virtuous cycle是什么意思_virtuous cycle的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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virtuous cycle

网络 良性循环

英 [ˈvɜːtʃuəs ˈsaɪkl]play 美 [ˈvɜːrtʃuəs ˈsaɪkl]play

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1. a virtuous cycle 良性循环

2. Data Mining Virtuous Cycle model 数据挖掘互动模型

3. Virtuous Cycle and Vicious Cycle 良性循环的开始

4. Increasing Return from Virtuous Cycle 良性循环带来收益递增

5. the virtuous cycle 间出

6. step into a virtuous cycle 步入良性循环

7. beneficent virtuous cycle 良性循环

8. Forming A Virtuous Cycle 形成一个良性循环

9. virtuous cycle mechanism 良性循环机制


1. Eco-city construction is proposed based on this reality, its aim to achieving a virtuous cycle of urban ecology.


2. A slowly improving jobs picture and rising household wealth could spark a virtuous cycle of stronger consumer spending, increased business confidence and rising investment.


3. The work that each of you do in your businesses can help lift people's lives, promote human rights and dignity, and create new markets, creating a virtuous cycle.


4. The spending of the richest 5 percent alone will not lead to a virtuous cycle of more jobs and higher living standards. Nor can we rely on exports to fill the gap.


5. Competitors are doing their best to break this virtuous cycle.


6. Advertising holds a mirror to an affluent society in a virtuous cycle benefitting many sectors.


7. Instead, the extraordinary relationships are asking us to give without expecting anything in return. This is what gives rise to a virtuous cycle of reciprocity.


8. This series of acts like release, attention, following, recovery, re-release form a virtuous communication cycle.


9. Their strong consumer proposition has created a virtuous cycle for value formats.


10. The steady increases in home-equity levels of the past year have triggered a virtuous cycle that will continue to boost prices in the future.


11. Amazon is banking on this virtuous cycle boosting AWS' fortunes abroad.


12. Consumption as an important part of social reproduction is the driving force to guarantee the national economy operation orderly, which also is the key to achieve a virtuous cycle of social reproduction.


13. Once a company enters this virtuous cycle, it tends to grow so big, so fast, that it overwhelms any upstart competitors.


14. To promote the new rural economy and promote each other and a virtuous cycle, a positive role in promoting social development.


15. Study of evaluation indexes and judgment methods for virtuous cycle of oilfield development


16. We created a virtuous cycle in which an ever growing middle class had the ability to consume more goods and services which created more and better jobs thereby stoking demand.


17. It's a virtuous cycle, and one that could be replicated throughout the developing world.


18. When the building stops, he says, the cycle by which construction fuels consumption, and vice versa, could be inverted: “the virtuous cycle becomes a vicious one.”


19. By doing so, you enter a "virtuous cycle" and as long as it's not broken, you'll grow to like each other more and more.


20. It is crucial that how to form the virtuous cycle of economic development and environment conservation.


21. Instead of being sucked downward into the spiral of desertification, they have kick-started a new, virtuous cycle of life.


22. We created a virtuous cycle in which an ever growing middle class had the ability to consume more goods and services, which created more and better jobs, thereby stoking demand.


23. It is creating a virtuous cycle.


24. Investors and customers really believe that Ford is a much better company than it was a few years ago and that has created a virtuous cycle.


25. The adequacy capital can help listed banks operate in virtuous cycle, it will be positive for the maintenance of financial order and economic stability.


26. If all goes well, the mediator in essence has started a virtuous cycle of "giving face" and reciprocating favours.


27. The Silicon Valley's virtuous cycle has created a global supply chain in which many cities now play a critical role.


28. However, this cycle is virtuous only when companies make money, when cash flow is healthy, and when Banks are willing lenders.


29. The strength of this virtuous cycle has significantly improved the economics of these formats.


30. The result is a "demographic dividend", which can be cashed in to produce a virtuous cycle of growth.


31. So that higher vocational colleges of sports construction can virtuous cycle, vigorous, the stable of forward development.


32. Only the formation of such virtuous cycle can PE teachers' work and life be sustained development.


33. That low price encourages more USES, which raises production and lowers costs in a virtuous cycle.


34. The environmental pollution of black liquor would be solved and a new pattern of virtuous cycle was set up between paper industry and farming.


35. The strength of this virtuous cycle has significantly improved the economics of these formats.


36. Fourth, development of circular economy is a feasible approach to the formation of an industrial network with virtuous cycle.


37. However, the events of the last year have turned this seemingly virtuous cycle into a vicious spiral.


38. Competitors are doing their best to break this virtuous cycle.


39. Throughout this period, workers were flooding into the cities from the countryside, depressing wages and setting off a virtuous cycle of rising profitability and rising investment.


40. China wants to move the animation take place in the market, driving a virtuous cycle of related industrial chain development, animation image is the key.


41. That means, pessimists fear, that African countries may fail to navigate the virtuous cycle of industrialisation, growing employment, increasing productivity and prosperity.


42. Meanwhile the authors should guide actively the audience to improve their aesthetic level, so as to establish a virtuous cycle.


43. A reasonable capital structure helps keep the capital flow in a virtuous cycle and reduce financial risk, and then improve the debt-paying ability and operating performance.


44. The tariff barriers contribute to a virtuous cycle: They provide an incentive for countries in the club to create incentives for individuals to reduce emissions.


45. The environmental pollution of black liquor would be solved and a new pattern of virtuous cycle was set up between paper industry and farming.


46. It's a virtuous cycle.


47. China-US interactions and enduring stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region form a virtuous cycle.


48. If all goes well, the mediator in essence has started a virtuous cycle of "giving face" and reciprocating favours.


49. Construction has been so depressed for so long that a flurry of buying could quickly trim inventories, supporting prices and construction and touching off a virtuous cycle in housing markets.


50. The Lotus Sect of Chinese Buddhism believes that people can be rewarded for virtuous acts by leaving the cycle of reincarnation and going to dwell in the Western Heaven.


51. Google has thus created a virtuous cycle.


52. Their strong consumer proposition has created a virtuous cycle for value formats.


53. In this way, a world of cities can spark a cycle of virtuous competition.


54. So what we are trying to do is create a virtuous cycle, where people start feeling better and better about the economy.


55. Meanwhile the authors should guide actively the audience to improve their aesthetic level, so as to establish a virtuous cycle.


56. In the virtuous cycle, a prosperous world economy makes it both possible and profitable for the borrowing country to incur rising foreign debts.


57. In the ecosystem of Xiaoyao Bay international business district, economic construction, social development and environmental protection integrate, efficiently develop, virtuous cycle.


58. Selling value and providing more back to your customers than you receive out of the relationship creates a virtuous cycle of trust and more business.


59. In particular, we welcome studies that demonstrate a virtuous cycle of effects at multiple-levels of analysis and among multiple stakeholders.


60. So will the recovery create jobs and send Spain into a virtuous cycle of increased domestic consumption, a higher tax take, healthy public finances and more jobs?



1. That starts slowly lifting up prices, and you get a virtuous cycle going on.

WHITEHOUSE: Twitter Town Hall

2. The gains fed a virtuous cycle that sent stocks higher on both sides of the Atlantic, Tchir said.

NPR: Health Insurers Lead Stocks Higher On Wall Street

3. Instead of a virtuous cycle where fiscal austerity leads to greater confidence and better prospects, the opposite dynamic will take hold.


4. So long as the feedback is positive (an important qualification), the result is a virtuous cycle of increasing returns for the idea.

FORBES: What Makes an Idea a Meme?

5. With certainty about tax rates, companies will increase their capital expenditures (currently at anemic levels), contributing to a virtuous cycle of jobs and growth.

WSJ: Lloyd Blankfein: The Business Plan for American Revival

6. They bring in more middle-class residents, which broadens the tax base and so pays for more improvements: a virtuous cycle.


7. So you can get your emails in early, with your ideas, with your thoughts about how we keep moving forward to create this virtuous cycle.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce

8. This could create a virtuous cycle of more hiring, more people with money, more consumer spending, and more hiring.

FORBES: Bernanke Jackson Hole Memo: Spur Demand With $1 Trillion Consumer Grant

9. If we can grow the economy faster and create more jobs, then everybody is swept up into that virtuous cycle.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama News Conference

10. The consensus continues to hold that we are in a virtuous cycle where economic growth continues unabated and inflation is extinct.

FORBES: The Road Less Traveled

11. This virtuous cycle reinforces itself and can pull an economy out of a recession.

FORBES: The Economic Forecasts are Wrong, Which is Probably Good News

12. For now, I am optimistic that a virtuous cycle of expansion has a chance to work for the intermediate term.

FORBES: When Bad News Is Good News

13. Their competence encourages autonomy, which fosters further competence a virtuous cycle that continues to adulthood.

NEWYORKER: Spoiled Rotten

14. Companies like Progressive Insurance and Capital One who have built successful businesses around their ability to mine big data are well aware of this virtuous cycle.

FORBES: Big Data, Small Bets

15. The more people have work available to them -- there is just a virtuous cycle that happens.

WHITEHOUSE: Help for Homeowners in the Hardest Hit States

16. That means, pessimists fear, that African countries may fail to navigate the virtuous cycle of industrialisation, growing employment, increasing productivity and prosperity.

ECONOMIST: Africa's population

17. The Fed's bet is that the wealth effect will trigger a virtuous cycle of confidence, investment and faster future growth.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: A Record Dow

18. Sounds like a virtuous cycle: Technology leads to productivity, leads to low prices, leads to disinflation, leads to booming capital markets, leads to more funded technology.

FORBES: In Praise Of Animal Spirits

19. And, in a virtuous cycle, the decreased prevalence of crime fuels a decrease in the prevalence of crime.

NEWYORKER: The Caging of America

20. In other words, low interest rates should stimulate lending, which in turn should stimulate consumption and hiring, creating a virtuous cycle.

FORBES: Fed Beige Book Reveals QE Failing To Stimulate More Lending; Autos And Homes Boost Manufacturing

21. The risk is that a collapsing stockmarket could cause this virtuous cycle quickly to turn horribly vicious.

ECONOMIST: Grin and bear it | The

22. Women Deliver is organized around the conviction that women and girls can start a virtuous cycle of development.

CNN: Empowered women make nations strong

23. Customer service-focused CEOs create a virtuous cycle by celebrating great stories from customers.

FORBES: Seven Signs of a Customer-Focused CEO

24. And we get a virtuous cycle -- going up, going forward.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

25. The virtuous cycle of high volumes of handset sales allows more marketing to be done, which allows even more handsets to be sold, and so on.

FORBES: How Much Will Samsung's Lower Marketing Spend Impact Galaxy S4 Sales During 2013?

26. With the foreseeable path ahead still seemingly defined by slow growth, a much-desired virtuous cycle of stronger consumption, growth, and job creation remains elusive.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

27. So that's a virtuous cycle.

所以是个良性循环。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. And now we have a virtuous cycle that feeds on itself.

FORBES: Is Employment Going To Pick Up In 2013 Irrespective Of The Election?

29. Data quality will keep getting better with more timely updates to CRM, multiplying the power of our real-time reporting and analytics tools through a virtuous cycle.

FORBES: SAP Runs SAP: Unleashing a Virtuous Cycle with CRM 7.0

30. This is a virtuous cycle: collect this wisdom by developing your subject matter expertise and by asking questions from industry leaders.

FORBES: 5 Tips To Take Charge Of Your Career Learned From Startups

31. The demand for new workers in India also creates a virtuous cycle for Indian CEOs.

FORBES: How CEOs Master India's Competitive Environment





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