social background翻译_social background短语搭配_social background权威例句

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social background

网络 社会背景;社会的背景;时代背景

英 [ˈsəʊʃl ˈbækɡraʊnd]play 美 [ˈsoʊʃl ˈbækɡraʊnd]play

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1. Reflects the social background 反映了当时的社会背景

2. one's social background 身后

3. The Social Background 社会背景 ; 第七卷

4. Reflecting the prevailing social background 反映了当时的社会背景

5. social background report 社会背景报告

6. Different Social Background 不同社会时代背景

7. Story social background 故事的社会背景

8. Social background of the story 故事的社会背景


1. It is against this social background that advertising has developed so much in the world.


2. Social Background and Application Prospects of Emerge and Development of Information Architecture


3. The origin of social law is based on its specific culture and social background and legal environment.


4. There is profound epochal and social background behind the construction of statistical culture.


5. As for the translation strategy, it may vary under different social background and for specific purpose.


6. At the beginning, "after 80s" growth of the social background is analyzed.


7. The research found that it was the style of parenting, rather than income or social background, that developed the strength of character.


8. On the Social Background of the Development of Plaintiffs Qualification in Administrative Litigation


9. This article studies the main characters in Wuthering Heights from their relative growth environment and social background.


10. This paper explains the social background of the formation of comfortable sport;


11. The raw exam results make no allowance for social background.


12. These diagrams show a more general social background.


13. The book also examines why people pick partners with a similar social background.


14. However the government auditing system should adapt to its politics, economy, social background and environment.


15. And analyzes the historical origin and social background.


16. The emergence of China's family enterprises has their profound system, market, legal, and social background.


17. And the level of sensation seeking is influenced by diversified social background factors.


18. Evidently, the education of loving science has its own social background.


19. My thesis also seeks to prove that Gissing's ambivalent attitude to the poor is due to the social background of his times and his own unique experience.


20. This paper explores the social background of brides and grooms in the cross - border marriages in Taiwan.


21. The understanding of a novel would not be complete if the historical and social background was not taken into account.


22. Each period military uniform design element there are countless positive connections to at that time influence and social background that fashion design.


23. From the social background to analyze of China dubbed film development has great theoretical significance and practical value.


24. Demonstration of conception, creating method, social background, main contents and significance of the research.


25. French business may be particularly full of networks, but every country has its cliques, whether based on education, social background or spiritual beliefs.


26. Methods in the design of the modern human psychology and contemporary social background explanation.


27. Such a scenario is particularly worth praising against the social background of a generation that is greatly spoiled.


28. People always put the thought of civil society in their social background.


29. By the analysis for the social background of waterproof design the paper presents the basic reasons that confine the technology progress of waterproof.


30. A Comparison of Elementary Education between China and India: An Analysis on Social Background Factors


31. Researches into the status quo of humane spirit under harmonious social background


32. Contexts involve texs, actual situation, social background and so on.


33. Each stage language policy includes social background, legal reflect, content and evaluation.


34. This text is also at the time of the specific written social background.


35. Although they each lived in societies two thousand years apart, both have many similarities regarding social background and thoughts on social reformation.


36. The foreword introduces the social background and the significance to study small claims procedure in our country.


37. One is the social background.


38. The fourth part discusses the relevance between Ben-Mo ideas and the social background of that time.


39. Here, three couples share their stories on having a relationship with someone from a totally different cultural and social background.


40. Introducing social background of every period of recent years, analysis the characters of street fashion style in every period.


41. Information informants have a complex social background, not only from competition between media.


42. This thesis analysis the variety factors and the social background on the development of the people mediation in recent years.


43. Third, social background and source of practice.


44. The Social Background of Sport of Ancient Chinese Prose


45. Lightening the students' burden and carrying out happiness education are important questions for educational research in the current social background.


46. Her life and the social background make a great influence on her.


47. David Cameron, their leader, trades on his youth as much as Gordon Brown, the prime minister, burnishes his middle-class social background.


48. Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.


49. Social background of the waterproof design


50. The raw exam results make no allowance for social background.


51. The third chapter compares two works of social background.


52. The Social background of the development of sport for all in the world was analyzed based on information theory and research methods.


53. Analytics of Social Background in Comparative Law


54. The foreword introduces the social background and the significance to study small claims procedure in our country.


55. On the Social Background of Literary Thinking in Song Dynasty


56. Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.


57. Chapter one: The social background.



1. He believes that every child has a basic human right to decent education, but also that the education process itself should be as inclusive as possible to ensure high standards are achieved regardless of gender, nationality or social background.

UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

2. These include the proportion of children under five on free school meals achieving a "good level of development" compared with other children, attainment at age 16 of those eligible for free school meals and higher education enrolment by social background.

BBC: Birth weight among social mobility checks - Nick Clegg

3. However, there is concern that the social background may deteriorate if the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party were to run the government.

CNN: India Set to Pick Up Pace

4. Miss Thapar acknowledges that her generation of historians came from the political left but says their views reflect their background in the social sciences more than their politics.

ECONOMIST: Rewriting history for schools

5. Kinsley said the base was requesting each individual's full name, including middle initial, driver's license, and full social security number, in order for background checks to be performed before the race, compared with the standard procedure of first and last name and last four digits of one's social.

WSJ: Triathlon in New Mexico Canceled Due to Security Concerns

6. Specific kinds of discriminatory attitudes are rooted in history and influenced by the general social background that characterizes a particular region.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

7. Socialitical has a background in social media marketing but has adapted its techniques for the election cycle and now offers Facebook political campaign strategy, and is expanding into Twitter for political campaigns.

FORBES: Will The US Election Be Won on Facebook?

8. Fred has a background in social enterprises so his Facebook platform has a strong social change orientation, through games.

FORBES: If Life is a Game, Let The Web Be Its Stage (Sorry Shakespeare)

9. Whenever biology meets behaviour the spectre of social Darwinism and eugenics looms menacingly in the background.

ECONOMIST: The biology of business

10. Sandi, who does not come from a social media writing background has over 1o0, 000 on both.

FORBES: How To Build a Facebook Fanbase By Monday

11. Each student was assigned to interview 15 persons of varied social background, gender and age.

UNESCO: Opinion survey

12. There has been much debate about social mobility in the UK - with concerns that there remains too strong a link between social background and educational achievement.

BBC: UK pupils 'among least likely to overcome tough start'

13. Social Intelligence Corp. is essentially taking the traditional background checks that are commonly used by corporate human resource departments to look for things like criminal records and moving them online to track social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, LinkedIn, and individual blogs.

FORBES: Creepy Start-Up Or Sign Of The Times?

14. Students were given new experiences to build background knowledge and practice social skills.

WHITEHOUSE: Finding Opportunities to Make a Difference

15. There have also been fears that the types of subjects and qualifications taken by pupils can be divided by social background - such as modern languages becoming increasingly dominated by pupils in independent schools.

BBC: English lit 'shunned by students'

16. There are no characteristics in terms of age, sex, social or cultural background -- the only characteristic is to live relatively close to the area where the projects are carried out, in Paris.

CNN: Bone people: The explorers of the Parisian catacombs

17. It is also a sign of our nation's tolerance that in most cases no matter what your age, sex, ethnicity or social background you can be as you wish, wear what you like and walk down any high street without feeling alienated.

BBC: Crossing Paths with Niall McDiarmid

18. Apple says constant fetching of hundreds of social-networking updates in the background would kill the battery too quickly.

WSJ: New iPhone Keeps Apple Top of Class

19. In order to adapt to the special lifestyle of the nomads and their social and economic background, RLEK employed a series of innovative measures.

UNESCO: Teaching the Nomads in the Wild

20. The brochure includes a letter from the university's vice-chancellor, Colin Lucas, in which he emphasises his commitment to recruiting the best students, "regardless of social or educational background".

BBC: Oxford reaches out to state schools

21. Headteachers in the borough were furious at the manner of her departure, though critics locally say she was hampered in the post by having no social work background.

BBC: Profile: Sharon Shoesmith

22. From Turkey Twizzlers to MPs suggesting a correlation between a child's weight and their social background, obesity is a hot topic and an ever-growing public health issue.

BBC: Child obesity: Who are you calling fat?

23. It binds together people from different social strata and ethnic background with diverse social practices, beliefs, professions and languages.

UNESCO: Culture

24. Or you can render a video in Windows in the background while checking on your social networks on Android.

ENGADGET: Origin and CUPP wed x86 and ARM in 11-inch gaming laptop, we go hands-on (video)

25. "Pride of ownership" was a favorite phrase of my father's, embodying an idea real as bread to a man of his background, one having to do not with social competitiveness or conspicuous consumption but with his standing as a manly provider.

NPR: Roth Rewrites History with a 'Plot Against America'

26. Her stalker, an ex-colleague with a military background, harasses her through social-networking sites, threatening physical attack on her family.

ECONOMIST: The internet allows the malicious to menace their victims

27. It is to give parents of every racial and social-class background the examples, encouragement and supports they need to help their children experience the joy of learning and develop ambitious attitudes and habits of mind that will serve them well throughout their lives.

CNN: Commentary: What parents can do for their kids

28. For all of her business-friendly policies, Rousseff also stays true to her background in social justice.

FORBES: Power Woman Dilma Rousseff: Brazil's Entrepreneur-In-Chief

29. They are also likelier to have lower incomes in early adult life regardless of their skills or social background, something that may partly be the result of discrimination at work.

ECONOMIST: That other national expansion

30. Telford, the court heard, had also refused to co-operate with a social worker preparing a background report.

BBC: James Kerr



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