
each,every只能用于表单数吗1. each 和 every 之后通常接单数可数名词,用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数。如: Each (man) does his own work. 各人做自己的工作。 Every student in the school passed
No matter when与whatever的如何区分
No matter when与whatever的如何区分______ we met with difficulties, he came to help us. A. No matter when B. Unless C. Whatever D. Although 答案:A,但我觉得 C 也可以
several hundred miles与several hundreds of miles的对错
several hundred miles与several hundreds of miles的对错He was out with the truck collecting supplies from a town ____ miles aways. A. several hundred B. several hundreds of C.
better off than ever before是什么意思
better off than ever before是什么意思We are much better off than ever before. 老师,我想问这里的 off 是啥意思? 怎么理解呀?谢谢。
ever after与since的用法与区别
ever after与since的用法与区别She lived happily ever after. 怎么翻译句子,可以用 since 改写句子吗?时态需要改变吗? 感谢老师帮助!
was never here与has never been here的区别
was never here与has never been here的区别如果要翻译“他从来没有来过这儿”,下面哪种说法对?或是两者都对?若都对,有何区别? He was never here. He has never been here.
如何理解现在完成进行时(have never been camping)
如何理解现在完成进行时(have never been camping)That sounds fun. I have never been camping. 这里的完成进行时可以同义改为现在完成时吗?含义上有什么不同?请专家老师赐教。
every which way的用法疑问
every which way的用法疑问在网上查到这样一个句子: He re-ran the experiment every which way he could. 他用尽所有可能的方法重复做这个实验。 请问句中的 every which way 作何理解? 网上关于 ever
选择题中whenever,wherever,whatever,however的区别You can eat food free in my restaurant ______ you like. A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however 答案为 B,可我觉得 A 才对,怎
在否定句中用everything与anything的区别I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with ________. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 答
 If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us中的ever如何理解
If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us中的ever如何理解有时在 if 条件状语从句中见到用 ever,但不知道这样用的 ever 是什么意思,如何理解?属于什么用法?比如: If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. 你要是
whatever表示单数意义还是复数意义请问 whatever 的几个问题: 1. whatever 后接可数名词单数吗? 2. 单独用 whatever 作主语时,用动词单数吗? 查了一下 whatever,它用于指代 everything 或是 anything,是否表示要用
during fever为什么没有冠词
during fever为什么没有冠词下面这个句子来自网络: During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration. 发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失。 请问:为什么 fever 前面没有冠词呢?
something that had never done
something that had never done At times, I turn on the television and just leave it to chatter in the background, something that'd never done previousl
some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of which等的用法
some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of which等的用法在有关定语从句的句子和考题中经常看到 some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of wh
every day 可连用哪些时态
every day 可连用哪些时态在资料上看到:every day 可连用多种时态,如一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、现在完成时等。但我只见过 every day 连用一般现在时和一般过去时的用法,但没见过它连用现在进行时和现在完成时的用法,能请老师讲解一下吗?谢谢老师
never thought与didn’t think的区别
never thought与didn’t think的区别—Come in, Peter, I want to show you something. —Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift. A. never th
No matter how clever这样的省略句对吗
No matter how clever这样的省略句对吗请问下面的句子对吗?尤其是 no matter how clever 用得对吗? Anyone, no matter how clever, can’t work it out in such a short time. 我是说 no ma
肯定句中anything和everything意思差别He once said whatever he has was mine. 这个句子中的 whatever 是替换成 everything 还是 anything 好呢?感觉另个都行啊。anything 更好? 请问 everything
说 higher than everything 对吗
说 higher than everything 对吗有这样一个句子: In USA, the human right is higher than everything. 疑问一:表示“人权”高于……,可以用 higher 吗? 问题二:higher than everything 用得对吗