人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!知识点拔高训练试题卷(含答案)

学考宝 作者:佚名



1. Can you tell any________(tradition) folk stories about the Mid Autumn Festival
2. The Englishman spent 100, 000________(pound) on his new car.
3. She never talks to________(strange) on the bus.
4. It's good for old people to go out of their rooms to enjoy the________(warm) of the sun in winter.
5. Can________(die) people come back to life
1. C     is celebrated on December 25th in many Western countries.
2. He l     in bed until his mother asked him to get up for breakfast this morning.
3. Linda received lots of p     from her parents and friends on her birthday, such as toys, cards and so on.
4. Now many people enjoy reading     (小说)written by Mo Yan.
5. Many people like spring because they enjoy the     (温暖)of spring.
parent, tradition, what, on, celebrate, to, admire, double, top, drink
The Chong Yang Festival is __1__ on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. According to the __2__ theory(理论) of “Yin” and “Yang”, both the 9th month and the 9th day of the month belong to “Yang”, and “Chong” means __3__, so it is called “Chong Yang”. Now, it is a day for the elderly(老年人). __4__ that day, children often go back to their homes and buy warm clothes, delicious food or other things for their __5__. You know, it is also an old custom __6__ climb the mountain. On the __7__ of the mountain, we can enjoy beautiful natural scenes and breathe fresh air.Besides, people can also __8__ the golden chrysanthemum flowers(金菊花), __9__ chrysanthemum wine(酒), and eat double-ninth cakes. __10__ a great festival it is!
________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________5. ________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________9. ________ 10. ________
1. 最近他吃得太多,体重增加了5公斤。
He eats too much recently and ________ ________ five kilos.
2. 我经常在9点钟到10点钟之间读书。
I usually read books ________ nine o'clock ________ ten o'clock.
3. 这部电影和那一部相似。
This film ________ ________ ________ that one.
4. 他们希望把坏运气洗去。
They hope to ________ ________ their bad luck.
5. 他们相互泼水嬉戏,玩得非常高兴。
They ________ water ________ ________ ________ and had a good time.
( )1. —Why did she give you the present
—She gave me the present ________ me.
thank B. to thank C. thanks D. to thanks
( )2. —________ your daughter is!
—Thank you.
A. What pretty girl B. How pretty girl
C. How a pretty girl D. How pretty
( )3. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, and ________ is a worker.
A. other B. another C. the other D. the others
( )4. What do you often do ________ the Mid-Autumn night
A. on B. in C. at D. with
( )5. Can you tell me ________ your bike this Sunday?
A. that I can borrow B. whether can I borrow
C. whether I can borrow D. if can I borrow
( )6. I ________ my mother will make dumplings on my birthday.
A. wonder if B. wonder that C. think if D. know whether
( )7. ________ important subject English is!
A. What a B. What an C. What D. How an
8. My family want to go to Australia ________ our vacation this summer.
A. with B. for C. to D. until
( )9. I will go to Hong Kong ________ my aunt ________ two days.
A. see; in B. see; after C. to see; in D. to see; after
( )10. Many of the boys in our class enjoy ________ ping pong after school.
A. play B. to play C. played D. playing
( )11. —Where will we ________ the guests to dinner?
—At the new restaurant near my home.
A. treat B. accept C. refuse D. repeat
( )12. We know that “Trick or treat” is a game played by children on ________.
A. the Lantern Festival B. Halloween
C. Mother's Day D. Father's Day 
( )13. We all think ________ it's fun ________ Halloween.
A. if; celebrate B. if; to celebrate
C. that; celebrate D. that; to celebrate
( )14. We can be thankful every day, not just ________ Thanksgiving Day.
A. in B. to C. by D. on
( )15. Waiting for her made me ________ quite bored.
A. feels B. feel C. feeling D. to feel
( )16. —Wow! The school uniforms can tell parents !
—Cool! So the children won't get lost easily.
A. where are their children B. where their children are
C. what do their children study D. what their children study
( )17. The TV program A Bite of China Ⅱ Chinese culinary ( 烹 饪)culture to all over the world. Many people like it.
A. solves B. spreads C. raises D. carries
( )18. Last year my sister tried to lose weight,but putting weight back on.
A. cut up B. looked up C. ended up D. cup up
( )19. Wang Wei wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. He
ZhaiZhigang very much.
A. refuses B. understands C. admires D. agrees
( )20. He promised his old friend during his stay in Beijing.
A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see
1. Is he from the United Kingdom (用I wonder 改写为含有宾语从句的复合句)
I wonder ________ ________ ________ from the United Kingdom.
2. They have already been to Qingdao many times. (用I know改写为含有宾语从句的复合句)
I know ________ they ________ already been to Qingdao many times.
3. He was very tired. (用how改写为感叹句)
________ ________ he was!
4. My brother can play both basketball and soccer. (改为同义句)
My brother can play ________ ________ basketball ________ ________ soccer.
5. What does this word mean (改为同义句)
What's the ________ ________ this word
There is an old saying: Like father like son. Here is a story about it.
Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气) and never gave a way to others. One day his father decided to (1) ______some friends to dinner. He asked his son to buy some meat in town. When the son got what his father wanted, he turned back (2) walked towards the town gate. Just then, a man was coming from outside. The gate wasn’t (3) enough to let two men in and out at the (4)_______ time. But (5) of them would not give way to the other. They stood face (6) face inside the gate hour after hour. Waited for a long time, his father was worried, “What shall I do My son hasn’t returned yet. I can’t wait any (7) .” He wanted to know what was the matter with his son. So he (8)_______ his friends at home and went to town to look for his son.
“You may take the (9) home for my friends. Let me stand here against instead him,” he said to his son when he knew what (10) . What do you think of the father If everyone teaches their children in this way, there will be no peace in the world.
What do children think about when Christmas comes Many children around the world think about holidays, Christmas __1__ under the Christmas tree and the special time with the family. They also think about a big Christmas dinner and __2__ carols(圣诞颂歌). When Christmas comes, children decorate(装饰) their __3__ with their parents and grandparents. They __4__ a Christmas tree with lights, colored balls and many other beautiful things. Many children make their own decorations at school and are very __5__ to put them up at home for the whole family to enjoy.
People usually __6__ Christmas cards from their friends and family near and far. The fridge is always filled __7__ pies, fruits and chocolates. A day or two before Christmas, the turkey appears in the fridge. People will cook turkey for Christmas dinner.
When Christmas comes, we should also remember the __8__ and homeless people. We can buy or make presents for the poor people. Why do parents __9__ their children to do that It's because they want to try to __10__ their children that it is better to give than to receive.
( )1. A. party  B. food C. song  D. presents
( )2. A. reading  B. listening C. singing  D. watching
( )3. A. families  B. houses C. schools  D. classrooms
( )4. A. cut    B. decorate C. plant  D. let
( )5. A. sad    B. sorry C. proud  D. awful
( )6. A. send  B. receive C. give  D. hear
( )7. A. with   B. for C. by  D. of
( )8. A. lonely  B. alone C. rich  D. angry
( )9. A. speak  B. let C. learn  D. ask
( )10. A. tell  B. study C. talk  D. count
Valentine's Day is a very old holiday. It goes back to the times of Ancient Rome(古罗马). One of the characters we often see on Valentine's Day is Cupid. He was the son of Venus, the goddess of love. He shoots people with arrows(箭) of love.When a man and a woman are hit by his arrows, they will fall in love.
Today people celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14. If a man and a woman are in love, they will give each other gifts. The most popular gifts are flowers(especially roses) and chocolates. Couples may also go to a restaurant for a very nice dinner or plan something else romantic.
In the United States, Valentine's Day is not just for lovers. Children make special Valentine's cards for their classmates. Families and friends may give candy or other small gifts to each other. It can be a fun day.
( )1. Who is Cupid
A. The arrow of love. B. The goddess of love.
C. The son of the goddess of love.
D. The first person to celebrate Valentine's Day.
( )2. When a man and a woman are hit by Cupid's arrows, they will .
A. fall in love B. get gifts from God
C. hate each other D. fight each other
( ) 3. What are the most popular gifts on Valentine's Day
A. Roses and chocolates. B. Roses and cakes.
C. Arrows and cakes. D. Cards and chocolates.
( )4. What do school children in the United States do on Valentine's Day
A. They plan something else romantic.
B. They make special cards for their classmates.
C. They go to a restaurant for a very nice dinner.
D. They give candy or other small gifts to each other
Weeks before Tomb-Sweeping Day on April 4 this year, hundreds of qingtuan were sold each day. The snack was still a must-have for many people.
In the southern part of China, eating qingtuan at the beginning of spring is a kind of tradition. Chinese people started to eat it more than 2,000 years ago. It is made of sticky rice(糯米) and red bean paste(红豆沙), and is famous for its softness,freshness and sweetness. The secret behind its mouth-watering taste is one of its materials—mugwort leaves (艾蒿叶). The plant is mainly found in the Yangtze RiverDelta(长江三角洲) where it has perfect conditions to grow.
People in this area usually put qingtuan on the tombs(墓) of their dead family members to cherish the past memory.Making qingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home. It really takes time and effort to make the snack.
Now, qingtuan has already spread its special taste to the northern part of China.Li Yuan, a 30-year-old engineer who grew up in Zhejiang Province, brought qingtuan back to Beijing where he works. “It tastes different in and out of my hometown,”he said. “There's no place like home.”
Qingtuan has many different tastes inside it, such as apples and bean milk, to meet customers' tastes. The difference of the taste shows that it's getting more and more popular across the whole country.
Even though there is warm weather and green leaves in spring, the season wouldn't be complete without a taste of qingtuan.
( )5. Tomb-Sweeping Day is in .
A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
( )6. Your mouth waters when seeing qingtuan because of the .
A. sticky rice B. green color
C. red bean paste D. mugwort leaves
( )7. The underlined word“cherish”in the third paragraph probably means .
A. 遗忘 B. 怀念 C. 祈求 D. 清除
( )8. We can know from the passage that LiYuan .
A. loves no place B. sells qingtuan
C. works in Beijing D. works as a cook
( )9. Which is the best title for this passage
A. Growing up in Beijing B. Planting Rice in Zhejiang
C. Meeting Customers' Tastes D. Marking the Start of Spring
一1.traditional 2.pounds 3.strangers 4. warmth 5.dead
二 1. Christmas 2. lay 3. presents 4. novels 5. warmth
三 1. celebrated 2. traditional 3. double 4. On 5. parents 
6. to 7. top 8. admire 9. drink 10. What
四1. puts on 2. from; to 3. is similar to 4. wash away 5. threw; at each other
五1-5 BDCAC 6—10 ABBCD 11-15 ABDDB 16—20 BBCCD
六1.if/whether he is 2. that; have 3. How tired 4. not only; but also 5. meaning of
七1. ask / invite 2. and 3. big/ large/ wide 4. same 5. both
6. to 7. more / longer 8. left 9. meat 10. happened
八1-5 DCBBC 6-10 BAADA
九1-4 CAAB 5—9 ADBCD


人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!知识点拔高训练试题卷(含答案)

人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!知识点拔高训练试题卷(含答案)

人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!知识点拔高训练试题卷(含答案)

人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!知识点拔高训练试题卷(含答案)



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