
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [speə(r)]play美 [sper]play

  • adj. 备用的,外加的;不用的,闲置的;空闲的,空余的;多余的;简单的,简朴的;瘦的,瘦高的;少量的;节约的
  • v. 抽出,拿出(时间、金钱等);饶恕,赦免;省得,免去;节约,吝惜;保证(或满足)自己的需要(spare oneself);剩余,剩下(时间、金钱或空间);分让;删节
  • n. 备用品;(车辆或机器的)零件,备件;(十柱保龄球戏中的)二击全倒
  • 【名】 (Spare)(美、英、瑞典、加、拉脱维亚、印、法)史琶尔(人名)

复数 spares 第三人称单数 spares 现在分词 sparing 过去式 spared 过去分词 spared 比较级 sparer 最高级 sparest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


spare /spɛə/ CET4 TEM4 [ sparing spared spares ]

  • 1.
    形容词 You use spare to describe something that is the same as things that you are already using, but that you do not need yet and are keeping ready in case another one is needed. 备用的

    If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost.



    He could have taken a spare key.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Spare is also a noun. 备用品

    Give me the boot key and I'll get the spare.


  • 3.
    形容词 You use spare to describe something that is not being used by anyone, and is therefore available for someone to use. 多余的

    They don't have a lot of spare cash.



    The spare bedroom is on the second floor.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 If you have something such as time, money, or space to spare, you have some extra time, money, or space that you have not used or which you do not need. 剩下

    You got here with ninety seconds to spare.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you spare time or another resource for a particular purpose, you make it available for that purpose. 抽出

    She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If a person or a place is spared, they are not harmed, even though other people or places have been. 使幸免

    We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If you spare someone an unpleasant experience, you prevent them from suffering it. 使免遭

    I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject.



    Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms.


  • 8.
    →see also   sparing
  • 9.
    习语 If you spare a thought for an unfortunate person, you make an effort to think sympathetically about them and their bad luck. 为…着想

    Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers – consumer sales slid again in May.




  • adj.

    sparing 节约的;贫乏的;保守的

  • adv.

    sparingly 节俭地;保守地;爱惜地

    sparely 节俭地;瘦瘦地;缺乏地

  • n.

    sparing 抽出;宽恕;免去;给予(spare的ing形式)

    spareness 缺乏;瘦弱;贫乏

    sparer 节省物质



1. spare money 余款

2. in his spare time 在他闲暇的时候;在他业余时间里

3. spare change 零钱

4. spare pump 机 备用泵 ; 库存泵 ; 库存泵备用泵 ; 库存

5. spare tire 备用轮胎

6. spare oneself 偷懒

7. spare part 备件

8. spare no expense 不惜工本;不惜费用

9. spare no pains 不遗余力,全力以赴

10. spare parts 备件 ; 备品备件 ; 零配件 ; 配件

11. spare cash 闲钱;余款

12. spare partsbuffer 备品 ; 备件 ; 附件

13. spare dies 模具备品 ; 模具有品 ; 生产模型有品 ; 生产模型备品

14. go spare [英国口语]十分恼火;很担心

15. Hot Spare 热后备 ; 热备份 ; 热备援 ; 热备用

16. spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎

17. Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉 ; 小排骨血 ; 排骨肉

18. spare no effort 不遗余力;抽出;宽容;节省

19. hot spare 热后备;热备件

20. spare parts list 备件单,备用零件清单

21. spare ribs 猪肋排 ; 猪肋骨

22. spare time n. 消遣时间

23. spare tyre 备用轮胎;肥膘

24. spare capacity 备用容量;闲置的生产能力

25. Spare time 业余时间 ; 余暇 ; 闲暇时间 ; 空闲时间




spare change 多余的零钱

spare equipment 备用设备

spare bedroom 闲置的卧室

a moment to spare 空闲时间

time to spare 余闲

spare someone's life 保全某人的性命


1. I'd love to have a break, but I can't spare the time just now.


2. We made up the bed in the spare room.


3. You got here with ninety seconds to spare.


4. They don't have a lot of spare cash...


5. He spared no effort to make her happy again.


6. Spare and have is better than spend and crave.


7. I have no spare cash to lend you.


8. A : OK, I've stopped. well. what a lot of bother. I have no spare oil.

好啦, 已经停下来了. 这次麻烦了, 我没有备用的汽油啊.《期刊摘选》

9. If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost.


10. The spare bedroom is on the second floor.


11. He's studying music in his spare time .


12. This tire is damaged. Do you have a spare?

这个轮胎坏了,你有备用轮胎 吗 ?《辞典例句》

13. If you've time to spare go by air.


14. You got here with ninety seconds to spare...

你到这里的时候还剩 90 秒钟时间。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

15. We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared...


16. Oh spare me, I wanted only to be your ally, really I did.

噢,宽恕我, 我只是想成为你的盟友, 真的.《期刊摘选》

17. I can spare you half an hour tomorrow morning.


18. We might even see headless human bodies being stored at hospitals for their spare parts.


19. No one could spare the time for such frivolities.


20. No expense was spared to make the party a success.


21. Save early and avoid want later ; Better spare at Brim than at bottom.


22. I didn't bring any spare copies.


23. Sparing is a great revenue.


24. There is a spare toilet rill in the bathroom cupboard.


25. Spare me a couple of minutes from your time.


26. Not a moment to spare. I don't even have time to breathe.

一点多余的时间都没有, 我忙得喘气都没时间.《期刊摘选》

27. I adjure you to spare him.


28. I tell you I will not spare you the least pang the law can inflict.


29. I spare somebody. It'sounds vain, but you understand what I mean.

我宽恕了一个人. 说来似乎空泛, 不过你能理解我的意思.《辞典例句》

30. Give me the boot key and I'll get the spare.


31. Burn them. We will spare ourselves the paperwork.

烧了它, 可以节省我们一些文书工作.《期刊摘选》

32. Could you spare one of your staff to help us out?


33. He's a very busy man, and it's good of him to spare the time to visit...


34. I have a ticket to spare.


35. Below power market environment, the system is spare get and the price is facing new issue.

在电力市场环境下, 系统备用的获取和定价面临着新的问题.《期刊摘选》

36. He might have spared himself the trouble.


37. Despite our hard ego with fr unable to expedite delivery school of spare parts n cfmn.


38. We realized considerable cost savings by outsourcing the production of some spare parts.


39. You not only spare the living but you get rid of the bad stuff in you.


40. Could you spare me ten minutes?

你能抽出10分钟 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

41. Are you sure you can spare these tapes?

你能肯定这些磁带你们暂时不用 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

42. The source of spare parts can be diversified to suppliers outside Europe.


43. He could have taken a spare key.


44. How do you spend your spare time?


45. In the future the machines will need spare parts and maintenance.


46. If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little?


47. A temporary rudder was made onboard from spare planks and it was fitted with greatdifficulty.


48. Responsible for condition of the tool shop and storageof spare parts and wear and tear parts.


49. Inside, the two small rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.


50. Not giving or expending freely; sparing.

节俭的,节省的不随便施舍或花费的; 节俭的.《期刊摘选》

51. I'm afraid I haven't got any spare cash.


52. Never spare Parson's wine, nor the Baker's pudding.

永远不要节约牧师赐给的酒, 也不要吝啬面包师的布丁.《期刊摘选》

53. Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May...

可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧—— 5 月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

54. We arrived at the airport with five minutes to spare.


55. We can only spare one room for you.


56. Every car should carry a spare tire.


57. Have they spared me?

他们宽容过我 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

58. Anthropologists of future centuries can be spared digging through layers of sedimentary rock.


59. You've locked the keys in the car? Not matter, I have a spare set here.

你把钥匙锁在汽车里了 吗 ?没关系, 我这里还有一套备用的.《期刊摘选》

60. It recycles and spares vitamins C and E, so they act longer in your body.

它能够促使循环使用并节省维生素C和E, 使他们在身体里长时间发挥效用.《期刊摘选》

61. We have a spare chair if you want to sit with us.


62. The relay place is stacked with lumber, sparing no room.

这个楞场堆满了木材, 一点多余的空间都没有了.《期刊摘选》

63. I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject...


64. Are there any tickets going spare?


65. No expense was spared in furnishing the new office.


66. He had no money to spare on trifles.


67. It's good of him to spare the time to visit at all.


68. He can hardly spare me a minute, still less an hour.

他连一分钟都不能为我腾出来, 更不用说一小时了.《辞典例句》

69. Likes to spend his spare time doing scuba diving in watershome in the Florida Keys.


70. Oh, Mrs. White, can you spare me a minute?

哦, 怀特太太, 你能为我抽出一点时间 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

71. His hands strove frantically to release the spare wheel.


72. One and a half days is all I can spare.


73. I must play my spare time well, or I end up doing nothing.

我必须善于利用空闲的时间, 否则生命将会在无所事事中告终.《期刊摘选》

74. They lived with a sparing hand, and usually had a frugal supper of bread and cheese.

他们生活简朴, 通常晚餐只吃少量的面包和奶酪.《期刊摘选》

75. Do you have a spare wheel in your car?

翻译你的汽车上有备用轮胎 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

76. At least the spare tire is still good.


77. Oh, Mr. Black, could you spare me a few minutes?

哦, 布莱克先生, 你能为我抽出一点儿时间 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

78. I have no spare money to lend you.


79. The trunk is opened, nothing in there but a spare tire.

行李箱被打开, 在那里没有什么,只有备用轮胎.《期刊摘选》

80. If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost...


81. I've lost my key and I haven't got a spare.


82. But he does not spare his fellow Iraqi politicians either.


83. Why do you always keep a spare key in your purse? Just in case I forget.

你为什么总是在皮包里留一把备用的钥匙? 以防我哪天忘了带.《期刊摘选》

84. Can you spare five minutes when it's convenient?


85. Take a spare tire along in case of need.


86. I've put the Minute Book and some spare copies of the agenda on the table.


87. This kind of cars spares the gear lever.


88. Doctors now advise only sparing use of such creams.


89. Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.


90. The exterior features a distinctive stepped roof with a single rear door mounting the spare wheel.


91. He's a very busy man, and it's good of him to spare the time to visit.


92. His spare money goes on books.


93. A rudder was made on board from spare planks and it was fitted with great difficulty.


94. Can you spare me five minutes?

你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

95. You could have spared yourself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance.


96. I'm in a collectors'club, and we exchange our spare specimens.

我参加一个收集者的俱乐部, 我们交换多余的标本.《期刊摘选》

97. This was sod's law: when the spare tyre is in use, you will have a puncture.


98. I might need a spare set of clothes.


99. I've got absolutely no money to spare this month.


100. Spare when you are young, and spend when you are old.

年少能节省, 老来有钱用.《期刊摘选》

101. Besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time.


102. Are there any tickets going spare (= are there any available, not being used by sb else) ?


103. Father, mother and I go out to do exercise almost every day in our spare time.

每天空闲的时候,爸爸 、 妈妈和我都要出去做运动.《期刊摘选》

104. I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.


105. She implored him with tears in her eyes to spare her son.


106. Don't forget to take a few spare batteries...


107. He spent all the time he could spare in study.


108. Have you any old clothes to spare?

您有旧衣服出让(捐献) 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

109. We've got a spare bedroom, if you'd like to stay.


110. Do you have a spare shuttlecock?

你有备用的羽毛球 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

111. The wagons carried spare ammunition.


112. In her spare time she does voluntary work.


113. Mr Allawi does not spare the occupiers.


114. There was no asking his parents , for he knew they had no money to spare.

跟他父母要是无济于事的, 因为他知道他父母是没有多余的钱给他.《期刊摘选》

115. For those with money to spare, there are restaurants that compare favourably with the best abroad.


116. The end of his spare time had now arrived.


117. He spared his prisoner.


118. People spend a lot of their spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports.

人们把许多空闲的时间花在踢球, 打篮球, 打网球和其他大量运动上.《英语晨读30分(高一)》

119. If the machine breaks down, do you have any other spare one?

如果机器坏了, 你们还有备用的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

120. Take some spare clothes in case you get wet.


121. Have you any spare cash you can lend me?

你有多余的钱借给我 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

122. To his relief a loud knock on the door spared him from giving an explanation.


123. Not a man was spared...


124. They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.


125. He's studying music in his spare time.


126. Methods such as sector sparing used to handle bad blocks.


127. This leaves some spare capacity.


128. It can be difficult to get spares for some older makes of car.


129. You can borrow my keys—I have a spare set.


130. Thank you very much for sparing so much of your precious time.


131. A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going indefinitely.


132. He wanted to spare his mother any anxiety.


133. Can you spare the time to help me?

你能抽出这段时间帮我 吗 ?《现代英汉综合大词典》

134. Few people had spare cash for inessentials.


135. I prefer you to spare some time to come to our art exhibition next week.


136. Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.


137. Spare me the details; just tell me about what they decided.

不用告诉我详情, 只告诉我他们作出了什么决定.《期刊摘选》

138. We must make ready the two spare bedrooms for our visitors.


139. We now have no people to spare.


140. The spare bedroom is on the second floor...


141. The LORD Hezekiah and spared the people.


142. Spare your energy for some other work.


143. Most people can spare more time.


144. He is a tall , spare young man.


145. Surely you can spare me a few minutes?


146. Instead, he has looked for tools and techniques that spare resources and improve outcomes.

相反的, 他不断寻找能节约资源和改进结果的技术和工具.《期刊摘选》

147. In her spare time she read books on cooking.


148. The mistress of the house reluctantly installed the two refugees in a spare room.


149. Is the product part of a manufacturing process or sold as a spare part?

你的商品是成品制造工程中的必须原料,还是一个备用零件 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

150. to get the spare out of the boot/trunk


151. If you have got any spare milk, could you give me a little?

你要是有多余的牛奶, 能不能给我一些?《期刊摘选》

152. They don't have a lot of spare cash.


153. I prefer you to spare some time to come to our art exhibition week.


154. If you spare me. I will repay you.

“ 如果你饶恕我, 我会报答你的. ”《期刊摘选》

155. I can spare you sometime tomorrow morning.


156. Do you have any spare gear I can have?


157. a spare key/tyre

备用钥匙 / 轮胎《牛津词典》

158. She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.


159. You should spare a thought for (= think about) the person who cleans up after you.


160. If you have any strength of Men to spare, lend it to me, I beg.

如果您有任何多余的人类力量, 我恳求您将它借给我.《期刊摘选》

161. However, this lazy cat might have too much spare time that he often stirs up trouble.

然而, 这懒惰的猫可能太多有多余的时间他时常煽起麻烦.《期刊摘选》

162. He's arranged everything, no expense spared.


163. They've never had anything spare — they've always used it all.


164. At night we have great quantities of spare electric power.


165. Have you any ticket to spare?

你有多余的票子出让 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

166. Those that make the best of their time have none to spare.


167. He devoted every spare moment to aeronautics.


168. Rapid growth gives companies scale and spare cash to invest abroad.


169. Mr. Brown, could you spare a few minutes?

布朗先生, 你能抽出一点儿时间 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

170. We have no spare beds right now.


171. He was always sparing with his praise.


172. Can you spare a few minutes, Xiao Wang? I want to have a word with you.

小王,你能抽出几分钟的空 吗 ?我想和你说句话.《期刊摘选》

173. Do you carry a spare wheel in the back of your car?

你在车后带了一个备用的轮胎 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

174. I let the spare room.


175. They will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy.

他们不会同情, 不会宽恕, 也不会发慈悲的.《现代英汉综合大词典》

176. My brother devotes his spare time to sport.


177. Thank you for sparing the time. I know you have a busy itinerary.

谢谢你抽出时间来, 我知道你的行程很紧.《期刊摘选》

178. You can borrow my keys ─ I have a spare set.


179. Jim tried to spare his mother.


180. Keeping them maintained and supplied with spare parts ( from Russia ) has not been easy.

备用零件 ( 来自俄国 ) 持续的保养和供给并非易事.《期刊摘选》

181. It's not as if he has money to spare...


182. I've got a puncture and my spare is flat too!


183. I'm afraid I haven't got any spare cash .


184. We still have two hours to spare.


185. The spare bedroom is on the second floor


186. I hope you've packed the spare gas for the stove; otherwise we'll be eating cold soup.

我希望你把炉子剩下的固体燃气包起来, 否则我们就只能喝冷汤了.《期刊摘选》

187. These pieces of bread are spare, I don't need them.

这些面包是多余的, 我不需要.《简明英汉词典》

188. She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting.


189. Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms...


190. Do you have a few minutes to spare?

你能抽出几分钟 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

191. You should be more sparing of your money.


192. Well, I would see if there is any spare berth.

列车员:好吧, 我看看是否有多余的铺位.《期刊摘选》

193. The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly...


194. I go to the alot to lose the spare tyres as much as I can.


195. She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting...

她说她只能抽出 35 分钟时间参加我们的会议。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

196. I always keep a spare key in the office.


197. Could your patients spare you for a few hours?

你的病人可以让你有几小时空闲的时间 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

198. I haven't had a spare moment this morning.


199. Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition?

你能抽出时间来看看我们的画展 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

200. Includes 4 minifigures and lots of accessories and spare tires!


201. Why don't you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?


202. During the bombing only one house was spared.


203. As it happens, I have a spare set of keys in my office.


204. Craig had been whiling away his spare time in our basement.


205. I asked God to spare me pain.


206. Have you any old spare clothes?

你有备用的衣服 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

207. You should spare a thought for the person who cleans up after you.


208. Spare the rod And have a spare rod, as well as more energy.

少用根钓竿就省了力气, 还多了根备用的钓竿.《期刊摘选》


1. What do the queens in Homer do in their spare time?

荷马史诗》中的王后如何打发闲暇古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. And if you have spare time, I hope we can talk even for a few minutes.

FORBES: Letter From Mom and Dad

3. So with the spare time that I get, I usually like to hang out with friends.

所以我有了空闲时间,我通常和朋友一起出去。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 赛艇项目很流行

4. If you are serious about boiling cheaters in oil then you cannot spare the child.

FORBES: The Sins of the Father: Dishonor, Disgrace and Boiling Cheaters in Oil

5. There are combinations to spare.

不同的组合可以代表同一个氨基酸生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. What do you like to do in your spare time?

你业余时间做些什么?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 生活费很高

7. And the result may have been more spare than on the record but it was no less raw.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: The Whigs

8. Perhaps you're a math tutor who can spare two hours a week at an after-school center.

WSJ: Helping Your Causeand Your Career

9. At night I slept in spare lodges, haunted by reccurring dreams of the road accident.

BBC: Nepal's year-round trekking route

10. If there's spare capacity elsewhere in Europe that we can use, let's use it.

BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Prime Minister Tony Blair

11. Can you tell us about some of the spare time activities that you can do in San Francisco?

你能告诉我们你在旧金山空闲时间都做什么吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 旧金山和洛杉矶的差异

12. The entire matter could be cleared up if the company bought some spare parts from the bureaucrat.

FORBES: Power Putsch

13. So in the infamous words of the GOP's beloved Newt Gingrich: Spare me the pious baloney.

CNN: GOP's 'faux anger' is all the rage

14. But that did not spare Syrians residents of the town from being blamed by residents.

CNN: Dozens dead in explosions on Turkey's border with Syria

15. But with only 2 million bpd of spare capacity left, this cushion is wearing thin.

FORBES: Energy Stocks For An Ugly Market

16. Ghosal built the service last year in his spare time and launched it in August.

FORBES: Personalized News Reader FLUD Funded By Cleveland Cavaliers Owner

17. spare batteries


18. Well, it's kind of hard 'cause spare time is hard right now.

嗯,这个有点难,现在很难有空闲时间啊。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 中央公园的时光

19. What do you usually like to do in your spare time?

你平时都有什么消遣?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对政治很感兴趣

20. When I have spare time, I like to go running.

我有空的时候,喜欢去跑步。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在空闲时间

21. What do you usually do when you have some spare time?

那你空闲时间喜欢干些什么呢?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 百慕大出身

22. Medical equipment and spare parts must be available and be properly maintained."

VOA : standard.2010.06.01

23. She explains that nature, of course, wants us to / "live according to her sober laws / and holy dictate of spare Temperance."

她解释说,自然当然希望我们,“根绝她审慎的法律/,和神圣的有关节制的规定来生活“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. "It's difficult to say what the reasons are." "It has happened with spare parts for important medical equipment for hospitals.

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

25. Because these are the students who don't have spare time out.

因为这些学生,根本不能留出时间。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. spare-time activities


27. At current prices, RIMM could be cut up and sold for spare parts at a profit.

FORBES: Best And Worst Trades Of 2011

28. And that got me to think gosh, these people have so little and I was a student, and I didn't have a lot of money, but I still had something to spare.

看到这张照片,我想,天啊,这些人太贫困了,虽然我是个学生,我没有很多钱,但我还是能够捐出些什么的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. The U.S.military is buying more than 6,000 of the M-ATVs, at a cost of nearly a million and a half dollars each, including all their equipment, spare parts and transportation to Afghanistan.

VOA : standard.2009.11.02

30. So now we've got some spare torsos.

我们就得到了一些空的躯体。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. In his spare time John likes to walk his dog Christie, a cheeky cross collie.

BBC: Lancashire - Presenter profile: John Gillmore

32. "We can spare patients from the cost and excessive radiation from follow-up CT scans, " Hudis said.

CNN: A workout a day may keep cancer away

33. He said life in space was extremely busy, with no spare time to be idle.

BBC: Chris Hadfield: 'Space was too good not to share it'

34. She was nine years old at the time. She remembers her mother on her knees, begging French police to take her but to spare her children.

VOA : standard.2010.04.10

35. But that did not spare Syrian residents of the town from being blamed by residents.

CNN: Turkey detains 9, alleges Syrian link to car bombings

36. The World Health Organization is renewing its appeal to the Israeli government to allow necessary medical equipment, spare parts,and repair crews to enter the Gaza Strip.

VOA : standard.2010.06.01

37. He would die but he would spare the five.

他必死无疑,但可以救那五人的性命。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. And if I want to move towers, let's say, size 5, from, to, and spare, there are the instructions for how to move it.

比如说五个吧,从这儿到那儿,中间再经过这个多余的柱子周转,关于怎么移动已经有说明了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. and I come here on my spare time and do volunteer coaching for little league team.

我只是在业余时间里来这边,为一些小型联赛队伍义务执教。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 布朗克斯的足球教练

40. Since all 40 Republicans were on record as opposing the bill, the Democrats did not have a single vote to spare, needing every Democrat and Independent who normally votes with Democrats to cast their votes for it, or else have the vote dead before it ever reached the floor.

VOA : standard.2009.11.23

41. They are constantly on their phones trying to find anyone who has a spare ticket.

BBC: Sachin Tendulkar's big 40th birthday 'party'

42. What do they do in their spare time or in their time in general?

那么他们空闲时都干些什么呢古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. They won by seven wickets with an over to spare, Ross Taylor unbeaten on 21.

BBC: New Zealand given scare by Scots

44. There are 64 combinations of three bases and I only need to describe 20, so there's combinations to spare.

三个一组的碱基产生六十四种组合,而我只需对应二十种氨基酸,所以一种氨基酸会对应不同密码子生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Moving a stack of size 3, again, if I want to go over there, I need to make sure I can put the spare one over here before I move the bottom one, I can't cover up any of the smaller ones with the larger one, but I can get it there.

移动上面的三个圆盘的话,我在移动最底下的圆盘之前,同样要确保剩下的,是在另外一个柱子上,因为我不能把大的圆盘,放在小的上面。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. Hyeonduk Seunim gestured us into a spare, empty room with a low table at the centre.

BBC: A free meal with South Korea's monks

47. You must love loyal advisors and servants, whether they be foreigners or our own people, and spare no effort to serve the common good."

你一定要热爱俄国那些忠诚的大臣和臣民,不管他是来自外国还是国内,同时你也必须不遗余力地为公共利益服务"欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. It was, you know, who can I spare to send off to these training programs?

NPR: U.S. Turns More Attention to Training Iraqi Forces

49. spare parts


50. It already offers an incomparable "experience, " with plenty of "Inspiration for all New Yorkers" to spare.

WSJ: The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book | By Julie V. Iovine | Public Library Renovation

51. We caught the last bus with minutes to spare.


52. But as you get older and you have a lot of spare time, you think about what you are doing, which is something I have the luxury of doing right now, and I realized this is more tricky.

但随着你们年龄的增长,有更多空闲时间之后,你就会思考你做的事情,我现在就有很多闲暇思考这些问题,我意识到这东西其实很精妙基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Why penalise claimants who have no alternative but to live in accommodation with a spare bedroom?

BBC: PCC Stephen Bett fears welfare changes will cause crime

54. "Sanctions have had a real effect on the performance of our industries, mining manufacturing, we can't get spare parts, we can't get credit lines and we are blocked in regard to aid from the World Bank and IMF."

VOA : standard.2009.09.12

55. There on the floor in the dark it had come to him: I could spare them.

NEWYORKER: Tenth of December

56. This all during his spare time while enrolled at the Kings College private school in Wimbledon.

FORBES: Teen Developer's Summly App Hits Half A Million Downloads; Publishers Come Knocking

57. Thor's back-office organization has helped Keystone boost its once-struggling quality and service operation and spare-parts distribution.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

58. Using the spare key that he carried, he unlocked the front door and entered the house.

NEWYORKER: The Autobiography of J.G.B.

59. Forty Rockwell engineers are on-site to help manage spare parts and train factory workers.

FORBES: Choreographer of the Assembly Line

60. That leaves Latin American governments with little spare cash to spend on social policies.

BBC: Latin America is enjoying the good times - at last

61. With only seconds to spare, Essien made his second big impression of the evening.

BBC: Chelsea 1-0 Fulham

62. Where do you usually go when you have some spare time?

当你有业余时间的时候,你经常去哪里?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 耶鲁奖学金获得者

63. She was thin and spare.


64. What do you usually do during your spare time?

你在业余时间通常会做什么?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的吃东西协会

65. Collapse in Indonesia could precipitate another Crisis spiral -- which may no longer spare the West.




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