
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [smɔːl]play美 [smɔːl]play

  • adj. 小型的;(数量)少的;小规模的;无关紧要的,不重要的;幼小的,年幼的;(字母)小写的;(嗓音)微弱的,轻柔的;一般的,非极端的;出丑的,羞愧的
  • n. <英,非正式>小件衣服(尤指内衣)(smalls);后腰(the small of the/sb.'s back);<西印度>小费,小额礼金(smalls);小件物品;矮小的人
  • adv. 成小块地;小小地
  • 【名】 (Small)(英)斯莫尔(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


small /smɔːl/ CET4 TEM4 [ smaller smallest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 A small person, thing, or amount of something is not large in physical size. (体积或规模等) 小的

    She is small for her age.



    Stick them on using a small amount of glue.


  • 2.
    形容词 A small group or quantity consists of only a few people or things. (规模) 小的

    A small group of students meets regularly to learn Japanese.


  • 3.
    形容词 A small child is a very young child. 幼小的

    I have a wife and two small children.


  • 4.
    形容词 You use small to describe something that is not significant or great in degree. (程度上) 不重要的

    It's quite easy to make quite small changes to the way that you work.



    No detail was too small to escape her attention.


  • 5.
    形容词 Small businesses or companies employ a small number of people and do business with a small number of clients. (生意或公司) 小规模的

    ...shops, restaurants and other small businesses.


  • 6.
    形容词 If someone makes you look or feel small, they make you look or feel stupid or ashamed. 卑微的; 感到惭愧的

    This may just be another of her schemes to make me look small.


  • 7.
    单数型名词 The small of your back is the bottom part of your back that curves in slightly. (人体的) 后腰

    Place your hands on the small of your back and breathe in.


  • 8.
    the small hours →see   hour
  • 9.
    small wonder →see   wonder





petty minor small trivial 【导航词义:小的,不重要的】

petty adj. 小的,不重要的

〔辨析〕 指问题、细节等琐碎的。

例1: They used to quarrel over petty things.


例2: Have these petty restrictions worked?


minor adj. 小的,不很重要的

〔辨析〕 尤指比起其他事物来较小或不是很重要、很严重的。

例1: There is a minor road in front of us.


例2: He played a minor role in the policy-making process.


例3: She had a minor operation.


small adj. 小的,不重要的

〔辨析〕 指尺寸或数量小的,也指工作、问题、错误等不重要的或影响不大的。

例1: This pair of jeans was too small for him.


例2: He only got a small amount of money after retirement.


例3: According to the schedule, we have to make a few small changes.


trivial adj. 微不足道的

〔辨析〕 指不重要、不严重或没有什么价值的。

例1: Don't get upset about trivial matters.


例2: They were fighting over a trivial sum of money.



1. small molecule 小分子

2. small village 小村

3. a small number of 少量的;一小部分

4. Small interfering RNA 小干扰RNA ; 小干涉rna ; 短干扰rna ; 小分子干扰RNA

5. Springtime In a Small Town 小城之春

6. roller small end face 机 滚子小端面

7. small sample 小样本,小试样;小包货样

8. small incision 小切口 ; 隧道切口 ; 微小切口 ; 微创

9. small town 小城镇,集镇

10. small change 零钱;无聊话

11. in the small 局部的

12. small scale 小规模;小比例尺

13. small business 小型企业,小本生意

14. no small 不小的,相当大的

15. small size 小号,小码;小尺寸

16. small profits 薄利

17. Small hairpin RNA 小发夹RNA ; 小发夹状RNA ; 小发夹结构rna ; 短发夹RNA

18. small hole 小孔

19. small quantity 小量,少量

20. small group 小团体;小群体

21. small amount 小额;小批量

22. small cell carcinoma 小细胞癌 ; 小细胞瘤

23. small intestine 小肠

24. small part 少部分;细小零件

25. small number n. 小数;少数交易

26. Very Small 很小 ; 非常小

27. small trees 小树


1. There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area.


2. Very small toys can choke a baby.


3. A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds.


4. The campers went to sleep watching the glimmer of their small fire.


5. Sounds, small, unintelligible sounds, came from her mouth as she arched herself toward him.

在她弓身向他贴近时,一种声音, 细微的, 含意不清的声音从她口里发出.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

6. He showed her to a small cabin.


7. And this is a real headache for smaller businesses

越小的公司,问题越棘手。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

8. A small resistant mocking American voice has never quite died in her.


9. The range of turbulent velocities determines the relative proportion of small and large.


10. A much smaller number of students passed than I had expected.


11. There is growing like compact, less fuel consumption and exhaust pollution of the small car.

人们越来越喜欢小巧 、 耗油少、尾气污染小的汽车了.《期刊摘选》

12. So angulations dot results in a large or small border.


13. There was just one small ray of hope.


14. small, medium, large


15. Small gardens can be high maintenance.


16. Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.

未来几年,科技将从大大小小的方面改善社会,但对于那些生活和事业将被自动化彻底颠覆的人来说,这并没有什么安慰作用。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

17. ...shops, restaurants and other small businesses...


18. Guns continued to be produced in small numbers.


19. It was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal.


20. The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.


21. Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool.


22. She's a socialist with a small 's'.


23. 'I'm scared,' she said in a very small voice.


24. Recently, many guests held wedding parties cently, many guests and bit more than the smaller ones.


25. He flew a small plane to Cuba.


26. She wanted to argue about very small differences and unimportant details.


27. I made only a few small changes to the report.


28. Now, where will the new jobs be found? Well, the one sector of the economy that can’t be easily duplicated by even small technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector

现在,新工作从哪里找呢?嗯,有一个经济领域即便是通过很小的技术也不可能被轻易复制,那就是护理领域,私人护理领域。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

29. A book is a small cog in a much more complex, external machinery.


30. One of the smaller parties came a close second.


31. Place your hands on the small of your back and breathe in.


32. That dress is too small for you.


33. She is small for her age...


34. He was a small, dark-haired man.


35. The countryside was dotted with small villages.


36. Supermarkets are squeezing out small shops.


37. The government is planning to give more help to small businesses.


38. Tool companies here are generally small.


39. Use a small cushion to help give support to the lower back.


40. a small house/town/car/man


41. The smaller fragments and mounds of dust are carefully piled up at the side.


42. The cup had a small chip.


43. Here's why: diagonal checks form a pyramid effect, with the smallest end pointing to the waist.

为什么呢? 因为斜的格子形成了一座金字塔效果, 腰部最细.这对 想 要给人产生一种细腰错觉的妇女来说,是极其有利的.《期刊摘选》

44. The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business.


45. They have three small children.


46. Suddenly, I heard a frail crying sound, like bleat of a small lamb.

突然, 我听到了一个微弱的声音, 好象是小羊的叫声.《期刊摘选》

47. As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents.


48. What were you like when you were small?


49. They took as many people as could be accommodated in the small motel.


50. This may just be another of her schemes to make me look small...


51. I have a wife and two small children...


52. So, to insist on a small shelf space the number of creative artists, some rare.

这样看来, 能够坚持狭小的架上空间创作的艺术家多少有些难能可贵.《期刊摘选》

53. The room was disappointingly small.


54. People like us are small fry to such a large business.


55. Jun eyed the double bed in the small room doubtfully.


56. What the world needs is an amplifier for the still, small voice.


57. They kept a small flock of sheep.


58. a small farmer


59. The bank is happy to loan money to small businesses.


60. First of all, small is beautiful: people definitely prefer working for smaller organizations or companies with less than 100 staff.

首先, 小即是美:人们无疑更喜欢在员工不足100 人的规模较小的机构或公司工作。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

61. In the United States small bookstores survive quite well. The same applies to small publishers.


62. Small businesses are well situated to benefit from the single market.


63. When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small.


64. He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening.


65. He was lucky to get off with a small fine.


66. He is small in stature.


67. No detail was too small to escape her attention...


68. The sums needed are relatively small.


69. Its brain is small in relation to its body.


70. Narrow shoulders, a small tight waist and full hips were the characteristic features of silhouette.

文艺复兴时期女装的主要特点是肩部窄小 、 腰部紧贴、臀部夸张.《期刊摘选》

71. They have a small plane, right?


72. At present, war is not a small regional wars or the war on terror is possible.


73. He's fully occupied looking after three small children.


74. They agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.


75. We travelled around a lot when I was small.


76. A small wooden bridge straddled the dike.


77. A small group of students meets regularly to learn Japanese...


78. Virus is smaller than bacterium living things, explains once bacterium, its creation, growth growth and structure.

病毒是比细菌小的生物, 解释一下细菌, 它的产生, 生长,发育及结构.《期刊摘选》

79. Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail.


80. He has a small circle of friends.


81. Small particles adhere to the seed.


82. The window was far too small for him to get through...


83. A small boy tumbled off the porch.


84. Sometime, one small fault will take effect on the image of one enterprise.

有时候, 一个细微的问题也会影响到公司形象.《期刊摘选》

85. Small villages dot the countryside.


86. He has a way with small children.


87. I can't read this small type.


88. He wanted to take no risks, however small.


89. Small birds live mainly on insects.


90. Even more interesting is that the promise of a future reward was enough to make adults choose the smaller portion.

更有趣的是,承诺将来会有奖励也足以让成年人选择分量更小的那份。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

91. Previous investigations have identified a smaller central barred structure and four spiral arms.


92. They've got a small catering business.


93. She gave a small twisted smile.


94. Fishkeeping equipment such as lights , powerheads, etc can induce small electrical voltages in the tank water.

养鱼设备例如灯 、 潜水泵等会使水箱中产生微弱的电磁反应.《期刊摘选》

95. She wrote something on a small piece of paper.


96. I've made a few small corrections to your report.


97. Tongan city computer to the city direction, Is a very small shop!

同安城往电脑城方向走, 是一家很小的店!《期刊摘选》

98. the small intestine


99. I am sorry , I do not have anything smaller.

抱歉, 没有较小的.《期刊摘选》

100. They run a small grocery store.


101. There are three sizes ─ small, medium and large.


102. The type was too small for me to read.


103. He explained everything down to the smallest details.


104. This is too big ─ have you got a small one?


105. Sometimes it takes several quarters to download a small file.


106. She noticed several small errors in his work.


107. There are only small differences between the two translations.


108. Everything in her testomany was correct down to the smallest detail.


109. The school was originally very small.


110. George worked a long hours on meager food, in a small room, by dim lamps.

乔治吃简陋的食品, 住一间小房间, 靠微弱的灯光,长时间的工作.《期刊摘选》

111. Horton the elephant heard a small noise.


112. They're having a relatively small wedding.


113. It's quite easy to make quite small changes to the way that you work...


114. The fruit are small and round.


115. I start with the design of the smallest, deepest element: the story page or search results.

我最开始设计的是站中最细微的部分: 一个故事描述的页面或是一个搜索的结果页.《期刊摘选》

116. Have you got any small change for the phone?


117. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a normal BMI.

相反地,体格比较小的人身体脂肪含量可能较高,但BMI却正常。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

118. Everything in her story is correct to the smallest detail.


119. This is too big─have you got a small one?


120. She is the smallest girl.


121. Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market.


122. ‘I don't agree, ’ he said in a small (= quiet) voice.


123. Although small, the kitchen is well designed.


124. A small amount of this paint goes a long way.


125. And attachingto every small development is the sole approach to the ultimate goals.


126. Their house is neither big nor small.


127. Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports.



1. And as they were past they see that a small child has fallen into the pond and is in danger drowning.

这时,你看到,一个小孩掉进了池塘,就要溺水,情况危急。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. Hundreds of other provisions would change the way farmers work in small but important ways.

NPR: Farm Bill Offers Aid to Fruit, Vegetable Growers

3. It looks like our increasingly small, globalized world will also be a malled one.

FORBES: It's A Mall World After All

4. It's by no means clear that The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner will end with "Love all things, great and small things."

大家不可能清楚的预见到《古航海家之歌》,会以“爱所有事物,不管它伟大或渺小“结尾“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. He said, "I'll pray for him but if he can punch it'll help." In a small respect, that's Machiavelli.

神父说,我将为他祈祷,但是如果他能出拳猛击,那将会很有帮助,小面上说,这就是马基雅维利。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. They borrow the characters from what had been already something quite close to an alphabet and had only a relatively small number.

他们从十分接近字母系统的书写体系中,借来字符使用,而这些字符相对较少古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. The ferry is part of a small fleet of diesel-electric boats first launched in 1888.

BBC: The amazing views of Hong Kong

8. Three apartments have small but cosy bedrooms and sitting rooms, and fully equipped kitchens.

BBC: Mini guide to Reykjavk, Iceland

9. With more than 183, 000 Facebook fans and nearly 40, 000 Twitter followers, that is no small task.

FORBES: Social Media Is Fashion's Newest Muse

10. The store is a cash-and-carry operation that sells to hotels, restaurants, small stores and other institutions.

FORBES: A Backdoor That Leads Nowhere

11. Climbing into a small tin boat, my guide and I rolled out onto Mush Lake.

BBC: Kluane, Canada (Credit: Parks Canada/Fritz Mueller)

12. The city fell. After capturing Atlanta, General Sherman fought a series of small battles with a Confederate force across northern Georgia.

VOA : special.2009.12.03

13. It gets worse over time. The disease affects a small area of cells in the middle of the brain.

VOA : special.2009.04.07

14. The good news for small fries is that tax software has gotten better over the years.

FORBES: Should You Do Your Own Taxes?

15. small-leaved


16. The Internet is making it easier for small-scale African entrepreneurs to sell farm goods in Europe.

FORBES: Where Greed Is Good

17. When melting snow crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air, they freeze to form small particles of ice,called sleet.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

18. There are also a handful of small plates like the stand-out braised pork belly with cider.

BBC: Cheap ethnic eats in London

19. In "People Like Me" he sings about how he and his cousin accidentally exploded a small bomb they found at school.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

20. In front of me, a small chapel was built into the side of the mountain.

BBC: In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog

21. Raising taxes is about killing jobs and hurting small businesses and making things worse.

NPR: With Economy As Focus, Candidates Hit Trail

22. small-minded penny-pinching administrators


23. Finally, budget travellers can glean a small thrill from staying at Albergo Ape Elbana.

BBC: Following Napoleons trail on Elba

24. He used this cave as a bed and a small stone well for his water.

BBC: In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog

25. So, even if the cost is small, $10 a dose, it quickly amounts to a large amount of money.

因此,即使单只成本很小,可能只有十美元,但是这很快就会累积成为很大的金额生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Eight young women squirm under electrode-studded caps in a dark, small room in Greenwich, England.

FORBES: In Search of the Buy Button

27. One drink equals a bottle or can of beer, a medium glass of wine or a very small glass of liquor.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

28. Even if you worked in a small shop, they only had eight workers and you were related to half of them.

如果你在一个小商店工作,你需要和八个员工的一半人协调工作美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Example: Small businesses operating on a lean budget need employees who can wear many hats.

FORBES: How To Slim The Ranks

30. So, if you're a small college with only $20 million in a portfolio you don't come across as a qualified purchaser.

因此,如果是一个,只有2000万资产组合的小学院,是不能通过合格购买者的审核程序的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. He has a big collection of interesting small objects such as maps,tools, game pieces,and dolls for putting inside the containers.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

32. Three newcomers join the list this time: Bruce Fund, Delafield Fund and Stratton Small-CapValue.

FORBES: How We Find The Very Best

33. The simile isn't telling us that Satan's spear is as small as a wand because what we have is a syllogism here.

这个比喻并不是在提醒我们撒旦的长矛像棍子一样小,因为我们在这儿有一个演绎推理。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. They are connected under the skin to another wire that leads to a small battery placed in the chest.

VOA : special.2009.02.03

35. On this relatively small craft, however, the rises and falls on 30-plus-foot swells are dramatic.

FORBES: Go with the Floe

36. Some of the rarer marsupials are restricted to a small area of northeast Queensland.

BBC: Watching Australia's wildlife

37. Joe A. Erwin, founder and chief executive of Erwin-Penland, a small agency in Greenville, S.C.

FORBES: Look Who's Hiring Now: Inquire Within

38. The law forced every worker and business owner to pay a small amount of money each month to the federal government.

VOA : special.2011.04.07

39. By that time, Benevento had amassed a small army of keyboards, circuit-bending toys and piano effects.

NPR: Marco Benevento: Jazz Not Jazz

40. It's a small.


41. So Athens was the polis for Attica, but it was also the polis for all of Attica, all that region around Athens, including villages and farms and other small towns too.

所以雅典是阿提卡地区的城镇,是整个阿提卡地区的城镇,雅典周围的所有地区,包括村庄,农田及其他小镇都属于它。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Be disciplined in order to continue to take the small steps that you're taking in order to really work towards that.

做好计划使你能够不断地朝这个方向慢慢进步。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学第二外语的时候

43. Barbs are small fish.


44. University of Arizona extension experts say covering plants and small trees with cloth or paper can help prevent frost damage.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

45. I basically gave them free ray at the beginning, so they work in small groups, and travel from site to site.

在最初,我给了他们充分的自由,孩子们组成学习小组,在各地游览。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. One description said it was like sitting in the driver's seat of a small car, while wearing two heavy raincoats.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

47. Tim Tate is also working on a series of blown glass sculptures inside of which are small televisions playing videos.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

48. And Art Kabinett gives galleries an opportunity to show small curated exhibitions within their booths.

BBC: Uncovering treasures at Art Basel Miami Beach

49. According to the report, issued Wednesday by House Committee on Small Business Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez, D-N.

FORBES: Funding For The Little Guy

50. This is a baby elephant, so it's really, really big-- except it's a baby elephant, so it's really, really small."

这是只大象宝宝,所以它很大很大,但是它只是个大象宝宝,所以它其实又很小很小死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Capitol Hill is not the only place in Washington where small business interests are being examined.

FORBES: Funding For The Little Guy

52. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste.

VOA : special.2009.11.15

53. And that's because it's easier to test small things than big things. And it's easier to debug small things than big things.

这是因为对小一点的对象,进行测试比对大一点的对象进行测,试要简单多了,调试也是如此。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. Now, despite the fact that this is a very small piece of land, it boasts great geographical diversity.

尽管它只是狭小的一片土地,它因丰富多样的地理而自豪。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. They have twin girls and live on a small horse farm in north Georgia.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Tom Sater - Meteorologist and Weather Anchor, CNN International

56. Hutson is a small, chirpy bloke.


57. Part of that is the elimination of small words, "the," "and"; the abbreviation of certain words, "your" to "yr."

他们语言的一部分是对小词的省略,如“这“,“和“,和一些词的缩写“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. All too often, struggling small businesses fall behind in paying their federal payroll taxes.

FORBES: Why Spouses Make Lousy Business Partners

59. I know this is so, because when I put my small finger in front of the moon, my fingernail covers it."

VOA : special.2009.03.28

60. That's no small feat, given the consistent underperformance of actively managed funds in general.

FORBES: The Other Side of Vanguard

61. Begin your trip in the small, German-influenced capital of Windhoek, with its scattering of historic buildings.

BBC: A long road trip along Namibias coast

62. It has been run as a small luxury hotel, but could easily be a private residence.

FORBES: Provencal Retreat

63. Well, there you can see it. Sure better have gotten small because in fact it has to be zero.

这一项很小是很好的,因为实际上必须是零。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. He says they are reacting to a small group of extremists -- a "lunatic fringe" -- in the Islamic community.

VOA : special.2010.08.05

65. Just 6km northwest of the village, Mistaken Identity Vineyards is one of several small wineries.

BBC: Canadas creative island escape





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