
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːməns]play美 [ˌaʊtpərˈfɔːrməns]play

  • n. 优胜;业绩出色

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. outperformance fee 额外收益费

2. Earnings outperformance 盈利突出表现 ; 业绩优异表现

3. rainbow or outperformance options 称超常表现期权


1. Its investment-led approach is enabling JD.com to slowly close the gap on Alibaba, reflected in rising popularity and relative share price outperformance over the past year.


2. MS Seddon believes that the drivers behind this outperformance include the fact that strong brands can more readily increase their revenues and market share. This is because people are more attracted to the products and are more likely to be loyal to them.


3. Turns out, researchers in the new field of behavioral finance have shown to my satisfaction that the outperformance is a result of how hard it is to go against the herd.


4. This comparison doesn't guarantee the outperformance of the U.S. market in the short term.


5. His biggest challenge, he says, is to continue to deliver outperformance.


6. Under decoupling, poor performance for the world should lead to greater outperformance for emerging markets.


7. The conclusion reached by the papers I've read is that the risk-adjusted outperformance more than makes up for the additional downside risk.


8. Mr Mauboussin quoted a study suggesting the outperformance of large-cap equities in the last two decades of the 20th century could be partly attributed to demand from institutional investors.


9. The outperformance of the industrial sector this year compared with the broad S& P 500 index has reflected the health of overseas markets rather than that of the US economy.


10. Because many quant models identified and attempted to exploit similar factors in the market, such as momentum and value, the more money chasing these factors, the less outperformance any individual fund could achieve.


11. There are fears it could be the beginning of the end for Apple's outperformance too.


12. Markets do throw up occasional anomalies-for instance, the outperformance of shares in January or their poor performance in the summer months-that may be too small or unreliable to exploit.


13. Each style has periods of outperformance and under performance.


14. Investing in human capital as an effective strategy for delivering outperformance might raise a few questions and eyebrows, but at AXA WF human capital, fund managers believe it will work.

将人力资本投资作为提供跑赢大盘表现的有效战略,可能会引发人们的疑问,但在axa wf human capital,基金经理认为这将行得通。

15. The outperformance of emerging markets has been helped by China, the world's biggest developing economy.

新兴市场表现优异, 是受到了全球最大发展中经济体中国的推动.《互联网》

16. But that is not the reason we expect further outperformance of emerging equity markets.


17. He rewarded them well for outperformance and fired them when they failed.


18. The most negatively portrayed companies managed to beat the market by an average of 12.4%, whereas the outperformance of the media darlings fell to just 4.2%.

最受消极反对的公司以平均12.4%的份额成功地打入市场。 然而那些以前有良好表现的媒体宠儿们却跌至只有4.2%。

19. We believe it probably is the end of Apple's outperformance.


20. In both cases the outperformance came after the 2008 ructions.


21. However, outperformance in this sector has, on the whole, come at the price of elevated risk.


22. We would love to get involved and add this investment to our portfolio as an additional source of alpha [ outperformance], she says.


23. But what about the nine months or so (and maybe longer) until that certainty and outperformance arrive?


24. Such results amply justify Goldman shares' strong outperformance of the rest of the financial sector over the period of the crisis.


25. In short, we think that the theme of em growth outperformance has staying power and has even been bolstered by the crisis.


26. This relative US outperformance is restoring the role of interest rates to foreign exchange markets.


27. Outperformance came only in the decade just gone, with emerging markets almost quadrupling investors' capital since the end of 2000.


28. Some of this outperformance stems from the relative strength of Canadian stockmarkets and property, to which Canadian pension funds have higher allocations than others.


29. In part, because investors have learned to distinguish between the market return, dubbed beta, and managers' outperformance, known as alpha.

部分原因是因为投资者们开始学会在市场收益率,复制beta, alpha即经理人的突出表现之间进行分辨。

30. Bush and crew also have documented business advantages such as revenue outperformance for these new "Great Place to Work For All." The way the 2017 Best Companies to Work For tap everyone's potential may explain the bump in stock performance this past year.


31. In the circumstances, it is not surprising that the outperformance of Nike extends to the stock market.


32. In this case an Englishwoman's home really is her castle, but the Queen's bias towards central London luxury housing ( Buckingham Palace) has been a clear source of outperformance recently.

常言道,一个英国女人的家就是她的城堡,而女王的家真的是就是城堡。不过女王对伦敦市中心奢侈住宅——白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)——的偏爱,近来对她的不凡投资收益有突出贡献。

33. But investors looking to get in on the highest growth companies face a dilemma as economic outperformance does not always translate into equity outperformance.


34. According to Credit Suisse there was a brief period of outperformance in the protected shares as short-sellers reduced their positions.


35. The outperformance is probably down to the “value” bias of the fundamental approach—buying stocks (or bonds) that look cheap on traditional valuation criteria and underweighting the most expensive.


36. While Goldman admits that buybacks are not always a reliable indicator of stock outperformance, since March 2009, stocks with new repurchase agreements have outperformed the S& P around the announcement of the buybacks.


37. More broadly, Asian Banks are beginning to show sustained outperformance relative to the most developed markets, and even compared with other emerging markets.



1. Like most unique asset classes, the index has periods of outperformance and periods of underperformance.

FORBES: A Beautiful Asset Class Few Can Own

2. The risk-adjusted outperformance ranges between 1.5% and 8.9% annually depending on the country being considered.

FORBES: Sell In May Still Working Like A Charm

3. Whatever the reason, it is clear that the allure of outperformance is strong.

FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)

4. Investors in regional banks, however, should beware of pitfalls despite this relative outperformance.

FORBES: 8 Small Bank Stocks On Sale

5. We believe that the long-term outperformance of low-risk portfolios is perhaps the greatest anomaly in finance.

FORBES: Study Turns Risk/Reward Relationship On Its Head

6. We might indeed explain the historical outperformance of stocks by an increase in the profit share of national income.

FORBES: If Even Bill Gross Of Pimco Gets This Wrong What Hope For The Rest Of Us?

7. For of course the outperformance in the investments flows to those who own the insurance company.

FORBES: Explaining The Secret Of Warren Buffett's Success: Double Leverage

8. Meanwhile shares of EADS, the Netherlands-based company that makes Airbus planes, continued their recent outperformance.

FORBES: The Formidable Dimensions of Boeing's Dreamliner Problem

9. "There's been a huge outperformance in China shares listed in Hong Kong, " he says.

WSJ: How to Play a Slowing China

10. The annual risk-adjusted outperformance ranges between 1.5% and 8.9% annually depending on the country being considered.

FORBES: Selling In May Is Very Good Advice This Year

11. But once large-cap growth takes over, he says, its outperformance can be huge and last for quite a while.

FORBES: Apple, SAP And Three Other Large-Cap Growth Stocks To Buy Now

12. None came close to projecting the level of outperformance that PWER produced in the second quarter.

FORBES: Explain This One, Part 2

13. Both authors say only stocks with ROE ratios ranking in the top 20% enjoyed clear outperformance.

FORBES: Beware: Weak Link Between Return On Equity And High Stock Price Returns

14. Extending the data through November 30, 2010 sustained the trend of outperformance for all three of the aforementioned allocation strategies.

FORBES: The Lost Decade Was A Golden Age If You Rebalanced

15. The latest outperformance of developed market equities has been driven by a clearer macro story.

FORBES: Emerging Markets GettingTired; U.S. Better...For Now

16. More likely, you may believe that the potential reward (future outperformance) outweighs the potential risk (known conflicts).

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

17. The relative outperformance of Emerging Markets vs Developed Markets became more pronounced.

FORBES: Three Positive Signs in a Dismal Market

18. An investment that should crash and burn could surprise with years of outperformance.

FORBES: Save Your Doomsday Reading for the Beach

19. An investment that logically should crash and burn could instead surprise with years of outperformance.

FORBES: Save Your Doomsday Reading for the Beach

20. Historically, companies with these characteristics have tended to be a significant driver of outperformance in the sector.

FORBES: Connect

21. We believe this will be a key factor in driving outperformance in the sector over the next few years.

FORBES: LinkedIn: Goldman Ups To Buy; Sets $135 Price Target

22. Never met him, but watched at some distance as he logged year after year of outperformance stretching over two decades.

FORBES: Leverage Bites For Banks And Even Bill Miller

23. He estimated that about two-thirds of Windsor's 3% per year market outperformance during his tenure came from dividends.


24. The results show outperformance before adjusting for risk and no material difference in return after adjusting for the four risks.

FORBES: No Free Lunch from Alternative Indexes

25. Bill Gross has an interesting piece here on the historical outperformance of stocks as against bonds or cash.

FORBES: If Even Bill Gross Of Pimco Gets This Wrong What Hope For The Rest Of Us?

26. Even if the allocation to equities was increased, the outperformance created by rebalancing still holds.

FORBES: The Lost Decade Was A Golden Age If You Rebalanced

27. Outperformance came only in the decade just gone, with emerging markets almost quadrupling investors' capital since the end of 2000.

ECONOMIST: Emerging markets may be the next bubble

28. History reminds us that different segments of the market go through extended periods of outperformance at different times.

FORBES: Forget Market Predictions, Invest On Proof

29. The outperformance has historically started about 10 days before the ex-date and continues throughout the next 40 days.

FORBES: Go Behind The Old Iron Curtain For Better Stock Bargains

30. Not surprising, with increased transparency, supposed outperformance related to formerly opaque investments tends to evaporate.

FORBES: Public Pension Suckers For Private Equity


















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