
lead与follow用作不及物动词的疑问 The mother led and her husband and children followed
lead与follow用作不及物动词的疑问 The mother led and her husband and children followed有这样一个句子: The mother led and her husband and children followed. 句中的 lead 和 followed 应该是不及物动词吧?因为它后面没有宾语。但读起来总感觉怪怪的。这个句子正确
Anglophilia是什么意思_Anglophilia短语搭配_Anglophilia权威例句Anglophilia的意思是:n. 英国崇拜;亲英。学考宝为您提供Anglophilia是什么意思,Anglophilia翻译,Anglophilia短语搭配,Anglophilia权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
while和when的区别是什么 有哪些用法
while和when的区别是什么 有哪些用法在英语中,When和While都是表示时间的词汇,但它们的使用场景和意义有所不同。When可以指时间点,也可以指一段时间;While则只指一段时间,强调动作的持续性。while和when的区别接着往下看吧。
转折连词but,however,still,yet,nevertheless,while,wherebut, however, still, yet, nevertheless, while, whereas 都能表示转折。但是有什么不同呢?还是说基本上可以相互替换呢? 我以前也没接触过英语,只能根据这个单词的汉语意思来理解,可是查过之后
while做并列连词时前面必须有逗号吗She thought I was talking about her daughter, while in fact I was talking about my daughter. 这是卷子上的一个句子,句子能看懂。请问老师 while
while连接两个句子时如何理解I'll make people get used to the fact _______ I may not be able to walk, ______ there are many other things I can do. A.
while引导时间状语从句可以不用进行时吗?Please turn off the tap, while brush teeth. 句子中有 while,而且是引导时间状语从句(只不过是祈使句形式),为什么没用进行时呢? 什么情况 while 后的时间状语从句可以不用进行时呢?谢谢老
What he did was to love the children
What he did was to love the children误:What he did was to love the children. 正:What he did was to teach the children. 请问上面的错句错在哪?一个人所做的事可以是教孩子,当然也可能爱孩子啊!比如,如
all the while与all the time的区别
all the while与all the time的区别‍There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while! 我以为你在努力工作,可你却一直在楼上躺着! 上面句子中的 all
what the other loses还是while th
what the other loses还是while thThe stock market is now a zero-sum game, in which one party gains ______ the other loses. A. what B. while 请问此题是选A还是B?谢谢
but与while区别难点My wife likes to spend his holidays doing shopping, _______ I like to drink with my friends in my spare time. 此题的答案是whil
while是什么意思_while短语搭配_while权威例句while的意思是:conj. 当……的时候;与……同时;而,然而(表示对比);尽管,虽然;直到……为止 n. 一段时间;同时;<文>在此期间 v. 消磨时间 prep. (北英格兰)直到 adv. 在……的时候。学考宝为您提供while是什么意思,while翻译,while短语搭配,while权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
during childhood与during one’s child
during childhood与during one’s child下面句子用的是during childhood: The girl became blind during childhood. 这女孩童年时就失明了。 请问一下,这个during childhood可以说成during her child
如何理解child murderer的意思与用法
如何理解child murderer的意思与用法有这样一个句子(百度上可以查到): Child murderers in the past have very often carried photographs of young children to entice their vict
He will make the children a good teacher如何理解
He will make the children a good teacher如何理解有这样一个句子: He will make the children a good teacher. 句中为什么不用复数 good teachers 呢?这个句子如何理解?
有关when, while, as用法区别的两道难题
有关when, while, as用法区别的两道难题以下两道题均考查when, while, as的用法区别: 1. The boy smiles _______ the teacher praises him. A. when B. while C. as D. since 2. ____
求while, when 引导让步状语从句的例句
求while, when 引导让步状语从句的例句书上说while, when 也可以引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”“尽管”,但没有例句,求相关例句(要求比较权威的),谢谢!
spine-chilling是什么意思_spine-chilling短语搭配_spine-chilling权威例句spine-chilling的意思是:adj. 令人毛骨悚然的。学考宝为您提供spine-chilling是什么意思,spine-chilling翻译,spine-chilling短语搭配,spine-chilling权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
while doing sth的用法
while doing sth的用法while doing sth的意思是“当做某事的时候”,请问它是whle sb is / was doing sth的省略形式,这种省略必须要求主句与从句的主语一致吗?