
happened不可以用作后置定语吗老师说下面的句子有错: There was one interesting thing happened in her first class. 错就错在句中将过去分词 happened 用作了后置定语。因为过去分词作后置定语表示被动,而这
请分析We don’t have pens to write with.
请分析We don’t have pens to write with.We don't have pens ________. A.to write B.writing C.to write with D.writing with 请问填什么?为什么?谢谢!
spend as much as he can后接什么动词
spend as much as he can后接什么动词Although busy, Mr smith tries to spend as much as he can ______ with his family. 答案为 staying,请问 to stay 为什么不行,谢谢老师!
wide open与open widely
wide open与open widelyHe would like to sleep, with the window ______. 答案为 wide open。请问 open widely 为什么不行? 此处副词 widely 修饰形容词 open,我感觉放在后面也可以。请解
expense的意思_expense的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句expense的意思是:n. 代价,费用;业务费用,报销(expenses);需要花钱的东西,花销的东西 v. <非正式>把……记入费用账户;向……收取费用;被花掉。学考宝为您提供expense是什么意思,expense翻译,expense用法,expense短语搭配,expense权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
expense是什么意思_expense短语搭配_expense权威例句expense的意思是:n. 代价,费用;业务费用,报销(expenses);需要花钱的东西,花销的东西 v. <非正式>把……记入费用账户;向……收取费用;被花掉。学考宝为您提供expense是什么意思,expense翻译,expense短语搭配,expense权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
spend的过去式是什么 有哪些用法
spend的过去式是什么 有哪些用法spend的过去式是spent。spend是一个不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词形式都是spent。这个单词的用法非常灵活,可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,表示花费时间或金钱等。
可以说spend knowledge on sth 吗
可以说spend knowledge on sth 吗‍下面这个句子对吗? ‍The man spent all his knowledge on his research for about 10 years but achieved nothing. 请问这个句子中的 spent all
打开到底是open还是on open和on的用法比较
打开到底是open还是on open和on的用法比较开灯为什么不能用open the light,因为open指的是物体本来是闭合的,然后需要动作去打开,比如说open the book打开书;打开电器设备我们用turn on:Turn on the AC,打开空调。那打开冰箱该怎么说呢?
spend后面可以接专有名词的时间宾语吗表示“花多少时间”,spend 后面通常是接“一段时间”的宾语,比如: spend some time on sth spend a lot of time in doing sth spend three days doing sth s
extend,expend,spread的用法区别With the art show ______ for another week, it was possible for more fans to visit it. 答案是 extended。expend 和 spread 不行吗?谢
It happened that...中的从句是主语从句吗
It happened that...中的从句是主语从句吗It happened that he was unfit for the office. 请问老师这个句子的 that 从句是主语从句吗?这句子怎么翻译? 谢谢老师。
可以用 open 来表示“花开”吗
可以用 open 来表示“花开”吗‍‍下面是 2011 年的高考英语辽宁卷考题: Bring the flowers into a warm room _____ they'll soon open. A. or B. and C. but D. for 本题答案为 and
如何理解:The door wouldnt open...
如何理解:The door wouldnt open...有这样一句:The door wouldn’t open no matter how hard I pushed it. 请问如何理解这句中的wouldn’t,为方便记忆,我们可以概括出什么用法呢?
write in pencil与write with a pencil
write in pencil与write with a pencilI write in pencil 与 I write with a pencil 用法是否一样?谢谢!
质疑高考题:happen to do sth与happen
质疑高考题:happen to do sth与happen 下面的句子是1988年的一道全国卷高考题: Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _______. A. put out B.
可用open an umbrella来翻译“打伞”吗
可用open an umbrella来翻译“打伞”吗在网上看到这样一个关于“打伞”的句子: Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is unpopular, as it inevitably brings rain! 任何在好天气打伞的人都不会
let things happen是否是固定搭配
let things happen是否是固定搭配I need to be patient and let things happen. 此句中let things happen是否是固定搭配,在字典里没找到。请请专家指教,谢谢!
burst open中的open是什么成分
burst open中的open是什么成分请问下面一句中的burst open如何分析?其中的open是什么成分?是表语还是状语? Suddenly the door burst open and police officers carrying guns rushed in. 门
depend on (upon) 可用于句首吗?
depend on (upon) 可用于句首吗?有这样一个句子: Depend on it: he will lend you the money you need. 请问一下,Depend on可以这样用于句首吗?这好像是祈使句吧?