show evidence of是什么意思_show evidence of短语搭配_show evidence of权威例句

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show evidence of


英 [ʃəʊ ˈevɪdəns ɒv]play 美 [ʃoʊ ˈevɪdəns əv]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


  • 有…的迹象;表明;说明

    explain   /   say


1. show evidence of iron loss 铁损失的证明 ; 显示铁损失的证据

2. show of evidence 证据开示


1. Give evidence of your personal impact: show not only that you completed tasks but that you contributed to organizational goals.


2. Ct scans show evidence of many health problems that afflicted the young pharaoh during his short life.


3. The tests show no evidence of any abnormality.

测试未显示任何异常的迹象。《provided by jukuu》

4. Both the Linux and fetchmail projects show evidence of this.


5. These streamlined trades show evidence of reduced fees resulting from lowered transaction costs.


6. The US and South Korea insist that North Korea must show evidence of dismantling its nuclear arsenal before it can win any concessions.


7. The sites that are distant from Chicxulub show evidence of only one impact.


8. Portfolio, initially introduced as a way for artists, graphic designers and other such professionals to show evidence of their works and illustrate their skill at applying knowledge to practice, is now adopted in educational field.


9. The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurred, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.


10. Scientists examined several breeds and say the cattle genome appears to show evidence of this selective reproduction.


11. If they show evidence of once have been joined, that could really tell us a lot about the early history of the planet geology.


12. Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water.


13. Miss Jack acknowledged that some of the garments did show evidence of spills, from motor oil to tuna, but did not smell 'socially challenging'.


14. There is clear evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably fictional events.


15. Some have argued that all human societies show evidence of artistic activities.


16. According to the team, the plumes were seen over areas that show evidence of ancient ground ice or flowing water.


17. The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurs, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.


18. Radiographs of other areas may show evidence of enthesitis with osteitis or arthropathy.


19. Conclusion Patients with atrial fibrillation show evidence of platelet activation and endothelial damage, which may correlate with the atrial thrombus and embolism complication.


20. Most people show evidence of more processing on one side of the cortex, the right side.


21. The lumbar vertebrae will show evidence of cartilage or at least as red line present on the tips.


22. Two northern European caves in particular show clear evidence of fire. But only relatively recently compared with when humans first showed up.


23. If they show evidence of once have been joined, that could really tell us a lot about the early history of the planet geology.


24. Massive galaxy clusters also show evidence of dark matter.


25. Field coil windings shall not show evidence of being burned, severely overheated, damage or loose windings.

磁场线圈的绕线不应有烧焦 、 严重的过热, 损坏或者松散的现象.《互联网》

26. Step 1: To pass the advanced assessment, the application will need to show evidence of having learned a second method or approach.


27. "There is certainly enough evidence to show us that this is probably one of the most deadly conflicts in the world and certainly more than Afghanistan and Iraq," he noted.


28. Fossilized bones that show evidence of human ancestor stone tool use and meat-eating push the earliest dates for those activities from about 2.5 million to 3.4 million years ago.


29. Neanderthal skulls also show evidence of a large hypoglossal canal.


30. If they show evidence of once having been joined, that could really tell us a lot about the early history of the planet's geology.


31. Previously, all applicants needed to show evidence of recent work experience.

在此之前, 所有的申请者必须拥有一定的近期工作经验才可以申请.《互联网》

32. Our teeth became smaller& indeed, both dogs and humans show evidence of adaptation to starchy diets.


33. The latest figures show evidence of growing strain on businesses as company liquidations crept up and experts predicted a bad year ahead.


34. The second part of the psychological evidence, scientific and rational analysis to show evidence of psychological evidence that should become a criminal.


35. Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden.


36. Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using Chinese for personal enjoyment and enrichment.


37. There are comparisons between English and Chinese, to show the evidence of cross-cultural variation.


38. Our teeth became smaller-indeed, both dogs and humans show evidence of adaptation to starchy diets.


39. A spectrograph device can use the near-infrared light bouncing off an apple to show evidence of damage.


40. According to the team, the plumes were seen over areas that show evidence of ancient ground ice or flowing water.


41. Even prices, which have plummeted to levels not seen since the beginning of the decade, show evidence of stabilizing.


42. They have observed that those who are less suited to their environment show evidence of degeneration.


43. Data from a NASA instrument aboard India's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft show evidence of water molecules on the surface of the moon.

搭载在印度Chandrayaan - 1太空飞行器上的NASA仪器传回的数据证明,月球表面存在水。

44. Does it show evidence of geologic activity or organic chemical evolution?


45. Some male placoderm fossils show evidence of graspers that held the female fish during copulation.


46. A team of scientists looked at historical evidence to show that as lighting has become more energy efficient, it has also become cheaper.


47. In our previous genome-wide screening, we have localized the susceptibility loci to the chromosomes 1. There are 3 regions show evidence of linkage with type 2 diabetes.


48. Show evidence of what an author has said.


49. Some have argued that all human societies show evidence of artistic activities.


50. A spectrograph device can use the near-infrared light bouncing off an apple to show evidence of damage.


51. Scientists examined several breeds and say the cattle genome appears to show evidence of this selective reproduction.


52. The eastern pad was untouched as of May 2005, but began to show evidence of submunitions impacts in September 2006 imagery.


53. IR show evidence of synthetic polymers is modified PASP ( MPASP).

通过红外光谱证明合成的聚合物为改性PASP(Modified PASP,简称MPASP)。

54. Some show signs of heavy use—evidence, perhaps, that he was crippled in life.


55. Neanderthal skulls also show evidence of a large hypoglossal canal.


56. Radiographs of other areas may show evidence of enthesitis with osteitis or arthropathy.


57. The sites that are distant from Chicxulub show evidence of only one impact.


58. But there is no evidence to show that the structure of eyes is changed by wearing glasses at a young age.


59. Two government reports show further evidence of a slowing economy.


60. Yet if the bi-annual talks are to have time to bear fruit, he must be able soon to show evidence of solid progress to a US Congress whose patience with Beijing is wearing thin.



1. But even the Second Circuit recognized there was a wealth of evidence to show that these princes knowingly funded al-Qaeda's terrorism via Muslim charities.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Sovereign Immunity or cover-up?

2. Visual observations and photographic analysis show evidence of uplift of the scale of tens of metres of part of the glacier in the crater and of the lava dome.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Mount St Helens on highest alert

3. Some men show evidence of other wounds, including a cut to the pelvis, blows to the chest and stomach, and defensive injuries to the hands, the council said.

CNN: Beheaded Vikings found at Olympic site

4. But as we go through the facts of the case, the evidence will show in this case that there was a scheme that was developed to obstruct the administration of justice, and that is illegal.


5. In other words, they must break down the barriers of mistrust they have created for themselves over the past several years and limit their SM interractions to offering the consumer helping information and show other evidence of good will towards others.

FORBES: Most Read on

6. "I am not convinced and I don't think that there is any firm evidence to show that all of that climate change is due to CO2 emmissions, " Mr Wilson said.

BBC: New environment boss 'sceptical'

7. Big cats recently returned to the headlines following the discovery of two mauled deer carcasses at Woodchester Park in Gloucestershire, which seemed to show evidence of feline predation.

BBC: Isle of the tiger

8. Another dossier purporting to show evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, published in February, turned out to have been partly plagiarised from a graduate student's thesis.

ECONOMIST: Who's hiding what? | The

9. Although there are specific disciplines that follow trained approaches to working in Lean or Agile environments, the average worker or small business owner still needs to be able to show evidence of their ability to respond quickly and effectively to changes or unforeseen events.

FORBES: Be Responsive To Improve Your Career

10. Subsequent events may be considered to show evidence of value of the estate on the date of death.

FORBES: New Jersey Tax Court Cuts A Break To Madoff Victim

11. It helped them show evidence of the defendants' clothing and movements in the run-up to the day of the shooting, the day itself and the day after.

BBC: Men guilty over Thusha Kamaleswaran shop shooting

12. "The evidence will show blatant conflicts of interest, " Dopp said, referring to the alleged practice of compensating analysts for flattering the companies they cover in a bid to land investment banking deals.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. Asking an urgent question on the subject on 7 June 2011, Ms Thornberry said "full and frank answers" were needed after undercover filming for BBC Panorama appeared to show evidence of serious abuse at the private care home near Bristol for people with learning disabilities.

BBC: Labour calls for independent inquiry on care home abuse

14. Professor David Colquhoun, professor of pharmacology at University College London, said the changes were of limited value because the rules did not require makers to show any evidence of whether the newly licensed products were effective.

BBC: Herbal remedies face licence rule

15. In spite of this, rates of brain tumors in advanced industrial countries show no evidence of an increase in specific types of brain tumors.

FORBES: Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? The Diehards Cling Desperately To Opinion

16. But they also require governments to show reputable scientific evidence in support of their controls, and insist that measures do not discriminate between suppliers, rather than favouring one country's exports over another's, or domestic production over imports.

ECONOMIST: Who elected the WTO?

17. Though some of the archaeology had been damaged by the market's construction in the 1800s enough remained to show evidence of buildings on the site as well as a large amount of pottery and various other items such as intaglio gemstones used in jewellery.

BBC: Guernsey the Roman Empire's trading post

18. Some anecdotes from the field show strong evidence of literacy helping people and communities in Cambodia.

UNESCO: Celebration of the International Literacy Day 2012: Literacy - Catalyst for Development and Peace in Cambodia | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

19. The scientists have concluded there is not enough evidence to show that high levels of caffeine in energy drinks are safe.

CNN: Monster Energy adds caffeine content to labels

20. "We have a lot of evidence to show the North's Reconnaissance General Bureau led the attack, " said Chun Kil-soo, a spokesman for the Korea Internet and Security Agency.

WSJ: Seoul Raises Alert Ahead of Expected Test

21. Three of the holes show evidence of burning.

WSJ: NY teacher delves into mystery of 'Indian Ovens'

22. They had more room to get down to the dietary goals and they also show stronger evidence of a reduction in breast cancer risk.

NPR: New Studies: Low-Fat Diets Don't Prevent Cancers

23. The prosecution says that it did not show the defense all of its evidence, an apparent error that became evident when prosecutors began to lay out their case Wednesday.

CNN: Court suspends Ratko Mladic war crimes trial

24. But I can at least do my part to show evidence, wherever we find it, of the best within us to find a balance, a double bottom line.

FORBES: Green Bay Packers Fans Are A Refreshing New Super-PAC

25. His approach is to approve of studies that appear to offer some glimmer that cell phone energy is carcinogenic and at the same time to find fault with studies that show no evidence of an effect.

FORBES: Cell Phone Conspiracy Theorists Prefer To Indulge In Ad Hominem Attacks Rather Than Debate The Science

26. Tests, the results of which were made public Thursday, would show evidence of Zimmerman's hands on the firearm, but not Martin's.

CNN: What happened the night Trayvon Martin died

27. Also, it is thought that earnings and unemployment figures due out on Wednesday might show worrying evidence of inflation ahead.

BBC: US stocks recoup losses

28. Neither could Brown show any evidence of lost wages.

FORBES: Union Carbide Tries To Remove Judge in $322 Million Asbestos Case

29. In such a case, the government must show by a preponderance of evidence that the property was connected to illegal activity.

FORBES: Stealing Is Wrong, Even When It's The Government Doing It

30. But even the early sequences show evidence of trickle-down portentousness.

NEWYORKER: Zebrahead













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韩国留学的好处和弊端 普通家庭建议去吗



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