
Look how late it is是省略了什么介词
Look how late it is是省略了什么介词Look how late it is! I won’t get my beauty sleep tonight. 看看多晚了!今晚我又不能睡美容觉了。 请问句中的 look 是及物动词吗?如果不是,它后面应该有个介词,对不对?而没有介词,
英语难句分析与理解The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world
英语难句分析与理解The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world【文章选段】The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. your brain is so sensitive in picking
express, show  的区别
express, show 的区别有一道题,给的答案是 express 而备选答案有 show。请问有什么区别?
动词后面接 how to do 与 what to do 有何区别
动词后面接 how to do 与 what to do 有何区别动词后面接 how to do 与 what to do 有何区别?谢谢!
No matter how clever这样的省略句对吗
No matter how clever这样的省略句对吗请问下面的句子对吗?尤其是 no matter how clever 用得对吗? Anyone, no matter how clever, can’t work it out in such a short time. 我是说 no ma
how to do about it 错在哪里?
how to do about it 错在哪里?句子改错题 He didn’t know how to do about it. 答案改成——he didn’t know what to do about it. 请问老师不改行吗?看不出用 how 错在哪里了呀? 他不知道对于它要怎么做
转折连词but,however,still,yet,nevertheless,while,wherebut, however, still, yet, nevertheless, while, whereas 都能表示转折。但是有什么不同呢?还是说基本上可以相互替换呢? 我以前也没接触过英语,只能根据这个单词的汉语意思来理解,可是查过之后
how much有哪些具体用法(可表示哪些意思)
how much有哪些具体用法(可表示哪些意思)how much 好像有不少用法,如: How much is the pen? 这钢笔多少钱? How much do you weigh? 你体重多少? 第一句的 how much 表示“多少钱”,第二句的 how much 表示“多重
how much和how many的区别是什么 有什么不同
how much和how many的区别是什么 有什么不同Howmuch用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。Howmany用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:Howmany+复数名词+一般疑问句。howmuch用于询问不可数名词的数量,而howmany用于询问可数名词的数量。
how best to do sth是什么句式
how best to do sth是什么句式Richard was uneasy about how best to approach his elderly mother. 最好如何去跟年迈的母亲谈,理查德心里没有数。 请问如何理解句子中的 how best to approach
when和 how long ago 用于询问时间的区别
when和 how long ago 用于询问时间的区别对于含有 ago 短语的句子,如果要对这个短语提问,是该用when,还是该用how long ago。如: He joined the company five years ago. 如果对 five years ago 提问,应该用下面的
how to learn english well英语作文(通用29篇)
how to learn english well英语作文(通用29篇)在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的how to learn english well英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。  how to learn english well英语作文 1  In the process of globalization, English is becoming more and more imp
how to keep healthy英语作文(通用24篇)
how to keep healthy英语作文(通用24篇)在平时的学习、工作或生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编为大家整理的how to keep healthy英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。  how to keep healthy英语作文 1  As the saying goes: Disease enters by the mouth. Indeed, many students do not pay
no matter how引导的从句可省略“主语+be”吗
no matter how引导的从句可省略“主语+be”吗No matter how frequently they are performed, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. 不管被表演了多少遍,贝
how to do it 和what to do
how to do it 和what to do有这样一句:You have to know how to study. 好像固定搭配应该是 how to do it 和What to do 吧!为什么此句省略了study 的宾语?或是因为此时study为不及物吗?
Do you think how to do还是How do you think to do?
Do you think how to do还是How do you think to do?Do you think how to learn English? How do you think to learn English? “你认为怎么学习英语?”这两句哪个正确?如果不正确,该怎么说?谢谢老师指导。
but与however后面跟逗号的问题老师说,but与however都可表示转折,其中一个简单的区别就是,however后面要有逗号,而but后面不能用逗号。但是,看到了下面这个句子,but后却用了逗号: But, three days later, a letter arri
as shown...还是as is shown...
as shown...还是as is shown...Following this trend, they conducted explorations into translator's subjectivity in various perspectives as shown in the
这个how引导的是什么从句?有这样一个句子: Do it how you can. 这个句子是什么意思?how 引导的是什么从句?
how many times与how often能否互换
how many times与how often能否互换How many times have you been to the Great Wall?? How often have you been in love in your life? 请教专家: how many times 与how