
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈprezɪdənt]play美 [ˈprezɪdənt]play

  • n. 总统,国家主席;(机构、俱乐部、学院等的)负责人,会长,院长,主席;(公司)董事长,(银行)行长,总裁;(基督教)圣餐主持教士

复数 presidents

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


president /ˈprɛzɪdənt/

  • 1.
    The president of a country that has no king or queen is the person who is the head of state of that country. 总统

    ...President Mubarak.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The president of an organization is the person who has the highest position in it. (某组织的) 最高权力人

    ...Alexandre de Merode, the president of the medical commission.




  • adj.

    presidential 总统的;首长的;统辖的

  • n.

    presidency 总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配

    presidentship 总统职位;校长任期



1. president elect 当选总统(尚未就职的)

2. vice president 副总统;副主席

3. president office 校长办公室

4. dead president 美钞 ; 美元

5. vice-president 副校长 ; 副总裁 ; 大学副校长 ; 副院长

6. Acting President 代理总裁 ; 代理先生

7. assistant president 总裁助理

8. The American President 白宫奇缘 ; 白宫夜未眠 ; 白宫情缘

9. executive vice president 执行副总裁

10. deputy president 副行长;副校长

11. acting president 代总统;代理校长;代理总裁

12. Vice President 副校长 ; 副会长

13. honorary president 名誉会长,名誉主席

14. Lord President of the Council 枢密院议长 ; 枢密院大臣

15. Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

16. former president 前任总统

17. senior vice president 高级副总裁

18. Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 ; 副总裁助理来源


1. Your promotion is subject the final approval of the president.


2. I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau.


3. Several presidents attended the funeral.


4. Sterling College President Will Wootton says the school's Sustainable Agriculture Program includes pay for farm jobs.


5. Not only general manager are called as president, but chief director have to upgrade to Chairman.

总经理改称总裁, 董事长也得升级,都改叫主席.《期刊摘选》

6. The president of a school shall be in charge of the school's teaching and administration.


7. I left them last week, because of a disagreement with the president Mr. Liu.


8. Do you have any message for President and Mrs. Reagan?


9. The article was reproduced by the special permission of the President.


10. In the past my boss is vice president and now he is vice president as well.


11. Yang Dongtang, President , will give public figures a warm welcome.


12. His remarks paralleled those of the president.


13. The President normally reports to his desk before 8 a.m.


14. The President hasn't signed off on this report.


15. Republicans rate him one of the elder President Bush's biggest mistakes.


16. Decentralized control with Area Vice Presidents ensuring tactical implementation of sales strategy in regional offices.


17. Hally Bull is the president of the center for interim programs.


18. Someone has made an attempt on the President's life.


19. What dose president Obama hope the banks will do?.

总统奥巴马希望银行做什么?。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

20. The president occupies the position for four years.


21. The president has a tight schedule today.


22. That decision was taken by the then president.


23. Proposals for teaching reform were placed before the President of the University.


24. As U.S. banks recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayer, president Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them it’s time to return the favor.

随着美国银行在美国政府和纳税人的帮助下恢复元气,总统奥巴马与银行的最高管理层进行了会谈,告诉他们该是回报的时候了。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

25. The President of this university really connects with the faculty.


26. President Kennedy stirs The Philosopher's bad reputation.


27. The matter has to be decided by the president of the board of directors.


28. President Trump has underlined fossil fuels – especially coal – as the path to economic growth

特朗普总统强调化石燃料——尤其煤炭——作为经济发展途径。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

29. He's better looking, better spoken and can do the president.

他外形好,擅于言谈, 非常适合做总裁.《期刊摘选》

30. One of his ambitions is to become the President of the Motor General.


31. Smith has been appointed president of the company a. b.


32. The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.


33. He was sworn in as president.


34. The president made a stirring speech.


35. Is it right that he will be the new president of our company?

他将会成为我们公司的新总裁,对 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

36. the President of the United States


37. Everyone stood when the President came in.


38. The President elevated him to the House of Lords.


39. For example, only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up.

例如,只有一个男孩说他长大以后想当总统。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

40. Until I became president, Henny Ford had always been a pretty remote figure.

我当上总裁之前, 亨利·福特对我说来一直是一个高不可攀的人物.《期刊摘选》

41. Several news commentators hit out at the president on his foreign policy.


42. After becoming president of Purdue University in 2013, Mitch Daniels asked the faculty to prove that their students have actually achieved one of higher education’s most important goals: critical thinking skills.

在2013 年成为普渡大学的校长后,Mitch Daniels 要求全体教员证明其学生确实实现了高等教育最重要的目标之一:拥有批判性思维技能。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

43. It was a direct challenge to the president's authority.


44. American Press Institute advertising Vice President Myrtle gowkarran des said.


45. A surprise winner . President Obama gets the Nobel Peace Prize . Many ask why.


46. There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.


47. He schemed to become president.


48. How could somebody who had been there for five weeks, tell the person who had the title “President” that he didn’t really know what he was talking about! And it was a special moment

一个刚在大学里待了五周的人居然能对头衔为“校长”的人说他并不真正了解自己所谈论的内容。这一刻十分特别。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

49. Everyone has his part to play , from the office boy up to the president.


50. He has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president.

他达到了作为成功总统的标准, 能够成为一个特别出色的总统.《期刊摘选》

51. When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up.

8月,亚姆·麦吉辞去了美国银行总裁的职务。他当时的解释出人意料地直白。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

52. a presidential system of government


53. They approached the president with the suggestion.


54. The White House says the president would veto the bill.


55. I propose John for president.


56. Within months, Kennedy had announced his resignation as president.

不出几个月, 肯尼迪宣布辞去校长职位.《期刊摘选》

57. The President was forced to resign.


58. They had remained loyal to the president.


59. The president proclaimed a state of emergency.


60. The President should stand above party politics.


61. The new President takes office in January.


62. What the president has said applies only to the students who cheat on tests.


63. Inquire firm work jointly with abc company impression quite reliable president rather calculating.


64. Research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job as president of the new company.


65. President of PKU Xu Zhihong and other leaders presented at the ceremony with PKU students.


66. The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor.


67. Pew President Andrew Kohut summed up the Iraq war's impact.


68. Both Presidents McKinley and Kennedy were being photographed at the moment of their assassinations.


69. Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs’s board as an outside director in January 2000: a year later she became president of Brown University.

2000年1月,露丝•西蒙斯以一名外部董事的身份加入高盛公司董事会; 时隔一年,她又担任了布朗大学的校长。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

70. She was now the president elect.


71. The President was forced into resigning.


72. The president received a briefing by telegram.


73. The president abrogated an old law.


74. Huang Lvxing is Guangdong green screen the president of industrial Inc. holds general manager concurrently.


75. The President is deeply concerned about this issue.


76. In a conference call with reporters, BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells explained.

在与记者的电话会议上, BP高级副总裁肯特.维尔斯对这个工程进行了解释.《期刊摘选》

77. The president is said to receive an anonymous letter yesterday.


78. NOD The president nodded and everyone sat down around the table.


79. The President should stand above party politics.


80. The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon.


81. The president has ordered a full investigation.


82. The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.


83. The President set forth his views in a television broadcast.


84. Owners, presidents, and CEOs have plenty of position power, while receptionists, clerks, and laborers typically have little or none.

公司业主 、 总裁和首席执行官,有很大的职位权力, 而接待员 、 办事员或勤杂人员一般没有什么职位权力.《期刊摘选》

85. The President is understood to have secretly left the country.


86. Currently hold the post ofNi Ji academician of president Sa Duofu.


87. The president is scheduled for a speech tomorrow.


88. The new President has been sworn into office.


89. The president has the power of veto over all new legislation.


90. The president has always enjoyed very good health.


91. The President has great personal charisma.


92. Mr. President, you're aware of the system.


93. to be made president of the students' union


94. The present president is Professor Wang.


95. Do you have any comment, Mr President?


96. When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike Chain?

究竟何时人们开始普遍认为,学生就该叫得出美国第13任总统的名字,却面对断裂的自行车链完全不知所措?《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

97. When the president died, the vice president was chosen to head the firm.

总裁去世后, 大家选举副总裁为公司主管领导.《简明英汉词典》

98. The president set out to reform the management of the university.


99. The President paid today a surprise visit to two Medicare patients.


100. Whether the president has taken bribes or not is a burning question in the university.


101. ...Alexandre de Merode, the president of the medical commission.


102. The problems facing the President are enormous.


103. Their mouthpiece is the vice president.


104. The president himself won the most votes.


105. The Key to run a school well lies in the presidents prestige.


106. But the president may be giving the financial sector too much credit

但总统可能对金融部门太有信心了。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

107. Secretary to president of Silverlion group Corporation Ltd.


108. Who succeeded Kennedy as President?


109. He's the president of a large international organization.


110. President Bush is due to visit the country next month.


111. We welcome his election as president.


112. The second objective was to ensure his own appointment as president and chief executive.


113. She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.


114. the president of Columbia Pictures


115. The president also talked about security matters.


116. His speech against the president alienated him still further from some of his colleagues.


117. An assassin was to dispatch the president and his aide.


118. To this, dong Chaohui of happy medium president expresses, won't abandon buying Huayou century.

对此, 欢乐传媒董事长董朝晖表示, 不会放弃收购华友世纪.《期刊摘选》

119. This book has a foreword by the President.


120. Edward Cowle is president and chief executive of a company called U.S. Rare Earths.


121. Li Yi of company vice president also this year Spring Festival around post.


122. They named Smith for president.


123. It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years.


124. David Ramsay president of the University of Maryland at Baltimore.


125. Executive power is held by the president.


126. President Barack Obama declared in a speech last month to the Center for American Progress.

这是贝拉克 · 奥巴马总统在上个月向美国发展中心做的一次演讲中说到的。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

127. If you wish further references , please communicate with Mr. Li Hua, President of Tongda Wood Company.

如还需要的话, 您可与通木器公司董事长李华先生联系.《期刊摘选》

128. He was elevated to the post of president.


129. They're harder to find and they have job offers, says Jay Dunwell, president of Wolverine Coil Spring, a family owned firm.

金钢狼螺旋弹簧有限公司(一家家族企业)的董事长杰·邓威尔说,“工人很稀缺,他们有很多工作机会。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

130. The next president could abrogate the treaty.


131. The plan to murder the president went off at half cock because the signal was given before It'should have been.


132. Mr. Brewster, this is Mr. Chen, our president.

布鲁斯特女士, 这是我们的董事长陈先生.《期刊摘选》

133. “While these numbers are still being validated by the state, we feel any adjustments they might suggest will be immaterial,” Morgan wrote to the presidents.

“尽管这些数据尚处在州政府的验证中,但我们认为数据可能显示出的任何校正信息都不要紧。”Morgan 在给各校长写的信中说。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

134. The President doesn't need a primer on national security.


135. The president ousted after a string of scandals.


136. A president of a company as a representative person should be a manager of grading.


137. The responsibility for the company's bankruptcy lies just on its president.


138. The President made a personal appearance at the event.


139. You, as network president Li Zhu, In an interview that such.


140. Mr. Putin was inaugurated as the President of the Russian Federation.


141. Company president ZHENGLINGXIANG Sir graduated from medicine department university mouth cavity in Harbin fasten.


142. Philipp Hildebrand , president of Switzerland's central bank, expressed similar doubts.

瑞士央行总裁 PhilippHildebrand 也表示出同样的疑虑.《期刊摘选》

143. The US president is making a return visit to Moscow.


144. They rolled out the red carpet for the visiting president and his party.


145. His criticisms of the president stirred up a hornet's nest.


146. When Mary's supervisor said went over her head to a vice president.


147. The thing now is to see the president at once.


148. In a rousing speech, the President hit out against the trade union.

在一次令人振奋的讲话中, 总统对工会进行了猛烈的抨击.《简明英汉词典》

149. The president is not satisfied with what John said any more than you are.


150. The new President takes office in January.


151. The problems facing the President are enormous.


152. There was an amused look on the President's face.


153. Two out of three people think the President should resign.


154. She takes orders only from the president.


155. The President hits town tomorrow.


156. Mr. President, this is my assistant, Mr. Duff.

总裁先生, 这位是我的助手达夫先生.《期刊摘选》

157. The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.


158. The President will support any efforts to bring about a ceasefire.


159. The old man is our president in name only.


160. He is a immediate successor to the president of the company.


161. President, chief executive officer, board of directors establish overall direction. Senior operating manager assure regulatory compliance.

董事长, 总裁, 董事会成员确定总体方针. 高层运行管理者确保对法律的遵守.《期刊摘选》

162. Oscar: Did you take breakfast to your mom on Mother's Day?

奥斯卡: 母亲节那天你给你妈妈端去早餐了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

163. Both spoke highly of the Russian president.


164. The President signed the death warrant.


165. Tears came to her eyes when she accepted the certificate granted by the president.


166. One of the stories I always like to tell is of a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university

我总爱说起的故事之一发生在我在哈佛大学有幸教授的一堂大一研讨课上,当时我是哈佛大学的校长。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

167. Teachers make him as a President.


168. Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford George H.W. Bush all had offices in this building before becoming president.

西奥多罗斯福、富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福、威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱、德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊, 杰拉尔德·福特和乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什,在他们成为总统之前都曾在这栋楼里办公。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

169. The eyes of the world are on the President.


170. His aim was to become president.


171. The rumours eventually reached the President.


172. The President named him to head the delegation.


173. I wish I had connections with the president.

(真希望我也能和董事长拉上关系. )《期刊摘选》

174. The President's health was giving serious cause for concern.


175. The president tried to suborn false witnesses.


176. The HR manager has gained the trust of both the president and the labor union.


177. The company president just described bare bones of his future plan.


178. Mourners have been steadily streaming by the flag draped casket of former President Gerald Ford.


179. ...President Mubarak...


180. The president studied his two able students and asked, Have you prayed on this grave problem?

校长朝两个都颇有出息的学生瞧了一会儿,问道: “ 在这个严肃的问题上你们祷告了没有? ”《辞典例句》

181. I left a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Liu.


182. The President has a punishing schedule for the next six months.


183. The president says, I should write down your serious offence!

校长说, 我要记你大过!《期刊摘选》

184. Do you have any comment, Mr President?


185. The president will keep the support of the party faithful.


186. President Kao didn't make it clear in his telegram.

高校长给我的电报没说明白. ”《汉英文学 - 围城》

187. Are you acquainted with the president of the university?

你认识这个大学的校长 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

188. The president accredited Mr. Brown as his representative.


189. The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer.


190. President of school will visit our quarters.


191. This is our Vice President, Ms Susan Barnes.

这位是我们的副总裁, 苏珊?巴恩斯女士.《期刊摘选》

192. He is the company president and majority owner and what he says goes.


193. Dean Granholm, the vice president for delivery and post office operations, said the first waves of closings would begin this fall

主管邮递和邮局运营的副总裁Dean Granholm说,第一波关停将于今秋开始。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

194. He went off in a huff just because we failed to nominate him as club president.


195. the bank president


196. He continued as president.


197. a presidential campaign/candidate/election

总统竞选活动 / 候选人 / 选举《牛津词典》

198. Before joining Suncor in 1996, Sue was vice president of human resources at TransAlta Corporation.

之前于1996年加入森科尔, 苏是人力资源的副总裁在公司的财务科.《期刊摘选》


1. And so in the case of A Mask here, it's the Lord John Egerton, the Earl of Bridgewater who commissioned Milton to write a piece honoring his own inauguration in his new role as the Lord President of Wales.

所以在《面具》这个例子中,是贵族约翰埃杰顿,布里奇沃特伯爵,指派弥尔顿去写一篇文章,来歌颂他掌管威尔士的就职典礼的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. I am also president of Mathis Brothers Software Pathology We exam websites and software for unfair outcomes.

我也是马西斯&布拉泽斯软件病理协会的会长,协会主要研究网站与软件中存在的不公平现象。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. They say that if we didn't have a Royal Family, we would just have a president, but, so what?

他们说,如果我们没有皇室,我们就会有总统,但是,那又怎样?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国皇室的意义

4. Indeed, Saddam's sentencing was only a brief interruption in the president's final campaign swing.

NPR: Bush, Democrats Weigh In on Saddam Sentence

5. The tax extension compromise reached by President Obama and House Republicans is mildly good.

FORBES: America's 12-Step Program

6. Peter Pace as the nation's top military officer and the senior military adviser to the president.

NPR: Joint Chiefs Nominee Expects More Results in Iraq

7. In New York, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said President Obama will regret saying that Iran has been building a secret facility.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

8. Zaffaroni also brought in Steve Goldby, who was president of drug company Alza, another Zaffaroni company.

FORBES: The World's Fastest Chemists

9. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the NATO allies are pleased to work with the new American president.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

10. President Obama said in late June that he is determined to enact a major reform at the end of the summer.

奥巴马总统六月份时说,他坚决,要在夏天结束前实施改革。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

11. Some of you may know that name because she went on later to become the President of the University of Pennsylvania and now is the President of the Rockefeller Foundation.

有人可能知道她,后来,她成为了,宾夕法尼亚大学的校长,现在是洛克菲勒基金会主席。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The President has been snookered on this issue.


13. There are these enormous statues. One of the statues is the President Theodore Roosevelt on a horse, on horseback.

有很多巨大的雕塑。其中一个雕塑是西奥多•罗斯福总统骑在马背上。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国的博物馆教育

14. The board hires the president or chief executive officer and other top officers of the company and they serve as employees of the board.

董事会雇用首席执行官,以及公司的其他高层,这些人就是董事会的雇员金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference in Washington, said many scholars acknowledge Serra's complicated legacy.

CNN: Pope Francis canonizes controversial saint Serra

16. So in October 2002 Gail hired Kent Edwards, president of Medical Claim Assistance in Oklahoma City.

FORBES: Hired Guns

17. Why should the government and why should President Bashir take U.S. threats seriously at this point?

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

18. In North Dakota's presidential primary, Republicans endorsed President Bush.


19. Previously, Kayyem was President Obama's Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security.

CNN: About

20. While still in college he was an advanceman for (then) Vice President George H.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Michael Smerconish - Host

21. Last week,President Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev signed a nuclear arms agreement in the Czech Republic.

VOA : special.2010.04.17

22. Beaming, the 63-year-old president of Star Scientific hands over the bag as if it contains gold.

FORBES: Blowing smoke

23. They campaigned against it even though the president and secretary of labor said they supported AHPs.

FORBES: Head To Head: Small-Biz Health Care

24. Other winners included Glee's Ryan Murphy TV comedy, The New Normal, and former president Bill Clinton.

BBC: DiCaprio and Theron celebrate lawyer at Glaad awards

25. "This was an exciting day, " said Dan Mead, president and chief executive officer for Verizon Wireless.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

26. Dr. FRAZER: Well, President Bush, in his speech, said it's a matter of weeks.

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

27. President Obama, I think, recognized that and has said that there are other people in this administration looking at those questions.

总统奥巴马认识到了这一点并说过过,政府中还有其他人,在关注那些问题。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

28. The Democrat rose from vice president to president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in April of eighteen sixty-five.

VOA : special.2010.02.11

29. Aristotle could never endorse the view stated by a famous American president that the business of America is business.

亚里士多德从未认可,那种由一位著名美国总统所说的主张,即美国的本分就是交易。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Not long ago President Nazarbayev declared that his government would take greater control of energy resources.

FORBES: Power Putsch

31. Martin Seligman It was started in 1998, when Martin Seligman was the president of the American Psychological Association.

始于1998年,美国心理学协会当时的主席。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

32. At a campaign rally in Virginia, Mr Romney did not respond directly to the president's criticism.

BBC: Mitt Romney admits 47% remark was 'completely wrong'

33. President Obama called President Dmitri Medvedev on Thursday to tell him that American firefighting equipment is on the way.

VOA : special.2010.08.14

34. During the administrations of President Warren Harding and President Calvin Coolidge, many companies grew larger,creating new jobs.

VOA : special.2010.12.30

35. He will be inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States, and the first black president, on January 20th.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

36. He served as vice president for about a year and a half before the death of President Taylor.

VOA : special.2009.04.09

37. His secret weapon at Nextlink is its chairman, Daniel Akerson, the former president of MCI.

FORBES: "We're On A Collision Course"

38. This will take two months, after which the commission will make its recommendation to the president.

BBC: Despatches

39. Mollyann Brody is Vice President for Public Opinion and Media Research for the Kaiser Family Foundation.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes

40. Visitors to his shack have included President Richard Nixon: 'I was a big fan.

BBC: Escape from New York

41. That's why the President, again, in Ohio, will speak with voters about their anxieties and concerns.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

42. The president's impulsiveness often worries his advisers.


43. The president's popularity has dipped again.


44. The principality will "gradually meet international tax standards", according to the office of the French president.

BBC: Andorra to introduce income tax for first time

45. Ms. Frazer, what was your message to President Bashir on the war in Darfur?

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

46. We should also say that this is part of the mission of the President's Council.

我们还应该说,这就是总统委员会使命的一部分。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

47. Laszlo Birinyi Jr. is president of Birinyi Associates, a financial-consulting firm in Westport, Connecticut.

FORBES: Uncharted territory

48. He is the President of the Evens Foundation, Antwerp, Jury on Intercultural Education Awards.

UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Coordinator

49. Nothing preoccupies a president more than putting troops and arms away and the president is no different from that.

没有什么事比向外派遣部队和武器,更让总统忧心伤神的了,布什总统也不例外。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

50. In nineteen eighty, he supported the Republican candidate, Ronald Reagan, for president over the Democrat, President Jimmy Carter.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

51. After the speech, the president took questions from an audience that contained many foreign policy experts.

NPR: Bush Touts Progress, Warns of Iran's Influence

52. In nineteen sixty-eight, President Johnson surprised the nation by announcing that he would not seek reelection as president.

VOA : special.2010.09.26

53. She doesn't get to be president, sorry and you end up with a left wing president, Which you didn't like.

她不会当选总统,并且造就了一个,你很不喜欢的左派总统博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. It was a kind of powerful moment in American culture where the president allied himself with poetry in this way.

这在美国文化中是个伟大的时刻,这时总统用这种方法把自己和诗歌连接。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. In South Korea, President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak discussed a free trade agreement signed by their governments two years ago.

VOA : special.2009.11.21

56. They visited a refugee camp in Darfur, and they met with Sudanese President Omar Bashir.

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

57. The president was asked the approximate total number of Iraqis who've been killed in the war.

NPR: Bush Touts Progress, Warns of Iran's Influence

58. You can put the president on the board, you've got to go get at least two other board members and then we, as investors will bring one board member."

你可以让总裁进入董事会,还得再找两个董事,然后我们,作为投资方还会出一个董事“戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

59. President Obama is back from his first trip to Asia since becoming what he called "America's first Pacific president."

VOA : special.2009.11.21

60. President Obama, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari met Wednesday at the White House.

VOA : special.2009.05.09

61. He was beaten into third place by Fernando Haddad of President Dilma Rousseff's Workers' Party.

BBC: Eduardo Paes re-elected as Rio de Janeiro mayor

62. We had African chieftains involved, we had the Vice-President of Ghana and the President of Togo and on and on and on.

当时还有非洲酋长参与,还有加纳的副总统和多哥的总统,等等等等美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. On Thursday Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks on Syria with his French counterpart Francois Hollande.

BBC: Syria conflict: John Kerry extends US aid to rebels

64. The secretary said she and President Obama were "encouraged" by the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu and President Mahmoud Abbas.

VOA : special.2010.08.21

65. The President's tactics could backfire.




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