curry favor with翻译_curry favor with短语搭配_curry favor with权威例句

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curry favor with

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英 [ˈkʌri ˈfeɪvə wɪð]play 美 [ˈkɜːri ˈfeɪvər wɪð]play

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1. Duke: Don't try to curry favor with me, impostor.

公爵: 不要试图甜言蜜语地哄骗我, 冒牌货.《互联网》

2. I won't curry favor with him.


3. You could argue he done it to curry favor with the guards.


4. He know how to curry favor with the boss.


5. In fact, nations wanting to curry favor with resource-rich Mongolia are supporting its attempts to resurrect its past.


6. He never tries to curry favor with those over him.


7. To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.


8. But I dare not, I be afraid you thought I in curry favor with you.


9. Everyone in this company knows that hes trying to curry favor with the board of the directors.


10. Olympus employees had previously tried to curry favor with Chinese officials, the inquiry's report suggested.


11. Everyone in this company knows that he's trying to curry favor with the board of the directors.


12. Everyone else piles on, hoping to curry favor with the popular child.


13. Red narrating: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards.


14. You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons.


15. To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way. It is time to come clean on your dirty secret.


16. Others have suggested that the program was designed to curry favor with the FIFA panel that awarded the 2022 tournament.


17. He never tries to curry favor with those over him.


18. So all the disadvantages of the industry of culture, the vulgar mediocre content and the curry favor with popularity, in particular, are likely to be the problems of mass culture.


19. Red narrating: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards.


20. Apparently, the Babylonians started this whole annual tradition - they made resolutions to the gods in order to curry favor with them.


21. Cartons of expensive brands have long been given as presents or to curry favor with officials.


22. Effort to curry favor with the matter, why become a thankless thing?


23. He licked the dust in order to curry favor with the political boss.

他卑躬屈膝,为的是讨好政治老板。《provided by jukuu》

24. The Japan cases have involved largely lower-level employees, often salespeople, who appear to have used the inside data to curry favor with top clients, rather than to directly enrich themselves or their firms.



1. Regulators feared that fund groups might compromise investors' interests to curry favor with large companies, whose retirement plans they also manage.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. But John Cook, editor-in-chief of Gawker, called the sentence "preposterous" and suggested Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. was trying to curry favor with Fox and its powerful chairman, Roger Ailes.

WSJ: Fox News 'mole' resurfaces with book

3. It seems subjective students who curry favor with career staffers may get the plum opportunities but schools insist they don't play favorites.

WSJ: In Job Hunt, B-Schools Play Matchmaker

4. Politicians who had viewed squatters merely as common criminals began to see an opportunity to curry favor with these new constituents.

FORBES: America's Illegal Pioneers

5. Additionally, prosecutors contemplating a transition to a law firm may attempt to curry favor with a prospective employer.

FORBES: Victory for SEC's Revolving Door

6. Draghi must balance an eagerness to curry favor with the German contingent at the ECB against growing financial market pressure to intervene on a bigger scale to lower the borrowing costs of Italy and Spain.

FORBES: Eurozone Crisis: Part But Not All of the Solution

7. Although this may appeal to lawyers and lobbyists, again consumers will lose as competition to curry favor with antitrust officials replaces competition to gain customers.

FORBES: Google And The FTC's Investigation: A Cautionary Tale

8. Bidzina Ivanishvili, who wants to become prime minister of Georgia, renounced both his Russian and French citizenships to curry favor with voters.

FORBES: Eduardo Saverin Renounces U.S. Citizenship Ahead Of Mega Facebook IPO

9. These programs were seen as a priority for women, and the politicians wanted to curry favor with them.

FORBES: Is Occupy Wall Street The Answer To Your Money Problems?

10. By contrast, Mitt Romney had favored a cap-and-trade system while he was governor of Massachusetts but he has since changed his mind and has done everything possible to curry favor with coal constituencies.

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy May Turn the Tide on Climate Change

11. His obsequious attempts to curry favor with the Arabs and Iran have been even more disturbing to Israelis than his refusal to visit the country.


12. Since Obama took office, he has been abandoning one US ally after another while seeking to curry favor with one US adversary after another.


13. Lockheed, Comcast and the high-tech association all said their moves weren't made to curry favor with Democrats.

WSJ: Lobbyists Put Democrats Out Front as Winds Shift

14. Conferences, at least, bear the patina of educational merit and an opportunity to curry favor with the officials who help pick legal counsel.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

15. Managers pay to sponsor and attend these conferences so they can meet pension clients of the consultant and curry favor with the consultant.

FORBES: The Art of Theft: How Corporate Fiduciaries Steal From Americans Pensions (February 2, 2005 )

16. Sign those bills and safeguard his position for another run for governor or oppose them to curry favor with the more conservative Republican voters he would need to win a presidential nomination.

CNN: Will Romney lurch to the center?

17. Unfortunately for Mr. Bush, the effort to curry favor with Islamists may not only be bad for the national security.


18. The Czech, Polish, Georgian and Ukrainian governments were quick to recognize that Obama's strong desire to curry favor with the Kremlin and weaken his own country will imperil their ability to withstand Russian aggression.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Surviving in a post-American world

19. At the White House before the ceremony, Bush laughed at a question from a reporter who asked whether the dedication ceremony was meant to curry favor with Sen.

CNN: Robert F. Kennedy

20. Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, says the parties are crafting strategies to curry favor with the public to gain a political advantage.

CNN: Analysis: Will voters punish Congress for coming up empty?

21. The revamp reflects a big push to prod users to spend more time on the site and curry favor with brands hoping to be noticed by Facebook's users.

WSJ: Facebook Unveils Sweeping Changes to News Feed

22. Although these coaches may have done this to curry favor with management, they cannot perform their job without players.

FORBES: NFL Coaches Caught In Lockout Crossfire

23. Employees generally seek to curry favor with their employers, not piss them off.

FORBES: Confessions of an SEC Whistleblower

24. Their heads all want to get promoted or curry favor with senior leadership.

FORBES: It tells you a lot about how Chinese government works.

25. Eager to curry favor with female customers, the investment community and the press, big companies now are looking to turn the tide.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. These demands are calculated to check U.S. latitude for unilateral action and to curry favor with Arab and other audiences at American expense.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Selling Success At The Helsinki Summit: Extolling The Emperors New Clothes?

27. On strategic issues, Sadadinov(ph) is worried that Azerbaijan might try to curry favor with Washington by providing bases for a potential attack on neighboring Iran.

NPR: Azerbaijan President Visits Washington

28. If Brodsky was seeking to curry favor with Shukhman, it doesn't appear to have satisfied Axiom co-owner Wang.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. Eager to curry favor with the next batch of global leaders, ensuring a future supply of investment banking fees, capital to expand abroad is now increasingly available from international sources.

FORBES: China's Coming M&A Boom

30. At base, the so-called settlements are nothing but an excuse for appeasers to curry favor with the Arabs by blaming Israel for the absence of peace while ignoring the Arabs' bigotry, hatred and aggression.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Appeasing child killers





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