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v. 推进;推动;驱动;驱使;迫使;推搡


英 [prəˈpelz]play 美 [prəˈpelz]play

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propel /prəˈpɛl/ CET6 TEM8 [ propelling propelled propels ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 To propel something in a particular direction means to cause it to move in that direction. 推进

    The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.


  • 2.
    与形容词结合的复合词 -propelled combines with nouns to form adjectives that indicate how something, especially a weapon, is propelled. (与名词结合构成形容词) …推进的

    ...rocket-propelled grenades.



1. culture propels 文化推动

2. effectively starts and propels 有力地推动


1. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.


2. The centralized accounting system propels the function of financial supervision forward.


3. It also states luxury can propel vanity into dangerous places.


4. And it is this liquidity and quality of information that ultimately propels economic growth.


5. Adopting piston pump with fixed stroke, the piston directly propels the diaphragm, thus deleting the complex mechanic stroke adjustment equipment.


6. Thus we must take steps to propel urbanization.


7. It USES a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car.


8. The motor drives a gear at the top of the tail, causing the tail to swing back and forth, which propels the robot upward.


9. Based on it this paper analyses the affecting factors that FDI propels china's technology progress.


10. The thing that propels many already committed people to ply the art of woo, however, is often not doubt.

推动已拥有承诺关系的人们调情的却不是“怀疑”, 而是好奇心。

11. Secondly, innovation propels the development of human society;


12. Advanced batteries are moving out of specialized markets and creeping into the mainstream, signaling a tipping point for forward-looking technologies such as electric cars and rooftop solar propels.


13. Economic development and progress in morality propel a city's development.


14. The development of component technology propels the development of Distributed Object Technology.


15. An electric motor propels the bus, but its regenerative braking system also pressurizes hydraulic fluid.


16. Something , such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel, that propels or provides thrust.


17. A hot-burning drive motor propels the central gripping tread that runs the entire length of a Persuader's frame.


18. The electrochemical circuitry that propels information around that forest, from nerve to nerve, has generated its own fabulous images.


19. We must positively propel the innovation and reformation of moral education towards subjectivity.


20. It is impossible for only one person to propel the car up the ramp.


21. GE says it has shaved 136kg, or 3%, off the weight of an engine that propels the Boeing 787 using a ceramic-composites fan case and blade, a world first.


22. We must develop industries with local advantages and propel the development of key areas.

积极发展有特色的优势产业,推进重点地带开发。《provided by jukuu》

23. Do this when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. This propels your subconscious into thinking a certain way.


24. Concept of Scientific Development to Propel All Work of Petroleum Economics Commission


25. Without regard for outside circumstance, a twist of the key propels me onward.

无论外在情况如何, 轻轻扭动钥匙就带领我前进.《互联网》

26. Self - doubt is not one of the qualities that propels them to the top.

自我 怀疑并非是将他们推上高层的素质之一.《互联网》

27. The fast development of the information technology propels the replacing of the computing mode.


28. They saw the first ship to use turbine to propel forward in the world.


29. Finally, we raised specific tactics to propel the adjustment of industrial structure.


30. The Contradictory Movement Between Economic Development and Resource Environment is a Power to Propel Sustainable Development


31. Establish House Companies and Propel the Reform of Housing System of State-owned Enterprises


32. In propels BMR and ERP in order to achieve Intergration Marketing, Powerful Product, and Technical Progress.

在这个不断进取的过程中,公司采用了BMR和ERP系统以达到开拓市场 、 增强品质, 并取得技术进步的目的.《互联网》

33. The development of economic globalization directly propels the trend of legal globalization.


34. Fresh water is used to feed people and propel machines.


35. She went on to say how her "dream" propels her to her current standing in the company.


36. How did the supply and Marketing Cooperative propel sysytem innovation?

供销社如何有效推进体制创新?《provided by jukuu》

37. Study on Updating Teaching Ideas to Propel Solidly the Reform of Bilingual Education


38. As an economic boom propels more people in India into the ranks of the wealthy, they are acquiring a taste for the good life.


39. Suggestions are also put forward to effectively propel the implementation of the National Fitness Program.


40. The new instrument s propel nuclear medicine forward.


41. It propels the process of agglomeration of industry and urbanization.


42. Lead and Propel the Extension and Conversion Work of Environmental Protection Technologies to Realize Socialization


43. Heighten Insurance Study Work, Propel Insurance Theory Innovation


44. Strengthen Woodland Protection, Propel the Construction of Socialist New Countryside Forward


45. A kangaroo , unlike a horse or a dog, propels itself by pushing with its tail.

袋鼠, 和马不同,和狗不同, 袋鼠靠尾巴推动前进.《互联网》

46. I believe that a sense of the unknown propels us in all of our creative activities, from science to art.


47. Great language is fresh, full of sensory detail when appropriate and propels your essay forward in invigorating ways.


48. The wind propels a sailing boat.


49. The propels the body forward, rather than upward, with less fatigue.

前步幅带动身体前进, 而不是向上, 这样不容易疲劳.《互联网》

50. The unraveling of a sometimes tangled web propels our work, in tandem, through the realization of their individuality.


51. Adversity is the catalyst that forces us to stretch. It propels us to find solutions to problems we never would have considered if not for adversity.


52. In addition to China, the strong rebounds from a few major economies, including the United States whose growth is projected at 6.8 percent, will propel the global economy to expand by 5.6 percent this year, the fastest post-recession pace in 80 years, according to the report.


53. Steam propels this ship.


54. Study of Water Saving Construction for Propel Type Washing Machine


55. Human capital investment propels the corporate, industrial, social and economic growth.


56. It is the primordial force that propels us forward.


57. Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.


58. Development finance can fund and work to propel system building.


59. It is pressure that propels our progress and contributes to our success.


60. The power of ideas and the ability to turn them into useful things is what propels us forward as a society.

点子 的力量和将它们转化成有用的东西的能力是将我们如社会一样向前推动的源动力。


1. Again, I'm repeating a theme that is in my book, New Financial Order, that financial innovation and insurance innovation is a succession of inventions and each invention propels the idea more forward.

我要再一次强调我的《金融新秩序》,这本著作的主题之一就是,金融创新与保险创新,是前后相继的一系列创新活动,每一步创新都推动着保险理论向前发展金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Because what propels Brandon what offers thrust and torque, if not meaning, to his existence is sex.

NEWYORKER: Hot and Bothered

3. But courageous thinking is also what propels our lives, and our society, forward.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

4. The hope the one that propels all missions to Mars is to find a set of conditions that would allow living creatures to survive.

ECONOMIST: Exploring Mars

5. People have been talking about episodic content for years, and this could be the game that finally propels it to a mainstream development choice.

FORBES: Telltale Reveals Impressive Sales for 'The Walking Dead'

6. Vimensio propels the boundaries to teach, learn, build and create in a new dimension.

ENGADGET: Leonar3Do launches HelloVR, Vimensio platforms to bring 3D computing into the mainstream

7. It is this view that propels Obama from one international apology tour to the next and causes him to air the CIA's laundry in public.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: One civilization clashing

8. Establishing an informed compensation strategy, which reinforces equity and fairness among employees, helps inspire employees to give above and beyond what is required and propels them to a high level of performance.

FORBES: Are You Paying the Right Price for Employee Loyalty?

9. Too often ego, and desire for adulation, propels superstars to outweigh their welcome.

FORBES: Pope Benedict: Leadership Lesson for People in Power

10. It has a strong, well-paced story that propels it forward, but you can diverge from that path, backtrack, and explore.

FORBES: Watch The New 'BioShock Infinite' Gameplay Trailer

11. If channeled properly by respecting property, maintaining honest money, administering the rule of law blindly and regulatory infrastructures protecting persons and property without inhibiting invention the profit motive propels a mighty river towards prosperity.

FORBES: Our Denial of Nature Undermines the Economic Recovery

12. In E-mode, only the 114-hp rear electric motor propels the vehicle and the TDI engine is shut off and decoupled from the drivetrain.

ENGADGET: VW unveils CrossBlue plug-in SUV with iPad mini headrests and 85MPGe efficiency (eyes-on)

13. Finally, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms weighs in with strict rules on transporting and storing the motors and prohibitions on the most powerful fuels like cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, the stuff that propels military missiles (see box).

FORBES: "Let's Punch A Hole In the Sky"

14. Whether it propels property developers into more new starts is another matter.

FORBES: Standard Chartered Sees Chinese Housing Rebound In 2013

15. Yet the limited government theme of the 2010 elections, in which Perry easily won a third term, was a validation of his legacy in Texas and may be what propels him to the nomination.

FORBES: Rick Perry Could Be the Candidate For These Uncertain Times

16. That's debatable (you have to cut down more forest to grow them), but they indisputably are benefiting from the same leftist zeitgeist that propels the solar energy business.

FORBES: In The Sunshine

17. Wholeness is what continuously propels a sustainable workplace, encourages innovation and what ultimately make leaders more effective.

FORBES: Connect

18. We love plug-and-play simplicity, and efficiency propels most corporations.

FORBES: Brand Management: No Plug-and-Play Proposition

19. But a system that propels nonentities to the front does not lend itself to dictatorship either.

ECONOMIST: Happy anniversary?

20. "Doc, " we learn, has ginned up a time machine out of a plutonium-powered DeLorean. (This is 1985, after all.) Following a series of high jinks and goofs the DeLorean propels Marty back to 1955.

FORBES: You Can Predict the Future

21. This force propels the swimmers out of the water, where they then fall forward, generating a horizontal wave.

MSN: Fastest swimmers make webbed hands out of water

22. Arthur's great leap may start with his view of how this all got started and what propels it: Dissatisfaction.

FORBES: Commentary

23. They return home with a burning nationalism that propels people like the Sumers to beget even more sons.

ECONOMIST: Why a strong tradition persists in defiance of the law

24. On "Voyager, " Vayenas takes a valve trombone solo that departs the Delta Quadrant, while drummer Kendrick Scott propels the ship through space.

NPR: Trombonist Nick Vayenas: A Bout Of 'Synesthesia'

25. The win propels them to the best club side to come out of Nigeria, given they are the first to make it this far in the continent's most prestigious club competition.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Enyimba win delights Nigeria

26. But the biggest obstacle is the poverty that propels millions of families to breed backyard poultry.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and bird flu

27. In a tonal composition, harmonic movement is the "plot" that propels the listener through time.

WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout

28. For many CSR professionals, a strong conviction and passion for social, economic and environmental issues propels them forward.

FORBES: When a Career Is Powered by Passion

29. The second implies that the product propels itself to the best seller list.

FORBES: Tim Ferriss On Facebook, Twitter And Building A Huge Web Brand

30. The blast of a horn propels him to one side.

NPR: 'The Swallows of Kabul' Book Excerpt













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