
帮忙翻译There is now a desire for more than just going to Mediterranean beaches for the sunshine...
帮忙翻译There is now a desire for more than just going to Mediterranean beaches for the sunshine...Corporate hospitality is evolving. Once it simply meant going to watch horse racing and filling your clients with champa
knowledge与动词的搭配习惯老师说,‍‍‍‍“学习知识”‍不能翻‍‍‍译成 study / learn knowledge,因为这不符合英语的习惯,而应该用 get (gain, obtain) knowledge。请问一下,knowledge 习惯上可与哪些动词搭配
可以说spend knowledge on sth 吗
可以说spend knowledge on sth 吗‍下面这个句子对吗? ‍The man spent all his knowledge on his research for about 10 years but achieved nothing. 请问这个句子中的 spent all
acknowledge是什么意思_acknowledge短语搭配_acknowledge权威例句acknowledge的意思是:v. 承认;认可; 跟……打招呼,理会;告知收到;(公开)感谢。学考宝为您提供acknowledge是什么意思,acknowledge翻译,acknowledge短语搭配,acknowledge权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
snow motorbike是什么意思_snow motorbike短语搭配_snow motorbike权威例句
snow motorbike是什么意思_snow motorbike短语搭配_snow motorbike权威例句snow motorbike的意思是:雪地摩托车。学考宝为您提供snow motorbike是什么意思,snow motorbike翻译,snow motorbike短语搭配,snow motorbike权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
an unknown number of...作主语谓语动词用什么
an unknown number of...作主语谓语动词用什么It is said that an unknown number of books _____ been stolen from the library. (have, has) 请问答案是选单数 has 还是复数 have?按理说 a
knowledge有形容词修饰时必须要用不定冠词吗1. have a...knowledge of sth 是固定搭配吗?在类似这样的用法和搭配中是不是必须要用不定冠词? He has a good knowledge of mathematics. 他的数学(知识)很好。 He has
副词可以作主语吗 在牛津词典上查 now 的用法。牛津上对 now 只有一个词性,那就是副词,但在副词用法下面有这样一个例句: Now is the best time to visit the gardens. 现在是最适合逛花园的时候。 那就是说英语中的副词也可用作主语,对不对?当然,也有其他词典将 now 用作主语的用法看作是名词,但牛津词典上没有 now 的名词用法,我的意思是:至少根据牛津这本词典,英语的副词是可用作主语的。我的理解对吗?谢谢老师!
副词可以作主语吗 在牛津词典上查 now 的用法。牛津上对 now 只有一个词性,那就是副词,但在副词用法下面有这样一个例句: Now is the best time to visit the gardens. 现在是最适合逛花园的时候。 那就是说英语中的副词也可用作主语,对不对?当然,也有其他词典将 now 用作主语的用法看作是名词,但牛津词典上没有 now 的名词用法,我的意思是:至少根据牛津这本词典,英语的副词是可用作主语的。我的理解对吗?谢谢老师!在牛津词典上查 now 的用法。牛津上对 now 只有一个词性,那就是副词,但在副词用法下面有这样一个例句: Now is the best time to visit the gardens. 现在是最适合逛花园的时候。 那就是说英语中的
“白雪”是snow white还是white snow
“白雪”是snow white还是white snow‍‍“白雪”是 snow white 还是 white snow?应该是 white snow 吧!但是: Snow White and the Seven Dwarf 白雪公主和7个小矮人 这里为什么用了 snow white 呢? ‍‍
until now / not until now
until now / not until nowuntil now 和 not until now 的意思分别是“直到现在”和“直到现在才”,都是表示从过去一直持续到现在的时间,刚才符合现在完成时的“持续性用法”,所以应连用现在时。如: Until now I have always l
know用于进行时态与现在分词老师说know不能用于进行时态。如: 误:I’m knowing this girl. 正:I know this girl. 我认识这个女孩子。 误:I’m knowing that the match will be cancelled
know可用于现在进行时态吗老师说know是表示心理状态的动词,不能用于进行时态,但是下面这句不是了现在进行吗?这是为什么? Part of good customer relations is knowing how to deal with complaints.
关于 used to know 用法的疑问
关于 used to know 用法的疑问看到这样一个句子: He came across a person he used to know when he lived on the farm. 他偶然碰到了一个他过去住在农场时认识的人。 我对句中的 used to know 有些
now与一般过去时连用的理解与翻译now表示“现在”,与一般过去时连用,总觉得有点奇怪。比如下面这个句子: Only now did he understand the full complexity of the problem. 直到现在他才明白这一问题的全部复杂性。
代词it的用法 so many people have been moving to Utah that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, now account for only half.
代词it的用法 so many people have been moving to Utah that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, now account for only half.so many people have been moving to Utah that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, now account
英语可以说used to know吗
英语可以说used to know吗used to know 这一说法对吗?used to 的意思是“过去经常”,know 是个心理状态动词,好像不宜与 used to 搭配似的,就好比我们不能说often know一样。但是,问题是我确实看到了这样一个句子: Graham
分析:I didn’t know you are
分析:I didn’t know you are 经常看到I didn’t know you were here. 这句话(宾语从句中的were用了一般过去时),“我不知道你在这儿”,按理说,其实“你就在这儿”,只是我原来不知道而已。所以you were here为什么不用一般现在时的yo
snowy是什么意思_snowy短语搭配_snowy权威例句snowy的意思是:adj. 多雪的,下雪的;雪白的;白雪覆盖的。学考宝为您提供snowy是什么意思,snowy翻译,snowy短语搭配,snowy权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
snow是什么意思_snow短语搭配_snow权威例句snow的意思是:n. 雪,积雪;降雪,一场雪;下雪天;(因信号差出现在电视屏幕的)“雪花”干扰;似雪的菜肴;似雪的冷冻气体;<非正式>可卡因 v. 下雪,飘雪;<美,非正式>(用花言巧语)蒙骗,使相信;使洒落;使变白 【名】 (Snow)斯诺(人名)。学考宝为您提供snow是什么意思,snow翻译,snow短语搭配,snow权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
翻译一则小短文 You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face.——请翻译一下,谢谢!
翻译一则小短文 You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face.——请翻译一下,谢谢!You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you m