请问second与secondary 有何区别,谢谢!
1. second侧重顺序,意思是“第二”,与“第一”“第三”等相对比而言。如:
Argentina is the second biggest nation in Latin America. 阿根廷是拉丁美洲第二大国。
Several candidates were called for a second interview. 有几个候选人被叫来作第二次面试。
His second suggestion was little better than his first. 他的第二个建议比第一个好不了多少。
2. secondary侧重重要性或价值,意思是“第二位的”“次要的”。如:
Other people’s opinions are secondary—it’s my opinion that counts. 其他人的意见是次要的,我的意见才重要。
What matters is the size of the office. The location is of secondary importance. 关键是要看办公室的大小,位置是次要的。