
have anything like enough money是什么意思
have anything like enough money是什么意思有这样一个句子,不太理解句中的 have anything like enough money,请解释一下,谢谢! In fact she didn’t have anything like enough money to spend a
He’s thinned down a lot since I last saw him句中副词last翻译成“上次”还是“最后一次”
He’s thinned down a lot since I last saw him句中副词last翻译成“上次”还是“最后一次”He’s thinned down a lot since I last saw him. 请问句子中的副词 last 是应翻译成“上次”还是要翻译成“最后一次”?下面的翻译哪个更对? 翻译一:自从我上次见到他之后,他瘦了许多。 翻译二:自
I always think of her in that dress的理解与翻译
I always think of her in that dress的理解与翻译在 I always think of her in that dress 这个句子中,短语 in that dress 是说明哪个词呢? 如果是说明 I,那它的意思应该是:我穿着那件衣服就总是想起她。 如果是说明 her,那它的意思就是:
something that had never done
something that had never done At times, I turn on the television and just leave it to chatter in the background, something that'd never done previousl
never thought与didn’t think的区别
never thought与didn’t think的区别—Come in, Peter, I want to show you something. —Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift. A. never th
肯定句中anything和everything意思差别He once said whatever he has was mine. 这个句子中的 whatever 是替换成 everything 还是 anything 好呢?感觉另个都行啊。anything 更好? 请问 everything
说 higher than everything 对吗
说 higher than everything 对吗有这样一个句子: In USA, the human right is higher than everything. 疑问一:表示“人权”高于……,可以用 higher 吗? 问题二:higher than everything 用得对吗
疑问句中用something还是anythingDo you think there is _____ (something / anything) difficult in today's homework? 请问该选哪个?为什么?谢谢!
think of 与 think about的用法区别
think of 与 think about的用法区别听老师说过这两个短语动词意思一样的呀。 1. We should ______ the life on our beautiful planet. 答案为:think of 或者 think about 都行。 2. I'm ______
句子中的do you think是插入语吗
句子中的do you think是插入语吗Where do you think I can find the disc? 这个句子是什么从句吗?还是说 do you think 是插入语?谢谢老师。
deep breathing是什么意思_deep breathing短语搭配_deep breathing权威例句
deep breathing是什么意思_deep breathing短语搭配_deep breathing权威例句deep breathing的意思是:深呼吸:通过使用膈肌而不是使用上胸部肌肉来扩张肺部的呼吸。。学考宝为您提供deep breathing是什么意思,deep breathing翻译,deep breathing短语搭配,deep breathing权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
think的过去式是什么 有哪些例句
think的过去式是什么 有哪些例句think的过去式是Thought。think是思想的表达,准确的解释为"认识"充分的认识是思考的结果。动词进行时:thinking过去式:thought过去分词:thought。具体内容小编已经整理好了,一起来看看吧。
within easy reach和within easy
within easy reach和within easySeveral schools are within easy reach. 几所学校都在附近不远处。 He lives within easy distance of his work. 他住在离上班很近的地方。 以上两句分别用了 wit
something与some things的区别
something与some things的区别对于 something 与 some things 的区别: something 是“某事”“某物”,some things 是“一些事”“一些物”。 它们还有其他方面的区别吗?谢谢!
“人”(sb)也可说成是“东西”(thing)吗汉语中有个笑话:说某人不是“东西”,其实是在骂人。确实“人”怎么会是“东西”呢?“人”就是“人”——sb 怎么会是 thing 呢?但是在书上看到这样一个句子: You're a funny old thing! 你真是个活宝! 这个该如何
something,anything,everything后接定语从句的问题有的书上说 something, anything, everything后接定语从句时要用关系代词 that 来引导,不用关系代词 which。但有的书上又说anything, everything(没有包括 something)后接定语
say bad things的意思?
say bad things的意思?职称英语考试教材里有一个词组:say bad things。我猜测意思为“说坏话”,但查了很多词典,均未查到,请专家指教,谢谢!
如何分析:What we used to think&nbs
如何分析:What we used to think&nbs下面一句是2006年高考英语天津卷的考题: What we used to think was impossible now does seem possible. 这个句子虽然不长,但不太好把握,请专家老师分析分析,谢谢!
bathing dress是什么意思_bathing dress短语搭配_bathing dress权威例句
bathing dress是什么意思_bathing dress短语搭配_bathing dress权威例句bathing dress的意思是:网络 泳衣;游泳衣,浴衣;游泳衣。学考宝为您提供bathing dress是什么意思,bathing dress翻译,bathing dress短语搭配,bathing dress权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
within是什么意思_within短语搭配_within权威例句within的意思是:prep. 在(某段时间)之内;在……限度内;在(某段距离)内;在(某区域或空间)里;在(群体或组织)内部;在自己内心,在心灵深处;接近,误差不到…… adv. 在里面,在内部;在内心深处,在思想上;在(某段时间)之内;(距离)在……之内;(某个地方)之内;在(群体或组织)内部;在……范围内,在……限度内;误差不到…… n. 里面,内部。学考宝为您提供within是什么意思,within翻译,within短语搭配,within权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。