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  • n. 新闻摄影记者

复数 photojournalists

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1. PHG Photojournalist 摄影记者

2. And Photojournalist 并且摄影记者

3. Photojournalist of the Year 年度报道摄影师

4. Canon Female Photojournalist Award 佳能年度女报道摄影师奖

5. Citizen Photojournalist 市民摄影记者

6. Sports Photojournalist 年度体育摄影师


1. I was trying not to get my ass kicked, says Vancouver freelance photojournalist Richard Lam, who took the photo, when asked if he'd stopped to talk to the couple.

温哥华自由摄影师Richard Lam被问到有没有去跟这对情侣说话时,说:没有,我还得留神注意自己的安全呢。

2. The girl certainly was lovely and eager to please, but the photojournalist found the excess of zeal discomforting.


3. That morning, photojournalist Patrick Baz had been in Saddam City ( a neighbourhood of Baghdad later renamed Sadr City).


4. I started as a photojournalist by going to art school.


5. Spanish photojournalist detained by forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has telephoned his parents from a military prison in Tripoli.


6. The award, which Mr Hetherington, 37, won while working for Vanity Fair magazine, is considered one of the greatest distinctions a photojournalist can achieve.


7. "When it comes to war-fighting, ant species are more similar to humans than most other animals, even primates," ecologist and photojournalist Mark Moffett tells Danger Room.

“与其他动物相比,战场上蚂蚁的行为更接近于人类,甚至连灵长目动物也比它们不上,”生态学家、摄影记者Mark Moffett告诉我们说。

8. Chris de Bode, an award-winning photojournalist, travelled to Brazil, India, Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania to gather the stories.

Chris de Bode,一名获奖摄影记者,前往巴西、印度、巴基斯坦和坦桑尼亚联合共和国收集这些故事。《》

9. Hotel Silk Road owner Yasui spotted Bamiyan's potential when she first traveled here as a photojournalist in 1996.


10. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist.


11. If your organization is interested in connecting with an experienced photojournalist who's won an award from Chinese Photographer Association for excellence in phtographic essays, we should have a talk.

如果贵刊有兴趣与一个因优秀摄影作品获中国摄影者协会奖励的有丰富经验的摄影师记者联系,我们应该谈谈。《provided by jukuu》

12. Kevin Durant, Russ's former teammate of eight years, has a well-known interest in photography and attended Super Bowl 50 as a photojournalist for the august virtual pages of The Players' Tribune.


13. He is not a photojournalist or an artist. He just photographs "wonderful stories" that he thought.


14. Contributing editor Jim Richardson is a photojournalist recognized for his explorations of small-town life. His photos appear frequently in National Geographic magazine.


15. Mr Pan’s suggestion generated an unexpected response from Tang Ruoding, a photojournalist.


16. After having worked as a photojournalist for almost 15 years and published his work worldwide, Peter started to focus more on personal projects.


17. The player takes on the role of a photojournalist, exploring and watching the way animals behave.


18. As a photojournalist, I don't really work from a studio, but I thought of my previous visits to a small museum space in southern France called St. Paul de Vence.


19. She said the tapes were made by a young photojournalist and Beatles fan who attended the press conference.


20. For a look at the effects this has had on the city, we're now able to take you inside, the work of photojournalist Gabriel Chaim.


21. Craig Fritz began his career as a photojournalist at the Santa Fe New Mexica and was a finalist in William Randolph Hearst Foundation Journalism Awards.

Craig Fritz的职业生涯开端是新墨西哥州圣塔菲的一名摄影记者,他曾是威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特基金会新闻奖的决赛选手。

22. Andrew started his24-year long photojournalist career as he joined UPI in1983.


23. Contributing editor Jim Richardson is a photojournalist recognized for his explorations of small-town life.


24. To be a photojournalist, you should be informed.


25. Celine has become an advocate for the environment, lived in America for a time, and has a boyfriend, a photojournalist.


26. Photojournalist Sani Maikatanga, who took the photo, Shared news of the 19-year-old's death.


27. In other words, he was hardly a photojournalist in the trenches.


28. Sharing his images online, Ed's work has drawn amazed comments from fans around the world including a schoolboy in South America and a photojournalist in Japan.


29. So over the past few days a HK based photojournalist was barred entry into Macau.


30. According to a local photojournalist, more than 20 children, aged between 7-16 years old, were married in front of their village community, in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, on May.


31. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist.


32. When I met him, he was a real photojournalist.

当年刚认识他时,他还是个真正的摄影师。《provided by jukuu》

33. As a witness to events, the photojournalist sets out to chronicle what happens in the world as it actually occurs.


34. Lola volunteers as a photojournalist with both World Hope International, documenting the organization's projects in countries such as Nicaragua and Cambodia, and C.H.I.E..


35. Local photojournalist, Shankar Puri, found out about the ceremony and attended but he couldn't do anything to help, as he feared for his safety if the huge number of families found out.


36. Anna started working as a wedding photographer and photojournalist straight out of art school in 1991.


37. Simanjuntak began his career as a wedding photographer and is a self-taught photojournalist.


38. Mr Pan's call drew an unexpected response from Tang Ruo-ding, a photojournalist.


39. This only inspired him to try to become a photojournalist.


40. Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens.


41. What's he do?-He's a photojournalist.


42. Even the smallest creatures need a leg up now and a again-during storm coverage in February 2017, Jeff Ehling and photojournalist Mario Segura pulled over on Highway 290 in Dallas to film a live report as the rain moved in.


43. Photojournalist Dipankar, who took the photos in Saharsa district, says when he went into the examination hall and began taking pictures, the students did not seem worried at all.


44. Pulitzer Prize award winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice won the highly respected award in 2005 for the photographic essay "Operation Lion Heart."



1. "I have my fingers crossed that they, Instagram, will listen to the voice of the community and reverse the new terms of service, but I'm not holding my breath, " wrote photojournalist Richard Koci Hernandez, who has more than 163, 000 Instagram followers.

CNN: Instagram backtracks after user privacy revolt

2. Working as a photojournalist, he introduced himself as an ex-soldier to US marines guarding the relic and asked if he could take a piece of it.

BBC: Nigel Ely with the toppled statue

3. Captured on film by premier photojournalist Flip Schulke, the book shows Ali's determination to break out into mainstream culture.

CNN: Are you dreaming of a book Christmas?

4. Drew, a seasoned photojournalist, instinctively captured that instant and documented forever the emotional horror we experienced.

FORBES: Where Were You On 9/11?

5. She started shooting professionally in 1938 at age 25, gaining access initially because her husband was a photojournalist as well.

WSJ: Photos of India to Go on View in New York

6. The photojournalist, the country's first woman to rise to prominence in her field, chronicled India's tumultuous midcentury of liberation, war and independence.

WSJ: Photos of India to Go on View in New York

7. After John is diagnosed with a fatal illness, he quits his job and, with a photojournalist friend (Ruben Blades), wanders the underside of Hong Kong the brothels, the betting parlors, and the markets where animals are slaughtered with his video camera in search of authentic images.

NEWYORKER: Chinese Box

8. The AP said it examined his work and found nothing beyond the normal role of a photojournalist.

CNN: U.S. military frees Iraqi journalist

9. Aziz, 33, a photojournalist, was at the second-line parade when gunfire broke out at the corner of Frenchman Street and North Villere Street.

CNN: 19 injured in New Orleans parade shooting

10. And this film it was done by an American director, but it chronicles the life of a Pulitzer Prize winning local photojournalist who eventually took his own life.

NPR: Obsessed with the Africa Cup Soccer Tourney

11. Photojournalist Andrew McGregor decided that teaching his craft to others in struggling nations was a calling.

FORBES: Start-Up For Good: How To Teach Journalism In A War Zone

12. Where a photojournalist would get closer to the story and seek out the murals, the soldiers, young mothers pushing prams in front of barracks, men in balaclavas, Graham stood back.

BBC: Paul Graham: Photographs 1981-2006

13. Photojournalist Ari Seth Cohen documents street style of people older than 50 on his blog, Advanced Style.

CNN: Aging stylishly, online and in the streets

14. Javier Manzano, a Mexican photojournalist based in Kabul, recently accompanied a joint four-day mission of US and Afghan army platoons on the Afghan-Pakistani border.

BBC: Did Kabul gunbattle change Afghans' view of their army?

15. As a fellow photojournalist, Mac had empathy for the man from Fortune.

FORBES: Steve Jobs: 6 Tried-And-True Business Tips

16. Beautiful images by photojournalist Mike Rutherford accompany the collection of 100 comfort-food recipes.

CNN: America's food is as diverse as its culture

17. But the rugged IIIf remained the photojournalist's camera of choice during the turbulent post-war years until it was replaced in 1957 by the ultimate range-finder, the Leica IIIg.

ECONOMIST: A die-hard analog photographer goes digital

18. But I will strive towards my dream until I become a photojournalist with an established agency.

BBC: What future awaits Bangladeshi youth?

19. An old friend and fellow traveller, veteran correspondent Marie Colvin, and young French photojournalist Remi Ochlik were dead.

BBC: The media's darkest days remembered

20. Corinna Kern is a photojournalist and documentary photographer based in South Africa.

CNN: Making a 'squat' a home

21. Video by photojournalist Ricardo Garcia.

CNN: Baby survives as family dies in Syrian onslaught

22. James Stewart plays a temporarily wheelchair-bound photojournalist who uses his camera as a telescope to spy on his neighbors, including a travelling salesman (Raymond Burr) who may have killed his invalid wife.

NEWYORKER: Rear Window

23. His ambition is to be a photojournalist, but meanwhile, as the only wage earner in his family, he is honing his skills.

BBC: What future awaits Bangladeshi youth?

24. As David makes love to the wealthy, chic Italian Lea (Valeria Golino) and to the hellbent Yankee photojournalist Alison (Sharon Stone), every move he makes brings him closer to the left-wing kamikazes shooting up the Eternal City.

NEWYORKER: Year of the Gun

25. Mr. WILL BAXTER (Photojournalist): Well, the situation has really changed since I first arrived.

NPR: Photographer Feels Weight of His Myanmar Images

26. Umar Abbasi, the freelance photojournalist who took the photos, told the Post he could not physically have reached the victim, Ki Suk Han, in time to pull him from the tracks.

FORBES: More Details Behind NY Post's Subway Death Photo Emerge

27. Then there are two professions that are close to my own, photojournalist and newspaper reporter.

FORBES: The Most Stressful Jobs Of 2013

28. "A lot of women are scared of aging so I wanted to present images of women who feel better as they age, " the 30-year-old photojournalist said.

CNN: Aging stylishly, online and in the streets

29. Kashi, an American photojournalist, spent three years compiling his photos of the Niger Delta, making a total of five trips to the troubled region.

CNN: Photos capture plundering of Earth's resources

30. In 1986, photojournalist Didier Lefevre was sent to document a Doctors Without Borders mission in Afghanistan, taking hundreds of photographs of doctors and nurses struggling to tend to the sick and wounded during the Soviet occupation.

CNN: The top five political comic books


















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