enormous damage翻译_enormous damage短语搭配_enormous damage权威例句

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enormous damage

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1. "I couldn't have cared less about Wall Street, but we faced a crisis that was going to cause enormous damage to the economy, " Mr. Geithner said.


2. MM long nose, always wanted to have the wish to eliminate it, however if you are going to suffer from too frequent, it is easy to damage the pores of the skin, so that more enormous.


3. At present, computer virus enters all fields of information society, and brings enormous damage and hidden threats for computers all over the world.


4. Crime data over the years show that, theft occupies the highest proportion in various types of crimes, and burglaries is accounted for more than sixty percent in all the theft case, causing enormous damage to property every year.


5. We knew from the outset that a prolonged debate over the debt ceiling a debate where the threat of default was used as a bargaining chip could do enormous damage to our economy and the world' s.


6. These events did enormous damage to financial-market confidence and contributed to a serious credit crunch.


7. Maritime accidents often cause enormous property damage, casualties and serious environmental pollution.


8. "5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake" caused enormous damage to Dujiangyan city, some old houses were seriously damaged in Dujiangyan urban area, along with damage to these old houses new problems has been brought to the reconstruction of Dujiangyan.


9. Geological disasters not only threaten human life, but also on the human living environment and resources cause enormous damage, landslides occurred most frequently in which the impact is extremely bad.


10. The economic loss caused by collapse and landslide is about 20 billion RMB every year, which cause enormous damage to the people and our country.


11. The unusually high magnitude of Tuesday’s quake for thisregion is part of the reason it has likely caused enormous damage to Haiti.


12. This approach to the industry the damage is enormous.


13. He said the enormous fears about damage on the island state had diminished greatly.


14. Earthquake is a natural disaster which can not be avoided. It could bring about enormous damage to the safety of human survival, socio-economic development and social stability.


15. Heavily populated Port-au-Prince suffered enormous damage and aid agencies have been struggling for the past week to reach the victims.


16. From the long time, the harmful bacteria bring enormous damage to people; therefore, many countries around the world pay more attention to the research of the antibacterial materials.


17. Forest fire is one of the most major disasters in the world. There have taken place thousands of forest fires every year in China, which have destroyed enormous forest resources and economy damage.


18. Technology is a powerful instrument for good, but it has also given the possibility for just a few people to cause enormous damage.


19. But also can let oneself bear enormous damage smoking skills.


20. The noisy sound has enormous damage on human hearing, and even make people annoy.


21. Because of the special geographical location and specific national conditions, China has become one of the most earthquake-prone countries where devastation could bring an enormous amount of damage.


22. " Given the enormous damage that can be caused by even a single cyber attack, ad hoc responses will not do," the president said.


23. As the rapid growth of the international trade, the illegal international trade, which violates the intellectual property rights, is growing fast as well. The huge volumes of the illegal cases bring enormous damage to the international trade.


24. The water hazard of bridge brings enormous damage to bridge and brings huge economic loss to the country.


25. In recent years, many university student apartment fire frequently, which causing casualties and enormous damage school property, causing great importance attach by the relevant state departments and universities.


26. However, conspicuous consumption, hedonism consumption and other consumption patterns of alienation of human slavery, not only the crisis caused by the human spirit, but also on the natural environment caused enormous damage.


27. But when Banks seek to exploit their position and make a quick killing, they can cause enormous damage.


28. The unusually high magnitude of Tuesday’s quake for this region is part of the reason it has likely caused enormous damage to Haiti.


29. On 11 March, Japan was struck by a massive earthquake and tsunami, and suffered enormous casualties and damage.


30. Because today's meat industry causes enormous animal suffering and environmental damage, the best way to help is to go vegan.


31. The unusually high magnitude of Tuesdays quake for this region is part of the reason it has likely caused enormous damage to Haiti.


32. But also can let oneself bear enormous damage smoking skills.


33. Upwards of50,000 people are feared to have been killed after an enormous earthquake caused tremendous damage across Sichuan province.


34. In recent years, large area power blackouts occurred in many cities at home and abroad and caused enormous damage to society.


35. The damage this can do to a child's self-esteem is enormous.


36. Freeze-thaw damage of buildings is extremely broad, including the structure of the hydraulic structures, roads and bridges and railway bridges subjected to enormous freeze-thaw damage.


37. In college education, people give more concern on visible tort on campus than the hidden tort that is invisible, intangible and implicit, which is of enormous damage to college students.


38. Ahriman USES a corpse as a media of the black magic. The explosion of the corpse will cause enormous damage and will infect the target with disease.


39. It is difficult to detect and prevent because it has the characteristics of rapid development, diversity and concealment. Localized corrosion often gives rise to catastrophic accidents causing enormous damage to economic development and safety in production.


40. ROGER PIELKE: "Along the entire coast from Texas all the way up through Maine in the United States, there are today very few locations where a hurricane can make landfall without causing an enormous amount of damage."

Roger Pielke:“从得克萨斯州到缅因州的整个海岸,飓风在任何地方登陆都难以避免造成重大损失。”

41. Yet, despite the enormous damage to the US economy, it looks as if the "heads I win, tails you lose" pay plans that fuelled financial industry recklessness are making an unwelcome comeback.


42. Deforestation causes significant environmental damage, releasing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and causing the extinction of many animal and plant species each year.


43. Natural disasters are calamities which bring about enormous damage to human beings and their accommodations and equipments.


44. The $33 billion that they have agreed to cut will pull an enormous amount of money from the economy at exactly the wrong time, and will damage dozens of vital programs.


45. It could survive enormous battle damage, some coming home with their entire nose or tail blown off, or with huge holes in the wings and fuselage.


46. "Our initial assessment indicates that there has already been enormous damage, " the chief cabinet secretary, Yukio Edano, said.

内阁官房长官Yukio Edano表示“最初的损失报告现实,已经有了巨大而严重的损失。”

47. Sometimes, a little fatal breakdown of the system, or a disastrous error could bring us an enormous amount of damage and loss.


48. At this point the fight will begin. General Talug is wearing very heavy armor and holding an enormous Tower Shield which will absorb 100% of the damage he takes.


49. The casing damage of oil and water Wells is a puzzle in petroleum engineering, which results in enormous economic loss.


50. Abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, chemical toxicity, and oxidative stress, have enormous damage impact on agriculture and result in the deterioration of the environment.


51. Long-term intake of essence and pigment will do enormous damage to human body.


52. The unusually high magnitude of Tuesday's quake for this region is part of the reason it has likely caused enormous damage to Haiti.



1. And it demonstrated its enormous power to damage Israel's international image at will, which of course puts Israel's law enforcement and judicial arms on notice as they prosecute and adjudicate the Haaretz spy scandal.


2. The collateral damage is enormous.

FORBES: Horse Meat in Your Burger? Some Brits Are Laughing

3. The damage that was done by this recession was enormous.

WHITEHOUSE: Investing in Clean Energy Manufacturing

4. And both do enormous damage.

ECONOMIST: What price coral?

5. He insists that the damage was "absolutely enormous" and it was "an extraordinary achievement".

BBC: The Dambusters raid: How effective was it?

6. Unlike earthquakes and tsunamis that have measurable, if enormous, damage, the implications of a nuclear meltdown are less clear.

FORBES: Japan's Nuclear Crisis Puts Markets In Panic Mode

7. But when banks seek to exploit their position and make a quick killing, they can cause enormous damage.

NEWYORKER: What Good Is Wall Street?

8. But emergency officials say the enormous scope of hurricane damage has slowed down the process of getting them out of the shelters.

NPR: Amid Progress, Thousands Remain in Gulf Shelters

9. We will pay an enormous price in cleanup costs, economic losses and environmental and social damage.

CNN: What if carbon dioxide were as black as oil?

10. Take two related and deeply flawed pieces of U.S. legislation that would have done enormous damage to the Internet.

FORBES: Don't Soft-Soap SOPA

11. Although larger ships would cause more environmental damage and create an enormous rescue challenge in case of an accident, they also offer greater comfort and more amenities.

BBC: Planning your dream Antarctic vacation

12. Technology is a powerful instrument for good, but it has also given the possibility for just a few people to cause enormous damage.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth

13. "We have done very brave things in the first spending round, but we have now got to the point where further significant cuts will do enormous damage to the things that really do matter like science, skills, innovation and universities, " he said.

BBC: Lib Dem Vince Cable warning over spending cuts

14. He worries that terrorists could still cause enormous damage to the U.S. economy at a very small cost.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. He asked whether the government understood "that this will have a devastating impact on the finances of many of our universities and will do enormous damage to UK interests".

BBC: Student visa cuts 'will do enormous damage' - Labour

16. In a statement, Koizumi acknowledged the "enormous damage" inflicted by Japan's military "by colonization and invasion" during the conflict.

CNN: Japan fires military chief over WWII denial

17. Mr Quick added there is a "delicate balance" between civil liberties and the police identifying crime and stopping it and admitted that "a rogue officer has created enormous damage to the reputation of undercover officers".

BBC: Call for undercover policing inquiry

18. The logic was that this is a particularly vulnerable time for a missile, since it is moving relatively slowly and because even minor damage to an accelerating rocket could prove fatal given the enormous stresses it is subjected to.

ECONOMIST: Energy weapons: Zap, crackle and pop | The

19. Onagawa's plant was high enough above sea level to survive the tsunami without enormous damage.


20. These are people coming in, with self-inflicted illness, who are dying in front of my eyes - consuming alcohol as a pleasure, not realising the enormous damage it is doing to them.

BBC: Doctor's diary: Binge drinking

21. The business secretary questioned whether some departments should be protected from spending cuts, saying that in his department they had reached the point where further savings would do enormous damage to science and universities.

BBC: Lib Dem Vince Cable warning over spending cuts

22. Ironically, the damage economies is a huge multiple of the now enormous sums that now go to top CEOs in their pursuit of personal enrichment.

FORBES: How Change Fails: CEOs Focus On Symptoms NOT The System

23. What it proves is that terrorist attacks are very rare, and perhaps our national response wasn't worth the enormous expense, loss of liberty, attacks on our Constitution and damage to our credibility on the world stage.

CNN: Drawing the wrong lessons from horrific events













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