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1. keep on top of everything 控制全局


1. We've got to come up with a few clever strategies in order to keep our place on top.


2. W: I see. And what do you need "to keep on top"?


3. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children's reach.


4. The pay was$ 3 a day.You had to have a good pair of driving boots well caulked to be able to keep on top of the logs.


5. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations.


6. The important thing is to keep on top of industry trends, and stay informed.


7. I go to the bank twice a month to keep on top of my finances.


8. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations.


9. How will I keep on top of my messages?


10. I own a small company, and we've grown quite dramatically over the past 12 months, and we really need some technological help to enable us to keep on top of everything.


11. For instance, it was common practice to place visual assets at an extremely high depth in order to keep them on top of everything else in a movie.


12. I just can't keep on top of my work.


13. If you ever wondered what is implemented on top of what and never had a time to figure it out, then keep reading.


14. Setting one up for your name and for any common misspellings of your name is a good way to keep on top of any new online content associated with your name.


15. Download Samba, and keep on top of the latest developments to the software.


16. Hopefully we can keep on top of things and show we mean to do business this season.


17. Studying isn’t hard if you keep on top of it.


18. She spoke to consumers and Chinese mine owners to keep on top of industry tastes and trends.


19. Joseph's top priority became getting his hands on enough grass-fed milk to keep customers satisfied, since his own 64-cow herd wasn't going to suffice.


20. This way, you can keep on top of guaranteeing users won't run into problems and trouble that might be brewing under the surface is put down before it can cause trouble.


21. We like to keep on top of things.

我们希望对一切事情都了如指掌。《provided by jukuu》

22. Discipline and precision keep them on top of their cheer tier.


23. I think that a really good open-heart unit needs a minimum of300 operations a year to keep it on top line.


24. Keep on top of your finances. Review you situation often, make enhancements and forge ahead. Give yourself a little treat as you achieve each milestone in your plan.


25. Nixon told a top aide to keep a file on Mr Kissinger's mental health.


26. Students need to show parents that they can keep on top of a budget by restraining their spending habits, said Gao.


27. Download Samba, and keep on top of the latest developments to the software.


28. Bankers say the atmosphere on the trading floors has been intense, with phones constantly ringing and most working flat out to keep on top of the fast-unfolding events.


29. Where to put the column – that is, to keep it on the top row, wrap it to the second row, or hide it all together.


30. Don't we have able cooks who keep on grabbing top prizes in international cooking competitions?


31. I frequently use the search tools around different topics to keep on top of what's happening.


32. Keep in mind: the 2 model layers in the mask should always be on the top. The things we put in there from now on, shall be placed in the bottom.


33. He tried to keep on top of developments in his field.

他努力掌握专精领域的新发展?《provided by jukuu》

34. Despite this, Wang Ping says authorities in China have to keep on top of changes to IPR.


35. It's about doing your best to keep on top of your field, reading sources, inside and outside of your areas of expertise, and being at the leading edge as often as possible.


36. It is very difficult to all of the blanket weed but you must ensure that you keep on top of this task as it can completely take over a pond.


37. Google search engine keep on top by its PageRank and convergence algorithm.


38. Keep on top of the Numbers.


39. Thanks for sharing - my dog gets ear infections too so I know the problem, but you have to keep on top of it.


40. But let's be honest: Unless you're Bill Gates, there's no way you can afford to keep on top of every hardware and software upgrade.


41. I go to the bank twice a month to keep on top of my finances.

我每周去银行两次,从而掌握我的财务状况。《provided by jukuu》

42. Because we have to reduce the pressure of those joints, and we do that by teaching people how to sit right, and to walk right, and to keep the head basically on top of the shoulders.


43. I learned how to keep my files in order, how to stay on top of my paperwork, to be organized at home and work.


44. Industrial process simulation system uses computer simulation and physical simulation technology to simulate the actual engineering process. Through industrial process simulation system, the skilled personnel can receive training to keep on the top of technological process, ensure the production process running smoothly and accidents handling timely.


45. Credibility is everything in any negotiation. I've learned just how important it is to keep on top of all issues involved during the negotiating process.


46. As threatening (or not threatening) as this new A350X is, wouldn"t it be in Boeing"s best interests to look into further improving the 787 … just to keep on top of things?

作为威胁(或没有构成威胁) ,因为这个新a350x是,将不会是在波音公司的最大利益,研究进一步完善787 …仅仅为了跟上再加上这件事?

47. To slave, USA needs to spend money to feed the slave and keep a baton on top of their head.


48. You will get out of shape easily if you don't keep on top of things.


49. The options are Keep on top, Hide this column, and Wrap to second row.

选项有Keep on top、Hide this column和Wrap to second row。

50. There is always too much to take care of and, with kids, neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all.


51. The medical staff have worked me a lot this week to keep me on top of the hamstring injury.


52. By lunchtime they could perform the Tony blair "power handshake"-firm, but not too firm, with a twist of the wrist to keep his hand on top.

午餐时间,他们要象托尼布莱尔那样“有力的握手”&有力,但不过分用力,手腕微弯,手掌放在对方手掌之上。《provided by jukuu》

53. The important thing is to keep on top of industry trends, and stay informed.



1. We are anticipating the GTi range to be a huge hit this Christmas, with the breakthrough pricing helping families keep on top of their budgets in the current economic climate.

ENGADGET: Ergo Electronics outs trio of budget-friendly GoTab GTi slates in the UK

2. But RIM's management believes its new wireless Web services, third party software agreements and plans to expand to new markets will keep the company on top.

CNN: How BlackBerry conquered the world

3. Even a bad CEO probably can help but keep McDonalds on top in its category because the company already has such built strengths but in sports every year, every team starts even.

FORBES: The Coaching Carousel

4. Combine that with her fragrances, fashion and films, and there might be enough dollars and attention to keep Lopez on the top of The Celebrity 100 list next year.

FORBES: The Real American Idol: How J.Lo Got Her Mojo Back

5. By smartly integrating your information, webOS seems to think ahead for you to keep you on top of the things that happen in your life, but that's just the first step.

ENGADGET: for Mobile

6. What's more, it ensures that Mr Salmond and his ministers will keep right on top of the problem.

BBC: Serious issues at first minister's questions

7. Keep in mind that this is on top of cuts already slated to happen and those that have happened already.

FORBES: IRS To Mail Out Furlough Notices Next Week, Announcing Agency-Wide Shutdowns

8. Both El-Masri and Milani say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration should keep a close eye on the top dose of Zocor.

FORBES: Merck's Possible Silver Lining: Vytorin

9. The President, while not presenting concrete proposals, has been quite clear on what he wants: to raise taxes on the top two percent, keep the Bush tax cuts for everyone else, offer only vague promises of future spending cuts, and gain the unprecedented authority to raise the debt limit without Congressional approval.

FORBES: President Obama's Legacy: $20 Trillion in Debt for 2016 Victor

10. Now keep those two or three things on the top of your to-do list.

FORBES: How to Get a Raise When Budgets Are Tight

11. The Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils across England and Wales, is warning that if councils' funding is cut, many may find it impossible to keep on top of road repairs.

BBC: 'Millions of cars' damaged by potholes

12. It pays to keep on top of things.

FORBES: By the Numbers

13. There were servants to address one's every material need, dinner in white tie and lavish gowns, and rules designed to keep the upper crust on top and the lower classes in their place.

CNN: 'Downton' in America: 6 big estates

14. But first they need to keep on top of their own voters.

FORBES: Mrs Merkel's Message to Europe: Screw The People

15. London-based Premier Christian Radio promised to play Millennium Prayer - the Lord's Prayer sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne - once an hour on Monday, and to keep it on top of its playlist until Christmas.

BBC: News | Entertainment | Christians call for Sir Cliff boycott

16. Whether using the Preva enabled 880 Line of Precor cardio equipment or wanting to track a variety of other activities such as cycling, strength training, running and more, Preva Mobile allows users to create a comprehensive log of activities, stay on top of goals and keep motivated.

ENGADGET: Preva Mobile for iOS aims to track your workouts, keep you going to the gym

17. There are other Internet-based tools you can use to keep on top of the fair value for munis you own.

FORBES: Government To Investors: Be On Guard When Buying Muni Bonds

18. "It is quite important we keep on top of this issue, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Pupils paid ?100 for turning up

19. With the scorecard showing 46-3, it was time for England's two spinners to come into the contest, and keep the home side on top.

BBC: Revitalised England beat Pakistan

20. To keep his top pitchers on normal rest, Collins will skip Jeremy Heffner on Thursday in favor of Jonathon Niese, while the Rockies will counter with Jon Garland.

WSJ: More snow forces postponement of Mets-Rockies game

21. The game could have gone either way as the promotion rivals looked to keep up the pressure on the top two.

BBC: Sport - Football - Cardiff 1-1 Blackpool

22. As the business (and the number of employees) is growing faster than we expected, we are now learning how to shed the startup mindset and operate more systematically in order to keep on top of our growth.

FORBES: To Continue Growing, Quit The Big Job

23. If my grandparents joined, we would keep the top shells on because they loved eating crab roe something that I was disgusted by at the time, but am now fond of.

WSJ: Endless-Summer Baked Blue Crab

24. That means I can keep up with Facebook on the top half of the screen, as I send email from the bottom half about all the dumb things my friends are saying on Facebook.

NPR: Review: Galaxy S4 Decent, But Filled With Gimmicks

25. Plus, that extra movement jump starts your circulatory system, which will sharpen your focus and keep you on top of your game at work.

FORBES: Here Are Some 100-Calorie Workouts For Your Work Day

26. We had some really good rallies and really good points, but I just see me keep coming out on top, so of course I like that.

CNN: Federer suffers surprise Miami defeat

27. Particularly for organizations struggling to keep on top of their most critical missions, providing visibility into, and actionable business intelligence out of the explosive surge in data, has created unprecedented challenges.

FORBES: Big Data: Big Costs, Big Risks And Big Opportunity

28. "We had a whole bunch of life jackets. (We) put it on top to keep the rain off, " Schreck said.

CNN: Family safe after Everglades adventure

29. "You keep business on you, so to speak, when you're trying to keep on top of everything else in your life, " says Brian Uzzi, professor of leadership at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.

CNN: Why we can't unplug on vacation

30. This app will scrub all of your social and productivity apps to keep you organized and on top of your world.

FORBES: SXSW - Day 2 Startup Roundup











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