to handle seeing the boss angry.


14. If it is really necessary for me to be present at the meeting I shall ask off.

如果我真的必须出席会议,那我只好请假。《provided by jukuu》

15. The next time your self-discipline is about to go off track ask yourself, “How can I get myself to do what a part of me doesn't want to do?


16. Pollsters may also have failed to predict a run-off because they did not ask whether respondents intended to vote.


17. When the children were rude to each other and started to get out of control, instead of telling them off, Cara agreed to ask them if they were respecting their family values.


18. I have to ask for a month off.


19. Before approaching your current employer to ask for time off that is over and above your current vacation allotment, you need to consider company policy.


20. If you need a quick, relaxing holiday, ask for time off during July's first ten days.


21. The app has all the usual chat features, plus some extras: employees can ask for time off, file expenses or even clock in to show they are at work.


22. Analyse contemporary emotion narrate emotion characteristic of world of middleman, point out with person that rich and varied spirit means emotion is it is it turn into desire, common customs of life ask to take off to experience.


23. This is a suitable moment to ask for the afternoon off.


24. Could you ask off and the world, I want to leave.


25. Start your talk like the cinema ads and ask people to turn off all devices.


26. Assume your friend wants to let off steam, not necessarily ask for a plan of action.


27. As far as I know, she didn't ask for a day off.


28. I'm going to ask for two weeks off.


29. Or, they may ask whether managers have signed off on the requirements or design documents.


30. I have to ask for this afternoon off because I need to go to hospital now.


31. If it is really necessary for me to go there, I shall have to ask off.

如果我真的必须到那里去, 那我就只好请假了.《辞典例句》

32. Before approaching your current employer to ask for time off that is over and above your current vacation allotment, you need to consider company policy.


33. It was Friday, and four nuns went to the priest at the local Catholic church to ask for the weekend off.


34. Because of the basis "company method" regulation, company when amalgamative, schism, ought to inform beforehand lawfully and announcement creditor, creditor has authority to ask pay off debt perhaps is offerred assure.

因为根据《公司法》规定,公司合并、分立时,应当依法事先通知和公告债权人,债权人有权要求清偿债务或者提供担保。《provided by jukuu》

35. I ask him, dropping my bag and kicking my shoes off onto the rug.


36. I'm trying to ask for2 days off to meet your schedule.


37. I'll ask the boss if I can have a day off.


38. At town-hall meetings, he does not fob voters off with a single sound-bite; he lets them ask follow-up questions.


39. Americans cannot ask themselves whether they are better off than they were four years ago.


40. Many nights, my dinner looks so alive and beautiful that my kids (ages 5 and 7) will ask me if they can try something off my plate.


41. I want to ask off for my birthday this year.


42. Ms Chan said police did not ask her to call off the event but they did request that she apply for a police permit, although she expected far fewer than the 50 people minimum threshold for permits.


43. Do you think you could ask them to back off, please?

能拜托你让他们不要过来吗?《provided by jukuu》

44. I'll ask Tessa to kick off the discussion.

我叫特萨开始讨论。《provided by jukuu》

45. This includes free wireless internet, not to mention unlimited classes like yoga and FUN’k off (don't ask), for just $7 a month!


46. My friend sighed, mumbled something about it seeming like a good way to meet men, and then shuffled off to ask someone else.


47. I'm calling to ask for a day off. I don't feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick.


48. In establish brief half an year inside much time, ask for knock off to make appearance anew with respect to what make plan of entire county transportation is expended.


49. 264.We would like to ask for 10% off your offer if our offer is more than 2,500 unit per season.


50. The next time your self-discipline is about to go off track ask yourself, “How can I get myself to do what a part of me doesn’t want to do?”


51. Newton says studies have shown that women are more reluctant to ask questions and bounce ideas off of co-workers, and that this means they're not getting valuable feedback.


52. I'll ask my boss if I can have the day off.


53. Outside, a wind off the Waste buffeted the house. "You're leaving." He did not ask it.


54. We ask him to round off the essay for us.

我们要他为我们润色这篇文章。《provided by jukuu》

55. Then you should call in sick to work. Uh* I'm calling to ask for a day off.



1. Chandler has only played four times since missing the Knicks' final 10 games of March, but still felt the need to ask Woodson for a night off.

WSJ: Knicks Run Streak to 13

2. To kick things off, let me ask you to ponder a very fundamental question about your relationship with technology.

FORBES: The Electric Leviathan

3. Perhaps the best way to find out when prediction markets will finally take off is to ask your employees using a prediction market.

ECONOMIST: A novel way of generating forecasts has yet to take off

4. Notice if I'm going to have two different sub problems I need to have two base cases here to catch this. And if I only had one it would error out. And as a consequence, I can go off and ask about rabbits. Let's see.

我需要定义两个基础事件来处理它,如果我只有一个基础事件的话就会产生错误,这样我就能够知道到底有多少只兔子了,让我们来看看,在第12个月末,没那么简单,在第二年末兔子就很多了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. The parents, who reportedly would not disclose their last names for fear of repercussions, and their infant, identified only as Riyanna, had boarded JetBlue Flight 510 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Newark, New Jersey, on Tuesday evening when they say an airline employee ask them to get off the plane.

CNN: No-fly 'glitch' has toddler removed from plane

6. White House lawyers were heading to a federal court Friday to ask a judge to hold off on looking into destroyed CIA videotapes of terror suspect interrogations.

NPR: Judge Weighs Legality of CIA Tapes' Destruction

7. Taken a wee bit off guard, I ask the slightly annoyed caller what company she is calling from and exactly how late we are.

FORBES: How Someone From Accounting Can Kill Your Business

8. These are necessary choices if you're willing to ask the well-off and the well-connected, as the President has said we should and as the public has said we should, to contribute, to be part of the solution.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

9. He was a hobo by choice: As a little boy, he'd seen a hobo come up to ask his mother for a piece of pie and she had given it to him and when the hobo went off down the road the little boy had said, "Ma, what was that fellow?" "Why, that's a hobo."

他是自愿成为流浪汉的:,当他还是个小男孩的时候,他见过一个流浪汉向他妈妈,要一块派,他妈妈给他了,于是当流浪汉离开的时候小男孩就问,“妈妈,那个家伙是谁“,“是个流浪汉“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Well after that, the bond price went up because people saw that as a sign that the company was tightening its belt and doing things right to have money to pay off the bondholders; so it was self-interested, I suppose--maybe you can ask him about this.

在这之后,债券的价格升高了,因为人们认为降低红利是一个信号,说明公司开始紧缩开支走向正轨,并且去偿付债券持有人,莱德利夫通过这种做法达到利己的目的,我想你们可以就此事向莱德利夫提问金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Specifically, Netanyahu should ask the US to cut off all US economic and military assistance to the PA. Two PA intelligence officers were arrested as part of the Fogel murder investigation.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israels indivisible legitimacy

12. When I talk to business managers and others about the book, people ask about whether employees will goof off when you give them space to be creative.

FORBES: How Unorthodox Business Practices Can Fuel Innovation

13. But the most actively traded ones, where bid and ask prices are a penny off rather than a dime or more, are the best way to gain exposure to these markets.

FORBES: Despite Near Zero Volume, Direxion to Keep Leveraged BRIC ETFs

14. If I could just ask if the people can fix the video, it's just a little bit set off to the left here.

如果我能要求能定格一下的话,它是从左边这儿开始的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. "I'm certainly not going to ask him to take anything off his shot because they're blocking, " Bruins coach Claude Julien said.

WSJ: Bruins face Lundqvist and shot-blocking Rangers

16. Unfortunately, you can't send it back and ask to be left off the mailing list in the future.

BBC: Self assessment basics

17. Now they ask us to turn off our machines.

FORBES: Make Technology Work for You or Else...

18. Gore's side also asked Lewis to nullify the Tuesday certification of the statewide ballot, allow counties to continue manual recounts and to ask Harris to hold off on final certification after counties submit recounts.

CNN: Terry Lewis

19. He also recommended that if you are not ready to pitch, it is best hold off and ask for advice first.

FORBES: Detroit Venture Partners Are Fostering A New Generation Of Startups

20. The villagers have now turned to Peter Ainsworth, the Conservative MP for East Surrey who lives near Dormansland, who said he would write to the airline and ask Emirates to switch off the cameras, in view of constituents' concerns.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Southern Counties | Privacy fears over plane cameras

21. And I'd have to ask them to take their masks off or something, you know.

NPR: Author Shares Tricks And Treats For All

22. Some would even ask for off-road and towing capabilities.

CNN: A reality check on Tesla

23. Just ask unemployed people laid-off from the record business (music), print media, publishing, advertising, sales, and retailing.

FORBES: Should Occupy Wall Street Occupy Silicon Valley Instead?

24. At the pace things are going right now, you'll have to ask if you were better off four weeks ago.

NPR: Obama Campaign Marches Into GOP Battlegrounds

25. If you want to go to rallies or fundraisers during your off hours, ask your supervisor whether they think there could be a problem.

FORBES: Talking Politics At Work Can Get You Fired

26. So you say well, rather than rushing off and fixing this one bug, let me pull back and ask, bug is this a systematic mistake that I've made throughout the program?

因此我们应该回头想想,这是不是我在整个程序中都,在犯的一个系统性错误,而不是匆匆忙忙的去修复这一个,如果确实是系统性错误的话?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. You might ask though,is there some other behavior, something else that should tip us off,could tip us off, as to whether or not we really do or don't believe that we're going to die?

你可能会问,有没有其他行为,能够让我们突然醒悟,知道我们真正是否相信自己会死呢?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. In March, Ask announced it was laying off around 8% of its employees and changing strategies, focusing on women above 30 and searchers looking for answers to questions about health and entertainment, who it said made up a disproportionately large part of its user base.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. In February, when results in mice were published suggesting that a skin-cancer drug, bexarotene, was beneficial for Alzheimer's, many patients or their families started calling their doctors to ask whether they should use it off-label.

WSJ: Immune-Disorder Drug Shows Promise for Alzheimer's

30. Okemo Mountain Resort in Vermont hasn't seen a winter quite like this in about 30 years, said Bonnie MacPherson, the mountain's director of public relations, who sent a videographer onto the slopes before Christmas to ask skiers to show off their best snow dances.

WSJ: Snow Job: Ski Resorts Call On

31. And they'll ask them to take their prosthetics off and, you know, as a handicapped person, it's so refreshing to have a kid talk to you because they're so open and honest.

NPR: Craig DeMartino: Winner in the Extremity Games

32. We phoned the electricity provider to ask to come off pre-payment.

BBC: 'Winter costs are now a worry'

33. The ushers stand at the back of the hall during performances, and policy dictates that when a cellphone rings, ushers discreetly ask the owner to turn it off, said Betsy Vorce, a Lincoln Center spokeswoman.

WSJ: New York Philharmonic Halted by iPhone During Mahler's Ninth Symphony

34. And need to take the headphones off your ears to ask the person sitting next to you what possessed them to read "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

WSJ: Parrot Zik Headphones: Technologically Sound | Geek Chic

35. If a fistful of pills prevents heart attacks and deaths as well as a stent, it may mean that fewer angioplasty procedures are done as doctors back off and insurance companies ask tougher questions.

FORBES: Magazine Article

36. "I ask you to take off your rosy glasses, " Sen.

CNN: Iraq is now the central front on the war on terror, general says



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