
be away from home中各词的词性的问题
be away from home中各词的词性的问题在句子 I haven't been away from home before. 中away 是什么词?副词么?from home 可以不可以理解为与 from where 一样作宾语?home 是什么词?名词么?home 更多应该是副词
home-后面总是接过去分词构成复合词吗老师说由 home- 构成的复合词总是在 home- 后接过去分词。如: home-baked bread 自制的面包 home-cured ham 家庭制作的火腿 home-grown vegetables 自家种的蔬菜 home-mad
work at home还是work from home
work at home还是work from home有这样一个句子: Rather than going into an office, a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home. 现在有许多人都
After I had arrived home,it rained.有错吗
After I had arrived home,it rained.有错吗辅导班的一道汉翻英例句: 当我到家后,天下雨了。 After I had arrived home, it rained. 我认为 it rained 应该为 it began to rain. 请教老师,老师说没必要。但我还是觉得应该用I
homeless与homelessly有一道填空题: Thousands of people were killed and many more left _________ (home) by the earthquake. 答案是填形容词homeless,但为什么不是副词h
home to sb与home of sb的用法与区别
home to sb与home of sb的用法与区别下面是2013年浙江杭州的一道中考英语试题: Hangzhou is _________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here. A. home B
arrive后接here, there, home的例句
arrive后接here, there, home的例句arrive表示“到达”,是不及物动词,后接名词时要用arrive at, arrive in等,但如果是后接here, there, home等副词,则肯定不能用介词,即直接说arrive here, arrive there, arri
Have you done your homework
Have you done your homework完成作业翻译为have finished (doing) homework,应该指“已经做完作业”。 今天翻看新概念英语90课,发现一个句子:Have you done your homework yet? 我不知道此句是问“已经做完作业”
family home是什么意思
family home是什么意思在书上见过 family 与 home 的区别,说 family 指家里的人,home 指居住的家,house 指居住的房子。但从未见到过 family home 连在一起用的,但有这样一个句子: The box of papers had
英语难句分析2 Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.这句话里的we can be transported的被动语态为什么要用在we上啊?不是应该用在packaged or canned food上吗?
英语难句分析2 Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.这句话里的we can be transported的被动语态为什么要用在we上啊?不是应该用在packaged or canned food上吗?Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from lon
英语难句分析 Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.这句话里的we can be transported的被动语态为什么要用在we上啊?不是应该用在packaged or canned food上吗?
英语难句分析 Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.这句话里的we can be transported的被动语态为什么要用在we上啊?不是应该用在packaged or canned food上吗?Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that we can be transported from lon
用作副词的home可连用哪些介词home用作副词时,最通常连用的介词是at。如: Jane works at home. 简在家工作。 He found it impossible to study at home. 他觉得不可能在家学习。 If it rained to
do one's homework中的物主代词可以省略吗
do one's homework中的物主代词可以省略吗老师说do one's homework是固定搭配,其中的物主代词不可以省略。如以下各句中的his, my是不能省略的: He did his homework with a ballpoint. 他用圆珠笔做了家庭作业。 I have a
homemade food是什么意思_homemade food短语搭配_homemade food权威例句
homemade food是什么意思_homemade food短语搭配_homemade food权威例句homemade food的意思是:网络 家常美食。学考宝为您提供homemade food是什么意思,homemade food翻译,homemade food短语搭配,homemade food权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
牛津实用英语语法the(定冠词)在home等之前的省略A home 当home单独使用即前后不加修饰词或短语时,不用定冠词: He is at home. 他在家。 当home单独使用时,可以直接跟在具有运动意义的动词之后,或紧随在具有运动意义的动词+宾语之后。换句话说, home可以当副词使invalids;病人,残疾者( invalid的名词复数 );参考例句:The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids. 这项发明将有助于所有的残疾人。 H?tel National Des Invalids is a majestic building with a golden hemispherical housetop. 荣军院是有着半球形镀金屋顶的宏伟建筑。
homework翻译_homework短语搭配_homework权威例句homework的意思是:n. (学生的)家庭作业;准备工作;(尤指低酬劳计件活)在家里做的活计。学考宝为您提供homework是什么意思,homework翻译,homework短语搭配,homework权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
hometown翻译_hometown短语搭配_hometown权威例句hometown的意思是:n. 家乡,故乡。学考宝为您提供hometown是什么意思,hometown翻译,hometown短语搭配,hometown权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
homeless翻译_homeless短语搭配_homeless权威例句homeless的意思是:adj. 无家可归的。学考宝为您提供homeless是什么意思,homeless翻译,homeless短语搭配,homeless权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
home翻译_home短语搭配_home权威例句home的意思是:n. 家,住宅;(可买卖的)房子,寓所;家庭;养育院,收容所;适于存放……的地方;发源地,发祥地;栖息地,生息地;家乡,祖国;(组织、公司等的)本部,基地;(比赛的)主场 adj. 家庭的,家用的;在家里做(或进行)的;本国的,国内的;在主场进行的;<美>总部的 adv. 回家,在家;到正确的位置;朝着球门,进入到球门里 v. 归巢;对准(目标);把(思想、注意力)集中于;把(动物)养作宠物 【名】 (Home)(德、芬)霍梅,(英、尼)霍姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供home是什么意思,home翻译,home短语搭配,home权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
my hometown 英语作文带翻译(优秀10篇)
my hometown 英语作文带翻译(优秀10篇)在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是学考宝整理的my hometown 英