hold ... to account翻译_hold ... to account短语搭配_hold ... to account权威例句

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hold ... to account


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1. hold to account 使承担责任 ; 火山的

2. hold sth to account 与 ; 与…

3. Hold sb to account 追究某人的责任


1. but its attempts to hold the tabloids to account have been pathetic.


2. The food Standards Agency was set up in 2000 to hold food firms to account after a series of scandals in which people had died from food-borne illnesses such as e. coli and CJD.


3. Meanwhile, the media, traditionally intertwined with the politicians, fail to hold this elite to account.


4. The news media, they insist, should hold society's other institutions to account, but not them: "You can't tell them much", and so trust must be taken on trust.


5. Those who might hold it to account, such as national or regional football organisations, depend on its cash.


6. Prosecutor Neil MacBride says the case should serve as a reminder that the damage drawn by leaks is real and justice will hold people to account .


7. We must both measure economic production better and hold our leaders to account for goals beyond production.


8. Exactly how much banks will have to adjust the value of different assets they hold to account for different levels of risk is now the critical question.


9. If anyone has been negligent, it is right to hold them to account.


10. Mr Michaels—sharp-eyed, endlessly curious, unbuyable—would hold them to account.


11. But if the mergers go ahead, regulators must have the tools and political will to hold them to account.


12. Scots hold their loudly heralded Parliament to account, but where the distribution of power is murky—policing in London, for example—ministers get blamed.


13. Many Afghans find it bizarre that the West should devote so much money to Mr Karzai, yet be unable to hold him to account over something so basic as stuffing ballot boxes on an industrial scale.


14. Investors have come in for heavy criticism from financial regulators and politicians around the world for failing to hold executives to account and allowing company pay structures to foster a culture that encouraged excessive short-term risk-taking, particularly among banks.


15. so we can hold our leaders to account to achieve this target and fulfill this promise.


16. It must not be robbed of its vitality, irreverence and nosiness, nor its ability to hold the powerful to account.


17. A contract can be used to hold the information that links the consumer of a Web service to that service, to the terms of the service (including the rating package), and to the billing account.


18. Having swallowed the talent ideology, they shirked their duty to hold banking leaders to account.


19. So if the investigating judges are ever to hold Mr Chirac to account for what went on during his watch, this is their last chance.


20. They will hold you to account, trying to make sure you do what you say you are going to do.


21. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage.


22. Managed well, the data can be used to unlock new sources of economic value, provide fresh insights into science and hold governments to account.


23. Now they seem to think that courageous action should not excuse abuses, nor stop magistrates and judges from trying to hold politicians to account.


24. Hold onto that money and put it in a savings account to meet those higher deductibles should the need arise.


25. The food Standards Agency was set up in 2000 to hold food firms to account after a series of scandals in which people had died from food-borne illnesses such as e.coli and CJD.


26. Prosecutor Neil MacBride says the case should serve as a reminder that the damage drawn by leaks is real and justice will hold people to account.


27. The PCC is meant to enforce a code of conduct of its own devising, and deal with grievances brought to its attention; but its attempts to hold the tabloids to account have been pathetic.

新闻申诉委员会想要推行一套自己制定的行为规范,并处理一些他们关心的抱怨与不满。 然而,他试图只让几种小报纸作为整个事件的替罪羊,这是十分悲哀的。

28. Review My Day: I find this is a great way to hold myself to account for taking action throughout the day.


29. That does not hold the powerful to account. And worse, it undermines the institutions that are supposed to do so.


30. Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account.


31. One step would be to hold India's security services to account for last year's killings.


32. As it happens, the Supreme Court, the auditor-general, a panoplyof civil activists and a more assertive press have all helped to hold thecorrupt to account this year.


33. Fasten green hold a to fold data, time arrive drill ground with teacher han, account however and Zhang Hao so very uncannily you see me, do I see you.


34. We expect to learn the truth, and to hold the company to account.


35. Many Afghans find it bizarre that the West should devote so much money to Mr Karzai, yet be unable to hold him to account over something so basic as stuffing ballot boxes on an industrial scale.


36. It would help hold remuneration committees to account if they and all other directors stood for election every year.


37. I find this is a great way to hold myself to account for taking action throughout the day.


38. He urged Americans to hold politicians to account.


39. In a democracy the media must be free and hold business to account.


40. Far from letting governments loose, statistics are often an economic liberal's best friend, a way to hold Leviathan to account.


41. Full facts about the actions of those who govern them enable citizens to make better decisions about their leaders, and hold them to account.


42. Meanwhile the promises made by the NPT's members to stand by the treaty will likewise count for nothing without the will to hold to account Iran, Syria and the others that may follow them.


43. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says.


44. This object needs to get hold of the individual account objects, plus there's also security rules and auditing requirements. A common implementation could look something like this.


45. Perhaps, after the unpopular Greek bail-out, she needs to show she can hold spendthrift states to account.


46. And while we hold others to account, we will meet our own obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and strive for a world without nuclear weapons.


47. But the process is too cumbersome to hold governments to account.


48. Here is how WTO members might collaborate to use that agreement to hold China to account.


49. The answer is that US law and practice make it an uphill struggle for shareholders who want to hold boards to account.


50. Once Republicans had control of both chambers, voters would hold them to account.


51. This month's events, however, have suggested exactly the opposite: that forthright investigating judges can still hold politicians to account.


52. One is that boards should hold the accuser to account, as well as the accused.


53. The correct approach is for states to hold banks to account, and show them that their slapdash and contemptuous approach to their legal responsibilities is unacceptable.


54. S.broadcasters on Monday that Washington wants the UN Security Council to hold North Korea to account for violating the Resolution that bars Pyongyang from conducting ballistic missile tests.



1. In that role it was his job to hold ministers to account.

BBC: What's in store for new Health Minister Mark Drakeford?

2. MPs of all parties, that Britain's legislature has grown less able to do what it is supposed to under the Westminster model and hold an over-mighty executive to account.

ECONOMIST: The constitution bites back

3. Plaid Cymru peer Lord Wigley said the state should ensure that individuals have the means to hold it to account.

BBC: Peers warn against medical negligence legal aid cuts

4. If a performance-related issue was identified, it added, the panel would rigorously challenge the commissioner and hold him to account.

BBC: Lincolnshire

5. Members of the Scottish Parliament, MSPs, can use oral and written questions to hold the executive to account.

BBC: Devolution in Scotland

6. It is the stated purpose of Mr Boehner's plan to revisit this all in six months time to hold Obama to account.

BBC: Mardell: A way out of the mess

7. The Home Office said it was up to voters to hold PCCs to account.

BBC: Ballots being counted in Avon and Somerset

8. Information is power - because information allows people to hold the powerful to account.

BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

9. Shortly after the election, there was talk that Hamburg and a deputy, Josh Sharfstein, were going to hold the industry to account.

FORBES: Why Presidents Don't Shape The FDA

10. British Foreign Secretary William Hague condemned the attack "in the strongest terms" and said Turkey and the U.S. will get the U.K.'s full support as they seek to hold those responsible to account.

NPR: Suicide Bomber Kills Guard At US Embassy In Turkey

11. Without that, the individual citizen does not have the power to hold public bodies to account.

BBC: Jackie Ballard: Principle into power

12. Intelligence agencies have to be secretive, but their secrecy makes them harder to hold to account.

ECONOMIST: Michael Hayden wants to shake up the CIA. Good luck to him

13. Nor did the report please activists seeking a clear explanation of how they might hold firms to account.

ECONOMIST: Companies and human rights

14. So we will open up information that will help people hold the powerful to account.

BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

15. PCCs were elected in November across England and Wales to hold police forces to account.

BBC: Dr Rachel Frosh

16. People can then reuse this information in novel ways to build businesses and hold elected officials to account.

ECONOMIST: Technology

17. The one thing the mullahs' regime fears is the outrage of a world community unified in resolve to hold them to account.


18. Devon and Cornwall Police's first PCC, due to be elected on 15 November, will hold the force to account.

BBC: England

19. It proved impossible both to hold them to account and to hold elections.

ECONOMIST: Shame about the democrats

20. Having two people in charge can also make it tougher for boards to hold either to account.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

21. But, you might say, that should surely double the resolve of the press to hold them to account.

BBC: Why have we left bank reform to technocrats?

22. That will reduce the amount of information being published, and reduce parent power to hold their school to account.

BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

23. The role of a free press is to hold the government to account.

BBC: Press reform: Media reaction to regulation deal

24. But in fact it is accountable to the Chancellor, who has signed away most of his rights to hold it to account.

BBC: Central banks are part of the state

25. The government says commissioners are not there to run local police forces but to hold them to account.

BBC: PCC election: 'No trust in politicians' say Salford voters

26. " To other terrorists, he warned, "We will hold you to account.

CNN: U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking

27. And Rather told us with the nation so stirred, it's become almost impossible to hold the Government to account.

BBC: Is truth a victim?

28. British parliamentarian Douglas Carswell, a member of the ruling Conservative Party and staunch free marketeer, says this sense of judgment is key, and enables us to hold those who make decisions to account.

WSJ: 'Open Data' Brings Potential and Perils for Government

29. In an important shift, new transparency requirements are now being used by government and by the public to hold the private sector to account.

ECONOMIST: Governments are letting in the light

30. The UK government says commissioners are not there to run local police forces but to hold them to account.

BBC: Police on jacket





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